Hot SEAL (3 page)

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Authors: Lynn Raye Harris

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Triumph surged in her as Ivy shot to her feet and smiled. “Yes, ma’am.”

She hurried from Leslie’s office and found Ace, who was sitting at his desk and looking fierce as he flipped through the tabs on his computer screen. Ivy waved the paper, and Ace lifted an eyebrow.

“Want to go to Maryland with me? We’re paying a visit to the military.”

Ace grinned as he stood and grabbed his jacket. “Fuck yeah, darlin’. Let’s roll.”

* * *

The drive to Maryland didn’t take too long. Getting into the facility where the military had headquartered the submarine hunt took a bit longer. Ivy was steaming by the time she and Ace were stripped of all their technology and then read in to the super-secret military program before being led behind the thick walls and yards of razor wire. Eventually, they were shown in to see an Army colonel in camouflage who looked far more imposing behind his desk than he should for a man sitting down. He had salt-and-pepper hair, which at first glance made him seem older than he likely was—but his face was only lightly creased around the eyes. It was a handsome face, with a strong jaw and piercing dark eyes that had a way of boring into you.

He leaned back and gave them both the once-over. “Welcome to the Hostile Operations Team, Special Agent McGill. Special Agent Martin. I understand you’re here to observe my team as we work to locate this sub you found in Columbia?”

Ivy tried not to let her hackles rise, but it was damn hard not to. Ace had been in the military once, so he was far better at this kind of thing than she was. Not to mention she’d once had the pleasure of an Army general looking down his nose at her as if she weren’t good enough for his son.

Which, in General Erikson’s mind, she hadn’t been.

“That’s right, sir. We’re here to observe and advise,” Ace said.

Ivy very wisely kept her mouth shut. The DEA had found the damn sub, and they were the ones who worked to keep drugs out of this country. These guys… Well, she knew what they did was important, but they didn’t know the first thing about the Ruizes—or how drugs could destroy a family without anyone being a user.

The colonel got to his feet and came around his desk. He was as big and imposing as she’d expected a special-ops soldier would be. If he appeared in a Hollywood action film tomorrow, she somehow wouldn’t be surprised. He looked the part.

He leaned back against the desk and crossed his arms and ankles. Deceptively harmless.

“I’ve heard from your director, and we’ll cooperate with you. But you won’t get in the way of my mission, understood? Because if you do, your ass is mine, and not in a pleasant way.”

“Yes, sir,” Ace said.

Ivy didn’t speak.

“Agent McGill?” the colonel said, his voice as calm and cool as it could be. Inside, she seethed. But she couldn’t let him know that.

“Without us, you wouldn’t know the first thing about this sub, Colonel,” she said coolly. “Without us, I don’t believe you’d even have a mission—but no, I won’t get in the way.”

Her heart thumped as she met the colonel’s gaze. He didn’t say anything, merely studied her for a long minute.

“I like passion in a special operator,” he said. “The job
be personal sometimes, though you always need to strive to stay objective about it. I’ll accept your irritation at having this case taken away from you, Agent McGill—but I won’t tolerate insubordination. You’ve had your say. Now I expect you to follow orders if you’re going to remain here. Is that clear?”

He hadn’t moved a muscle, and yet she felt as if she’d been flayed alive with a very sharp knife. And since she’d never heard of HOT before about an hour ago, she knew this man was in a position of far greater power than her job was worth. A word to the director, perhaps, and she could find herself bounced to the curb. She suddenly got the impression she was here because he’d allowed it and not because of anything Leslie had done.

“Yes, sir.”

“Excellent.” He pushed away from the desk. “Now come and meet the team, and we’ll get you both up to speed with what the plan is.”

Ace shot her a look as they followed the colonel from his office. His eyes widened for a second, and his expression said he wasn’t precisely thrilled with her. She gave him a hard look in return.

Dammit, she knew she shouldn’t mouth off, but she’d worked hard—
worked hard—to crack this case, and now the military was taking over. She didn’t have to like it even if she did have to respect it.

The colonel walked down a corridor and threw a door open. She heard the scrape of boots as probably a dozen people shot to their feet. It reminded her of the one time she’d met her father-in-law.
He’d come to Dane’s graduation with an entourage that had practically bowed and scraped its way over the campus.

She’d never been fond of the military—and that experience hadn’t changed her opinion, that’s for sure.

“At ease,” Colonel Mendez said.

Ivy kept her chin up as she walked into the room. The men ranged around a table with laptops and papers in front of them. On the screen was a snapshot of the sub and a rundown of the specs.

But it was the man standing beside the screen that caught her attention. Tall, dark blond hair, handsome. Familiar. Too familiar.

Ivy’s gut clenched and her heart pounded as she glanced wildly around the room. She felt hot and cold as panic spread through her belly, her bones. She told herself to breathe, not to pass out in front of these men.

This was the goddamn Army. These men were in the
. She could not be standing here looking at her ex-husband, because Dane was in the Navy.

But it
him. Even with her eyes closed, she would know it. Bitterness rolled through her like a shockwave. He’d chosen the Navy over her, just like her father had chosen the Navy over her and her mother. She could still feel the shock of Dane announcing he wanted to be a SEAL. And her reaction. God…

Dane stared back at her with cold eyes, and a shiver washed over her. Of course he blamed her. She met his gaze evenly. She wouldn’t back down from that look. Not now. Not ever.

Even if her heart did ache with memories of what they’d once been.


Dane could only stare at the front of the room and the woman who’d walked in behind the colonel.

He wanted to blink and make the apparition go away, but it didn’t work that way. Ivy was no apparition. She was a flesh and blood woman with long dark hair and curves he’d once worshipped with his mouth and hands. Curves he’d been unable to get enough of at one time.

He remembered hot, dark, sweaty nights between the sheets with her. He remembered thinking she was the center of his universe, and then he remembered the pain that had sliced through him when he’d found out he wasn’t the center of hers.

She stared back at him coolly—and then she looked away. He stiffened, but only for a moment.

Fuck her. Fuck her and the horse she rode in on. She didn’t mean a damn thing to him anymore, and he wasn’t going to let old memories make him nostalgic.

Colonel Mendez was busy introducing the two agents, telling the team that Ivy and—was it Ace?—would be joining them to observe the mission. Dane cut his gaze to Ace, and a slow burn of something flared in the pit of his stomach.

Something he didn’t have a right to feel, but it burned through him nevertheless.

The guy was good-looking, muscular, though not as tall as Dane. Was he Ivy’s lover as well as her partner? Was he the one getting her kisses and hearing her moans of pleasure? Did he know that’s all it would ever be, that she’d never want the same things from him that he wanted from her?

Would she marry him in a drunken haze one night in Vegas and then abandon him a few months later because she didn’t want to be with him badly enough to make compromises?

With Ivy, anything was possible. She had an air about her of sweet vulnerability, and yet she was probably one of the toughest women he’d ever known. She’d melted in bed and been fierce outside it. He’d found that addictive at one time.

No more. The kind of women he dated now, when he dated, didn’t fascinate him the way Ivy once had. Hell, if he didn’t like sex so much, he’d have probably sworn off women altogether after Ivy.

“Have a seat, agents, and my guys will bring you up to date,” Colonel Mendez said before he turned and walked out of the room.

Ivy and Ace came over and sat in a couple of empty chairs. Naturally, the chair Ivy chose was right next to the one Dane had been sitting in. Karma was a bitch that way.

“We’ll run the briefing again,” Matt said. “Everyone take a seat.”

Dane hoped someone else would sit in the chair he’d been occupying, but of course everyone returned to the one they’d been in. Dane walked over and sat down beside Ivy. He heard her intake of breath, and he worked hard not to turn and glare at her.

Four and a half years since they’d called it quits, and she still had the ability to make him angry. And all she’d done was walk into the room.

He could smell her. The shampoo was the same, or maybe it was simply her own scent. She’d always smelled sweet to him, like flowers and candy. He used to love to pull her close and put his nose against her hair when they were out somewhere. Even better, he’d loved stripping her naked and tasting how sweet she was with his lips and tongue.

Someone flipped off the lights, and the presentation ran on the whiteboard. Dane didn’t pay a bit of attention because he’d already seen it. He pushed his chair back enough that he was slightly behind Ivy instead of beside her. That’s when he dared to glance at her.

She was watching the slides, but her hands were clasped tightly together in her lap. Her knuckles were white. He liked that because it meant she was as rattled by his presence as he’d been with hers.

Or maybe she was angry that she’d been caught unaware like this. Because he had no doubt she hadn’t expected him. God knows
she’d expected, but he hadn’t been it.

Her lids dropped, and then she cut her eyes toward him. Maybe she didn’t expect him to be looking at her, or maybe she did. He didn’t know, but he didn’t look away. Instead, he gave her a slow grin.

And then he winked.

* * *

Ivy’s heart kicked hard. My God, could it get any worse? Dane was here in the same room. Worse, he was beside her, so damn close, and he grinned as if she were a fresh conquest instead of old news.

She remembered that grin. Remembered when they’d first met in a bar off campus and he’d flashed that grin at her. She’d been unable to speak for a long minute. One of her girlfriends had bumped her side and laughed about it.

But then Dane had strode over, all gorgeous and vibrant, and held out his hand. The band had been playing a slow song, and though she didn’t usually dance because she felt too self-conscious, she’d put her hand in his and let him tug her onto the floor. He’d pulled her in close, but not too close.

His touch had been a revelation to her. She’d burned where his hands rested on her waist, and she’d tilted her face up to look at him.

He’d grinned again. “I’m Dane.”


He’d run those hands up her sides, back down. Never touching her inappropriately but setting her on fire anyway.

“Well, Ivy, I think this is going to be the beginning of something special…”

And it had been. For five months, until they’d gone to Vegas and gotten married on impulse, and for three months after that, until their relationship began to fracture over the future. Over

Ivy gave her head a tiny shake and concentrated on the slides. She knew most of the information already because she’d been the one to uncover it when she’d interviewed the worker they’d found alive at the jungle shipyard. The Ruizes had been dealing with a Middle Eastern terror group. She didn’t doubt that they’d planned on fleecing the terrorists instead of selling them a sub, because that was how they operated, but clearly they hadn’t anticipated the buyers showing up with an assault team.

Another slide flashed up on the screen, this one of a missile. The guy who’d been speaking paused here and gave her and Ace a hard look.

“This is why we’re involved now, in case you were wondering.”

“We know there’s a terror group involved,” Ace said. “And that they were planning on detonating a dirty bomb on the Eastern Seaboard.”

“That’s not a bomb,” Ivy said, studying the missile. The markings were Cyrillic.

“No, it’s not,” Dane chimed in beside her. “It’s a Russian-made missile, designed to deliver a nuclear warhead from a bomber. It’s compact enough to fit into this sub.”

She didn’t want to look at him, but to ignore him in front of these men would be strange. Clearly, no one in this room had any idea that she and Dane had once been married. She didn’t plan to tell them either. There were already enough complications here. She didn’t need another one.

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