The Millionaire Door Prize (Erotic Romance)

BOOK: The Millionaire Door Prize (Erotic Romance)
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Millionaire Door Prize



Emorej Luag





Emorej Luag

Millionaire Door Prize


Copyright © 2013 by Emorej Luag


ISBN#: 978-1-934815-43-4


Cover Art: Bigstock


This book is for ADULT AUDIENCES ONLY. It contains substantial sexually explicit scenes and graphic language which may be considered offensive by some readers. Please store your files where they cannot be accessed by minors. All sexually active characters in this work are 18 years of age or older.


All rights reserved. Without limiting the rights under copyright reserved above, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form, or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise) without the prior written permission of both the copyright owner and the above publisher of this book.

Chapter 1

Fate Brought You to Me


Xander opened the car door and offered his hand to the older, lovely lady in a calve-length gown of green with sequins that danced in the evening light. Her hair was dyed black as a raven’s wing, covering the signs of gray, which an aging woman of sixty strives to hide.

“Good evening
, ma’am. How lovely you are looking. It is a pleasure to have you this fine evening.”

, you young thing. You are such a flirt,” she said, blushing.

“I am your humble servant
, my lady,” he said, bowing. Her husband, in his black tux, stood at her side, taking her hand. He nodded at Xander with a slight smirk.
I may be just a doorman today, but I’m a damn good one,
he told himself silently and opened the front door of the four-star hotel to afford them entrance.

A woman with silky, long black hair, a stark contrast to her pale skin, came walking by, arms crossed, hugging herself. Her head hung down, and she was crying, trying not to let anyone see her face. But the doorman, being a people person and caring soul, couldn’t help but notice.

“Hey, are you okay?” he ask
ed, approaching her.

“Leave me alone
,” she cried.

“Hey, it’s okay.
I just want to make sure you’re okay,” he said, getting in front of her and touching her gently on the arm.

She stop
ped and turned away embarrassed. “Please, just leave me alone,” she said in a shaky voice, glancing at him.

“But you
’re upset . . . you’re hurting,” he whispered, again reaching up to lightly touch her arm.

She flinche
d from his touch. “It’s nothing,” she snapped.

“Do I know you?” he ask
ed, trying to better see her face. She looked up at him. “Alyssa?” She turned away in shame. “Alyssa, it’s Xander.”

“Please, leave me alone.”

“No, you’re in pain and need a friend.”

“I have no friends.”

“You have me,” he announced, serious. She said nothing in reply. “Please, Alyssa . . .” He glanced at his watch. “I get off work in ten minutes. Please, wait inside for me. Please,” he begged, fearful that she might run away.

,” Alyssa cried, shaking her head and ready to walk.

“Please, wait for me
,” he urged, not taking no for answer. His heart was pounding in his chest. His father’s words came to him: ‘Always care for those in need, especially a woman in tears’. She kept her eyes lowered, unable to face him. “Please . . . for me?”

“Out here then
,” she finally said, huddling against the wall. He nodded and reluctantly turned back to finish his shift. A car pulled up, and he opened the door, helping the elderly lady out and to the front door.

The next ten minutes felt like days, smiling as he greeted guests, opened car doors
, and leading them into the hotel, but inside he was in turmoil. When his shift change arrived, he turned and looked for her. His breathing increased as he looked at the corner of the building, where he had seen her standing, and willingly waiting for his shift to end, but she was no longer there. He looked up and down the street, but she was gone!

“Alyssa!” he yell
ed, heartbroken that she lied to him. He sadly turned to enter the hotel. “Alyssa,” he mumbled.

“Xander,” came
her frail voice. He sharply turned to see her emerge from the edge of the building having hidden in a small entrance way. He approached her quickly, his heart soaring. “I thought you had left.”

“I did, but I came back
,” she admitted, keeping her eyes lowered. He smiled and extended his left hand. She put her shaky hand in his firm, gentle one and allowed Xander to lead her inside.

’s so beautiful in here,” she said, gazing at the huge, gorgeous chandelier hanging overhead. A grand lobby it was, with walls of black marble, intricate leather chairs, and end tables of deep mahogany. The fireplace was also black marble with a stunning nightscape of the city. Across the way she saw mahogany doors with etched glass and silver inlay that led into a bar area.

“Thank you
, it’s a four-star hotel,” he replied, leading her to the front desk. The receptionist tried her best to smile, but it was apparent that she too had been crying. “Hey, Stacy, it will be okay. Just try not to show your feelings right now, if possible. Emeril would want us to be strong for him.” He laid his right hand on hers.

, sir, I will,” she said, doing her best to smile.

“By the way,” he started to say
, reaching into his pocket he retrieved a wad of cash. “Here, this is Emeril’s. Please see to it that he gets it.” She immediately placed the money in an envelope and sealed it.

“But you earned it
, sir,” she said, timidly curious.

“Perhaps, but it
’s not mine to keep. Just see to it that Emeril gets it. Thanks and have a good night,” he said, then turned to Alyssa.

“You have a good night as well
, sir,” Stacy said, placing the envelope securely behind the desk.

Xander took Alyssa by the hand and led her toward the elevators.
He kept his pace slow to match hers. She was very quiet and nervous. When the doors opened she seemed afraid to get into it with him. “It’s okay, Alyssa, I promise,” he said with a sweet, trustworthy smile. She nodded and entered. He gave her hand a comforting squeeze as he pressed the button for the second floor.

When the elevator stopped Xander was about to step out
, but Alyssa hesitated. “Alyssa, please. I swear to you, everything’s okay and you have
to fear from me.” With a silent nod, she swallowed her fear and stepped out of the elevator and down the corridor to his room.

He wave
d for her to enter, holding the door as a gentleman should. “Have a seat. Make yourself comfortable,” he said, offering her the couch. Alyssa was still numb from her ordeal earlier, but apprehensively made her way to the large, cushioned seat. “It’s not much, but of course the better rooms are for the guests. Uncle agreed I could stay here,” he said.

uncle?” she asked, glancing up at him.

“Yes, he owns the hotel.
I work and live here.”

“Oh,” she sa
id, quietly looking around. It was a quaint room, the walls a cream color, with a tiny kitchen, a sixty-inch TV, and the couch was indeed comfortable, a soft suede tan.

“I need to change out of this uniform.
It’s not mine, and Emeril is a bit larger than I am. I hope I didn’t look too slovenly to the guests. Feel free to pour yourself a drink,” he offered and turned into another room.

Alyssa watche
d him disappear and looked at the door, silently contemplating what she should do. She wiped away her tears and sat quietly on the couch, hugging a light-brown, cushy pillow for comfort.

Xander came out of the bedroom hurried
ly, glad that she had not run away as he had feared, thus the world record for ripping off his work clothes and dressing in charcoal sweat pants and a matching pullover sweat shirt. The sleeves were cut off, revealing his well-contoured biceps. He paused to look at himself in the mirror at the end of the hall, fluffing his spiked black hair back into place. He turned his attention to Alyssa because she looked so sad, so heartbroken. Just then she jumped off the couch and ran for the door.

“Alyssa, please, please I beg of you don’t leave!” he

“I don’t want to be a bother
,” she complained.

“You aren
’t a bother, but if you leave now you’ll break my heart.”

She stood holding the
doorknob, her hand shaking. At the admission of his words she fell to her knees crying, burying her face in her hands. He hurried to her, kneeling beside her, hugging her to him, and then gently set his cheek against her silky hair.

horrible thing happened to you?” he asked. Racking sobs ripped through her body. He held her tight, wishing for her pain to cease. Xander caressed her back a few times, lightly rubbing her shoulders to ease her pain, but nothing stopped her tears of agony.

After ten minutes
, when she calmed down, Xander thought for a moment that she had fallen asleep in his arms, but she eased herself back from him, trying to compose herself.

“Are you hungry?
I can order room service,” he offered. She shrugged, then nodded, and then shook her head. The poor thing was so confused she didn’t know what she wanted. But he believed he did.

Xander stood, not releasing her hands.
“Come sit on the couch. You’ll be more comfortable there.” He helped her to her feet. She was weak in the knees, leaning on him for support. She again sat in the corner of the couch and grabbed a throw pillow for comfort, but began rocking back and forth.

Xander watched her for a moment
, then reached for the menu on the coffee table he handed it to her. “Order whatever you want,” he said.

She accepted the menu.
“Thank you,” she choked out. She wiped away her new tears and blinked her eyes to better see the words. “Just some soup will be fine.” She handed the menu back to him, but did not look at him.

“Are you sure
? You can have anything you want.”

She shook her head and hugged the pillow tighter.
He sighed, watching her and seeing that she appeared as if she were beaten into submission.
What happened to her?
He shook his head, angry that for reasons unbeknownst to him something or
hurt her in such a way.

Xander called in the order
and sat on the couch facing her. He knew he had to be gentle with her, that he shouldn’t pry too hard, but he also knew she needed someone or she never would have waited for him and she never would have willingly gone to his private room.

“Alyssa, if you talk about it, it might make you feel better.” She was quiet for the longest time and he feared she would refuse.
“Alyssa . . .” He honestly didn’t know what more to say.

. . . m-my boyfriend,” she finally stuttered, about to break down in tears again. Xander sighed.
Of course it is always a guys fault!
“I caught him . . .” She was trying to keep her composure as the words tore her to shreds deep inside. “With my best friend!” she finally finished, squeezing the pillow tighter and rocking back and forth again.

’m so sorry, Alyssa.” He didn’t honestly know what else to say, what to do. Being a guy, he feared she would not be very receptive to his touch, even though she had earlier. She might take it all the wrong way.

“How do you know me?” she asked
, glancing up at him.

“We went to school together
,” he said. She looked at him, studying his face.

“I don’t remember you.”
Her brows knit as she tried to recall his face, but couldn’t. “I’m sorry.”

He nervously licked his lips.
“I don’t blame you. I was more of a recluse,” he said, half smiling. “I didn’t fit in with your crowd.”

“My crowd?”
She sounded offended.

“Cheerleaders, football players
. . . I was the nerd; I guess you could say, just another outsider,” he admitted and hated to think of his school years, years of pure hell!

“I’m sorry
,” she whispered.

“You have nothing to be sorry about
; it’s nothing you did.” They were getting nowhere. Just then her phone rang, startling her. She pulled it out of her pocket and stared at the screen. Tears immediately sprang to her eyes. “It’s him,” she cried, her hand shaking.

“Alyssa, let me answer it, but please don’t hate me for what I do and say
. Please,” Xander said. Reaching for his laptop on the coffee table, he opened it, pressed a button, and then typed something. The screen flashed to life and he held his hand out for her phone. “Thank you,” he said when she laid the phone in his hand. Xander raised his other hand to his lips with one finger extended. “Shhh.”

She nodded and
he hit the speaker button.

“Hello?” he said in a
manly, sexy voice.

“Alyssa, where the fuck are you
, bitch?” an angry voice screamed from the phone.

Xander watched her.
She flinched at the angry words, and more tears welled in her eyes.

“Alyssa is
n’t a bitch, you piece of shit,” Xander said and hit a button on the laptop. Suddenly there was a sound of a woman . . . orgasming! Alyssa closed her eyes and shuddered.

“Who the fuck are you?”
the boyfriend yelled into the phone.

“Apparently to get over your treachery of fucking her best friend
, she came running right into my arms,” he said, then made some grunting sounds. “Oh yeah, baby, yeah. You are so hot,” he said.

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