The Millionaire Door Prize (Erotic Romance) (3 page)

BOOK: The Millionaire Door Prize (Erotic Romance)
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“The Foxtrot, Waltz
,” she said, beaming. “The Cha-cha-cha,” she added a second later in a breathy voice. Then she bit her lip and looked embarrassed.

smiled at her. “Yes, all of those and most importantly . . . the Mambo, Samba, Rumba and the Argentine Tango.” Seeing a hint of a smile, he watched as she sensually licked her lips.

!” she mumbled.

“Now don’t go getting all excited.
I pretty much know them, but I’m not very good at all of them,” he stated. “Have you watched the TV show with all the stars?”

“No, my
. . . my boyfriend said it’s gay crap. If it isn’t sports, action movies . . . or porn, it’s pretty much gay. He’s an ass like that,” she said.

Xander cleared his throat.
“Well, then, if I admit that I have all the seasons on disc, will that make me gay?”

“You have them all?” she asked again
, beaming.

“Does it
make me gay, to you I mean?” he asked again.

“No, he’s an idiot.
Besides, those male dancers are hardly gay,” she said smiling. Her eyes were dancing. “In the little I’ve seen, they are fucking hot,” she said appreciatively, then slapped her hand over her mouth. “Sorry I don’t mean to swear. I don’t know you or if that was uncalled for. I’m sorry.”

“You don’t have to fucking apologize to me
,” he said with a smile. She grinned and blushed. “So now, I do believe you wish to start with season one, episode one.” It was not a question.

She lowered her eyes
and shook her head. “If I can borrow them from you . . . I promise I will bring them all back,” she said, forcing herself to look at him again.

He frowned.
“Oh, so you want to watch them alone?”

“I couldn’t ask you to watch them with me.
That’s a lot of shows,” she said, her words flowing quicker as though in her defense.

“I don’t mind.
I truly don’t have much to do otherwise. What do you say, are you up for a marathon?” he asked, praying she would say, yes!

’ll watch them with me?” she asked.

“T’would be my please
, Mademoiselle,” he said, holding his hand to his chest and bowing his head. “Besides, the last few seasons are on the hard drive, and I’m not sending you home with my cable box.”

“You act so strange, why do you do that?”

“Because apparently my silliness amuses you, and tis a pleasure to see you smile, and a beautiful smile it is,” he said in his best French accent.

Alyssa giggled.
“I think accents are so sexy.”

He raised an eyebrow and ma
de a mental note to start a list of what she likes. One, ballroom dancing; two, accents; and three . . . he was working on it being him!

“Well, my dear
. . . since you have made a dreadful disarray of the room . . .” He raised an eyebrow at her, not smiling.

She gasped
. “But you were the one that—”

Xander overrode her complaint, finishing his statement.
“I shall straighten it at once and we shall watch together.” He helped her up from the couch, a surprised smile and titter coming from her as she stood to the side while he pushed the couch and coffee table back into their places.

He took her by the hand
, acting the part of a gentleman, and helped her to the couch. Then he went about thumbing through his massive collection of videos along the furthest wall.

She was so enthralled that she went to look upon it.
“You have so many movies. I’m jealous,” she mumbled.

“Yes, and I am sorry to disappoint you
, but I do not own many, if any, of those action murdering sprees your friend is probably fond of. Apparently I am more of a romantic and enjoy more refined movies,” he announced in his sweet, exciting accent that even a native would have believed. He watched her as she perused the titles and noticed how it made her blush and smile.

. . . that . . . jerk would never watch any of these,” she mentioned as she ran a finger along the titles, getting more excited with each one she read.

“I offer you my life and the months it will take to view all of my collection with you!” he announced gladly.

She laughed. “Like you would sit and watch all these with me?”

“I have no need to lie, mademoiselle, t’would be an honor,” he offered, rolling his right hand and bowing.

“Why do you do that?”

“Do what?”

All those fancy moves and talk . . . with an accent.”

“Because it amuses you and all I wish to do is keep you happy
. . . and more.” He stated the last with a more serious tone.

He held up
a handful of encased disks. “Season one,” he said, smiling. “Mademoiselle, if you will be so kind as to return to your seat, the movie feature of the night shall proceed.”

Alyssa giggled and returned to the couch.
It seemed that she had momentarily forgotten about her pain and tears of not so long ago.

Xander was smiling brightly as he stood with his back to her
, then tried to compose himself when he turned to face her with remote in hand. She was hugging her pillow.
God, if only that could be me sometime soon!

Xander sat in the middle of the couch
, as close to her as he thought possible without causing her alarm. He glanced at Alyssa several times, noting how enthralled she was in watching the dancers. She was smiling and practically swooning. He had to bite his lip to keep from laughing aloud at the sweet sight of her.

Just as the third disc ended, he noted a yawn from her which caused him to yawn but he hid it
behind a hand. He hurried to put in disc four, then returned to her side, this time sitting just a few inches closer. He was paying close attention to the dances, because it had been a while since he’d actually danced. He hoped to treat her to their own dance . . . and soon!

They managed to make it through half the first season.
Alyssa was showing signs of tiring, and her eyes were getting heavy. Xander turned off the TV and set the remote on the coffee table. This was it . . . the moment he feared. She would leave him now, and it was breaking his heart.

He tr
ied to think of something fast. What could he possibly do to keep her from going home, severing the bond between them, and possibly going back to
. . . after he pleaded and begged, saying it meant nothing, it was a mistake, and she should take him back!

,” he said softly, but no ideas came to him.

She looked at him.

He could only look at her.
“I don’t want you to go . . . especially back to him.”

She lowered her eyes
in thought. She licked her lips and then bit her lower one, obviously pondering something. “I don’t know what to say.”

“Say yes, if that is what you honestly want.” Xander stood and held his hand out to her; she took his invitation and stood.
He pulled her into his arms, and she gave a surprised yelp. She swallowed the lump of fear that had lodged in her throat and stared at his chest, her breathing ragged and truly uncontrollable. “Alyssa.” He spoke her name so softly, so . . . sensually.

“It wouldn’t be right
,” she said, her voice wavering with uncertainty.

He did whatever he wanted to. Why should you not have the right to do whatever
want?” he pressed. He could feel her trembling in his arms. “I’m sorry; I am forcing you into something you’re not ready for. Forgive me.” He took a step back from her and slowly walked with his arm across her back, leading her to the door. She stumbled as if her feet didn’t want her to leave.

paused a few feet from the door. His heart nearly stopped beating! She nervously licked her lips. “If I stay . . .,” she mumbled, but couldn’t finish.

, Alyssa?”

“I am truly grateful for your kindness
. . .” She drew in a deep breath and blew it out.

“However, the idea of sleeping with me is not quite appropriate
,” he finished for her. It was not a question. 

“When you say it that way it sounds so
. . .” She shook her head.

“It wasn’t meant to sound bad
, in no way, shape, or form. You honestly don’t know me, though barely from our school days. It is inappropriate of me to think so greedily like a
guy. Again I apologize for my ignorance,” he said, trying hard to contain himself.

“I don’t know what to do
. . . honestly.” She spoke softly, finally finding the strength to look at him. “I’m scared,” she admitted. He reached up and caressed her cheek with the backs of his fingers. She closed her eyes at the body numbing touch. He then brushed the hair back from her face.

“You could sleep in my bed
. . . and I could sleep on the sofa,” he boldly stated.

“I could not ask you to
do that,” she murmured.

’s my place, and I do believe I have the right to set the rules, especially if it eases your fears.”

She looked away
, not sure what to do. Alyssa twisted her fingers anxiously. Xander dared to turn her in the direction of his bedroom. Suddenly her fingers stalled, gripping each other like vice grips.

’s quite alright, Alyssa. You’ve been alone with me for what . . . nearly six hours, and not once have I acted like anything but a gentleman. Why would I ruin what little bond we have by doing something so atrocious?”

“You have a point
,” she said, entering his bedroom. She drew in a deep breath. The smell of the room was so masculine, so

He turned to leave.
“You sleep well, Alyssa,” he said, softly running his hand along her arm.

she whispered, the name teetering on her lips.

He moved his hand down to take a gentle hold of her fingers
, then glanced up into her waiting eyes for the question that still hadn’t come, but he could see it playing through her thoughts. Her shoulders slumped. “Good night,” she whispered and closed her eyes.

“Good night
, Alyssa.” He pressed a tender kiss to her forehead and released her hand, closing the door behind him.

Alyssa shook her head.
“It wouldn’t be right,” she told herself, kicking off her shoes and climbing into his bed still fully clothed.

Xander grudgingly made himself comfortable on the couch, but he was smiling.
He cocked his head, looking toward his bedroom, and grinned even wider! “Good night,” he whispered, drew in a deep breath, and sighed with a smile nearly branded on his lips.


Rise and Shine to a New L


Alyssa awoke to an eerie feeling. She opened her eyes to see Xander standing over her, but relaxed when she saw he was holding a tray.

“Breakfast in bed
, my dear?” he asked, waiting for her to sit up.

“You didn’t have to.”

“Ah, ’twas no problem at all, mademoiselle. ’Twas but a phone call,” he replied, again speaking in that sophisticated, sexy accent. Alyssa smiled and laughed softly. He saw a bit of a twinkle in her eye. He laid the tray across her lap and sat on the bed facing her. “I see that you fearfully slept in your clothes.”

“Not really fearfully, just so damn exhausted.
I usually don’t stay up so late,” she said, sipping on her orange juice.

“It was only
twelve. What are you, Cinderella? Will you turn into a pumpkin after the stroke of midnight?” he said jokingly.

“No, of course not.
I just don’t stay up so late anymore,” she declared, frowning at his patronizing tone.

“Well, I
. . . let me know when you’re done,” he said and headed for the door. Then he looked down at himself. He opened his arms and turned to face her. “Like I have any room to criticize . . . I slept in my clothes as well.” He chuckled. She laughed too as he left the room.

Xander went to the bathroom
. Going about his normal routine, he started the shower. Just then, there was a gentle knock on the side door. He slid it open to reveal a nervous Alyssa peering through a crack in the bathroom door. “I need to . . .,” she said without finishing.

“By all means,
mademoiselle,” he urged, taking gentle hold of her arm and coaxing her into the bathroom. She looked at him with a curious expression. At that cue, he stepped into the bedroom and closed the door. Alyssa hurried to perform her feminine duties, then entered the bedroom to find him lying on the bed with his eyes closed, smiling.

“Why are you
grinning like that?”

He did not move
, nor did he open his eyes. “Because, mademoiselle, I realized I have never had a beautiful, young female in my room the entire time I’ve lived here, and peeing in my pot so to speak,” he said with a chuckle. She touched her hand to her face, mortified by his brash words.

“Have I embarrassed you my dear? It is natural
, is it not?”

“Yeah, but you don’t talk about it
,” she said, hesitantly scratching the back of her head. He sat up to look at her, still smiling.

“Oh, please
! We all do it; it’s no big deal.” After a pause, he rousted himself off the bed. “Well, I’m going to shower. You are more than welcome to join me—that is . . . if you dare.” With a mischievous glint in his eyes, he stepped into the bathroom.

Alyssa stood flabbergasted
. She turned to follow and even took a hesitant step toward the closed door, but then stopped.

Xander took his shower
, trying to anticipate her entry. However, after a few minutes he knew she wouldn’t and chastised himself for his boldness. Fearing his words might have been too much and scared her off had him rushing to rinse and snatch the towel off the hook. He didn’t bother turning off the water or drying himself; he just wrapped it around his waist and hurried out. He searched the bedroom; she wasn’t there. He then ran out into the living area; she wasn’t there either. His heart sank, and he stood in the vacant room, his shoulders slumped and the morning’s boisterous energy sapped from his limbs.

Xander turned to
walk down the hallway, looking dejected that he would be alone again. He went to the bathroom, turned off the water, and moped into the bedroom. He went to his closest to find something to wear for the day. “Suit, got a damn meeting today,” he reminded himself, retrieving a suit and laying it across the bed.

His phone
rang so he hurried out to the living room. “Yes, yes I’m coming!” he complained grabbing the phone and hitting the talk button before he missed the call. “Yes, hello?” he said a bit too loudly. “Yes, I know. I’m getting dressed now.” He hung up and sat the phone on the coffee table . . . next to Alyssa’s cell. “She forgot her phone,” he mumbled aloud.

“No I didn’t
,” she said, startling Xander half out of his wits. He turned to face her; his towel fell loose, and he snatched it, covering himself immediately. She licked her lips, enjoying looking at his sleek, muscular,
body, still wet from his shower. His black hair was matted down, and tiny drops of water leapt off the tips to land on his flesh, running a tiny river down his thick, muscular chest. It continued to his well-defined six-pack abs, only to be soaked up by the towel.

“I thought you left
,” he managed to say.

She nodded.
“Sadly, I did think about it. I almost left. I had my hand on the doorknob.” He saw how she tried not to cry. “I don’t know why I couldn’t. You were so nice to me, and I thank you for that. I’ve never met anyone as nice as you.”

You are very welcome,” he said, but it was what she wasn’t saying that was hurting him.

“I don’t want to seem like I
’m pushing myself on you,” she whispered.

“Push all you want
,” he dared to say, watching her with a subtle grin. His chest heaved at the thought of it. He had nothing to lose, and he wasn’t about to just let her get away, not now—now that he had a chance to win her over.

She laughed.
“You’re just saying that. And I want to thank you for . . . dealing with him last night. After what he said and did to me, I’ve had it with him. He’s no better than . . . Thomas. He’s very bossy, controlling, and I don’t know why I always get stuck with people like that.”

“I’m none of those
,” Xander said.

Alyssa smiled and looked away
from his glistening body.

“I know you’re not.
You’re special.”

“Oh,” he gasped
, holding his hand to his chest. “That hurt.”

“Not that kind of special,” she said, shaking her head.
“I’m sorry, you have to go to work and I am making you late.” She turned back for the bedroom.

“Wait, Alyssa
.” He reached out to her, and she turned back to face him. “Where were you? I thought you left.” She lowered her head and he swore he saw her blushing.

“I jumped in the closet when I heard you get out of the shower
,” she confessed.

“The closet?
Why?” He moved closer, and she shuffled her feet nervously.

She couldn
’t look at him. “I got scared.”

“Of me?
You know I would never hurt you . . .
Why do guys think they have to beat a woman into submission? Why do they have to cause such pain?
He wondered.
Women are more receptive to love and compassion.

“I know that
,” she whispered as he stepped in front of her. She focused on the wall to her right.

“I have to go to this meeting
,” he said. “I’m already late.”

finally looked at him. “I’ll stay. I promise, I won’t leave,” she said, faintly smiling. Her words brought a grin to his lips, one so bright he could have sung to the world.

“I won’t be long, I
’ll do what needs to be done and return ASAP. Just make yourself at home, okay?”

“Okay, I will.
Thank you,” she said.

“No, thank you.” He caress
ed her arm, then scooted past to go get dressed. He still only held the towel to the front of him and she dared to turn and watch him stride out of sight. His naked tight ass, looking more toned and sexy than his clothes had led her to believe. She gasped and nibbled on her lip, then let out the breath she’d been holding. She smiled and forced herself to turn away lest he see her hungry eyes.

Alyssa was looking over his extensive movie collection when she felt she was not alone.
She turned and beamed at the sight of him straightening his suit jacket and running a hand through his damp hair. “Wow!” The transformation of him from sweat pants and shirt into a sleek business suit damn near had her collapse at the magazine cover before her. Alyssa gasped, eyeing him like he was the main portion of a meal and she hadn’t eaten in days! “You certainly do clean up well, for being a doorman,” she remarked in awe.

“I’m not a doorman; I just volunteered to help Emeril.”

“Sorry, but you do look . . . devilishly handsome.” The tone of her voice and eyes validated her now deep interest in him.

So I have to get dressed in a suit to turn her head?
“Thank you. I’ll be back soon,” he said, stepping closer to kiss her sweet cheek. “Watch any movie you like.” He waved a hand at the wall. She nodded, and he went to the door, looking at her one last time before closing it.

smiled like a giddy girl, having been noticed by the most popular guy in school. She chose a movie, changed it out for the dancing disc that was still in the player, and she sat down to enjoy her private time.

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