The Millionaire Door Prize (Erotic Romance) (11 page)

BOOK: The Millionaire Door Prize (Erotic Romance)
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Works of Nonfiction

by Kathleen Deveaney-Brown



se hints can save you undo pain and suffering for the rest of your life!



What would you pay for a remedy to constipation problems you, your family, friends, neighbors—hell, even your enemies might be suffering through? If you meet crabby people, maybe they are constipated. With this, you will be aptly prepared to help them. These two simple hints at overcoming problems with constipation should help you for the rest of your life, eliminating the need for constipation medicine off the shelf that can take up to twelve hours to work! You shouldn’t have to suffer in pain, pray you make it to the bathroom, or end up in the emergency room ever again! This is the cheapest remedy you should ever need!



Pull-ups & Chin-ups


This book can help
, women or men, who cannot do at least one pull-up or chin-up! With my technique, you could be doing five correct pull-ups and chin-ups by the end of a thirty-day program. I came up with this technique in the early ’90s when my husband was shipped off to Korea, and I didn’t have much to do except exercise and build up my body for when he returned home.  Following my simple techniques should enable you to build your strength and feel better about your transformed physique in just a few short months.





You may be
like me and wish you could be like
that person
you hear about: oh, she works, cooks dinner for her family, is a volunteer here and over there, and chauffeurs kids to soccer and choir and on and on! Well, sadly we all can’t be
and no matter how much you and I wish we could do half again as much, we probably never will.


How many of us have things we need to do mainly at home and wish we could complete, but life just keeps getting in the way? Your to-do pile gets out of control, and the overwhelming stress of it all leaves you frustrated. Before you let it all fall to the wayside, take a few minutes to read how you can fix things. I am here to say, “No more!” I thought of this technique many years ago, but being a procrastinator, I contemplated it, saying to myself,
I have to do it. I have to do it
. Sadly, I never did anything about it until now!  The idea was sparked by a little scenario in an old workplace. My interest was piqued, and I came up with the solution. Now I have implemented the idea into my life. Yes it can and does work. It is possible to believe and know, but to truly make a change you just need to apply the technique to your life for
the things we need to do for ourselves and family. It is a remedy that can make your life better. Basically, you need to realize this: Only you can make your life better—it’s your life, and you need to take responsibility!


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