Hot Wired (6 page)

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Authors: Betty Womack

Tags: #Menage a Trois (m/m/f), #PolyAmour

BOOK: Hot Wired
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Sham licked her nipples and massaged Baron’s bag, the heat they generated coursing through her nerve endings to her slit. She took his free hand and placed it on her pussy, pushing his long fingers inside her wet slit. Baron gripped her waist and pushed her onto her knees, his cock slapping her ass as he leaned over her.

Her back arched, and a new heat took over while Baron lubed her tense asshole with something warm and thick. Her anal muscles relaxed as he slowly traced her opening with his cock. She felt the pressure of his finger inside her while he reached under her, flicking her clit until she gasped, grinding her ass into his balls.

His hungry groan incited a wicked urge in her blood to be one with both of her men. The sudden weight against her hips and the new touch of Sham’s hands on her hips sent her spiraling into a shower of orange stars and hearing her own voice demanding it all.

“Now.” Her arms stiffened to hold up their weight, and her body responded in a fireball with waves of unexpected, blistering desire blooming from her ass when the bulk of Baron’s cock slid deep inside her. “Harder…harder and faster.” She held her breath, trying to hold the lightning charges of white hot passion building in her rear. “Sham, spank my ass. I mean it.” She gulped in shock at his slap, stinging enough to send a trickle of anger up her spine. She twisted her head around to see him pumping his prize rod in and out of Baron’s ass, the sight setting her off like a rocket heading straight for outer space.

A growling sound came from her throat, and she ratcheted her hips up into Baron’s groin, holding him inside until the final spasm of climax died a very slow beautiful death. Hell yes, coming like that was like dying, too wild and furious to ever describe.

Chapter Seven

Later, after the fury of mind blowing sex, dressed only in a bed sheet, Baron flipped through the pages of a photo album he’d found on the end table, his worst suspicions proving to be right. Carol must still have tender feelings for Gordon Bell. A certain intimacy was implied when a woman kept photos of a former lover. There were pictures of her in a sweet little pale blue lace dress, and she was holding a bouquet of white and pink flowers. The gleam of her wedding ring stuck out like a spotlight. His soft cough got Sham’s attention. Baron motioned for his partner to join him on the couch. Sham sat down beside him, looking at the photos on the page. He didn’t say anything, simply shook his head. Baron normally would have laughed at the situation, but this one involved a woman he cared about. He put the album back where he’d found it and picked up his wine glass.

“Well, what do we do?” His question was met with a roll of somber brown eyes as Sham apparently thought over the recent events.

“This can’t turn out well.” He glanced at his watch. “We should have waited until we had him out of the way before getting friendly with Carol.”

Baron stretched his legs out and grimaced. “It’s just the way things worked out.” He rubbed his eyes, wishing Sham had been more reassuring. “Okay, we can let our man walk free or lose Carol for good.”

Sham refilled their glasses and murmured his reply. “It’s our job, Baron.”

“What the fuck is this?” Baron kept his voice low, but found himself caught in the vice of terrible truth. “What are you worried about? We’ve given other punks extra time before moving on them.”

“Only to catch them later with their pants down.” Sham rose and went to glance into the kitchen where Carol was preparing margaritas. “Do you like being a bounty hunter? If you quit on this, we won’t be getting any more calls from the agency. Period.”

Baron didn’t like the direction the conversation had taken. “Okay. So we leave him alone while he’s here and catch up with him later.”

“What are you talking about?” Sham wore his stoic expression, which meant he didn’t agree with being lenient with Bell. “Putting it off will only make matters worse. I don’t think she’s going to forgive the lies, and she is not stupid. You can’t dream up a story to make it better.”

“Damn.” Baron drained the wine from his glass and frowned, his agitation hard to conceal. “Not tonight, Sham. We don’t say anything or do anything tonight. Okay?’

Sham shrugged, going into the bedroom. A couple minutes later, he emerged, pulling his shirt over his head. “I don’t like sleeping with her while making plans to arrest someone she may still care for.” He glanced over his shoulder toward the bedroom. “I don’t want to cause her grief.”

He had to agree, but Baron wanted her too much to back off for any reason. “So, what are you going to do about it, Sham?”

“Do about what?” Carol’s soft question startled him. She stood in the doorway, holding three margaritas, wearing a sleep shirt of blinding red. “What’s going on, guys?”

Cutting off any chance Sham had to say something ruinous, Baron rose quickly and went to her, laughing happily for no damn reason. “He’s got a late call from a dissatisfied customer. Didn’t screw the light bulbs in right or something.”

Sham went to her, kissing her on the cheek. “I messed up somewhere and have to go fix it.” He touched her hair, which had dried into springy ringlets. “Thank you for everything, beauty. I’ll see you soon.”

She smiled a bit ruefully. “Make sure you do, Sham.”

She sighed as Sham left then sipped one of the drinks.

Baron heard sadness in her voice and hated being the cause of it. “Well, baby.” He stood and held his arms out. “Since our pal is leaving, why don’t we go dancing?”

Her green eyes lit up, and her smile turned devastatingly sexy. “Sure. I’d love that, Baron.” She laughed, gesturing to the drooping towel around his hips. “Get some clothes on. For now.”

She made him crazy, wild, and in love with her. While he dressed, she looked through her closet, tossing a dozen outfits onto the bed. He looked at the tangled sheets and wanted to fall back into the bed and make love with her again. Not tonight, not when she eagerly looked forward to going out.

Something new floated in the air, a soft, warm feeling he’d only known once before in his life. Infatuation, maybe a crush? Hell no. He had fallen in love with Carol.

His heart sank to the soles of his feet as she hurried around the room to get ready. If he didn’t come up with a damn good idea, he would be the cause of an end to something great before it began. He had a really good feeling about Carol. A lifetime relationship. Probably for both of them.. Sham wasn’t much on forgiveness, either. But right now, she eclipsed everything else. At last, she stood ready, wearing a short black skirt and a tiny white top.

* * * *

This wasn’t like her, giddy with excitement and shaking with anticipation. Carol held Baron’s hand tight while they walked inside Choo Choos, a popular club with the single crowd. The dance floor was packed with couples dancing to salsa music. They found a table near the bar and had to practically yell to hear each other.

Her head buzzed from the wine she’d had earlier, but the icy glasses of margarita the waitress brought were impossible to turn down. She enjoyed Baron’s company. He was full of life and eager to please. Her thoughts quickly turned to Sham, the quiet one with a complex personality. His likes were the total opposite of Baron’s. She missed him. Her warm thoughts spilled over, and she hugged Baron’s arm.

“I have the best of all worlds now.”

“I feel the same way, gorgeous.” He took her face in his hands and kissed her hard. “Let’s dance.”

Baron was a natural on the dance floor, his eyes never leaving her as the moved to the sensuous, blood-stirring music. He didn’t actually feel her up, just touched her enough in the right places to get his message across. She responded to his seduction, aware her panties were wet with love juices before the dance ended.

He had something else on his mind, his banter less suggestive when they sat down. “Having fun, pussy cat?” His blue eyes touched her with a serious gaze. “Have you come to any answer about spending some time with us?”

“About that.” She didn’t want to say anything to hurt him. “I have been getting the feeling you and Sham are in disagreement about me being with you so much. It’s something that might get worse if I hang around.” She squeezed his hand. “I think we’re better off the way we are. There are some circles a stranger just doesn’t belong in.”

He shook his head, leaning close to her. “No, you’re the perfect one to come in with us.” The urgency of his words made her hold her tongue. “What are you worried about? Sham is nuts for you, and I’m crazy for you. Don’t you feel the same about us?”

She had to be honest with him, even if he told her to go to hell. “You know I like you both. I don’t always screw a guy the first five minutes after we meet. Much less two guys.”

“I know that, Carol.” He gazed into her eyes, obviously looking for the truth. “Whoever put a time limit on falling for someone was a fool. We were meant to be, the three of us. Tell me what’s making you hesitate.”

“I don’t answer questions that I don’t like, and I don’t answer to anyone.” Her blunt words didn’t seem to bother him. “What are you smiling about?”

“You’ll fit in fine.” He squeezed her fingers and lifted her hand, kissing her knuckles. “We’re three of a kind.”

Her heart thudded in her chest. “If I decide it’s time to go, I go.” She licked her lips, nervous at the idea of committing to the situation. “No questions, no regrets.”

“Fair enough, baby.” Baron kissed her firmly on the mouth, hugging her playfully. “Let’s go tell Sham. He should be home by now.”

What had she done? “What’s the rush? You’ll be sick and tired of me in a day or two.” She saw no harm in playing house with the guys a few days at a time. She held her hand up to a passing waitress. “Two more of the same.”

He leaned back in his chair, eyeing her with a grin. “You’re trying to get me drunk.”

She laughed, her thoughts in a log jam. “Have you ever lived with a woman, Baron?”

He nodded, paying for the drinks when the waitress plopped several more drinks on their table. “Yeah, and that has nothing to do with us. Sham couldn’t get used to her snoring.”

“Shit.” Carol thumped his shoulder. “You’re such a liar. But cute as hell.” She ventured into a more serious topic. “I guess I mean, have you ever been married? I know about Sham’s miserable try at it.”

“No, I haven’t ventured down that road.” He swallowed most of his drink before looking at the crowd around them. “If you were married, was it one long pain in the ass?”

She snorted, trying to keep a straight face. “Yes, I was married, and it was a long, hard pain in the ass as well as the heart.” She bristled at his sympathetic smile. “I gave as good as I got. We fought all over the house and anywhere we were at if he pissed me off. He couldn’t stop being a bull servicing cows. I just wasn’t enough for him.”

“The man was a fucking idiot.” Baron exhaled heavily, firmly holding her hand in his. “Truth is, you’re plenty of woman for any man. Even for two..” His eyes twinkled with ornery good humor.

Feeling confident and a little powerful, she tossed her drink down and gazed at him through narrowed eyes. “Hell, that was only a sample of what you can have if you’re a good boy.” She laughed then, wondering how in the hell it could get any hotter with them. “I have a tiny treat for you out in the truck.”

“Woman, you’re whipping me, but I’m a glutton for your kind of punishment.” He rose and hauled her from her chair. “Hop up here on my waist and we’ll get out of here.”

She realized the liquor had taken control of her legs, but not her desire to screw him into the springs of the truck seat. “Help me up, baby. My bones have melted.” People near them turned to look as Baron lifted her up to strap her legs around his waist. She leaned back and waved to them as he carried her from the bar.

Outside, in the thick heat of night, he put her down and opened the door of the truck to help her inside. He hurried around to the driver’s side and climbed in beside her. She went into his arms and straddled his legs, inhaling his warm, spicy aftershave. The need to know he desired her because she was a woman overwhelmed her. For a change, his hand wasn’t in her pants, and she liked taking the lead.

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