Hot Wired (7 page)

Read Hot Wired Online

Authors: Betty Womack

Tags: #Menage a Trois (m/m/f), #PolyAmour

BOOK: Hot Wired
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She relaxed against him and kissed his neck and chin, darting her tongue over his lips until he opened them to her. He groaned while she plumbed the depths of his mouth. His hips jerked upward, and his dick filled her hand.

“Damn, baby, I didn’t know you had the door open to Mister Big and Hard.” He held her in a light embrace, allowing her freedom to do as she pleased, leaning his head back to enjoy her playing. “Sweet heaven, woman. When do I get to mess with you?”

“When I say so.” She enjoyed his grunt of acceptance, working his super fine cock into a pulsing length of woman pleaser. Her panties were soaked with her juices for the second time that night, and she couldn’t put off the need for some man attention. “Okay, now you can work me into a craze with your fingers, hot guy.”

She didn’t have to wait. His hand cupped her crotch, and he drove her nuts with a light flicking of her pussy through her underwear. The whole thing was so pleasant she didn’t rough him up like she’d wanted to earlier. This was heavy petting, and she had a taste for it. Baron knew exactly what to do. He slowly worked his fingers under her panty leg, barely touching her pussy, just letting her clit know he was there, building excitement that flared between her legs. Her muscles tightened with every pass of his fingers. They were already slick with her moisture, and the easing of several of them inside her slit sent a shock of heat through her body until she stiffened against him.

The head of his cock slid over her palm like wet silk, the beautiful thing covered with his pre-cum, engorged and ramrod stiff. He didn’t rush her, but paid service to her throbbing clit and clenching pussy. She hadn’t been kissed so deeply in a long while. The feel of his firm lips moving over hers and kissing her into oblivion was exquisite torture. He tasted wonderful, clean with a little touch of booze added to the top note to complete her pleasure.

The final assault on her super-charged passion winged in under her top, the shirt pushed up over her braless breast. Her nipples were beaded to a painful point, screaming for attention, near bursting at the first pull of his mouth. “You’re so good, so very good.”

His hand on her bare back sent a thrill of heat over her, his voice roughened with desire when he spoke. “Have I told you how sweet your titties are?”

“You like them, huh?” She pressed closer, giving him all of her breast, moving against his erection until she couldn’t stall another second. “Pull my panties down.”

She climbed off his lap and hiked her skirt up to her waist. Her cunt clenched with expectation, watching him pull off her underwear. In a heartbeat, she was back on her knees, pulling the head of his cock into her mouth to lathe it with her tongue, sucking in several inches at a time. Her teeth gently scraped along the ridged length until he pulled her away.

“That’s fantastic, baby, but I’d really enjoy one of your hump rides.” He moaned and braced her thighs with his hands as she straddled him again. “I’m ready to blow, sweetheart, so do what you like.”

The first brush of his slick cock head bumping against her clit compared to the most glorious, expensive treat any woman could receive. She took it all in, tightening herself around his length, leaning back to glory in the fullness inside her. In her private state of cosmic heat, she wrapped her arms about his neck, rocking her hips against his erection, riding out the blazing waves of heat washing over her until it all exploded around her, sapping her strength and dropping her with a hard thud into post-climax silence. She couldn’t protest when Baron decided to give her one more chance to come, rubbing her swollen clit until she gave into the delicious fire of orgasm once again.

She thought the moment had ended until he held her against his cock, pumping into her with the strength of a desperate man, moaning in exquisite agony when he came. She kissed him, sealing the moment in a blissfully tired way and lay against him, completely sated and exhausted.

Chapter Eight

Carol had left Baron with the promise she’d think seriously about spending a few days with him and Sham. In fact, she remembered agreeing to twenty-four hours to make her decision. That time had passed like wildfire. She stood in the middle of her living room, thinking how little she had to pack for any move. She lived simply, usually leaving half of her belongings every time she left for someplace new.

She checked her art supplies, the most important items she owned. The ear-ringing silence of the apartment bothered her that morning. Who was she, anyway? She hadn’t always been a loner who didn’t need friends or family. Hell, if Gordon hadn’t been unfaithful at every opportunity, they might still be together. No. That was a lie. He’d taken up with a gang of bikers that were proud of being unemployed and knowing that their illegal activities that could land them a long prison term. Her ex-husband had sworn he had nothing to do with that stuff, yet in her heart she knew he was lying. She’d ignored it all until the guilt over his whoring ways made him try slapping her around.

Yeah, that’s when she became a loner. She had no need for constant company or belong to another man. She sighed, wondering if two men would be twice the misery.

Not for very damn long

What had her so unsure? Having complete control of her life ranked at the top of her demands. She had made that clear to Baron.

Baron and Sham didn’t seem domineering. They both appeared to relish the taste of freedom. She tossed a handful of underwear in a duffle bag. Packing light meant she wasn’t sure of the arrangement. Plus, she wouldn’t need much in the way of clothes, anyway. She scooped up several nightshirts and bras out of the drawer, dumping them in with the panties. One pair of sneakers and some white sandals would be all she’d take. Leaving personal belongings meant she would be back. The lease on her apartment wouldn’t expire for three more months.

Leaving her car was not a worry. She could always call for a taxi.

Plenty of time to try out a new life. This is your safety net. You can always come back

She’d left a message on Baron’s phone, boldly telling him she had decided. What had she said?

Come and get me

At that moment, it had sounded perfectly sane. Standing alone in the middle of her sad looking little bedroom, doubts bounced around in her head.

The ringing of her phone filled her with excitement. That must be one of her men. Despite her doubts, the deal was sealed.

She picked up the receiver, smiling with pleasure, knowing the voice on the line would either be deep and sensual or playful. Her smile faded when she heard the click on the line. Apprehension gripped her body. She hated hang-ups. It was too similar to being stood up after waiting for a date.

Stop it. You’re being ridiculous. Finish packing and call Sham. His voice will lighten your mood

She didn’t have to make that call. A car pulled in the driveway, and she hurried to the window to look out. Sham got out of the big black Escalade, looking hot as hell in his black shirt and faded jeans. She took a moment more to check out the nice package between his legs and exhaled.

What had she been hesitating for? Sham was in her blood, just like Baron.

She opened the door before he could ring the bell, warming to her bones when he smiled and opened his strong arms and pulled her close, burying his face in her neck.

“Sham.” Her words shook and, to her shame, sounded almost tearful. “I’m so glad to see you.”

He looked into her eyes before kissing her. “I hope you always feel that way, gorgeous.”

She laughed at her girlish emotions, reeling from the happiness he brought with him. “Nothing can change that, Sham. You always make me happy.”

He quickly changed the subject, looking around the living room. “Keeping an anchor here?”

She shrugged lightly. “I told you I am independent. I never burn all my bridges.”

“That makes sense, babe.” He flicked a finger at her ponytail . “I’m a little that way myself.”

The question she’d been holding back spilled out of her mouth before she could stop it. “I won’t be causing any problems between you and Baron, will I?”

He walked to the couch and picked up the box of clothes. “You’re not backing out, are you?” His voice soothed her fears. “We want you to be with us.” He balanced the box on his hip and took her arm. “Let’s go home.”

After a final look around, she picked up her purse and keys and followed Sham out onto the small porch. She locked the door and turned to find him gazing warmly at her. “Just in case someone feels like messing with my things.” Her laugh was cheerful, and her heart thumped with excitement. “Anyway, I still have three months’ lease on this fleabag.”

“You’re thrifty.” He opened the door to the passenger side and helped her into the huge vehicle. “I like that.”

She didn’t look back as they drove away. It was a lifetime habit. No looking back.

Sham’s easy silence didn’t bother her. That was his way, and she wouldn’t force him to make inane conversation. But that didn’t mean she couldn’t look at him. Lord, what a gorgeous man.

He glanced her way, and she turned her head, flushing like a schoolgirl. When he took her hand, her body warmed. The way he did things would be any girl’s dream. She felt in tune with Sham and adored him. She looked forward to becoming better acquainted with him. Baron was so open and free, being with him full-time would be a party. No getting accustomed to him. They had been introduced several times. She smiled, thinking about his desire to play and his taste for spontaneous sex.

“Why didn’t Baron come with you?” Straight out, no small talk. “I mean, I’m so used to you two being together.”

“He had to pick up a guy to help on a job. The man doesn’t have a car.” Sham seemed so calm, and the answer was perfectly reasonable. He glanced at his watch. “It’s getting late. Are you hungry?”

“Sure.” She opened her purse and began rummaging for her wallet.

“No, Carol.” He laughed and put his hand over hers. “What would you want? And what wine is to your taste?”

“Well, hell.” She grinned and pointed to a chicken place down the street. “Strips and a cola are to my taste.”

He didn’t react like she’d expected, shocked and repulsed by her lack of sophistication. He nodded and drove into the drive-through lane. He didn’t stammer or look at her for instruction when he ordered a large bucket of extra crispy and a side order of wings. They drove away with a feast of mashed potatoes, gravy, corn on the cob, and corn bread.

To her surprise, he tuned in a rock station on the radio. He shrugged while explaining his choice of music. “I have to listen to this sometimes to stay up on things.”

She leaned against him, squeezing his arm. “You’re up enough for me.” He patted her hand when she added a final suggestive bit. “For now.”

The rest of the ride to her new home was pleasant. The only kink was not being in control of her thoughts about the exotic and lavish style of lovemaking they would have. Desire wove its way from her crotch to her lips, and she inhaled with the shockwaves of heat surging through her body. She crossed her legs in an attempt to quiet her longings.

As if he sensed her emotions, Sham patted her knee. “You all right, beauty?”

She had a lot of answers for that question, but kept the dirty ones to herself. “Perfect, but hungry.”

“I’ll satisfy your hunger soon, my lady.” He gave her a cute grin and drove faster.

Before she realized it, they had left the busier, noisier part of town behind and were driving along streets shaded by towering pine and oak trees. The area made her think of days gone by where sedate silence was the norm every day. She had the feeling she sure as hell didn’t fit in that scene. She thought it odd that Sham and Baron would want to live there.

She set her prying thoughts aside as they drove into the doublewide driveway and Sham killed the engine. He leaned over to drop a kiss on her mouth before getting out of the car.

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