How to Become an Alpha Male For Today's Man (Learn How to Attract and Talk to Women) (4 page)

BOOK: How to Become an Alpha Male For Today's Man (Learn How to Attract and Talk to Women)
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Now also keep in mind the attire for the evening/day whenever. This should be everything from head to toe and in between and beneath if at all visible.  For instance check out the shoes whether heels or flats, dress, pants, noticeable thongs or panties. This will tell you the aggressiveness of this particular women’s personality also focus on her body language (which we will go more in depth in a later chapter) See if there is a match to what she is wearing. As this will tell me how I should act in her presence. The dominant heels the sexy fitted dress or tight jeans demands attention and it should be given, but to the opposite reason for which they are worn.


This type of woman yearns for attention but for something else not necessarily her style or body but for her intellect and she is donning her attributes with glitz and glamour as her way of alluring potential mates who may want to open her mind and get to know the real her. So steer clear of her sexual assets and focus on her mind.

The plain Jane is the opposite she shows nothing off, she is more of an introvert and would love a compliment on her physical beauty rather than her mental capability. She would not be offended if you showed first off what she doesn’t flaunt any attention but flattered.



How should an Alpha male approach a situation where an attractive woman seems to have a defensive angry look but you need for some particular reason or want to get to know her anyway?

First an alpha male shouldn’t worry about offensive looks because most of the time the facial expression shows the opposite of a person’s real personality. Keep that in mind. For instance let’s say you have a woman who looks angry and it seems she wants no parts of a conversation with no one, usually these are the type who are desperate for a meaningful one on one conversation with anyone.






The expression you see is the look of disappointment from repeatedly having the same type of conversation with everyone she encounters. This quickly becomes boring. If this is a social setting then she is there primarily to socialize but with someone who can offer something different, interesting, intriguing and mysterious. This is the alpha male she is waiting for you.

The alpha male who approaches this woman and ignores her uninviting disposition but still attempts to make his presence known is the winner. He gets to learn something nobody would’ve ever guessed. That is, that this woman is very insecure and her life is very much secluded to a small circle.

She’s is not rudely offensive but a reserved person who hates having her guard up. She’s internally screaming for someone to say something perfect to her. She’s reluctant to request on her own but she’s in desperate need of a companion to entertain her. Her defensive actions scares away prospective mates but an alpha male knows this exact attitude makes her easily attainable if approached correctly.




Remember whatever the topic you choose for conversation the goal is to simply get a second chance at more conversation so be exciting, interesting, intriguing and mysterious (An alpha male). An excited mind yearns for more giving you more time to work at gaining her respect.

A more timely approach if possible would be calculated and played out more constructively. In addition to everything previously stated you must also investigate her and her lifestyle a little deeper. Remember this is all a part of the work an alpha male have to put in, tedious it may be but this is why we are respected and most sought after. This is what makes us interesting, intriguing and mysterious. 


So if she works nearby, find out somehow. Once you do, use the element of surprise to introduce yourself.  The objective at this point is to gain her attention and have it placed on you. This can be done through emails, IMs, or a friendship card along with something nice to place on her desk such as flowers. Her answer may be no at this time but the move was only made to place your image in her mind. Be it brief at the moment it will still register different thoughts you can capitalize on later.

As time continues you become more assertive use directional comments that would suggest that you meet somewhere always stay interesting, exciting and intriguing and she will consider you to be mysterious which is very much entertaining. She will become enticed by this and sooner or later agree to meet.  This type of behavior from you transforms the meeting into something adventurous and risky.

The sensible side of her mind is thinking to be cautious while the impractical side of her mind is surprised, and in some ways aroused and impressed. Those mixed feelings create a turbulence of excitement and she eventually gives in. So the bait has been set she is now focused on meeting you formally and you’ve won another’s interest and respect.

This method of bait and mate should be applied according to the environment you are in. Of course if this was the nightclub or bar scene the bait of choice would be alcohol but an alpha male strives to go above and beyond that because offering drinks is done too often by every man in the club. So something else has to gain the attention of a woman as this is considered normal, and the alpha male doesn’t do anything normal he moves mysteriously. Now your conversation has to come into play (which we will discuss more in depth in lesson 7.)

For the most part you should bait not only with a drink but a small explanation of who you are may have to be revealed. Meaning you must read this woman quickly but allow her to know what you’re doing and recommend a drink that would fit her to the exact match. Based off of what you have gathered, let her know this drink defines her and why. By being this much more inquisitive you have gained her attention. Something every other male in the club will envy.

Do not embarrass yourself make sure you’ve done your research in fine wines and mixed spirits. In this case you have to be sort of a connoisseur of alcoholic drinks or at least sound like one for the moment. Even if she denies your drink, she’s still thinking of you and trying to figure you out.

So you must continue immediately with another simple but sweet surprise. Again here comes this decision she has to make. She will decide for the excitement as long as the
is interesting and enticing. (This will be covered more in depth in a later chapter.)





Now that you’ve gained her attention you’ll find she’s open to any type of conversation while in a setting such as a bar or nightclub. These vital points of thinking, analyzing and setting the bait to trap will increase your potential mates in a tremendous way especially if they are don’t right and on time. Practice makes perfect.

































LESSON 4. Self- knowledge will increase your odds.

Very often we find ourselves out of our element. We allow everything to go overlooked, still the fact remains that we have drowned before we can sink and everyone else is sailing away laughing. This can be corrected, and self-knowledge can be used to your advantage. Know yourself, so instead make them play on your terms. This will give you home Field advantage which greatly increases a win.












The purpose of this chapter is to increase your awareness of your own self. It seems that alpha males spend more time looking into others minds but that’s only due to the amount of time spent looking into one’s own issues.   Most men as well as women do not seek for true self-knowledge and therefore become victims of their own mind games. They lose in life or in relationships mostly because of themselves playing against their own self unknowingly.

This occurs when you have a man who either refuses to accept certain bad traits of himself and fix it such as extreme arrogance or when a man’s ego is more important than common sense or right versus wrong. This type of man is not acting as an alpha male.

This lesson’s primary goal is to get you to know you. All of what an alpha male does is mental. An alpha male must not ever fall into the category of people who seriously have no idea of who they are and what they stand for and as the saying goes, they fall for anything. An alpha male strives for perfection by any means. His means is by having and using the knowledge the masses lack.




First I will challenge you to a task. This task involves quite an extensive amount of research. You have to look at it from a professional standpoint. If you were the professor teaching a subject entitled, “YOU”, and had to give lesson after lesson day after day explaining how you operate, function, think your emotions, likes and dislikes etcetera you would definitely come prepared  to do teach without imperfections.

First, you must get into your mind by taking some time alone to get to know yourself. Not by closing yourself off from people but by  isolating yourself meaning you need to first date you, be in an environment only with you so to speak. Honestly ask yourself do you consider yourself to be someone that you would interact with romantically. Notice the things that aggravate you, what sends you over the edge? Recognize them and correct that. What makes you happy? Does it correspond with an alpha male’s image or lifestyle? Ask yourself does this habit or personality trait make me a loser or a winner?


See your flaws for what they are without any excuse to why they are. Watch yourself in that mental motion picture. Do you play a good role? Or do you play a great award winning role? A very important question to ask is am do I demand respect and adoration by my actions? Do I reach too hard for friendship am I a beggar.

Do I handle myself like a man at all times or am I bowing down to please others who don’t reciprocate? You must at this point perfect every flaw concerning yourself. Am I giving enough to expect a response?


Step out of the game of dating and socializing for a moment to learn who you are. Consider this to be a training exercise. After you have documented some facts about yourself try to improve on the areas that are most detrimental to you becoming an alpha male.


If you do this correctly you will start to gain a better insight of who you are and what it is you need and want from someone else. You’d be very surprised at how different your goals will be after evaluating yourself first.



An alpha male often times have to change his personality or outward appearance sometimes in certain situations such as not to come off too intimidating maybe around a certain person of power for instance, or whatever the case may be knowing yourself first is going to be the key of doing so correctly and returning back to who you are who you were.

In most cases when some people get to a higher status in life if you were to ask their closes friends or relatives about who they were before the success or fame the majority of them will tell you about someone totally different. Those men never truly knew who they were or who they wanted to be. They are simply riding the wave and that we know goes to and fro in a backward in forward motion constantly. That’s not an alpha male’s personality.  This all falls under the concept of knowledge as you must know who to transform to and who to come back to.

This knowledge of you is never ending and must continue to accumulate in your mind in order for it to be influential to your becoming and maturing as an alpha male. That simply means learn everything as much as is physically possible. Be abreast to everything interesting. You must have the answer for you and her immediately or you’ll lose attention and there goes your control right along with it.



Knowing gives you control not only over yourself but others. Others will trust and obey you for they believe you are more knowledgeable. As a result they will wait patiently for your next command, now that’s power.

As you mature as an alpha male you’ll learn things that should open your mind to new ideas. These are the things you share with your circle. You give them unadulterated and free spirited conversation. This is new to them so they become captivated on your never ending and entertaining words of wisdom. The winning secret that an alpha male possesses is knowledge. Knowing the outcome before it happens. That skill comes by carefully analyzing and calculating a person’s natural reflex or response. It’s like mentally creating an alpha male’s strategic secret almanac which you can go back and use to up the score.

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