How to Become an Alpha Male For Today's Man (Learn How to Attract and Talk to Women) (7 page)

BOOK: How to Become an Alpha Male For Today's Man (Learn How to Attract and Talk to Women)
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The only work you must perform is at the start.  For instance let’s say you wanted to meet and network with a new line of business associates or high class and beautiful women.  First even if this is for one night you must have two to five extremely gorgeous women with you as friends.  Women attract business associates new business deals as well as new love interest or admirers. I have been in situations where because of the beautiful and sexy women that accompanied me I was given free drinks, free admission, phone numbers secretly slipped to me, business cards and it goes on.

Everyone that I’d encounter thought that I had to be someone of power in order to have those types of women with me. They saw me as a serious business man or movie producer or entertainer. Either way it didn’t matter to me.


The same quality of women looked from afar and I’d notice them making sure they too were just as flawless as the beauty that was at in my section. They were eagerly waiting for their chance to get close to me. I gave them their chance and you should too.  The whole purpose of the night was set up for this particular purpose.

Think about this you may have had to invest a little in this image but it pays off in a big way. The new women I would meet would be intimidated of me from the beginning. They would try to impress me thinking that I would replace my friends with them. They saw me as someone of great importance.

The image I created attracted what I really was after. The initial set up may have been false but the result was genuine. Every new business associate or love interest I have met afterward respected me and that gave me my way in the door so that I can start to work as an alpha male in their life as well.

You do the same thing. Create your initial circle no matter how you do it. It doesn’t matter if you hire models. However you work it as long as you come out on top in the end you won’t even remember the beginning.




These rules are practiced to obtain an impeccable reputation. This is the main focal point to keep in mind while representing you.















1. Never allow anyone or anything to take control of your emotions.

The moment you allow someone or something to gain control of your emotions you lose all power. You have now become its puppet. Your reactions are no longer your own. You must show emotion but make sure it’s done strategically.

2.  Never give in to jealousy.

The envy an alpha male may feel of another is normal but your reaction to that feeling should never be noticed. Use that burning desire of envy to fuel additional motivation.











This lesson is about creating an arsenal of divergent phrases or lines to change any conversation smoothly and quickly like blending a song the same as Disc Jockeys would do records so as to keep an audience attention and never fall into that awkward moment of untimely silence.













So often we find ourselves lost for words during a conversation. This usually happens when we simultaneously try to comprehend what the person we are talking to is saying while thinking about what we will say to set up our next move. Eventually the mind times out and decides to go blank.

This can easily be avoided.
Remember you have to make a good impression so instead of getting caught with your tongue tied fumbling last minute thoughts and phrases at this crucial moment you should be practicing and preparing yourself for this and every conversation.

Treat every conversation as if it was your last. Your goal is to not only make an impressive pitch but to leave the person or audience with a thought they can hang onto until the next encounter. If you can do that you have gained another fan, friend or client.

The main objective besides keeping your audience entertained is maintaining control of your thoughts while communicating. This is done by preparation. You must prepare for the best and the worst. Visualize yourself engaged in conversation with someone who you want to admire you.



In order to keep your conversation interesting and entertaining you have to deliver well timed and thought out responses.  Remember their emotions are starving for satisfaction and need to be fed with your words. If you lose track of your words you will lose this listener. So you must practice speaking to this type of individual in your spare time. Be sure you speak clear, precise and fluently.

An alpha male must keep a constant flow of words that not only entertain but steadily enlighten. Now visualize yourself speaking to the exact opposite. Your arch nemesis, you’re adversary, your enemy, your rival, your antagonist, any title you can think of that would define this person as being problematical. This particular person is opposed to everything you say. You cannot run from this as this type of person may just be a debater and loves a good boat rocking discussion.

You must prepare for this person as well first because chances are if you speak intelligently and with seduction they will initially be opposed to giving in quickly as this is somewhat intimidating. Do not concern yourself with it too much because secretly this is what they crave for. Women love the challenge and after they realize you are not weak but interesting, intriguing, exciting, and seductive they give in with pleasure.

So see yourself being debated and questioned on every view you may have about any aspect of life or topic of which you may choose to discuss. Practice being cornered by this person’s response and prepare an arsenal of returned replies that will annihilate this person’s theories. Do not be too harsh or it will be considered a turn off but indirectly offer some insight that may either add to it or reiterate the conversation correctly.


If you have covered all bases this person will soon back down and come to respect you and in light of the defeat you will notice him/her now starting to become quiet and waiting for your response as now him/her is starting to figure if they have lost this one on one conversational battle then you have or know something they don’t. They are now trying to learn. What have you gained? You have gained the most important thing in a conversation with a person of this caliber and that is his/her attention.


So preparation is another key to winning anyone over is business in love or in life in general. Prepare for the best and the worst.



This is the first phone call, speech or summary to set the pace for what you hope to be an exciting conversation. Remember this is also the most critical moment. This delicate breaking point determines your place and status in your new relationship/friendship.














The introduction or opening of a conversation is a precarious situation. The stability of the discussion depends heavily on your initial choice of words. How many times do we find ourselves second guessing or stressing ourselves about what we said wrong? We go over and over again in our minds wondering and battering ourselves thinking we may say the wrong things. We contemplate what might we should have said. Pondering thoughts like what is the right thing to say to keep an audience or a person wanting to hear more.


The true fact is you haven’t said anything wrong, you may have said it to the wrong person. Everything is interpreted differently by different people in different ways. Everyone’s mind operates in its own unique way. You have literally 60 seconds to read a person’s mind and body to determine what should be said. This technique is not easy. This technique can be perfected if practiced.


Think of any notable or excellent public speaker and watch them closely. You will notice how quickly they take in their audience, at that moment commence to speaking, and then completely control the conversation.
Most public speakers choose to warm up their listeners first. They make them feel important enough to be acknowledged at the beginning then they suck up their time delivering their spiel. 

An alpha male must do the same thing in his introduction. Appeal to her interest first, quickly direct the introduction from just you speaking to her speaking. Make it an interactive situation in the beginning this will buy you some time mid-way to complete your pitch.

The introduction is your only hope to success in a conversation. It is the key to the locked door.  Beyond that door could be an immeasurable amount of treasure just waiting to be found. You will never find out, no matter how great of a person you are if you are not skilled in your opening statement. Introduce yourself correctly and the rest will fall in your lap.








LESSON 13. Consistency

Keep in mind you as the initial speaker or pursuer shouldn’t expect any reciprocation from your audience at the beginning stage. This matter still requires a great deal of sincerity and persistence. So don’t expect anything in return as of this moment, give it all out.














The greatest adversity for mankind in making our goals come to fruition is consistency or lack thereof.

Consistent action or unwavering relentless drive for what you choose to accomplish must be applied in order for that mathematical equation to total up to success. Most often we find ourselves stuck in a trance going from this to that, then right to left, forward and backward just to end up right where we started or even further behind.

Keep in mind that in order to finish the race let alone win you have to see it through until the end. The end is not at every obstacle on the contrary that obstacle is your only proof of the beginning.  An alpha male must remember that consistency is the primary factor in achieving what you have set out to accomplish in anything you put your mind to.

In regards to dating stay steadfast to the issues that are relative to your listener’s needs.  Consistently work to accommodate them or make her believe that you are. Whatever your goal is if your words stay consistent and your actions match them then you will be found flawless. This is rare and something rare she would work hard to have. This is also the status of an alpha male.



In order for things to eventually go your way always reiterate what your listener must do in order for her to be satisfied. You must guide her decision by persuading or convincing them of your ability to perform and guarantee to satisfy her innermost desires.


At this point she will have gained clarity of who you are and why you are here in her life and will start to gravitate toward your interest if you don't sway back and forth.


If you would like to get your point across and make it felt then stay consistent in conversation and you will eventually see your listeners begin to understand and assist you in accomplishing that what you set out to do. Consistency has always been needed to win in all love, life or business.






LESSON 14. Creating hope and fantasy

At this time it is imperative to install a fantasy. This is what keeps the listener hanging on to your every word in hopes of achieving an ultimate result. This creates a dependency which is what you will need to transform from new face to a person of relevance. The listener needs to follow a dream you are the dream maker.













First off an alpha male must look the part he wishes to be perceived as. Fit yourself from top to bottom to match the role you are looking to portray. Before you install a reachable fantasy or dream make sure the listener is clear that they or she can only have full access to this blissful reality through you. Be it a cruise to a beautiful island, a successful career and all that comes with it, a more convenient lifestyle or just simply a great adventurous time with an interesting man. Whatever you choose it has to be alluring to her not just to you.

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