How to Catch Butterflies (34 page)

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Authors: Samantha Fontien

BOOK: How to Catch Butterflies
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”Oh hun, you still bloody like him don’t you” as she pulled her back at the shoulders, her hands firmly on her so she didn’t fall, looking at her square on,

“Yep, it’s written all over your, face you’re a bloody loved up loony” she smiled at her.

It was true, she did like Jason, and she liked him a lot, if she was being honest but she wasn’t going to say it, saying it aloud made it real. Her working life was that of a fantasy, she didn’t even use her own name.

She was Rebecca Armstrong now in her professional world; she liked the Rebecca Keane that had been with Jason. She wished she could have gone back to that last night and handled things better.

Jason’s words of
‘would it have been so bad if she had been pregnant’
echoed, it had done since she had said it. She should have called him back, but she didn’t. Since David, she now had this thing in her. The only way of explaining it, was; she would ‘cut her nose off to spite her face’ which is what she had done when she let him walk out her door and out of her life.

“Your right Luce, your right, you go out on your hot date, where are you going with the lovely big cocked Mr. Harper?”

Lucy was still standing in front of her; thankfully she had let her shoulders go.

“Well, I’m off to a beautiful stately manor” she giggled, both girls had now reached for their wine glasses. ,

Lucy had brought a lovely bottle of Châteauneuf-du-Pape, which had been breathing since they had returned from they’re shopping expedition.

“Well, I’m having lots of great sex with his incredibly big willy and he so knows how to use it”.

Lucy then mimicked the length and girth of it, Rebecca’s eyes nearly fell out of her head, she was grateful she didn’t have a mouthful of the wine or it most almost certainly would have been sprayed out of her mouth as Lucy spoke.

“ARE you fucking serious Lucy?, Seriously? You’re not joking are you?”

Lucy was now sitting in one of Rebecca’s lovely couches. Sipping casually on her wine, knowing full well Rebecca’s eye were fixed on her. Lucy knew there was no way she was getting out of here without filling Rebecca in on Chris’s and her sexual goings on.

“I’ll be able to tell you more tomorrow, when I’ve had some more” she was chuckling to herself. “I promise maybe we can meet up?” Rebecca laughed her response,

“Yes maybe I can meet this Christopher Harper. The guy that’s led you astray, and hopefully I can do it with either a straight face or not to look at his crotch area”.

That was the cherry on the cake for them as they both fell about laughing.

It was 7pm when Jackson Harvey rang to confirm they were still on for their plans tonight, breaking up they’re party.

Rebecca couldn’t believe Lucy had held out on such juicy info like how much fantastic sex she was having until today. Mind you she would have pestered the hell out of Lucy for info, had she had been privy to this information last night. She was looking forward to the catch up tomorrow to hear all the gory details.

But for now she would have to get ready for her own date with Jackson.

Chapter 22

‘Locked out of heaven’

She loved her new apartment, Lucy being here, had made it feel like home.

Rebecca felt that she had only just slept and sometimes ate here. She practically lived in the office at the moment; they had several projects that had run into each other. It was a succession of projects one after another. She would be due a two week break, and it couldn’t come any sooner.

Poor Jackson, had been pushed from pillar to post with her re-arranging times, cancelling plans, left right and centre. But he knew what work was like, or rather what she was allowed to say. She knew she couldn’t tell him about her Rebecca Armstrong persona, shame as he really would have got a kick out of it.

She was looking forward to seeing him, they were supposed to be going out tonight. Where she hadn’t a clue, but it was always a great night that ended up with passionate snogs.

All Rebecca knew that it was a black tie-ish thing for a charity, so one of her dresses would be on order for clothing. She went into her walk in closet, thumbing thru the newly purchased evening dresses.

She decided on the navy satin and chiffon floaty train number, she threw the dress on the bed and headed for her on suite bathroom, turning on the steam shower. She let her clothes drop to the floor, before stepping in and letting the water cascade down her body.

She washed her hair, thinking how she should wear it with the dress, she had finished washing her hair, and dried off, before applying her body butter moisturizer, looking at the dress that lay in front of her, while she rubbed the soft cream on her lower leg as it rested on her bed once the cream had soaked in she put on her strapless bra, and matching satin thong.

Thank god Lucy had been with her when she bought them. The delicate strapless dress was undeniably flattering on the dirty blonde beauty; it was a strapless gown, navy-blue with a train

I can throw my hair in a low messy bun
she thought
you have everything under control,
as she readied herself. She remembered what Lucy had sad to her ‘
even if you are ready, keep ‘Hunky Harvey’ waiting’.

Rebecca rushed into her bedroom as her pacing had brought her into her living area unintentionally. It was a lovely modern apartment; it was fully furnished with Italian leather couches. It had housekeeping, and a 24 hour manned reception/porter service. Her bedroom was beautiful, with its luxury cream fabrics & furnishings.

She looked at the clock that was on one of the walls, Genie Mac he would be here in a half hour. Rebecca quickly rung down to reception, telling them to let Jackson Harvey up when he arrived, at least that way all she had to do was open the door to her apartment.

She riffled thru her wardrobe, finding her silver Jimmy Choo’s, she had bought them with the dresses when she was shopping with Lucy she had fallen in love with them as soon as she saw them on display, her exquisite ‘Lance’s these intricately worked glitter leather metallic sandals were works of art, and she was dying to wear them, she had been around the apartment to breaking them in, if anyone had seen her, her in thick ankle socks and pajama’s, they would have thought she was loopy or needed to arrested by the fashion police, either way it was a total crime to Jimmy Choo.

She had a plan, before sitting at her dressing table she pushed play on her IPod, and ‘Elle Goulding’s – Anything can happen’ started to fill her apartment.

She popped on her silk robe, and sat down, drying her hair, brushing her thick hair and tying it back in a rough ponytail. Make-up wise she rummaged thru her makeup bag finding her channel foundation and makeup sponge, applying it lightly. She then applied her eyeliner; she was going for a Smokey eye look, and a nice nude lipstick.

She sat there and had another quick look in the mirror as she smacked her lips. She sat there momentarily, and now for her hair. The music now playing ‘Bruno Mar’s Locked out of heaven’, and was laying pretty loud, a bit too loud as she hadn’t heard the rapping on the door, that had been going on for 2 minutes.

She was surprised to see how quick she had her hair done in it’s not so untidy bun, as she pulled gently at a few strands to complete the look, and now for her dress. It was only then she remembered her earrings, they were in their bag still on the free standing designer kitchen.

Rebecca walked out having a little boogie as she walked; it was when she was walking back past the door she heard the knocking. She had lost complete track off time, she hadn’t put her watch back on after her shower.

Rebecca opened the door standing back; there stood the devilishly handsome Jackson Harvey standing there in a tux looking incredibly dashing.

As he saw her his face had erupted into a smile, his come to bed eyes lit up on seeing her.

“Well hello” he said as he brushed past her, it was his first time in her new apartment as he turned to her “I’m surprised you let me up here” as he gave her one of his cheeky grins with a wink as his eyes took in his surroundings.

She stood there for a second,

“Were you out there long? Sorry, I didn’t hear you”.

He was right he hadn’t been here since she moved everything in her life. He moved towards her, he looked so distinguished in a tux. She could SO do a ‘James Bondish fantasy thing with him, he was the epitome of a tuxedoed man, exactly how a man should look.

Rebecca was still clutching the jewelry bag that contained her earrings, when she remembered that she had to finish getting ready, he leaned in and kissed her cheek softly, as he whispered “hurry up” in her ear, which made her laugh, she turned to her bedroom,

“Make yourself at home; I’ll be out in a minute.”

When she was out of his sight she moved very UN lady like into her room, closing the door behind her, as she scooped up the gown, stepping into it, thankfully it was a side fastening so she zipped it standing tall on tippy toes. Once that was done she grabbed the Choo’s and sat on the bed while she fastened the small delicate buckles on either side.

Once that was done she stood up and walked to the floor length mirror, she was quite taken back with the image before her. She grabbed her matching clutch that she had bought with her ‘Lance’s’, yes she looked good.

She turned and opened the door and walked out to Jackson who was standing at her fridge having helped himself to a coke, he spun around as she entered the large living room. She looked amazing, he smiled at her.

“You look beautiful,” as he winked at her “nevertheless I thought you looked lovely in your robe”, she poked him in the ribs jokingly.

“Don’t tease me Jackson.”

Jackson smiled as he leaned into her, she could feel his breath on her neck, which sent shivers down her spine, his lips now caressing her neck with soft alluring kisses, “Let’s not go out, let’s stay in” he whispered to her.

His hand moved over the satin of her dress, his lips now moving towards her mouth. She knew if she had kissed him, they wouldn’t have made it to the bedroom.

“That’s nice, is that all you want me for?”

Rebecca laughed as she moved out of his reach
he put his now idle hand into the trouser pocket,

“Well I do like your mind too as you very well know” he smiled, as he grabbed her hand, “you look amazing Rebecca, come on we’d better be off”.

Jackson grabbed his keys off the counter work-top. They were nearly out the door when Rebecca remembered she had forgotten her Lemiena wrap, and dashed back into her room with a shout of “Wait a minute” to poor Jackson, who was now leaning casually against the door frame, he looked up as she walked towards him,
god he was so fucking handsome
, she thought as she walked towards him while he held the door open for her.

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