How to Catch Butterflies (9 page)

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Authors: Samantha Fontien

BOOK: How to Catch Butterflies
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“I’ve been really trying baby.... trying to hold back this feeling for soooo long…” He was trying not to cum and the music and lyric’s really wasn’t helping his urgent situation. As ‘Let’s get it on’ filled the air.

He grabbed Lucy’s arms and pulled her gently up to him. George starred into her eyes, his body trembling. If she touched him anywhere he would have released his load, there and then.

Lucy had a glint in her eye as she turned and faced the wall placing her hands against it

“Are you going to arrest me?” She whispered as she looked over her shoulder seductively.

George’s body trembled still. He saw her back arch; she was awaiting him to take her. He quickly pulled her lace panties to the side, grabbing his length, slipping it inside her slowly in fear of erupting. George forced her up against the wall as drove himself into her, still desparately trying not to cum with every thrust he made.

He could feel her clench down on him; she was so tight which only heightened his arousal. Even his tip throbbed and tingled. He stopped, trying to remain still, trying not to move a single muscle as she squeezed down on him again. He tingled from head to toe.

He’d never felt like this about anyone. And it wasn’t because of what she was doing to him. Lucy could feel how close he was. She didn’t care she could feel his hardness in her throbbing. He cupped her breast squeezing slightly. He started to thrust again slower, pushing deeper into her as she groaned in delight. He groaned as he rammed his full length into her as he came long and hard.

A breathless George tried to steady himself again both hands on the wall. His legs were shaking; he leaned on her back kissing it tenderly.

“Lucy,” he whispered. “I love making love to you.” He tried to catch his breath.

Lucy was out of breathe too. She flung her head back sending her Long Dirty blond hair over her shoulders exposing the straps of her bra and laughed as she turned to look at him.

“No Georgie, it’s just
sex. The sooner you come to grips with that the better,” she dipped under his out stretched arms.

Lucy slowly made her way up the cream carpeted stairs. She coyly looked over her shoulder, “You coming?” She had a wicked smile on her face.

Lucy continued up the stairs to the luxurious Cream Master Suite. George stood there for a second
Boy this girl was something else.
He quickly followed her upstairs.

When he got to the bedroom, Lucy was lying on the Cream Egyptian Cotton covered bed waiting for him. She had removed her lingerie and was lying there naked awaiting him.

George dived on the bed next to her, he loved looking at her. They made love again several times that night before she fell asleep. George lay there naked except for the top sheet that was draped over them both.

He lay against a large stack of pillows. Lucy lay cuddled up beside him on her side asleep. He brushed his fingers over her caressing her silky exposed side. He could see her tattoo of a colorful Butterfly that was in the centre of her right bottom cheek. He repeatedly encircled it tenderly with the tip of his finger.

“Great birthday present. Best Birthday Ever. I love you Lucy,” he whispered to the sleeping Lucy kissing her softly on the top of her head.

He was comfortably numb as he closed his eyes and fell sound asleep.

Chapter 7

‘There Goes My Hero’

Rebecca sat at her desk tinkering with her keyboard trying desperately to concentrate on the stack of paperwork in front of her; Jason was on her mind. She could feel her stomach flutter with each mental picture she had of him. She thought of him, the feel of him pressing against her. The thought of remembering the feel of his hard man tip, she could feel the ache and thump in her groin.

It was her first week back after the break up with David. Her head was still trying to adjust into work mode. Thank God the swelling and bruising had gone, well almost. Nothing that a good touch of make-up couldn’t hide, she hated doing it, but it had to be done.

She was shuffling through a stack papers, when Lucy called, Purring about her weekend with the ‘
Birthday Boy’
and what she had done to surprise him.

“You dirty girl Lucy,” she laughed as Lucy told her all the gory details.

She suddenly felt embarrassed. How could she explain about what she had done with Jason? Lucy knew he was David’s best friend and how complicated this situation it would be. It wasn’t rocket science.

Her weekend with Jason had been incredible. It had been a long time since she had felt happy like this. It just went to show how awful things were between her and David. They had woken up late and everything had been a rush for them both to get out the door to their prospective employments now she didn’t know where she stood. She didn’t even know when she would be seeing him, if she would ever see him again.

She had almost a week of getting used to the emptiness of being alone in her house, and then Jason. Rebecca’s stomach fluttered again with the thought of Jason. She wondered if she had ‘jumped out of the frying pan and into the fire’.

Although the weekend had been amazing, come this morning when she was alone, the remorse and self-doubt had started to take over. What had she done? What were they doing? His best friend ‘Oh
’ she thought. She had given in far too quickly. She had let her emotions and desires overcome her as she thought again about his gorgeous face, his kisses,
Oh God:
her self-respect was completely gone now. ‘
I feel like such a whore’
she thought shaking her head.

Lucy had been chatting away when she realized Rebecca was not responding to anything she had said.

“What’s up Becs?” she asked; concern in her voice.

“Oh nothing,” said Rebecca trying hard to sound normal.

”Come on I know you. What’s happened?”

There was silence at the other end of the phone.

“Rebecca Keane! What happened? TELL ME!” Lucy said sternly a montage of scenario’s flashing into her head all mainly involving that shithead David.

‘Nah, she would have called’
she thought dismissing those.

“Hold on I’m closing my office door,” said Rebecca. Lucy heard the door close.

Rebecca took a long deep breath and spoke...

“Right, you ready? God my mouth is so dry. Right... I slept with Jason...All weekend, he left for work this morning from mine!” Lucy squealed with laughter in response.

“What the fuck? You are FUCKING joking,” she laughed. “And you have the cheek to call me a dirty girl” taunting Rebecca as she laughed. Rebecca cringed inside.

“Right... Lunch... I’m on my way” Lucy commanded.

Rebecca could hear Lucy moving obviously grabbing her bag and coat in the background of her office.

“Lucy, I’ve a stack of work to do. I can’t,” Rebecca protested

“Sod that for a game of solders. NO excuses, I’ll come to you ....with Sushi ....AND! .... I’m NOT asking I’M TELLING YOU....see you soon, you naughty girl.” She teased.

And with that Lucy hung up before Rebecca could protest any further leaving her starring into the receiver of the phone.

In what seemed like no time at all Lucy was there.

“And I bear chopsticks and Sake,” she proclaimed standing in Rebecca’s office door.

Lucy entered kicking the door shut with the back of her heels, she made for Rebecca’s desk. She walked to the desk setting the brown paper bag down in front of them both. Plopping herself down on the chair opposite, pointing the chopsticks at Rebecca.

“So spill....and I’ll play mother.” Lucy reached into the bag and started dividing the contents between them as she looked at Rebecca waiting for her to speak.

“Oh God Lucy. Where do I start?” Rebecca looked extremely sheepish, her hands at her temples.

“With Sake of course,” replied Lucy as she poured the first of the two small ceramic flasks called
into the Choko cups in front of her.

As the Sake flowed, so did the story of what had happened with Jason, her first orgasm and the amazing weekend she had spent in his arms.

”Hmm, I see where you’re coming from. The revenge thing, I like it. It’s not like he doesn’t deserve it!” said Lucy. “If that’s what you’re doing.” Lucy shrugged her shoulders.

Rebecca was shocked, she hadn’t even thought about it like that. The thought of it made her feel cheap and dirty.

“Oh god, NO! Lucy. It wasn’t like that at ALL! It was lovely, tender,” Rebecca protested.

Lucy looked at Rebecca, pointing her chopsticks again at Rebecca as she spoke.

“But it’s a highly complicated situation this Jason thing. That’s the reality of it sorry, but you’ve spent the last seven years in a relationship tied to David. Yes? You were loyal to the end playing good wifey, wifey.”

She also wanted to add
and where did that get you?
But decided against it going for another approach when she saw Rebecca’s reactions to what she was saying.

“What your 23. You’re going to be 24 soon? Look we ARE young. Life gives us lessons. It’s up to us to learn from them. Otherwise, we just keep repeating the same old mistakes. I don’t know about you, but you only have to kick me in the arse ONCE!”

She looked at Rebecca; she reached over touching her hand affectionately.

“Look Becs, there’s lots of fish out there, it’s a big sea. Believe me. Jason will have you playing house in no time, if he hasn’t already. How you going to tell David? You know people will talk and say the two of you were having an affair all along? I’m just saying not being mean hun, you know I love you, but you know what I’m saying is true. SORRY.... I know it’s not what you want to hear.” Lucy leaned back into her seat.

Lucy had made perfect sense; people would think that. People always did think the worst.

“You know what you need is.” Lucy paused before she continued “You need a concert. And I have tickets for some band TONIGHT and,” as she paused again.

“Drum roll please. I have backstage passes. And they will have bubbles.” Lucy smiled at Rebecca.

“Come on. It will be a laugh. Look.... trust me ....I’m a Gynecologist,” joked Lucy.

“It’s… Err” stuttered Rebecca shaking her head no.

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