I Opia (8 page)

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Authors: B Jeffries

BOOK: I Opia
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Vince was always amazed by his fellow gays, their world and their willingness to help. Eric had opened this world to him and now Vince was glad. He was much more confident that he would have been before dating Eric. Chavez was more than flattered that Vince, such a beautiful man, would want to learn from him. The interview and Vince’s insistence of wanting to ‘learn at the master’s feet’ worked. Vince had secured his entry into the home of the Mortons for their upcoming charity event. Actually, it was even better than that.

The best part of Vince’s internship with Chavez was that he would scout out the home and the setting prior to the event with Chavez. Chavez felt that this would give Vince a true feel for how he “felt” how his events should be laid out.

“You do understand about what I mean about feeling an event, don’t you?” Chavez had inquired tossing his hair.

Vince had felt himself blush, “With you, I am sure I will understand it fully.”

Since he would be staying in San Francisco to work with Chavez for the next two weeks on events, including the Morton’s, he called Blaine to give her the news.

He was a bit surprised by her frosty response, “So, let me get this straight. You get to stay in a fancy hotel and prance around with Anthony Chavez for the next two weeks. I, on the other, hand, get to pack up all our crap, load it in the RV and drive BY MYSELF all the way from Austin, Texas to San Francisco. Is that how this is going down?”

“Well now, B, I hadn’t really thought of it that way, but yes, I suppose that is how this has to work. I am sorry. But this is for the best. By the way, I will email you a list of things . . . “

“Yes, Mr. Marcellias, you just email me your list of things.” And with that she slammed down the phone.

And so Vince had been by Anthony’s side for two weeks going from venue to venue. He had the opportunity to work two events prior to the Mortons’ party. Vince admired how Chavez would walk through an entire home, commanding his staff to move this, place that, or set this up. Vince realized that he was learning more than event planning. He was also learning how to work with the extremely wealthy. Vince was in total admiration of how Chavez could ease his way into and out of every situation. He also realized that he was developing a huge crush on Chavez.

Four days before the event, Blaine had the RV loaded and ready. She set out alone on the almost 1,800 mile trip to San Francisco.
Some partner I have
, she had thought bitterly,
he is there hobnobbing with some famous guy he has a crush on and I am driving this stupid RV by myself.
She realized she was being petty, but allowed herself to wallow just a bit of self-pity.

After all, this had been her idea, her plan, yet she felt like she had gotten the short end of the stick. Driving an RV across the country just wasn’t exactly how she envisioned this new life. Yet she had continued to drive, determined that they would pull this off and prove to Julian Chow that they could. Blaine was well aware that the need to be successful was more than just the monetary reward—for her, it was a need to prove herself worthy to Julian.

Vince, on the other hand, was touring the Morton’s home with Anthony Chavez. Chavez kept asking him how he felt about a table here, or felt about the bar being there, etc. Vince was so intent on impressing Chavez, that he forgot that he was supposed to be casing the joint. Okay, casing the joint was Blaine’s funny expression. In all honesty, he needed to be looking to see where the paintings were. Luckily, Chavez unwittingly helped Vince realize there was yet another very important detail he needed to consider.

“Dahling,” Chavez had purred to Mrs. Morton, “Do let us know all that you need. Will there be security? Do you want one of us in each room to watch things and attend to the guests?”

“Well, I think having a waiter in each room would be wonderful. However, I don’t think we need to watch them. Surely none of our guest would harm anything.” She giggled a bit, “We do have cameras—you know how Henry can be,” she giggled again and rolled her eyes.

“Very well, then, we shall just have waiters move through the rooms. We will leave the rest to you and to Henry’s cameras.” Chavez had said as he flipped his hair and motioned for Vince to follow him.

Vince realized that Blaine’s casing the joint phrase may entail more than just seeing where the paintings were and the nearest exit.

Chavez was writing in his notebook when Vince interrupted, “Anthony, do you mind if I walk through again, you know, by myself, to see if I really have the ‘feel’ for the layout?”

Anthony looked at him and tapped his pen on his chin, “You know, Vince, I think that is an excellent suggestion. I would love to see if you ‘feel’ anything different than what we decided.”

Vince just smiled at him, “Thanks, Anthony.” And for the next 30 minutes, Vince had the opportunity to roam the Morton’s home with his own notebook as if he were checking for party details.

Blaine finally arrived at the RV park
on the outskirts of San Francisco. She had stayed at three state parks along the way. She and Vince figured that would save them money. Blaine arrived wearing a black halter-top and her white daisy duke shorts. The woman at the registration desk raised an eyebrow when Blaine walked in the office to check in. It wasn’t until much later that Blaine understood the woman’s suspicion. Apparently some people thought that the only young, single women who checked into RV parks were those who were paid by the hour for their services. The woman didn’t want any of that there. Of course at the time, Blaine had no idea about this misperception and thus did not understand the resistance from the woman.

“So the reservation for Anderson is for you?” the woman had asked.

“Yes, just like I said, I am Blaine Anderson. I have a reservation for a parking spot for tonight.”

“Uh huh. So it says here there are two adults. I only see one. When do you anticipate the ummm other adult to show up?” the woman had asked eyeing Blaine suspiciously.

What the hell is wrong with this woman? Holy crap! It’s an RV park!
“Well, the other adult will most likely show up after the event I am attending.” Blaine had responded.

“I see. A male adult?” the woman had asked.

Who the hell cares? Boy, girl, little bitty squirrel! Check me in!
Blaine smiled and replied, “Yes, a male adult will be staying the night with me. He will not arrive until after the event.” She then glanced at her watch and realized that if this back and forth continued, she would be late. She still had to dress.

“Could you please just check me in so I can park?”

“Well, we don’t allow no monkey business here, you catch my drift?” the woman had asked.

The only drift I am catching is that you are a wacko.
Blaine realized she desperately needed to park, dress, and get to the event. She hadn’t a clue as to where to find another RV park and certainly had no clue what this woman’s problem was.

“I am incredibly sorry. Monkey business?” Blaine had smiled and asked.

“Yea, monkey business. You know what I am talking about. Men, by the hour, in and out, after events. We don’t want none of that here.” The woman replied staring down Blaine.

Blaine’s eyes widened as she realized what the woman was implying. Her first impulse was to crawl across the desk and smack her, but again she calmed herself.
I have to get dressed!!!!!!

“Ohhhhh, I see. I assure you there will be no men by the hour. I have a business partner who is helping with an event. Ummm, I am helping with the event too. He is already there and I really, really, have to get there as well. I promise. No Monkey Business. We are out of here first thing tomorrow. No problems, not a peep.” And Blaine flashed her most charming smile.

The woman had sat there for what seemed an eternity and said, “Okay, you are in slot D6. If there is even a whiff of Monkey Business, we will ask you to leave.”

“Thank you, I totally understand,” said Blaine.
This place is a dump, who the hell would notice Monkey Business?

Blaine had giggled all the way to D6.
Holy crap! That is funny. So instead of being a thief, I am also now a whore. This just gets better by the minute.

She hastily hooked up the RV. She waved and smiled at the older couple in the space next to her. The man had almost dropped the utensil he was using to grill when he saw Blaine crawl out of the RV in her shorts and halter-top. He was fascinated as he watched her bend over to hook up the RV and get it ready. His wife, on the other hand, was not as amused.

If looks could kill, I would be dead! Speaking of kill, Vinny, I am going to kill you! Everyone here thinks I am some kind of whore!
And then she had started to laugh uncontrollably. Maybe because of the silliness of the situation—coming to steal two paintings only to be thought of as a prostitute in an RV park and partly because of her nerves and the exhaustion of driving for three days by herself. This was a huge night for her and Vinny. So she had waved at the couple next door, smiled, and then rushed inside to get dressed.

She was once again thankful that Chow had paid a portion of the fee up front. She and Vince had needed the money to pick out a beautiful gown for Blaine. It was very tasteful. The gown was a cranberry color that revealed no cleavage. However, there was a high slit in the front that revealed one of her beautiful legs when she walked. In the back, it was cut to the base of her spine and stopped just above the top of her buttocks. She fixed her hair in a messy, but elegant up-do so as not to ruin the view of her back. Vince said it was the perfect outfit for tonight.

“Perhaps, B, if you have to make a quick getaway, they will be distracted by your back and let you get away, “ he had teased her.

She stepped out of the RV to walk to the front gate to wait for the driver she had arranged. Well, more correctly, the driver that Chow had helped her arrange. As she stepped out, her neighbors had two different reactions—the man’s eyes had widened and the woman’s eyes had narrowed.
Holy crap! Vinny and I did not think this through. We are not as invisible in an RV as we thought!
She had smiled and waved to the couple as if it were perfectly normal for a single, young woman to step out of an RV in a glamorous gown with stiletto heels.

She lifted her dress and gingerly walked toward the gate. She was relieved to see that the limo was waiting. Also waiting was the woman who had checked her in. Blaine smiled at her as the driver opened the door for her to climb in. The woman was not amused. “I mean it! No Monkey Business!!!!”

“Yes, ma’am. I totally understand.” And then giggled as the driver closed the door. On the ride over to the Mortons’ house, Blaine couldn’t help but smile. She had been in a limo more times in the past few weeks than in her lifetime.
I hope this is just going to become the normal thing for me. To have nice dresses, ride in nice cars, and go to nice parties.
For now, however, it was still an appreciated luxury.

As Blaine was enjoying the ride, Vince was literally working his ass off.
Some partner I have. I am working my butt off to get this event set up and she is probably riding in some fancy limo having a cocktail wearing the dress that I picked out. What have I gotten myself into?

At that moment Chavez came around the corner and gave him a pat on the butt, “You are doing fabulous, Vince, just fabulous.” He had then tossed his hair and walked off to continue giving directions.

Hmmm, well, maybe I don’t have it so badly after all.
The little pat and the glimmer in Chavez’s eyes gave Vince just the boost of energy he needed.

Blaine arrived at the event at almost the same time that Anthony was patting Vince’s behind. The driver opened the door and Blaine had stepped out. The slit in her dress worked nicely for her. She couldn’t help but notice the double take from a gentleman as he escorted a lady through the front door.
Well, alrighty then. At least the dress is working for me. Let’s hope the plan does too.

The driver gave Blaine’s name to the man checking in guests. He searched the guest list as Blaine’s stomach turned. It seemed like an eternity before he found her name.

“Blaine Anderson? Yes, here it is.” He said as he checked off her name. “Miss Anderson, enjoy your evening.” He said as he smiled at her.

The driver turned to Blaine, “Miss Anderson, when you are ready to leave, please let me know and I will pick you up here.”

“Thank you,” she said to both. Then she took a deep breath as she walked in.
Okay, B, it is show time. Do your best!

She was incredibly nervous as she walked in. She realized that she knew no one and was without an escort.
Another thing Vinny and I didn’t think through!
It was up to her to work the room, get to know the Mortons and more importantly, to help Vince secure the paintings. She was relieved when she entered to see Vinny across the room arranging hor d'oeuvres and chatting with an older woman whom she later realized was Mrs. Morton. He looked up and saw her. He smiled briefly to let her know all was well, but other than that did not acknowledge that he knew her.

Luckily a waiter with a tray of champagne came by. Blaine was most grateful as she took a glass and sipped the bubbly sensation.
Careful, girl, you must keep your wits about you tonight.
She walked up to a small group of people and introduced herself. She was involved with cocktail party chitchat when she noticed a couple walking in the door.

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