I Opia (4 page)

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Authors: B Jeffries

BOOK: I Opia
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Julian Chow rose to his feet and greeted her by taking her hand and kissing it, “Miss Anderson. It is a pleasure to see you again.”

She felt the electricity of the kiss on her hand flow all the way through her body. She quickly regrouped and reminded herself:
Blaine, remain calm. Learn what you can.

“Mr. Chow. The pleasure is mine.” She said as the maître d' pulled out her chair for her to be seated. She could not help but notice once again how beautiful Julian Chow was. His skin was smooth. His eyes were bright and piercing. He was perfect from head to toe. Not a hair, not a stitch, not a button out of place. What Blaine did not realize was that Julian Chow was also admiring his dinner partner. She was even more beautiful than Elizabeth Wynne had described her. She was also just as smart as Elizabeth had assured him that she would be.

“Miss Anderson, I have taken the liberty of ordering us a bottle of wine. Would you prefer a cocktail before? Or perhaps a glass of champagne?” he asked.

As he spoke, Blaine noticed that even his teeth and lips were perfect. “Champagne would be great, thank you. And, please call me Blaine. Miss Anderson seems so formal.”

“Miss Anderson, this IS formal.” He said as he called the
maître d' over and ordered a bottle of Veuve Cliquot Grand Dame and the caviar brochette for an appetizer.

“Let me be clear.” He continued, “While I find you extremely attractive and intriguing, my intent is to conduct business. Important business that I think will be profitable to us both.”

All Blaine heard was that he found her attractive and intriguing. She was already forgetting Vince’s lecture to keep her wits about her.
Damn, this man is beautiful!

As they enjoyed the champagne and the caviar, Blaine stared at the menu struggling to determine what she should eat.
I am so intimidated, I can’t even think! I can’t even decide what to eat.

“Without being presumptuous, may I order for you?,” Chow asked as if reading her mind. She looked up and realized that he had been watching her.

Disconcerted, she accepted his offer readily, “Yes, please. That would be wonderful. Everything looks so good that I just can’t seem to make up my mind,” she replied.
How am I even going to eat with all these butterflies in my stomach?

The waiter returned to the table. Chow had ordered a bottle of 2000 Lynch Bages to be served with dinner. He then ordered Blaine beef tenderloin and ordered lamb for himself. He carefully instructed the waiter to take his time serving the next course to allow them to enjoy their champagne. He folded the menu, handed it to the waiter and looked at Blaine, “I assume you like beef,” he said.

“Yes, I do, very much,” replied Blaine. She was becoming more fascinated with him by the minute. It was as if he knew everything about her, including what she was thinking.

“Miss Anderson, why don’t you tell me more about yourself and your plans for the future,” Chow asked as he smiled at her and sipped his champagne.

HE wants to know about ME? MY plans?
She returned his smile and sipped the liquid courage in her glass. “Well, I have owned the Gallery for about two years. I am buying it from Elizabeth Wynne. A wonderful woman and a great mentor. We are struggling a bit in this market, but please be assured Mr. Chow, we know our business and we can help you.”

“I am most certain of that, “ he said. “Continue.”

Blaine looked at him puzzled.

He smiled, “Please tell me about your plans for the future.”

“Oh, yes, the future,” Blaine took another sip, “Well, I have been thinking a lot about that lately. I am going to be 30 in just a few months . . .”

“Still a baby, Miss Anderson. I assure you. Still a baby.”

“Well, it doesn’t feel like that Mr. Chow.” She hesitated,
How much should I tell him?
Deciding honesty was the best policy, “I really enjoy the gallery and working with the clients. I just wish I could find a way to make more money. I had hoped to be a bit more financially secure by this point.”

“There is still plenty of time, Miss Anderson. That said, perhaps I can help you obtain that goal.”

Before Blaine could respond, the waiter returned and cleared the table. Chow nodded that they were ready for the wine to be poured and the dinner to be served. Blaine watched Chow, fascinated with his elegance.
Of all the clients Elizabeth and I have ever worked with, this man is the most impressive. In fact, the most impressive man I have ever met period.
They remained silent as the sommelier poured their wine and their dinner was placed on the table.

Blaine felt the need to break the silence. “Now it is your turn, Mr. Chow. Please tell me about your enterprises and your plans for the future.”

She was captivated as he described the past 25 years of his life. Not only was he successful, he definitely had an appreciation for the finer things in life. Though his father was extremely successful, Chow had decided to make his way on his own. The money earned, the possessions garnered were then truly his own. No one could dictate to him how to spend his money.

It was obvious that he had no problem mowing down anyone that got in his way—whether in business or in obtaining possessions for his collections. He described to Blaine in detail the demolishing of competitors through ruthless measures. He would dispose of partners who had not, in his opinion, carried their fair-share. While Matthew’s research had better prepared her, she was just beginning to understand the true conquering nature of Julian Chow.
I could learn so much from him!

As the dinner winded down
, Blaine realized that she was totally enamored with this man. Not only was he gorgeous, he was successful, driven, and intelligent. All of these were like an aphrodisiac to her. He had shared his ruthless business nature. Yet at the same time, he showed great compassion when speaking of his sons. He had also shown great passion when speaking of his collections. Through the entire evening, however, he kept his manner formal.

It suddenly occurred to Blaine that they had not yet discussed the items he wished to obtain. She had been so engrossed in learning more about him that she was embarrassed to admit that she had forgotten her true reason for being here. “Julian . . . um . . . Mr. Chow . . . we haven’t discussed the items of interest to you yet. “ Blaine said, catching herself for being too personal.

“You are correct, Miss Anderson. We haven’t. We will. In due course.”

Blaine wasn’t quite sure how to respond. “Certainly, Mr. Chow, you understand I will do whatever is in my power to please you.” She said flushing a bit.
And, yes, I meant that how it sounded.

“That is excellent to know, Miss Anderson. Most excellent.”

He then summoned the maître d' over. “Will you please inform my driver that Miss Anderson will be departing shortly?”

I am not ready to depart!
“Mr. Chow, have I said something to offend you? If so, I am truly sorry.”

“No, Miss Anderson. It is just that I prefer to keep business separate from pleasure. It makes life much more simple. I like simple.” He said staring into Blaine’s eyes without blinking.

Perhaps it was the alcohol, or the fact that she had not been this attracted to a man before, but she decided to plunge in. Vinny would just have to understand, “Mr. Chow. I am simple. I can conduct your business and be your pleasure.”
There! I said it.

There was silence for what seemed an eternity. Julian Chow stared intently at Blaine Anderson. Her hands were fidgeting under the table, waiting for a reply while his were folded in a temple under his chin.

The maître d' came to the table, “Mr. Chow, the driver is ready to escort Miss Anderson home.” Again, silence.

Finally, Chow broke his gaze with Blaine and looked at the maître d'. “Please let the driver know that I will be escorting Miss Anderson home myself. Thank you.”

“As you wish, Mr. Chow.” Replied the maître d’ as he bowed and left the table. Blaine finally allowed herself to breathe.

“Excuse me, Miss Anderson, I must return a call.” And with that he excused himself from the table.

Blaine was left alone.
What just happened?
Did I do the right thing? What about what Vinny said . . .Holy crap! Vinny!
She reached into her purse for her phone. She wanted to let him know where she was and then saw she had a text from him:

Hope you are having fun and “chowing” down! LOL! Eric and I are going to the movie. Staying with him tonight. See you tomorrow. BEHAVE! XOXOXO

I just got a hall pass. No explanation needed! Hmmm. . . maybe Miss Karma is on my side for once.
Her thoughts were interrupted by Chow returning to the table. She smiled up at him.

“Miss Anderson, you have much to learn.” And with that, he offered her his hand.

The velvet of the blindfold
was soft on her skin. She could smell the leather of the bindings, even though she couldn’t see them. Without the sense of sight, her other senses were heightened. She could hear Chow gently pacing around her, but because of the cuffs she couldn’t reach out to touch him. She could only try and sense when he was getting near.

Patience was never one of her virtues, and now the waiting, the smelling, the hearing, the feeling of the bindings and the blinding were driving her to distraction.
What the hell?
The drive to Chow’s hotel had been mostly in silence. Upon entering Chow’s massive hotel suite, he had asked her if she was ready to learn. She had responded that she was, and now here she was, spread eagle, naked, blindfolded and bound.

She opened her mouth to speak only to have him place a ball gag in her mouth and secure the band around her head. Though it startled her, it wasn’t entirely unpleasant. In fact, the ball was flavored so now her sense of taste was also fully engaged.
Interesting, Some man finally has my full and undivided attention.
However, as she was to learn, not just any man.

Suddenly, she smelled something . . . a candle . . . and before she could even wonder what was happening, she felt hot wax drip on her right nipple. “Arrrrh,” she gasped through the gag as she pulled against the restraints that held her ankles and her wrists.

“STOP,” he ordered her, and then whispered in her ear “Breathe and remain calm. You have much to learn.”

Breathe? Learn?
But before panic fully set in, she realized that the wax had cooled and hardened around her nipples creating a tantalizing feeling that she felt all the way between her legs.
Holy crap, Now, THIS, could indeed be a big deal.
And before she could think further, her left nipple felt the same hot, burning sensation that caused her body to arch in an attempt to rise above the bed, but she did not make a sound. She was a fast learner.

Instead, she waited. And, yes, the same cooling, hardening around the nipple set in. And all she could think was that she wanted more. Once again he seemed to read her mind. He took the candle and began to drip the hot wax between her breasts, and then drop by drop down her belly. Though each drop was hot, it cooled and hardened just as the next drop fell. The sensation of hot and then cold working its way down her body was incredible. If only she had a free hand, she would have touched herself and allowed herself the release that she craved.

She could only hope that as the wax dripped down her body that it, or he, would hit the mark between her legs. But that hope was soon dashed, when instead, the next drop hit her upper right thigh. Just close enough to the mark for her to feel the heat from between her legs shoot up to her head, making her feel as if she would explode if she did not get release soon. The next drop of hot wax coming just as the drop before cooled, worked its magic as it worked his way down each leg.

I really can’t take much more of this. I am going to explode.

Again, seeming to read her mind Chow whispered in her ear, “And now a little something to cool you off.” The feeling of his breath on her ear was as sensual as the words he spoke.

And as her mind went a million miles an hour trying to figure out his next move, she felt his tongue. His cooling tongue. She felt the cooling, tingling sensation work its way up her body. She could not think any more rational thoughts because the sensation was so overwhelming that she could not come to grasp with what was happening. She couldn’t move. She couldn’t see. She couldn’t speak. But, she could

His tongue began softly at first. All she could do is moan as the soft, cool sensation encompassed her entire body. He was careful to be sure that he never took her over the tipping point, but instead, licked just enough to take her to the edge.

As her sense of need increased, so did the pressure of his tongue, until at last he was sucking her pressure point. The cooling, tingling sensation made it even more intense and she became totally unaware of the hardened wax, the restraints, the blindfold. All she could think about or feel was the wet, warm yet cooling sensation of his mouth as he owned every part of her.

And, then she could stand it no more. Her body arched and shuddered with the explosion that began between her legs and coursed through her body and shot through her brain. She groaned through the gag and gasped for air. And before she could fully come down, he was there again, sucking harder. Licking harder. And her body responded by coming harder. The second time was even more intense. She couldn’t control herself from pulling at the restraints as her body shuddered and exploded.

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