I Opia (6 page)

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Authors: B Jeffries

BOOK: I Opia
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The waiter returned with their coffee. Blaine took a sip of hers as she gathered her thoughts. “So, Mr. Chow. If a person were to “procure” as you call it, these items not on the market, they would be assuming a great deal of risk.”

“That’s correct, Miss Anderson. They would. That’s why I would pay very well for such items. I would make it worth the risk. That said I am not sure you are worth the risk.”

“What does that mean?” Blaine flared insulted.

“It means that I was clear that I do not mix business with pleasure. It becomes too complicated and one cannot think clearly. It means you drank too much and were not clear in your thoughts last night nor this morning. It means that within minutes, I had you tied up in a vulnerable position. You do not know me, Miss Anderson. That was not a wise move. In fact, it was foolish. I do not do business with foolish people.”

Tears came to Blaine’s eyes and she felt her face flush. As insulted as she was, she knew he was right. Chow drank his coffee and watched her.

Blaine took a deep breath and wiped the tears from her eyes. She straightened her shoulders and looked Chow in the eyes, “Mr. Chow, you are correct. It was indeed foolish. I would like you to reconsider me for your business proposition. While I am not exactly sure how I will go about procuring all the items, I will figure out a way. Elizabeth was right about me. She was also right that I desperately need the money to keep the gallery open.”

“Then, Miss Anderson, you need to understand. If we do business together, that will be all. The pleasure part will no longer be an option. Am I perfectly clear?”

“Yes. You are perfectly clear.” Blaine replied. Inside she felt incredibly disappointed.

“Good. Here is what I am willing to pay for my requests,” he said as he took an envelope out of his pocket and slid it across the table to her.

Blaine opened the envelope and pulled out the paper and her eyes widened briefly.
Holy crap! This is more than enough money to keep the gallery open.
In fact, this is the most money I have ever seen!
She folded the paper and placed it back in the envelope. “Mr. Chow, we have a deal.”

“Excellent, Miss Anderson. You still have a lot to learn, but I believe you will be an excellent pupil.”

“I want to learn all I can. If procuring items that are not on the open market is lucrative, then I would be foolish, as you say, not to consider it. I am not foolish, Mr. Chow.” Blaine was growing more confident by the minute with her decision.

Mr. Chow stood. “Miss Anderson?” he said as he offered her his arm. This time Blaine placed her arm in his without assistance and the two walked back to the Gallery in silence.

Lia and Joe were inside waiting. Chow nodded to Lia who then reached into her briefcase and pulled out two large envelopes. She handed one to Blaine. Blaine sat down and opened it. Inside was a contract for the legitimate items on Chow’s list. The terms were spelled out. “I hope this is acceptable, Miss Anderson.”

“It is, Mr. Chow. However, I am a bit confused about, um, other items you may be wanting,” Blaine said.

“Miss Anderson, the other envelope contains some information that I would like for you to read. Over dinner tonight, we shall discuss,” Chow replied without expression, “My driver will pick you up at 8.”

And with that the three stood and walked out of the Gallery, leaving Blaine to stare at the door after them.

Dinner again tonight? What have I gotten myself into?

She walked over to Matthew’s desk, “
Matthew will you do me a favor? I need you to work your magic and research who owns 'The Nude in Blue' and 'Nude Reflections' both are Renoir paintings."

"Sure thing, boss. I will get right on it. Hey
Boss, everything okay?” Matthew asked. It was obvious he still didn’t like Chow and his entourage.

“Actually, Matthew, everything is okay. For the first time in a long time, I believe that everything is going to work out just fine. We are going to be better than okay.”

Blaine sat in their townhouse
waiting for Vince to come home. Everything that had happened since she last saw him was overwhelming.
Where to begin?
Vince walked in and saw Blaine on the couch with her legs folded under her. She appeared to be deep in thought. She held a glass of wine with another glass sitting on the coffee table.

"Hey, B, what's up? Everything okay?"

"Why does everyone keep asking me that?" she laughingly said. She jumped up and gave Vince a hug. "I missed you! So much to tell you! But first, I want to hear all about your date!"

For the next hour, Vince filled Blaine in on his last 24 hours. She was so excited to see him happy. The two gossiped back and forth and for a moment, Blaine did not even think about the business at hand that she needed to discuss.

Over the second glass of wine, Vince said, "Okay girl. Your turn, spill it. I want to know all about your evening with Julian Chow." Blaine immediately blushed.

Vince didn’t miss it, "Oh God, Blaine, you slept with him didn't you?"

"No! Dammit Vinny, you always think the worst," she giggled. And justified to herself,
Technically I am not lying. We didn't sleep together.

She handed him the envelope with Chow’s requests and with his offer of payment. Vince opened it, glanced at the request and then the sum of money being offered. His eyes widened. He looked at Blaine, “I really don’t understand. Why would someone pay this much. Blaine, this is a hell of a lot of money. Since when did selling art get you this much money?”

“It is a hell of a lot of money. More than you and I have ever seen in our lifetime. And just selling art doesn’t get you that much. As I told you before, there are two pieces that are not on the open market. We will need to procure those in order to get full payment.”

Vince looked quizzically at her and took a sip of wine. “Hmmm. . . there are two things I am not catching on to. One is that you plan to get two pieces of art that aren’t for sale. Two is “we.” How the hell do you plan to get items not on the market and who the hell is ‘we’?”

Blaine smiled, poured him another glass of wine, and said, “And now Mr. Marceillias, we get down to business.” She handed him the second envelope.

He suspiciously opened it and read the contents.

Miss Anderson:

The venture you are considering will be very lucrative. Not only will I make it so, but I will also be able to refer others to you that will also make so.

I have a few suggestions for you, some I have taken the liberty of moving forward with on your behalf.

1) Hide in the open. I suggest doing this by continuing a legal operation through which you will still conduct business.

2) Circulate with the rich. You will find the inventory you need. I have secured you a membership in the Austin Country Club. A set of golf clubs will be delivered to your Gallery by the end of the week. I have also scheduled golf lessons for you.

3) Trust only those vital to your success. The fewer people you engage in your efforts, the fewer people who will have access to information about you.

4) Learn what you are worth. Make your deal accordingly. Never accept a deal that is too big for you to successfully handle. Never accept a deal where you do not receive a portion up front.

5) Nothing in writing. Your reputation is all you have in this business. You will prove yourself with me. I will serve as your reference.

6) Learn to evaluate and assess inventory. This will help you secure the proper collectors.

7) Remember that at all times, I am your first and foremost client. All I ask is that my requests take precedence.


There was no signature on the letter. In fact, there was nothing to identify the author or the benefactor. Vince sat and just stared at the paper.

He finally looked up at Blaine, “So, I think I am beginning to understand that you intend to steal things for Julian Chow. You are now going to become a thief. And that your thievery will net you a nice profit. Have you lost your mind?”

“No, Vinny. I have not lost my mind, I have found my mind. I have found OUR way out of this mess. We have worked hard. We have worked legitimately. You hate your job and I cannot work enough hours to make mine pay. We are going to be 30 in two months and we live in this, “ Blaine motioned around the rundown townhouse the two shared, “We barely make it paycheck to paycheck. This man and this opportunity is offering us a way out. I need you. You and me are the “we” in this deal. WE can make this happen. WE can be rich.”

“Blaine, for God’s sake, you are asking me to steal. I just can’t do that.”

“No, Vinny, I am asking you to help me procure items from rich people for other rich people. It is our turn. It is our turn to be the rich. It is our turn not to worry about bills. It is our turn to have a break. Please, please, Vinny, I need you. I can’t do this alone.”

Vince put down his glass of wine. As always, he was silent when he didn’t know how to reply to Blaine.
This actually could work. But this is a big request, no actually this was HUGE. This is totally out of the box. This is crazy. But she is right, I hate my job. I hate being poor. I hate the fact we cannot seem to break that barrier of not having money. Yet, at the same time she is asking me to steal. Wait, sorry, ‘procure’ items.

“I need to sleep on this Blaine. I do. I am not going to say no, but I am not going to say yes.” And with that he disappeared into his bedroom.

Blaine stood with the whip in her hand
. She was dressed in a leather corset that pushed her breast up and in thigh high leather boots. She stood over Julian Chow who now assumed the position she had been in the night before only in reverse. He was face down. She felt incredibly insecure and out of place while at the same time she felt incredibly empowered. He had empowered her. He had placed himself in this position of vulnerability and her in this position of power. A position that she had never in her 29 years had or understood. But she also understood that this was her opportunity to learn. She did as he had told her and lashed the whip so that the straps crossed his back. He pulled against the restraints and a muffled groan was heard through his gag.

When the driver had picked up Blaine, she had expected to be dropped off at a restaurant. Instead, she was taken to the hotel where Chow was staying. The driver assisted her out of the car. Blaine looked confused and the driver informed her that Mr. Chow would meet her in his suite. She was even more confused. As she took the elevator to the top floor, she thought,
What the hell is he up to now?
And then realized she had no choice but to see this through.

She knocked on the suite door which Chow opened wearing nothing but a silk robe. He was barefoot. Blaine had been sure to wear a very conservative suit for what she thought was going to be a business discussion. She looked at him from head to toe. He acted as if nothing was wrong, “Miss Anderson, welcome. Come in.”

Blaine stood in the hallway. After the lecture he had given her about not being protective enough, about being too trusting, she thought he might be testing her again. Blaine Anderson was ready to make money. She was not in the mood to be toyed with or tested further. She was not about to walk into another situation where she was vulnerable.

“Miss Anderson, I understand your hesitation. Please come in. Let’s have a glass of wine.” Chow said as he motioned for her to come in.

Blaine tentatively stepped in the door. There was a bottle of wine open on the bar with two glasses. Chow walked over and filled each. Blaine remembered the two glasses she had already had with Vince and so very gingerly took a sip.

“What is this about Mr. Chow? I thought we were to discuss the final terms? I thought that we were now business only.”

“You have the terms, Miss Anderson. What you don’t have are the means. If the terms are acceptable, then tomorrow one-third of the amount will be transferred to an account I will set up for you. That will help support the means. With your new country club membership you have another step to the means that you need to get to the end. Tonight, you will learn a few more things.”

“I am not sure I understand,” Blaine said.

“You will fully understand. You must first understand that I reevaluated my rule of not mixing business with pleasure. I realized that it may not be the best business model for you. It also may not be the best pleasure model for me.”

“I still don’t understand.” Blaine said

“Tonight, you will be fully in charge. But, more importantly, you need to realize that being fully in charge puts you in a position of power. It puts you in a position of procuring items that you may need.”

She brought her attention back to the here and now and brought the whip down across Chow’s back again. He again pulled at the restraints and she could hear him groan. While the groaning disconcerted her at first, she remembered the night before when she too had groaned at the mix of pleasure and pain. The whip popped as she brought it down again.

She leaned down and whispered in his ear, “Julian, are you enjoying yourself?” He nodded silently.

She was suddenly very turned on. His body was as smooth and beautiful as his face. When he pulled against the restraints, his muscles tightened. Julian Chow certainly took care of himself. He was an extremely fit and sexy man. An extremely sexy man that was now totally in her control. She reached for the bottle of oil beside the bed and began to rub him with it. He became even sexier as the oil shined on his skin. Just as she began to feel him relax, she stood and took the whip and brought it down across his body. He pulled against the restraints. She repeated this process of soothing him with the oil and with her hands and then bringing the whip down across his back.

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