I Opia (2 page)

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Authors: B Jeffries

BOOK: I Opia
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Blaine smiled and replied:
Ravenous. You?

Starving. I have a craving.

Blaine felt her body respond.
Steady girl

She replied:
2 p.m. My house. Something hot and delicious will be waiting for you to eat.

Blaine sat at her desk and began musing over the questions and her past. Leading a double life had never been exactly easy. Yet she wouldn’t change her life for anything in the world. At almost 35, she truly had it all—a great partner who also was her closest friend, a successful business, enough money to buy what she wanted, and all the men she wanted.

She glanced at her watch,
Shit! I need to get going, Stephan will be on his way over.
She smiled to herself as she gathered up her belongings and stuffed them in her briefcase. Stephan was one of her best ways to relieve stress. He was a young, beautiful, and well-endowed fireman that certainly knew how to keep the flames hot.

On her way out, she stopped to let her assistant Delores know that she was heading out for a late lunch meeting. “I am not exactly sure if I will be back in the office today. Call me on my cell if there is anything urgent that needs to be handled.”

Delores smiled, “Will do. How did the press conference go?”

“I think it went well. It is always interesting to take a journey down memory lane. Think about it Delores, you have been with me now for almost four years. Look at all the changes. It was kind of fun to remember how iOpia, Inc. started. I don’t do that often enough. By the way, tell Vince that I will catch up with him tomorrow. I haven’t seen him all day.”

“Will do.” Delores said as she watched her boss leave. She always admired the way Blaine dressed—so sophisticated, yet just sexy enough. Delores was fiercely loyal to Blaine and very proud to be working for her. When Blaine spoke of helping other women, Delores was a perfect example. She knew most employers would think her too old to be working in this position, and she had been destitute and broke when Blaine met her at a coffee shop.

Delores recalled that day four years ago
. She had been sitting in the corner crying over bills she couldn’t pay. She had been laid off and couldn’t find work—at the time she had been in her late-50s. Most people wanted young and attractive administrative assistants.

Delores would never forget looking up at a beautiful, young, well-dressed woman who smiled at her and said, “I hope it isn’t all that bad. Are you okay? Do you need anything?” the woman had asked.

Delores remembered that a floodgate of tears and fears opened as the young woman sat down and listened to her tale of woe—having to miss work to care for a dying husband, only to have the employer lay her off after years of dedicated service. Then to be rejected time after time because she ‘wasn’t quite what they were looking for’ which she knew meant that she was too old and too worn out to be considered useful.

Little did she know that the next words out of Blaine’s mouth were almost the same as those that had earlier changed Blaine’s life, “Why don’t you come to work for me? I am looking for a new assistant, someone with experience who will be loyal.” Delores was hired on the spot. Blaine didn’t even want to see her resume. Just handed her a business card with the office address and said, “See you Monday, 8:30 a.m.”

And now four years later, the tiny office where Blaine and Vince had once worked was now a large suite located in downtown Austin. Instead of the three of them, there were now seven other associates working in the firm. The business of brokering art, antiques, and other fine collectibles was indeed profitable. Delores could afford to retire now, but she was so loyal that she would work for Blaine as long as she was able.

Blaine pulled into
her driveway
and saw Stephan’s truck. He was sitting on the front porch with a brown paper sack waiting. “Sorry sweetie. Traffic was heavy and I just couldn’t quite get out of the office soon enough.”

“No worries, baby. You can make it up to me. I am starving.”

As Blaine unlocked the door and disarmed the alarm, she asked, “What’s in the sack?”

“Just a snack, you’ll see . . .” he said with a sly grin.

He took her hand and pulled her into the bedroom. He grabbed her and gave her a long, deep kiss. She could feel his hardness through his jeans. Her body responded, as it always did for Stephan, and she felt her muscles tighten between her legs in anticipation. She took a deep breath and breathed in the smell of him. There was something about his scent, which didn’t come from cologne, but his natural raw scent that drove her to distraction.

Stephan was also driven with desire. He loved how powerful she looked in her suits with her beautiful legs accented by the ‘come fuck me’ stilettos she always wore. The first time he had laid eyes on her she was buckled in her car after being sideswiped by a drunk driver at an intersection. His unit was the first to respond to the scene.

He had approached the Mercedes and opened the driver’s side door. Her face was turned away from him and all he could see was long, dark hair. As he glanced down to check for injuries, he couldn’t help but notice the beautiful body and the long tan legs. “Ma’am, I am Stephan. I am with the Austin Fire Department. Are you injured? Do you need assistance?”

She had turned to face him and he couldn’t help but stare at the beautiful blue eyes before he noticed the trickle of blood from a small gash on her forehead. “I am fine. Just angry. What an asshole that guy was,” she had said as her eyes teared up, melting his heart. Stephan gently unbuckled her and carefully helped her swing her legs around. He helped her out of her car and had her sit on a stretcher. “Look, Really, I am fine,” she said again as he began to clean the wound on her forehead.

As he did, she began to calm down and finally look at the man who was assisting her. He was tall with blonde short hair and beautiful brown eyes. His body gave credit to hours of fitness training. In spite of the situation, she wanted him. After all, never let circumstances dictate whether or not to make an acquisition. Always make the decision based on the acquisition itself. And she had.

“Ma’am, I don’t think this cut needs stitches. It looks like your airbag just gave you a good pop. Do you hurt anywhere else?” he had asked.

“Yes,” she replied. “Here,” as she pointed to her right breast, “And, here,” as she pointed to her other breast. “And I think there is some pain here,” she said as she lifted her skirt and pointed to her inner thigh. Stephan had been as stunned as he was excited and flattered. “Um, there, um, really isn’t anything I can, um, do for those injuries here, ma’am” he said. He had hated the fact that he was stammering.

“I was hoping you could come by later and help me treat those injuries.” She replied as she looked him in the eye and smiled. “I’m Blaine by the way.”

The rest is just another chapter in Blaine’s sexual history. Here he was just a few short months later still treating Blaine’s “injuries” and loving every minute of it. The age difference didn't matter to him. In fact, it made her even sexier to him, as if that were possible.

He undressed her slowly and laid her on the bed holding her with just enough force that she could feel his hands squeezing into the small of her back. He slowly removed his clothes as she watched in anticipation and admiration. His body was truly a work of art. He reached for the sack and took out a can of whipped cream. She looked at him quizzically as he leaned forward and gave her another long, deep kiss. Her hand reached for his erection. The size and hardness of it always amazed her. He removed her hand and placed it beside her. “That's for desert baby. Let me enjoy the main course first.”

He took the can of whipped cream and slowly squirted some on each nipple. The cool, soft sensation travelled down her body and she could feel the sensation between her legs. He took the cream and sprayed a trail down her stomach. He spread her legs apart and placed the cool cream on each of her inner thighs. The sensation was incredible. She tried to force herself to steady her breathing in order to slow her reaction.

He knelt over her, one leg on either side of hers, bracing himself with his arms. The muscles in each arm were a visual treat as he lowered himself to lick the cream from each nipple. He began with a slow, licking motion and then firmly sucked. Blaine arched her back and groaned with desire. He came up from each nipple and gave her a long, hard kiss. She could taste the sweetness of the whipped cream on the warmth of his tongue. She sucked on his tongue, savoring the warm sweetness. She thought she would come undone.

Stephan, however, wasn’t finished. He began to lick the cream from her body, working his way down. She wanted him to lick her where she needed it most and to give her the release she desperately desired. Instead, he moved to her inner thighs, gently licking the cream off of each one and moving closer to her pleasure point.

“And now for the main course,” he said as he buried his face between her legs. As he enjoyed her taste and her heat, he was even more stimulated by lifting his eyes from between her legs to see her beautiful body, gleaming with the sticky sweetness of the cream. Her head was tilted back to reveal her beautiful throat and neck through the fullness of her breasts. His hardness stiffened even more.

As he continued to lick, he took his hand and used one finger in rhythm with his tongue to tickle the outer part of her anus. The tickling sensation, coupled with the firmness of his tongue on her clitoris was overwhelming. As she came, she shouted out, and grabbed his hair with her hands. He tasted the sweetness of her release as he drank her in with his mouth and with his eyes.

He placed her legs back together and once again straddled her. He sprayed whipped cream on his erection and then began to stoke himself while never taking his eyes off of her. She stared at his powerful body and his perfect erection as he stroked it in his hand. His breathing intensified, as did the stroking of his hand. As his breathing quickened, so did his hand. He only took his eyes off her as his head leaned back and his eyes closed as he came. His release was strong and his warm cum shot onto her body and mixed with the whipped cream. It was hard to tell his cum from the other sticky sweetness. She took her hands and massaged his cum onto her skin. The smell of their sex was delicious.

Stephan fell beside her on the bed, exhausted and pleased. He rolled to his side and brushed the hair off her face as he looked into her blue eyes. “Baby, what are you thinking?”

“That we need to have lunch more often.” She purred
. And that you just may be one of my favorite acquisitions.
She thought to herself.



Chapter 2: The Coming Out


Like Blaine, Vince had struggled
to pay for College. He would have quit many times over if it weren’t for her. They roomed together to save money, but money wasn’t his biggest struggle. The biggest struggle was his sexuality and all the people that would be disappointed when, and if, he ever came out. Blaine already knew, of course.

Prior to her calling him out, he knew that he felt different about girls than his friends did. It was more than just that he thought girls had “cooties.” He just really didn’t see what all the fuss was about when his friends drooled over pictures of naked women. It wasn’t until he and a few friends were looking at Internet porn and they stumbled across a clip of two men having sex that Vince fully realized he was different. While his friends were exclaiming, “Gross!” “Creepy” “Sick!” Vince was feeling aroused. Totally and embarrassingly aroused. Though he wanted to see more, he joined his friends in mock disgust.

He had been too afraid to ever mention his feelings to anyone. It wasn’t until their senior year in high school that Blaine sat him down and had looked him in the eye as only she can, “Look, let’s just get this out in the open. I love you. Unconditionally. But you like boys. I can’t marry someone that likes boys. We are just going to have to be friends. Period.”

He was stunned. Since they were kids, Blaine had told him they would marry. He never questioned it or anything else she told him. “So what are you saying? What does this mean?” he had asked with sadness in his heart.

She smiled, “I am saying that you like boys. Not girls. I am saying that we will be together, forever, just like we promised. Only in a different way.”

Who does she think she is to tell me I like boys not girls?
He was silent for a moment until he remembered how he felt when he saw the porn clip. Tears welled up in his eyes and he turned his head from her so she wouldn’t see.

“Vinny. It is me. Look at me. Talk to me. Please.”

When he turned his head and looked at Blaine, she could see that the tears had started to flow.

“Please don’t cry . . .”

He shook his head and interrupted her. “You’re right. I am gay. I am so sorry. Please don’t tell anyone, my dad would kill me.”

“You have nothing to be sorry for and don’t you ever apologize again to anyone for being gay. And, as for telling anyone—that is your story to tell, not mine.” And to her credit, Blaine never told anyone, especially not Vince’s dad, Vincent Marcellias, Sr., who called his son, Little Vinny.

Little Vinny had excelled in math and science. He was a self-proclaimed computer nerd and a whiz at electronics. Good grades and a love for computers never satisfied Vincent Sr. His father pushed him into athletics. Vince was a tall, muscular kid with dark Grecian good looks. He was good at basketball, hated football, and tolerated baseball. In high school, Little Vinny convinced his father to let him focus on basketball, though the former football jock had been very disappointed not to have his only son follow in his footsteps.

He and Blaine were inseparable in high school and had been since they were kids. Everyone, including his parents, assumed Blaine was his girlfriend. She never said differently. He was grateful to her as it shielded him from the grief he would receive if it were known by others that he was gay.

After college, Vince had an easier time than Blaine finding a job. His technical skills and computer science degree placed him in a position of being in higher demand. Immediately after graduation, he landed a programmer job. It wasn’t quite the glamorous job he anticipated. Actually, computer programmer was just a glorious term for support person. He found himself answering the millions of stupid questions people can, and will, ask during the course of a day.

The job was boring and mundane. He often feared that this would be how he would spend his life—with a bunch of geeks who couldn’t dress and spent the day talking about gibberish. Luckily, like Blaine, Vince met his savior in his supervisor. Ed had recognized that Vince was very gifted in understanding systems and in cracking important code in order to salvage a system attacked by a hacker.

Ed took Vince under his wing, mentored him, and eventually promoted him to a better job in a different department and with more responsibility. So much responsibility in fact, that Vince needed special security clearance just to go to work. Blaine would often tease, “Tell me about your day. Oh wait! Never mind. If you tell me, you will just have to kill me!” as she giggled herself silly.

Well, not so silly! It is kind of true.

It was during this time that Vince learned what Blaine affectionately called his super power. The company invested a great deal of money in his training and he had become highly respected as an expert in security and cyber technology. He learned the inner workings of alarm systems, video surveillance systems, computer databases, and more importantly, how to manipulate them. He was good, really good. It was never really anything that he thought he would use outside of his current profession.

The pay was decent, but certainly not anything to ever get ahead. To save money, he shared a small apartment with Blaine. Love her as he might, she drove him nuts. Blaine was absolutely the messiest human—she did not understand the concept of a clothes hanger and the fact that clothes should actually hang on one. In a closet!

Instead she always seemed to have piles of clothes everywhere. He just refused to enter her room—he could swear it broke him out in hives. Literally, her room made him itch.

They took turns cooking. They were trying to live as frugally as possible. Blaine’s salary at the art gallery was not as much as his, plus it could fluctuate depending on sales often leaving her desperate and broke. He always knew when business was bad—she would become quiet and withdrawn. Almost as if she was plotting, fretting, thinking. He really hated when she was like this, it unnerved him for some reason.

Vince’s personal life was almost as boring as his professional one, though at least professionally he was progressing. While Blaine always had a different man and was sexually active, he had only gone as far as kissing a boy once. In fact, he was tired of hearing about Blaine’s latest sexual conquest. He comforted himself that her sexual conquests were her way of compensating for her professional and financial struggles. She was constantly pushing him to talk with some hot guy or another, but he was pathologically shy. To work off his sexual frustration, he spent hours at the gym—his one and only release.

That release, however, paid off dividends. Blaine was constantly whistling as he walked shirtless into the kitchen in the morning. “Honey, I wish you were on my team, I would so jump your bones right now.” She would say. He just responded by rolling his eyes at her.

Vince met Eric
while standing in line for coffee. He noticed him as soon as he walked in—Eric was shorter than Vince, but also well built and well dressed. Vince, shy as ever, tried to not be obvious in his admiration. Eric, however, was not shy. “This cold weather certainly makes me need something hot,” said Eric over his shoulder to Vince.

Vince felt his face flush. “Um, yea. A cup of coffee should hit the spot, for sure.”

“You work around here? I haven’t seen you in here before,” continued Eric.

“Um, yea. I work at Lamak Security Systems. We just opened a branch here and I am setting up the equipment. This is my first time here.” Vince finally managed to finally make eye contact.

Eric gave him a huge smile and Vince melted. “Well, if you’re new to this area, you should let me show you around. How about meeting me for a drink after work? There is a great little wine bar just down the street—Vintage 100. Great place.”

Vince nodded, “Sure, I, um, I would really like that.”

Another smile from Eric, “Great! I can be there by 5:30. You?”

“That works for me. See you there.” Vince said as he paid the cashier. The two walked out together.

“Have a great day, I look forward to seeing you tonight,” Eric said over his shoulder as he disappeared around the corner.

“Same here,” Vince said as he turned to walk to the office.
Same here? Same here? What the heck is same here? He must think I am such a dork now. Oh wait, I am a dork.

He took out his phone and immediately text Blaine:

I think I have a date tonight!

You think? What the hell does that mean? You don’t know?

Means a hot guy asked me to meet him for a drink tonight. Not sure if that is a date???

Duh! It’s a DATE! Hot guy! Finally!

See you later tonight.

Hope not! Hope this hot guy keeps you out!

Vince felt his face flush again. How she could manage to embarrass him even by text was beyond him. But he was excited.
Hopefully, this really is a date. Hell, I have never been on one, so how would I know?

After watching the clock
all day, the magic hour of 5 finally arrived. That gave Vince just enough time to freshen up and get to the wine bar. He grabbed the toiletries kit he kept in his desk to freshen up in case of a late night working. He slipped into the bathroom and brushed his teeth. He looked at himself in the mirror.
Not too bad, Mr. Marcellias, not too bad at all.
Then he giggled,
Oh hell, I am becoming more like Blaine everyday.
He combed his hair and took one final look.
Well, this will have to do.

He was almost to the bar when his phone beeped. He stopped and pulled his phone out of his pocket. It was Blaine.
Have fun! Be open! Love ya!

He replied:
Ok. Thanks. Nervous!

Don’t be! You are HOT and fun!

He didn’t have time to respond. He was already at the door of the bar and as he entered, he immediately saw Eric. Eric flashed a smile and waved. Vince waved back and nervously made his way to the table.

“Hey handsome! I was worried you might not show up,” said Eric.

“Really? Why?” Vince asked.

“I don’t know. Couldn’t tell if you were put off by some strange man hitting on you in a coffee shop. I couldn’t help myself though. You just were too good looking not to talk to.”

“Thanks,” Vince said as his face flushed again. “Um, you were too good looking to say no to.” As his eyes met Eric’s, they both smiled and immediately he was more comfortable.

The two chatted over several glasses of wine. Vince got more comfortable by the moment. This was the first time that he felt he could be totally open with someone, other than Blaine. The time passed quickly. Too quickly. Vince glanced at his watch and realized that it was late. Eric noticed the gesture. “Do you need to go?” asked Eric.

“Not necessarily. I mean, it’s late, but I don’t want to go.” Vince responded.

“I don’t want you to go either,” said Eric. “Listen, I just live around the corner. Want to walk to my place for one more drink?”

Vince didn’t even hesitate, “Yes, I would like that very much.”
To hell with sleep. This is fun. I don’t care how late it is!

After a tussle over the check, the two agreed to split it. “Next time, it is my treat,” Eric said.

YOU are already my treat
, thought Vince. As the two walked out together, Eric placed his hand on Vince’s back in a protective manner. Vince felt himself grow hot at the touch. He had never been touched by a man in an affectionate way. He liked it.

The two chatted amicably as they approached Eric’s door. Eric opened the front door and Vince entered. He looked around. The place was small and immaculate. Eric had good taste and everything was coordinated perfectly. He secretly wished Blaine could see it. She would approve.

Eric opened a bottle of wine and poured them each a glass. He walked over to Vince and handed him a glass. Before Vince could take a sip, Eric reached up and gave him a kiss. A strong, long, hard kiss. Vince was stunned but felt himself physically drawn to Eric.
So this is what Blaine has been talking about!
He felt Eric’s tongue in his mouth and his body responded fully.

The two somehow made it to the couch. Vince was trying to keep his composure as Eric had his hand very firmly planted on his inner thigh. As they kissed, Eric’s hand moved to Vince’s hardness. Vince responded by reaching over and discovering that Eric was hard too. A fact that excited him more than he ever thought possible.
This is more than a spark! This is wildfire!

Vince tried to unlock the door
to his and Blaine’s tiny townhouse as quietly as he could. It was 5:30 a.m. He was hoping to sneak in and go unnoticed. He opened the door and tiptoed in, “Hello sunshine!” he heard Blaine call out.

“Shit, Blaine. You scared me to death. What the hell are you doing up this early?”

“Well, it is a school day, sunshine. I am always up this early. How about you? That’s the important question. What are you doing coming in at this time of the morning,” Blaine asked while she sipped her coffee. She was obviously delighted and was enjoying the moment at his expense.

“Blaine, I am hung over. I haven’t slept. I have to get ready for work. Can we talk later?” Vince said as he wearily walked toward his bedroom.

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