I Spy a Wicked Sin (24 page)

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Authors: Jo Davis

Tags: #American Light Romantic Fiction, #Erotica - General, #Fiction - Adult, #Assassins, #American Mystery & Suspense Fiction, #Romantic suspense fiction, #General, #Romance, #Erotic fiction, #Suspense, #Erotica, #Fiction

BOOK: I Spy a Wicked Sin
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They sidled up to the counter and a bartender spoke from directly in front of Jude.
“What’s your poison today, guys?”
Liam didn’t hesitate. “I’ll have a
Sex on the Beach
“You are so cliché,” Lily said, giggling.
“Am not! They’re good—you should try one.”
“We just got here, cutie. I want to be conscious when the sun sets.” Ignoring Liam’s snort, she addressed the bartender. “I’ll have a Corona with a lime.”
“A rum and Coke for me,” Jude said.
“Coming right up.”
The man moved away to his task, while Liam continued to ogle their surroundings.
“Oh, man. This place is awesome. Thanks for bringing us here, Lily.”
“You’re very welcome. What would you like to—”
“Holy crap! Topless volleyball,” he breathed in reverence. “Can we go down there?”
“We are, in a minute. Hope they’re wearing sunscreen,” Lily joked.
“You want to play?”
“I’ll pass, thanks. Jumping around with my parts jiggling isn’t my thing.”
“But you don’t have anything to jiggle,” Liam said, laughing.
“You little shit,” she replied with fake menace. “Just see if that gets you any nooky.”
“Oh, there’s plenty of that around here if you cut me off.”
“Careful, you have to live with me.”
“Sorry.” He didn’t sound sincere.
Their drinks arrived and Lily pushed Jude’s into his hand. “Here you go.”
“Thanks.” He took a swallow, relishing the cold burst of the dark flavor on his tongue. “This is good.”
“Mine, too,” Liam said. “Well, I’m going to watch the volleyball game. Come on, you two!”
Jude heard the barstool scrape and figured he must’ve taken off. Lily laughed, leaning into Jude’s side.
“Good grief. Don’t you ever let him out of the kitchen?”
Jude thought about that. “Not enough, apparently, considering he’s been sneaking around with Dev and Geneva. In fact, I’m not sure he’s ever been on a real vacation.”
“That’s just criminal. If it was up to me, I’d spoil him all the time. I’d spoil both of you.”
Did he detect a hint of wistfulness?
“You two have bonded quite well.”
“And have
? Bonded?”
He reached for her. “Do you really need to ask?”
“Yes,” she said, taking his hand. “I feel . . . like there’s more going on between you and me than great sex—not that there’s anything wrong with consenting adults playing fair and square. But I . . .”
“Tell me.” His heart quickened. He very much wanted to hear what she had to say on the subject.
Just then, a man next to them ordered a drink.
“Walk with me,” she suggested.
He let her pull him away from the bar, getting that she wanted a little more privacy. He toyed with his rum and Coke, happy and a little nervous, too.
“This is new territory for me,” she went on. “In my limited experience, it’s not wise to get too attached to someone you care about. To let those feelings grow into more.”
“You’ve been hurt,” he said, squeezing her hand.
“Not in the way you mean.”
He took a guess. “You’re talking about your father again.”
“Yeah. It’s not that I consciously shut out people on purpose. Or at least I don’t think so.” She sighed. “I’m not doing a very good job of explaining myself.”
“You’re doing fine. I think I know what you’re trying to say.” She gave a rueful laugh. “Well, you’re a step ahead of me.”
“Let me give it a shot—you came to work for me, a man who shares your sexual preferences, and you thought you’d won the lottery. But you didn’t expect our fun to develop into real feelings. And that scares the shit out of you.”
“You’re a mind reader.”
“No, I just feel the same way.”
“You—you have feelings for me? Real ones?” She sounded vulnerable, unsure.
“How could I not? You’re smart, beautiful. You blow my mind in bed. But more than that, you’ve been a rock for me. In the short time we’ve known each other, you’ve gotten under my skin like no one else has.” Pausing, he pulled her to face him before going on.
“Do you remember the first time we made love?”
“Yes. How could I forget?”
“You’ll never know how much that meant to me. I want to spoil
, make you happy. Learn all the things that make you laugh. Or make you sad. I’m falling for you, Lily, and I want to let this grow,” he said softly, skimming up her arm.
“Oh, Jude.” Her voice shook with emotion. “I want that, too.”
“But there’s something you need to know up front.” He took a deep breath. “About my nightmares. More and more, I’m convinced they’re memories and if they are . . . I might be . . . an evil man. Or at least might have done horrible things. You can walk away now and never have to find out.”
“No. You’re not evil,” she said, brooking no argument. “I’m absolutely positive you’re one of the finest men I know. Period.”
“You can’t know—”
“I do.” She sounded a bit on edge now.
“Tell me something.” She paused. “How do you feel in these dreams, when you’re committing these supposedly evil acts?”
“Mostly? Cold. Locked down inside.”
“I . . . yes,” he said slowly. “I think so.”
“Anything else?”
“No—wait, yes. Tired. Ready to throw in the towel.” How strange.
“As though the time has come to quit,” she said, sounding certain. “You’re burned-out.”
A chill crept down his spine. “How do you know this?”
“Have you considered that you may have had a second job? Something covert? In that case, you aren’t a monster at all, but a victim of something bigger than yourself.”
“That’s pretty far-fetched.” But even as he protested, he wasn’t so sure.
“Just think about it, all right? And focus on recalling what details you can.”
“I—sure. I can do that.”
“Good, handsome. Kiss me.”
Why did it seem like she wanted to distract him? Of course, there were worse ways to end the disturbing conversation. Cupping her head, he claimed her mouth, lips moving against hers, gentle. Then he delved deeper, sliding his tongue inside to taste the beer and lime, salty sweet, and more intoxicating than all the liquor in Los Cabos.
When they parted, she took his arm. “Come on, let’s catch up with Liam. I want to watch him go nuts over topless volleyball.”
He accepted the change of subject without comment, for now. Such a serious issue couldn’t be avoided forever.
“People leaping around half-naked? Christ, what a sport. This part of being blind sucks, big-time,” he complained.
“I’ll give you a play-by-play.”
“Gee, thanks.”
“And a live reenactment, later.”
“Now you’re talking!”
As she led him toward the mad revelry, Jude thought maybe he could luck out. Have everything a man could want or need.
Love. Companionship. Contentment.
Awesome sex.
If only Lily was right, and he wasn’t the monster he feared.
Lily had to tell him the truth. Despite Michael urging her to take it slow with him.
Not once had she considered it a real option before now. She’d been too focused on the case itself, not the man. Once the mind sweep failed, and it would very soon, he’d remember his job at SHADO. He’d recognize her name as that of a fellow spy.
And he’d know that, best- case scenario, she’d come here to deceive him. At worst, he might believe
was the one behind the sweep. That she was involved in Dietz’s schemes.
Eventually, he’d realize she was sent to kill him.
He’d never forgive her, and the knowledge slammed her hard. Made her want to spill the whole story and throw herself on his mercy. But she’d lose him anyway.
She’d come so close just now to telling him that he was an agent. That the nightmares weren’t crazy ramblings. Then he’d demand to know how she knew, what the hell was going on, and the rest would unravel.
She wasn’t ready. Selfishly, she wanted to cling to him as long as possible, to pretend for these next few days that he was hers. That he wouldn’t order her to leave when he learned what she’d done.
Pushing away the melancholy, she glanced toward the volleyball game and smiled in spite of herself. Liam was right in the thick of it, laughing, soaking up the attention from the ladies. He moved a bit stiffly from the sore, bruised muscles on his back, but he looked good.
“He’s having a great time,” Lily remarked. “He’s got more energy than anyone I’ve ever met. Even when he’s still healing.”
“I hope this trip is good for him. And that Dev has come to his senses by the time we go home.”
Some things just weren’t in the cards, no matter how badly one might want them. Or how hard one fought.
Lily settled them into beach chairs under an umbrella and tried to forget about secrets. Lies.
And how they’d soon destroy a life she hadn’t known she wanted until she met Jude.
ude relaxed in a lounger on the resort’s patio area, soaking in the revelry around him. Not wild and crazy, but lively, friendly. The folks they’d met today had been nice, some curious about Jude’s blindness.
To the few who dared to ask outright, he gave them the simple explanation of being in a car accident. Most left it alone, but two or three had commented about the heightened- sensuality angle, and the true anonymity of the partners he’d enjoy at a resort like this one. Though he’d give anything to have his sight back, he had to give them that point.
Especially now, with certain murmurs and moans of pleasure drifting to his out- of-the-way spot on the fringe of the activity. With the setting of the sun and the arrival of evening, inhibitions loosened and vanished.
Whispers of “Lick her there” and “Stretch him wide” washed over him like a low electric hum, heating his blood, thickening his cock. Where in blazing hell were his own companions? The debauchery around him began to get to him and he spread his legs some, adjusting his growing dick in his swim trunks.
“My, my,” a female voice purred close to his ear. “Who disappeared and left a stud like you alone and wanting?”
“I’m here with my two friends, but they’ve obviously found something to keep them busy.”
She skimmed his bare chest, nipped his shoulder. “The pretty young man and the petite woman with long dark hair,” she said. “I’ve seen you with them today. I see one of them now.”
“Which one?”
“Your lady friend. She’s on the opposite side of the patio in the darkness with her legs spread and one of the hunky bartenders lapping her cunt.” Her exploration continued to the waistband of his trunks.
“Oh, God.” His cock went hard as a steel pole.
“He’s really getting with it, eating her while two of his friends have her ankles, keeping her open for him.” She delved inside, wrapped her fingers around his scorching flesh. “Your young man went off down the beach with two hot girls some time ago, and here you are, in such a sad state. Let me help you, and we’ll give them a show in return.”
“Yes,” he hissed. He’d been on a slow simmer all day, and with his friends partaking of their own pleasures, he wasn’t about to refuse.
“Let’s get naked, sweetheart,” she said with a laugh.
Jesus, this place was getting to him, sending his libido into hyperdrive. To be in a haven solely for adults who shared the same attitudes about sexual freedom was a heady experience.
“What’s your name?” he asked.
“Brenda. Yours?”
With those preliminaries done, Brenda took his hand and pulled him up. As soon as he stood, they were all over each other, devouring each other’s mouths, tongues spearing. Searching.
With his help, her skimpy bikini top went first, then the bottoms. She yanked his trunks down his legs and off, then knelt as he widened his stance for her.
Grabbing the base of his cock, she guided the head to her lips. Licked and teased, tasted the drops of pre-cum oozing forth.
“We’re gaining quite an audience,” she informed him, pleased with herself. “Oh, your lady friend is watching, too.”
“Fuck, yeah. Let them all look their fill.” Jude fisted his hands in her hair, cut in a chin-length bob. He wondered at the color, then decided he didn’t care. Hot, dirty sex with a total stranger was what he craved tonight. Knowing Lily was enjoying the same, while observing him, aroused him beyond belief.
“You’re so huge.” Lick. “Hung like a bull.”
“Suck me, honey,” he growled.
She obliged and his entire length was sheathed by a warm, wet cavern. Her clever tongue bathed the ridge underneath his shaft, mouth sucking. His balls were manipulated, rolled in her palms, as she worked him.

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