Ice Maiden (2 page)

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Authors: Jewel Adams

Tags: #romance, #best seller, #ebook, #castle, #knights, #lady, #time travel romance, #jewel adams, #historic romance, #ice maiden

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Untangling her legs from the mass of
unexpected material, “where in God’s name did all this come

“I have asked myself the same question many

“Ump!” He was lying on the ground, his
massive arm pillowing his head as he stared up at her. The
arrogance of the man was appalling. Amy didn’t have time to waste
on him, though she would have loved to wipe that confident smile
off those full lips. Finally free of him, she held no intention of
losing her advantage. “It’s been nice.”

Turning she meant to leave him there, but the
sudden grip he took of her skirts halted her in motion. “Damn you,
release me at once!”

Amy staggered back as he sprung to his feet.
His full height made her head tip back. She would have fallen back
if not for his hold, off-setting her sway. “Nay Lady Amelia, I have
only just discovered the true woman beneath the facade, letting you
out of my sight would be a grave mistake.”

She only half heard what he said; her full
attention became focused on his--body. “My God....” He truly was

Clad in wool stockings and leather boots,
beneath the blue velvet tunic, Amy never saw a finer example of a
15th century lord.

The lady’s enlarging eyes moving over his
frame filled Bern with a fierce drive to take her back in his arms.
He marveled at the change in her now that she quit pretending
indifference. So much spirit, by the saints how did she conceal it
so long? Being a stubborn sort he stayed longer than any prior
suitor. In three long weeks, she successfully shielded this vibrant
woman from all male eyes. Everything about her looked new, changed
somehow, she felt more alive.

Her awareness of him left her open to
discoveries. Amy’s hands moved slowly over the cloaked, damask
bodice of the gown that she came to be wearing. Her gaze followed
the length of material he still kept a firm hold upon. Only in
museums had she ever seen it’s equal. However, the gown she wore
was not a relic, there were no frayed or faded edges to mar its
rich elegance.

“I...I must go.” She pulled on the gown, not
liking the thoughts coming over her, but he wouldn’t let go. “What
is your problem? Let go!”

The yank he gave the dress pulled her into
his waiting arms. “I think not, you and I are inseparable from now

Though his voice was low and calm in
delivery, Amy shrank back from the hostility she confronted in
those volatile dark pools. There was no mirth in his meaning, he
was serious, and he possessed the physical dominance to insure she
complied. The prospects of being on the receiving end of his force
made her sway under a cold wave of nausea. Amy felt the beast at
her back again and closed her eyes to keep him away.

He may be a fool, but Bern found no ruse in
the woman’s sudden paling. If his arm had not been about her waist,
she would have fallen to the ground. “My Lady?”

Amy sucked in her breath as he scooped her up
in his massive arms with no more effort than he would pick up a

“Rest your head on my shoulder. I promise to
behave, for the moment.”

Too tired to argue she obeyed his softly
spoken order. Her arm went about his neck unconsciously judging its
width. He did feel good beneath her cheek, so strong, a protector,
“...but a rogue.”

“Aye, I will not change, even for you.”

In spite of the strangeness surrounding her,
Amy found herself smiling over his adamant conviction. “To do so
would be a crime against nature.”

Bern’s brow shot up over the woman’s
whispered conviction. Looking down at her, she appeared asleep, or
was it peace that appeared to come over her.

He lowered his face to her crown. Taking a
deep breath, he drank in the scent of crushed wildflowers in her
hair. The sun-kissed locks whipped across his lips, hiding his
smile. She wasn’t protesting its freedom now. Strange, after the
fuss she made when he had pulled the combs free.

“I am feeling better.”

Bern agreed, she was, in so many ways. “Aye,
stay where you are.”

“Where are we going?”

“The castle, unless ye have another destiny
in mind, though I would say your Captain might send out the guards
if we don’t return soon.” He felt her stiffen. “You did not think
he would forget to notice our absence?”

Amy just shook her head and tried to bury
herself further against him.
Castle? Captain? Dear God, what was
going on? Where was she? More importantly, who was she? Dare she
open her eyes?
Amy struggled with her dilemma in the silence
that fell around them. Maybe it was best not to know where he was
taking her.

The strangest urge to run seized her. Then he
would not allow her to get far; he made that clear enough.
Moreover, who was he? She obviously could not ask him, again. There
was no question as to who he thought her to be. Amy doubted he
would see any humor in her ignorance over his identity, not after
the way she reacted to his caresses.

God, what a mess!

Maybe he was the lady’s husband? Amy
swallowed her groan over that possibility. Worse were the voices
intruding on her confusing thoughts. She wished she could crawl
into a hole.

No! Not a hole!
A wild terror filled
her at the thought.

“Amelia? What plagues thee?”

Groaning, “Nothing, everything, please put me

“You cannot open your eyes, I doubt your
ability to walk.”

She couldn’t find the will to argue with his
logic. Something was very wrong with her and Amy was out of

Not seeing the cause of the commotion they
drew closer to, went beyond her. She told herself not to show him
anything that she felt. He didn’t appear concerned over whatever
made the uproar.

In guarded caution, she forced her eyes open.
It took all her willpower not to scream out in surprise. Hundreds
of men were scattered out before them in some kind of encampment.
In one area, she saw men paired off wielding broadswords against
each other. In another, they were practicing with the crossbow,
another group held lances.

“They are a good fighting lot. Perhaps you
would like a display.”

She needed to say something. “I would like

“A tourney then, it will be grand sport and
my men need a break from their boredom.”

His men? Amy swallowed hard over the meanings
settling in on her.

“Laird Randall!”

“Aye, Craig.”

Amy’s hold tightened about his neck as an
equally large man advanced.

“Bern, ye are a hard man to find.”

“If ye truly looked, the task was not

Amy felt the other man’s eyes fall to her.

“What is it Craig?”

“The men found signs of a boar in the woods
to the west.”

“‘Tis a hunt then. At dawn, pass the word to
the men.”

“Aye Bern, with pleasure.”

Amy relaxed as the man moved off.

. Such an unusual name, but then
it did fit the man.

“Ye do naught mind my men invading your

Was he serious? Why did she feel as if her
answer mattered little to--Laird Randall? “You did say your men
were bored, by all means a hunt should help.”

“Ye are very accommodating today,

“Am I? If it troubles you so....”

Bern’s laughter cut through the air. “Nay my
Lady, I prefer the changes I am facing.”

Amy kept her face impassive, but inside she
was battling an earthquake of emotions. How long would it take
before someone discovered she was an imposter? Something, an
instinctive warning, kept Amy from exposing herself. She actually
felt as if the noose was tightening about her throat.

The sight that greeted her as they came out
of the tree line was enough to condemn her to silence.

The castle stood like a majestic giant atop
the rise. Amy didn’t breathe over the beauty they neared. Of all
the castles in Wales that she studied, Morgan Castle always held a
special fascination for her. She wanted to pinch herself to be sure
it was real. It can’t be, how? What her hungry gaze devoured was
not a relic. These walls were intact, the perimeter whole, it was
thriving and every bit as regal and forbidding a fortress as she
always imagined it would have been in the 15th century.

“Your captain looks impatient.”

There was no mistaking what Bern implied. The
man coming off the drawbridge looked furious. The guards following
in his wake said he intended to back up his anger.

“Put me down, Laird Randall.”

“So, ye remember my name, all is not lost.
But say, ‘tis too late for either of us to worry about proper

The tightening of his hold about her killed
the protest on her lips.

“Ah, Captain Lansing.”

“Save your civilities, Randall. I want
answers. Where have you been with Lady Amelia since first

As if the captain just noticed her, his great
black brows shot up to a solid line across his forehead. “By the
faeries, man! Are ye hurt my, Lady?”

“The Lady is fine, Captain.”

“Can she naught speak for herself?”

They both looked at her. Bern’s lips spread
wide in a confident smile, making Amy wonder if it were bravado or
ingrained arrogance that made him taunt the man. She decided he
liked flirting with danger.

Remaining mute was impossible. “I am

“Then explain yourself.”

Before she could think of a feasible reply,
Lord Randall took control.

Walking past the fuming Captain, “We will be
glad to favor ye, Captain, but inside--in more private

Against all her queasiness she found her own
curiosity rising. There was a cunning light in those dark blue eyes
of his. She decided he was up to something and she wanted to moan
over the awkward position she found herself in. Amy hated the fact
she held no defense to stop him. A chill passed through her,
knowing that whatever Laird Randall planned would most assuredly
affect her. There wasn’t time to dwell on where the fates landed
her. When they passed through the massive gates, her entire
concentration became captured by the surrounding activities.

An honest to goodness--Keep! Amy wasn’t sure
if she should be frightened senseless or astounded by her marvelous
fortune. To actually see the very history she studied felt worth
the peril. If she was dreaming she honestly didn’t want to wake
up--not just yet, there was so much to learn.

“...isn’t that right, my Lady?”

Bringing her attention back to Bern, her
confusion must have been obvious by the increasing frown marring
his brow.

“I guess so....” It was a lame answer and his
half smile said as much. She didn’t have time to think up a way to
correct her error as he ducked into a doorway leading inside the
castle. Amy scolded herself, she needed to keep her attention where
it belonged. But it was so hard not to let her attention wander
with so much to see. Reminding herself that she may only be seeing
the inside of the dungeon kept her mind alert to the man holding

When he set her down in a chair by the
roaring hearth, her hand gripped the massive chair arm to
compensate for his missing support.

Bern leaned over her, marveling at the
control she exerted not to flinch away from his nearness. Though
she tried to keep her eyes lowered, his hand forced her chin up to
meet his gaze. “Stay put dear Lady or you may find out how far I
will take my words concerning our continued company.”

Amy thought she might shatter like a dust
ball before his penetrating eyes. The lips that brushed her parted
ones held their own silent threat.

Throughout the scene the uptight Captain did
not miss one tiny reaction on her part. “What goes on here?”

“Ah, Captain Lansing.” Bern winked at her
before pulling back. “In a moment sire, first the Lady needs
refreshments as do I.”

Her cautious gaze followed Bern as he strode
forward into the great hall and shouted for a meal and wine.

“Captain, you will join us of course.” The
older man grumbled something ineligible as he pulled up another
seat near the fire.

Amy tried to relax her hold on the chair
after following the Captain’s stern gaze to her whitened knuckles.
If she portrayed any outward calm, inside she became a mass of
stormy emotions. Obviously, everyone believed her to be Lady
Amelia. Even the Captain, for all his anger, didn’t question her
identity. Amy carefully watched the servant’s reaction to her as
they carried in the laden platters. Their shy smiles at her eased
the tightness about her chest.

Bern took his seat beside Lady Amelia. He’d
been waiting for her to start denying his obvious authority over
her home, when no protest came he decided she was still afflicted
by whatever came over her in the meadow. The Lady appeared rattled
without her defensive barriers. It was an advantage Bern hoped
would last a while longer. Maybe what he planned on doing in the
next few minutes would go smoother than he first believed.

“Alright Randall, you have stalled long

“Your Captain is an impatient man, Lady

God, he really was awful aggravating the man
like this, it wasn’t helping the Captain’s temper. Amy wished she
knew her own status in all this, anything she said would probably
be wrong, but she had little choice if she wanted to prevent these
two from going for each other’s throat. “Captain Lansing is just
concerned for my welfare.” She hoped she was right.

“As I have every right to be. Haven’t I
raised ye since a wee babe? And since that ill fated betrothed up
and died, we have been overrun with upstart knights and cocky
lairds all thinking they could step in and claim ye! Well I won’t
have any no good, garter wearer coming in here and taking

Before Amy recovered from the Captain’s
outburst Bern added his own say to the matter.

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