Inflame (Explosive) (28 page)

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Authors: Tessa Teevan

Tags: #romance

BOOK: Inflame (Explosive)
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Glancing at the clock on the wall, I realize we’re running behind. “Okay, sweet talker, get out of here. If you wanna hear this baby’s heartbeat, I’ve got five minutes to get ready and out the door or else we’re going to be late.”

A huge grin spreads over Kale’s face and he’s out the door without another word, causing me to laugh behind him. His excitement is contagious, and I quickly throw on a little mascara and lip gloss before slipping into comfortable yoga pants and a sweatshirt before I walk down the hall, where I find Kale waiting by the door, anxious as ever. Ginger asked about an ultrasound, and I swear he paled before she could even finish the question. When I stepped in and told her that the appointment was this week, he looked at me with wide eyes, pulling me into a hug. Over my head, he promised his mom a copy of it as soon as possible. This, combined with the way Kaylie reacted when she found out about the baby, has me wondering if he’s hiding something, but he’s always been an open book. I shrug it off, assuming it’s just nerves.

When we get in the car, he tosses me a bottle of water, and I look at him quizzically.

“What’s this for?” I ask.

“Mom may have called earlier to tell me to have you drink a bottle of water before you go to the appointment. Something about how the water will help lift uterus away from the pelvis and it can help get a clear look at the baby.” He must see the weird look on my face because he’s quick to continue. “Hey, she had three healthy kids, and I’ll do whatever I can to make sure this ultrasound’s a success.”

I open the bottle and start drinking from it. “Whatever she says. That’s three more than I’ve had, so I’ll trust her advice. I guess it’s time we start reading those baby books that are stacked on the coffee table.”

He grins at me as he pulls out of the driveway. “Better late than never, baby.”


situated on the bed in the doctor’s office, Kale begins pacing the room, causing my nerves to grow increasingly with each back and forth movement. I’m about to ask him what the hell is going on when the door opens and Dr. Foster walks in, greeting us both. Kale finally settles into a seat against the wall as the doctor begins her exam. I’m trying to focus on what she’s saying, but I can’t stop looking at him out of the corner of my eye. His leg’s bouncing up and down and his fingers are drumming nervously against his knee. He’s staring at Dr. Foster, hanging on to every word. I guess that’s a good thing since I’m too busy watching him, wondering why he seems so nervous now after he’s been the calm one from the very beginning.

Finally, the doctor interrupts my thoughts and I tear my gaze away from him. “Okay, Lucy, are you ready to hear your baby’s heartbeat?” she asks, and my own heart flutters. I’m a bundle of nerves, but I nod accordingly, absentmindedly holding my hand out for Kale. He’s by my side in a flash.

She begins to rub a jellylike substance over my belly, and I shiver as the cold liquid spreads. “This is used to get a better connection between the transducer of the machine and your womb. I know it’s cold, but I promise, you’ll get used to it,” she reassures me. Bringing the transducer to my stomach, she begins the process. “Okay, let’s see what we have here. Sometimes these little guys can be stubborn and it’ll take a minute to find the heartbeat.”

“Kale’s mom told me to drink water to lift my uterus,” I blurt out, hoping that it’ll make me sound prepared.

Dr. Foster gives Kale a smile then turns to me. “There actually have been studies conducted that have shown that drinking water before an ultrasound can do just that, so she wasn’t off base with her advice. Let’s see if your little one agrees.”

I’m holding my breath and squeezing Kale’s hand tightly as I watch her move the wand around on my stomach while she stares at the screen beside her. It feel like forever until the most beautiful sound fills the room.
Thump, thump, thump, thump.
Tears prick my eyes, and I turn to look at Kale, who’s smiling down at me, his own eyes shining.

“You hear that, baby? It’s Sprout,” he whispers almost reverently.

My breath catches as I watch the realization that our baby is real spread over his face in a look of both shock and awe, and I know exactly how he feels. I haven’t questioned for a second that I—that we—are having a baby, but it isn’t until this moment that I really, truly feel the parental connection between us. Right now, all I see is him, and the heartbeat filling the room is all I can hear. My own starts racing in time with Sprout’s beats as it sinks in that we did this. We created this child. And whether we knew it or not, I now am certain without a doubt that he was created out of love. Ginger was right. We might not be ready to voice it, but there’s no denying what’s between us, and suddenly I know I don’t want to any longer.

Dr. Foster clears her throat, and I struggle to tear my eyes away from Kale. When I look at her, I see that she’s turned the screen towards us, and he squeezes my hand while bracing himself on the bed with his other one. My eyes are transfixed on the grainy image, and my heart’s caught in my throat as I look at my baby for the first time.

“We got lucky with this one. He—not saying it’s a boy, but for all intents and purposes, we’ll stick with he for now—was apparently ready make his on-screen debut. From what I can tell, everything looks great and he’s developing exactly as he should be.”

Relief flows through me, and Kale leans over the bed to look at the screen, eyes dancing. “Is he…is he lounging?” he asks incredulously, and I get up on my elbows to get a closer look, careful not to move too much.

“It sure looks like it,” she agrees with him and begins to point out Sprout on the screen. “It appears as if his arms are behind his neck, and his legs are propped up on the uterine wall in front of him. If you can see the way he’s lying there, it almost looks like he’s relaxing on a hammock or a lawn chair. All in all, he looks like a very comfortable fetus. Let’s hope he stays that way.”

She goes through a bit more information, but I barely register her words. I can’t take my eyes off him, and it isn’t until she turns the machine off that I realize the appointment is over. Kale gently wipes the gel off my skin and helps me sit up as Dr. Foster closes my chart.

“Okay, Lucy, like I said, you look like you’re developing right on schedule, and everything looks great with the baby. Do you have any questions for me?”

I’m about to tell her no when Kale interjects even though he’s been unusually quiet during the whole appointment. “What do I need to look out for to ensure that Lucy and the baby stay healthy? Are there any warning signs of complications that I can be alert to so I know if she needs to seek medical attention?”

Dr. Foster rummages through a cabinet beside the bed and pulls out a thick booklet. “Read up on this material and it’ll answer any question that you have. If for some reason you still have concerns, let me know. Do me a favor and don’t go play Dr. Web MD, okay?” she offers with a smile.

“Thanks,” he replies. “I just get worried that I might miss something, and I want to ensure Lucy and the baby are healthy throughout the entire pregnancy.”

“I’m sure you’ll be fine, Kale. Most first-time parents have the same nerves you do, but I assure you, at this point, Lucy and the baby are perfectly healthy. In fact, unless you’re adamant on a sixteen-week appointment, we can meet back here in eight weeks at the halfway mark. If you want to know the gender, we’ll be able to know that day without a doubt, especially if the fetus is as relaxed as he was today.”

I hate the way she calls Sprout a fetus, but at the same time, I don’t want to share his name with anyone else. He’s so much more than just a fetus. He’s my baby, my sprout, the love of my life, and I can still hear the echo of his heartbeat in my head.

Turning my attention back to the doctor, I nod my head. “That’s fine. It’s going to be hell, but I can wait. I don’t think my insurance covers another visit until then anyway.”

Dr. Foster smiles and pushes back from her chair. “I’ll see you in eight weeks, then. Go ahead and make an appointment with the receptionist, and I’ll have the CD with the ultrasound photos out to you in a just a moment. If you have any questions or concerns over the next eight weeks, please don’t hesitate to call the office. Have a great weekend, you two.”

We echo her sentiments and watch as she leaves the room. I’m about to hop down from the bed when Kale gets between my legs and pulls me into his arms. My head rests against his chest and I can feel his heart beating wildly. He holds me tight, squeezing almost too much.

“Kale, are you okay?” I ask, wondering what the hell is going through his mind.

He pulls back from me, cups my cheeks with both hands, and brings his forehead to mine. “I’ve never been more freaking okay in my life, Lucy Beth,” he says, using the nickname he must’ve overheard Mom calling me, and my heart melts. “All along, I’ve know this is real, but it wasn’t until I heard that heartbeat that it all really settled in. He’s real. Our baby is growing inside you—a part of me, a part of you. And I hafta say, if that first ultrasound is any indication, I have a feeling he’s going to take after his old man. Laid back and relaxed. But seriously, baby, that was the most incredible thing I’ve ever seen. Our baby. Wow. I don’t even know what to say other than that.”

“Wow’s a pretty darn good way to describe it,” I agree and press my lips to his, ready to top this perfect day off with a kiss. “Now let’s go get the CD so I can get some copies before we go out tonight.”

He groans at the reminder that we both have plans that night. “Come on. We should be celebrating alone tonight, not going off in separate directions,” he whines, and he’s so cute that I’m almost tempted to agree.

“As good as that sounds, I promised Charlie and Lexi a girls’ night out. We haven’t had a chance to all hang out since Lexi got back from their honeymoon. Plus, this way you get a night out with the guys. It’s a total win-win. Tomorrow, though, will be all about you and me, okay?” I whisper seductively, letting my fingers run down his chest and over the bulge in his jeans.

He swallows hard then hauls me up off the bed. “The way I see it, you’re still mine for a few hours. We’ll start our celebration early then put it on hold until tomorrow. Come on, beautiful. Let’s get out of here.”

More than ready to get home and commemorate this day, we head out of the room with just a quick stop by reception to make the next appointment and to get the ultrasound CD. I secretly make plans to get copies for him before our night out tonight, and I can’t wait to hold the real photo in my hand. Little does Kale know, I don’t plan on spending all night with the girls, and I can’t wait to crawl in his bed later tonight, ready to continue the celebration.



. Slow the fuck down,” Knox tells me after I down my third shot. “What the hell’s gotten into you tonight?”

Jace laughs beside him and just slaps me on the back. “Lexi told me about the doctor’s appointment today. I’m guessing it didn’t go so well?”

I look back and forth between the two of them and almost have to laugh at their opposing facial expressions. Jace is grinning like it’s the best thing in the world, whereas Knox looks like he’s ready to tell that waitress to cut me off. In the background, I see Xavier, but I have to look away because all I see on his face is concern. If anyone understands the turmoil that’s rolling through my mind, it’s him, and the last thing I want to do is talk about it.

The bartender takes that moment to come back around, and under Knox’s watchful eye, I order a beer and water. I’m not trying to get wasted. I just really need to take the fucking edge off. The one I haven’t been able to get rid of since leaving the doctor’s office.

“Women talk too much,” I inform Jace, and he just laughs again.

“Man, I know you’re new to this whole relationship thing, but you might as well get used to that fact. Women always like to accuse us of locker room talk, yet they’re even worse than we are. I don’t know how many times I’ve walked into the room with Lexi on the phone with Charlie and she has to start whispering. And the truth is, I don’t want to know. The things I’ve overheard? Let’s just say I don’t ever plan on riding in Knox’s car ever again.”

“Dude, what?” I ask.

Knox just shrugs and smiles into his beer. “Charlie has a thing for cars. Who am I to deny her when she wants a piece of Evelyn?”

“God dammit, Wellington. I rode in your car yesterday on the way to get lunch!”

“Yeah, and Charlie rode in it the night before.”

Jace just shakes his head.

Knox rolls his eyes. “I know how to wash my damn car, Montgomery. Come on. It’s not like you’ve never had car sex, so get off it.”

I can’t argue with him there, so I just tip my beer to him. “Touché. I’ve got nothin’ there.”

Jace starts coughing at my admission then stands up from his barstool. “Okay, if I stay here any longer, I’ll end up never riding in anyone’s car again, so how ‘bout a game of pool? Any takers?”

Knox rises and agrees to join him. “Don’t be such a prude, McAllister. You’ve got that massive truck. I know it’s gotten some action.”

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