Inner Circle (14 page)

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Authors: Charles Arnold

Tags: #Erotica

BOOK: Inner Circle
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“I don’t know how that can be, Mrs. Ryan, but you say it with conviction. Perhaps I remind you of someone out of your past?”

She had known it from the day she was sent to his house. Ruben was neither as kind nor as clever as Ezra Stein, but in many ways they were alike. Her insane attraction to Stein had been immediate and absolutely beyond reason. “Yes, you do remind me of someone.”

“You were fond of him?”

“Very fond.”

“And now?”

“I don’t know what’s become of him.”

He nodded and smiled. “Do you have a photograph of your husband?”

The question caught her by surprise. After a moment she remembered there was a framed picture in her dresser drawer. She’d put it there after Jeff died because looking at his smiling face made her cry. “Yes, I do.”

“Get it and bring that stool you’re sitting on over here.”

She knew immediately what he was thinking. “Please, Simon, dear Simon, not that, please, I couldn’t…”

He lifted his fat cock and held it out toward her. “Yes or no,” he said. She stared at it almost transfixed. After a moment she stood and crossed to the dresser. Not looking at the photograph, she brought it and the small bench to where Ruben was sitting. He propped the picture on the bench, which he arranged so that it was next to his left leg. He looked up at her, “Tell me Mrs. Ryan, that you want your husband’s handsome face next to you as you make love to the great fat cock of Simon Ruben.” She stood before him, silent. “Get on your knees and look at my prick,” he said harshly. She slowly knelt before him and once more stared at his huge flaccid penis. “Keep looking at it and say the words,” he demanded.

She felt her mouth fill with saliva. She licked her lips. “I want my husband’s photograph next to me as I make love to the great thick cock of Simon Ruben,” she said.

“Will the fact that he is watching inhibit you or will it cause you to kiss, and lick, and suck with greater passion?”

Her nipples were so hard they ached. She had trouble speaking. She glanced up at his heavy-jowled face, his pendulous lips, his hard hate filled eyes. She turned to look at the young, smiling face of her husband. She shook her head violently, “Please, Simon, I...I can’t,” she whispered.

“Get me my trousers. Put your picture back in the dresser,” he said evenly.

She stood and hurried to the living room where he’d taken his trousers off. Sheila was sound asleep. Back in the bedroom she bowed her head and handed him his pants, “Thank you, Simon, thank you,” she said. She picked up the photograph and started to cross the room.

Behind her he said, “I must tell you, Mrs. Ryan, your naked body does please me. Your sweet mouth is quite acceptable. I think your lips would be, as you promised, warm and loving. Surely you must have imagined it, imagined what the cock of Simon Ruben would look like. Even sometimes in this very room when you were making love to your husband you found yourself imagining the cock of Simon Ruben. It was a childhood fantasy that continued to haunt you. Isn’t that true?”

She stopped, her back to him. What he’d just said was the truth. And he had desired her in the same way. For years there had been this dark thing drawing them together, his need to possess her and her need to be possessed. Standing there, her legs began to tremble. She saw herself in the mirror. Her naked body glowed under the sheen of oil. Her breasts were high. Her long nipples were stiff and pink. Her bright red lips glistened. The familiar sinking feeling spread in a hot wave from her breasts to her crotch. She heard Ruben shift in his chair. “We both know what you want, Mrs. Ryan. Don’t you think you should get on your knees before your lover and say it?”

She turned and hesitated for a moment, then slowly and came back to where he was sitting. Carefully placing the photograph on the stool just as it had been, she got to her knees and looked up into Ruben’s face. “I want belong to you. I want to make love to you. I want to make love to your cock.” Tentatively she touched it. “You were right. I have imagined it. Long before I was married, I wondered what the cock of Simon Ruben would look like. The picture of my husband here will cause me to make love to the cock of Simon Ruben with great passion and for a very long time.” She glanced at the photograph then back at Ruben. “I...I…wish he were alive to see how you…how you have brought me to my knees.”

“Take it in your hands,” he said. “Hold my cock between your little hands as a supplicant might hold a sacred chalice.”

She placed her hands together as if in prayer and lifted his heavy cock between them. It swelled and hardened immediately. She looked again into the face that stared back at her with contempt. She could see that he knew he had won, that he knew if she did what she was about to do, he could make her do anything. From now on there would be no need of the rat cage and no reason to phone the Facility. He smiled down at her. “It will be like this every night. My young woman, my lovely little bitch in heat, just as you are now. You will take great care to make yourself beautiful for me. Your eyes will look at me as they do now, with reverence. Your bright red lips will be warm and wet. Your small hands will lift my prick as if it were holy. You will tremble with anticipation. And you will beg as you are about to do now. Is not this true?”

Still looking up at him she gently began to caress his cock, “Yes, dearest Simon. It will be as you say. I belong to you. I beg you to take me as your lover and as your devoted…your devoted…”

“As my devoted wife? Would the young widow, Katherine Ryan, really marry fat old Simon Ruben? “

Before she could think, she quickly said, “I would be honored to become the wife of Simon Ruben.”

He leaned back and closed his eyes. “Ah, yes, a very public wedding in Saint Andrews. The lovely bride completely naked beneath a stunning white gown. The exchange of rings, the kiss before a rather stunned gathering of relatives and friends old and new.” He laughed. “Would you like that, Mrs. Ryan? Does the name Mrs. Simon Ruben appeal to you?”

Again she spoke words she hadn’t intended to say, “I would like it to be a public wedding. I’d want people to see…to see…how I feel, want them to know how pleased I am to be your bride. It’s true some of the guests would be shocked but that wouldn’t matter. In the eyes of the Church and God, I’d really belong to you. I’d be your woman proud of my name, Mrs. Simon Ruben.”

Ruben chuckled, “Nicely said, Mrs. Ryan. I haven’t proposed yet. Perhaps you can move me toward a proposal with your sweet mouth?” He leaned down and placed his damp index finger on her lower lip. She opened her mouth and moved her head forward to take it in. She felt his long dirty fingernail deliberately scrape the roof of her mouth and then her tongue as he withdrew it.

“Now,” he said, “my prick. Do it slowly, artfully. Begin with soft wet kisses on my balls and cock.”

She lifted his heavy cock up and back against the bulge of his stomach. She lowered her head to his huge hanging ball sack. The stench was powerful, but she breathed it in. Looking up at him, she said, “Yes, Simon, this is where I belong.” She darted the tip of her tongue over his testicles, then used the flat of her tongue to lick them as she had done earlier. They began to swell. She was careful not to touch them with her lips. She paused and raised her head, “Look at my lips, Simon. Are they acceptable? I would like to kiss the tip of your great cock as I would kiss the mouth of a lover.”

“As you might kiss the mouth of your husband on your honeymoon night?”

“Yes, like that, a long kiss, gently and with love.”

“Look at his photograph first. Then hold my prick between your hands. Pull the skin back from its head. Stare down at the knob that will soon fill your pretty mouth. Look carefully at the slit, the piss hole.”

It was clear he’d been told of her training. It was equally clear that, although she’d made herself believe she had broken free of the training, she hadn’t. It was as strong now as it had been at the Facility. At that moment she wasn’t at all sure she resented its hold on her. Perhaps she even welcomed it. The thought crossed her mind that maybe she was using her training as an excuse. Ruben’s cock was not as long as Abul’s had been but it was easily twice as thick. The bulbous head was slightly deformed. It was not cone shaped but round and tilted slightly downward from the shaft. She knew from its shape that it would rub her “G” spot when he fucked her. Quickly she glanced a Jeff’s photograph, then stared at Ruben’s hardening cock. Her mouth, as she had been conditioned, filled with saliva, and her breathing quickened. Everything in the room faded. She became aware of nothing but the monstrous penis she held between her hands. The swollen pink cockhead was smooth as satin. His piss hole was a darker pink, wide and long. It looked like a little mouth. She knew if she squeezed his cockhead slightly, it would widen further.

“Speak the words,” Ruben said.

She leaned closer to his cock, “I…I…love it. I love your great cock,” she whispered.

Ruben leaned forward his eyes watching her carefully, “Kiss it, Mrs. Ryan, kiss the prick of Simon Ruben as you would kiss the mouth of your husband.”

She groaned and squeezing his cockhead she gently opened his piss hole. She turned her head slightly and, parting her lips, pressed them over the hole. She moaned softly as she slid her tongue along his slit and then into it. Even Ruben was surprised. She was kissing his cock as if it were the mouth of a lover. He could feel the warmth of her soft lips and the caress of her tongue as she drew it slowly back and forth along his slit and gently Frenched his piss hole. The kiss lasted a long while.

Still holding his cock she gazed down at it almost transfixed. Her lip prints formed a circle around the hole that glistened with her saliva. She looked up at him, “Thank you, Simon. Could you tell? Could you feel what I was feeling?”

“Your kiss was soft and sweet and your lips were, as I knew they would be, quite warm. The probing of your delightful tongue was very pleasant.” His eyes turned hard again. “Look at the photograph,” he ordered. She turned to face the picture of her smiling husband. Ruben continued, “He was a good man, wasn’t he, Mrs. Ryan? Active in the community, helping the poor, contributing to the hospital, organizing sports for the children. He was also a good husband, kind, generous, loving in every way. He was strong and handsome and, like you, very young. Yes?”

Tears had formed and run down Kathy’s cheeks. “Yes, he was all of those things. I loved him more than I can ever say.”

“You were childhood sweethearts and, until his untimely death last year, he was the only sexual partner you’d ever had, isn’t that so?”

“Yes, we started to go together in high school and married soon after college. Until last year he was the only man I had ever slept with.”

“And you miss this decent young man you’d loved since you both were children?”

She reached out to touch the photograph, “Of course, I miss him, every moment of every day and night.”

“Now look at me,” Ruben said. “In the past two days I’ve ruined this good man’s reputation. In public I’ve accused him of molesting my niece when she was a teenager. The faked letters and photographs and your own testimony have destroyed him completely. Here I sit, Simon Ruben, in your own bedroom in a chair he often occupied while he watched you at your table preparing perhaps for an evening out or for a night of making love.” He waved a hand at her, “And here you are more beautiful than ever, kneeling naked at the feet of the man who has delighted in destroying your wonderful husband’s good name. You are holding Simon Ruben’s cock between your hands. What have you to say to Simon Ruben, Mrs. Ryan?”

During his speech the tears continued to stream down her face. “The truth?” She asked, “You want the truth?”

“Yes, certainly. There will be no recriminations. Speak the truth.”

“I hate you, Simon Ruben. I hate you with every fiber of my body. If I could, I would kill you.”

“Yes, well that’s to be expected, I suppose. But there’s this other thing, isn’t there? No one forced you to kneel before me. No one made you press your lips to my cockhead.” He stared at her until she looked away. “What would you like to do now, Mrs. Ryan? What kind of pleasure do you want to give to your new lover who sits here in your husband’s chair waiting.” He paused, “Or do you still want to kill me?” Her head bowed, Kathy said nothing. He spoke again harsher this time, “I do not like to wait.”

His cock had grown limp in her hands. She lifted her head, “It isn’t a question of what I want, Simon. It’s what I need.”

He sneered at her, “What, then, do you need, Mrs. Ryan?

“You know what I need. I think you’ve known for a very long time. I need you, Simon, I need to belong to you. I need what you give me.”

He nodded, “Yes, that’s true and I have known for a long time, ever since you were an adolescent.” He leaned over and took her face between his hands. His eyes burned into hers. “What is it, Mrs. Ryan, hate or adoration? I don’t think it can be both. Do you wish to kill me or do you want to become my lover and my wife? Decide.” He stared at her for a full minute.

She lowered her eyes. “I….I’m sorry. Please forgive me. I…I…adore you. I want more than anything for you to take me as…as your lover and your wife.”

Ruben released her, and nodded. A slight smile crossed his face, “Now, tell me how you wish to give me pleasure.”

“I want to make your great cock hard again, Simon. I want to take as much of it into my mouth as I can. I want you to force me to take it all. I want to suck you for a long time. I want you to empty your cum into my mouth. I want to taste it and swallow it. And after you’ve cum, I want to clean your cock with my tongue and lips. I want to hold it against my cheeks. I want to kiss it. I want to cover Simon Ruben’s cock with soft wet kisses until he orders me to stop.”

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