Innuendos (It Had 2 B U Book 1) (10 page)

BOOK: Innuendos (It Had 2 B U Book 1)
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I get home around five to an empty house. Breezy is usually home around four. I wonder where she could be? I notice that the living room is kind of dirty, so I start straightening up. I don’t want her to go all postal on me for leaving the living room a mess.

When two hours go by and I still haven’t seen Breezy’s smiling face, I get nervous. I start to text her, when the door bursts open and she practically collapses in my arms. What the hell has she been doing for the last three hours?

“Breezy, are you okay?”

“Just. Ran. Ten. Miles.” She punctuates each word. She’s so out of breath, she can barely speak. I notice she’s still wearing her work clothes. Why would she go running in her slacks and a nice shirt?


“He wants to meet you, Max, tomorrow. Travis is coming here. He’s going to break up with me. Everything is going to fall apart, again. I’m going to grow up being single and alone. This is horrible, Max. I don’t want to lose him. I really like him.”

She hugs me so tight that I’m unable to breathe for a second, let alone answer the string of word vomit she’s spewing. So Mr. Numbers actually wants to meet me now. As the thought runs through my head, my smile spreads. I love meeting Breezy’s boyfriends—if for anything else, to watch as they run away screaming when they meet me. Don’t get me wrong. I’m never mean to them, but I find it hilarious that they take one look at me, get all self-conscious, and run for the hills. It’s not my fault that I’m ninety percent muscle and one hundred percent sexy.

“Do you want me to make dinner?”

“No, I’m pretty sure I won’t be hungry after he dumps my ass.”

“Maybe this guy will be different? Maybe he will accept me? Who knows? Stranger things have happened.”

“I have a better chance of growing a second head than I do of Travis understanding our relationship. Shit, half the time I don’t understand it,” she whimpers.

“What do you mean?”

“I dunno, we’re best friends, but sometimes when you flirt with me, I can’t tell if you’re being serious or not. There are times I wonder if you like me more than a friend. I guess I’m just being silly.”

Is it getting hot in here? My neck is burning. I’m sweating. Yup, someone must have turned up the heat, because I’m baking. “You are silly, but I love you for it.” I grin and kiss her head, making sure to peel her away from my guilty sweat.

“Do you really think he’ll be okay with us?”

“I don’t know, Breezy. I’m not sure I would be if I were in his shoes. I mean, look at me. I was built for the cover of
Sports Illustrated
,” I joke.

“Maybe the swimsuit issue?” she smiles.

“You just want to see me in a thong,” I reply sarcastically.

“Are you trying to say that you’re small enough to fit in a thong?”

“If you’re questioning the size of my junk, I would be happy to whip it out and show you how big it is.”

“Max, I’ve seen you naked. I know how big your dick is. I just don’t have my magnifying glass to help me,” she grins.

“You’re an ass.” I gently push her and then pull her into a hug. “You’re lucky I like you.”

She frowns. “Promise me if things go wrong tomorrow that you will be there for me. I’m not sure I can take another break up.”

“First off, Breezy, you know I will always be here for you no matter what. Second, you’re the strongest woman I know. You’ll be fine. Give the guy the benefit of a doubt. Maybe he will surprise you.”

“I guess so. How’d I get so lucky? I seriously have the world’s best friend. You’re my favorite, Max.”

I kiss her head and squeeze her. “Ditto, Breezy.”

The words
I love you
are on the tip of my tongue. If only she knew how much I actually do love her, maybe things would be different right now.




Chapter Nine




Travis and I are standing in front of my house. My stomach is bubbling like boiling soup. I’m so nervous that my left hand starts shaking uncontrollably, and once Travis notices, he takes it and squeezes.

“Come on, she can’t be that bad.” The minute his hand is in mine, I calm down. Travis has this uncanny ability to make me feel wonderful every time I’m near him. Maybe he will be different. Maybe he won’t care that Max is a guy and I lied to him.

I reluctantly put my hand on the doorknob and turn it, leading Travis into my house and my secret life with Max. The living room is deserted, but I can hear whistling coming from the bathroom.

“Max, are you home?” I shout.

I take a deep breath. Okay, this is it, Breezy—the final test to see if Travis is worth all the love you’ve given him.
Please be okay with Max.
I silently pray.

Just as I’m about call out Max’s name again, he emerges from the bathroom. He has on no shirt, a toothbrush is hanging lazily from the side of his mouth, and he’s smiling a little too widely. I think he likes meeting my boyfriends, way too much. He has on board shorts that are hanging low on his hips, showing off his perfect abs and that damn ‘V’ leading straight to his penis. Of course, he has to look like this when I first introduce him to Travis.

“Hey, you must be Travis! I’m Max,” Max says, taking a step forward with a friendly outstretched hand.

Travis shoots me an evil look and takes Max’s hand. I notice him grip it a little tighter than he should. Max is obviously used to men trying to show him up, because he returns his grip until Travis finally releases him.

“I’ve heard a lot about you. I’m glad to finally meet you,” Max tells him.

“I’ve heard a lot about you, as well.
Just not enough.
Your roommate is a guy?” Travis turns to me. I cower under his hateful stare. This was not how I wanted introducing the two of them to go.

Travis stalks across the room, running his hand frantically through his hair. “You lied to me, Bree. You told me your roommate was female.”

Max smiles widely, knowing perfectly well why I said what I did. I break his gaze and follow Travis’s stride across the room.

I stop him with my hand and force him to look up at me. “I’m sorry, Travis. I told you that I was afraid of introducing you to my roommate. Every guy I’ve ever dated gets all wiggy about him. Max and I have been friends for ten years; we’ve been living together for the last three. It’s a strictly platonic relationship, but for some reason guys are just threatened by the fact I live with another man.”

“Well, yeah. Look at him!” Travis shouts. “His muscles could eat my muscles for breakfast.”

Max looks down at his chest and beams brightly.

“He’s a personal trainer. Of course he’s fit,” I say in Max’s defense.

Max smiles even more.

“He’s a guy, Bree. You’re living with a guy. That’s not normal unless he’s gay.” He turns to Max. “Are you gay?”

“Hell no, I’m not gay,” Max answers.

“He’s not gay, Bree. It’s not normal for a woman who looks like you to live with a guy that looks like him and not have any hanky panky going on behind closed doors.

“Oh there’s hanky panky, alright. Just never with her,” Max replies smugly. “Breezy calls my room the bordello of barflies.”

Travis shoots me a pained look. I guess learning that my roommate is not only hot, but also a womanizer, doesn’t help my case.

“Well, it is,” I whisper.

“Bree, I know I said that I would be able to handle meeting your roommate, but this,” he motions to Max’s torso, “is too much.”

“Yeah, I definitely have a lot of abs. I think I counted at least an eight pack yesterday.”

Travis’s mouth drops. “He has an eight pack?” Travis lifts up his shirt showing off his no pack. “I’m completely inadequate here.”

“You’re perfect!” I blurt out. “Please, Travis, give me a chance to prove to you that living with Max isn’t a big deal. I’ve done it for the last three years. I’ve spent ten years of my life being his best friend. We haven’t kissed, we haven’t had sex, and we haven’t done anything that would even remotely lead to a relationship.

“Do you flirt?” Travis asks.

“Yes, sometimes,” I answer honestly.

“Then obviously you’re doing
that will lead to a relationship. Men and women don’t flirt unless they are interested in each other.”

“Not true,” Max pipes in. “I flirt with Breezy all the time, and she only does it back because it’s our thing. She doesn’t like me like that, man. Never has and never will.”

“Do you want her? Are you secretly in love with my girlfriend?”

Max shoots me a nervous glance. I barely catch it, but the brief look of panic that crosses his face is quite interesting.

“Dude, I think you’re reacting a little harshly. It’s not that big of a deal.”

“So, you’re telling me that if you were dating a hot woman like Bree for five months, you’ve invested your time, you’ve exchanged I love you’s with her . . .”

“You’ve said I love you to him?” Max looks at me with hurt in his eyes.

“Yes, I have.” I turn to Travis. “I do love you, Travis, with all my heart and soul.”

“Bree, I love you, too, but I really need to think this through. Falling in love with you has been incredibly easy, but knowing you blatantly lied to me really hurts. I need some time to figure this all out.”

“Are you breaking up with me?” Crap. Tears are already threatening my eyes. Travis looks a little wounded by my tears.

“If you want to call it that, then yes. I need some space.”

“Dude, don’t break her heart. She said she loves you. That’s huge,” Max interrupts. “Don’t leave her like this, not over me.”

“Are you willing to find somewhere else to live?” Travis asks him smugly.

Max looks taken aback. “Fuck no, just because you don’t have the balls to be with a girl who has a male roommate, doesn’t mean I’m going to move out just because you want me to.”

“Then it looks like we’re done here,” Travis states sadly. “I’m sorry, Bree. I like you. I really do. But I told you before that there’s nothing I hate more than a liar, and frankly you’ve been lying this whole time.”

He walks to my door. Each step he takes breaks my heart more and more. “Travis, wait!” I rush to him. “Please, can’t we work this out?” I take his hand. Tears are streaming down my face. I’m overwhelmed with emotions. I don’t want to lose another boyfriend because of who I live with.

“Give me some time, Bree. Maybe . . . With that he drops my hand, opens my door, and storms out, slamming the door behind him.

I crumple to the ground. Never in my life have I felt this much devastation over a break-up. I fell in love with Travis—I fell hard, and now that he’s left me, it’s like I’ve shattered into a million tiny pieces—like Humpty Dumpty, only prettier.

Max comes up behind me and tries to console me by wrapping me in a hug.
This is all his fault!
If it wasn’t for Max always coming between me and my relationships, Travis would still be here.

I push him away and glare at him. “This is your fault!” I shout at him.

“My fault?”

“If you weren’t so damn good looking, guys wouldn’t be threatened by you. Did you have to come out of the bathroom looking like this? Look at what happened? The moment you step out looking all hot and steamy, my boyfriend breaks up with me, just like all the rest. Do you get some sick pleasure out of seeing me unhappy? Is my love life just some big game to you?”

“Of course not, Breezy, I care about you. I hate seeing you hurt like this.” He reaches out to hug me; I move a step back.

“Don’t touch me, Max. I’m mad at you. Whether you’re doing this on purpose, or not, you’re still ruining everything for me. I’m tired of it. I hate the fact that you seem to be happy with your revolving door of pussy but at the same time enjoy ruining every relationship I have. You’re supposed to be my best friend, Max.”

“I am your best friend, Breezy. How can you say that I am not?”

“If you were my best friend, you wouldn’t be constantly trying to ruin my relationships. What’s your problem anyway? Why do you constantly feel the need to sabotage my relationships?”

Max studies me carefully. He knows I’m pissed right now. “I don’t, Breezy. You should know that. All I want is for you to be happy.”

“Well, good job, Max. You’ve officially made me feel the worst I’ve ever felt in my life. I hope you’re happy.”

I spin away from him and stomp all the way to my room. I know I’m being a little childish, but when your fifth boyfriend in the last three years dumps you because you live with another man, I think being pissed off and childish is warranted. Once I get to my room, I slam my door and lock it, sinking to the floor while I sob.

Max knocks on my door, but I ignore him.

“Breezy, let me in.”

Another knock.

“Come on, you know I can’t sit here and let you cry like this. Let me in so I can make you feel better. I know you want a hug.” I hear him settle against the door. His breathing is erratic on the other side. I know what I said to him must’ve hurt, but that doesn’t excuse the fact that he’s been using my love life as a dart board for the last three years.

I can hear his back slide down the wood, and I know he’s sitting exactly like I am right now.

“Breezy, please come talk to me. I don’t want you to cry alone. That guy doesn’t deserve you if he can’t see how amazing you are. Being with you is worth fighting for. If he doesn’t understand that, then he isn’t worth your time or tears.

I feel something touch my butt, and I see his fingers wiggling underneath the door frame. My first initial reaction is to get up and walk over to my bed, but like always, I give in and brush my fingers against his. The space underneath my door is big enough that we can intertwine our fingers, and I hate how comforting his touch is for me. Some of the pain starts to fade. He squeezes my fingers, and I squeeze him back. Like always, my crutch is there for me to lean on—even if there is wood separating us for the moment.

“Breezy, I hope you know that I care about you. Please don’t think I do any of this intentionally to hurt you. You’re my favorite person in the whole world. Without your smiling face, I would be lost. Knowing that you’re hurting right now is killing me. I wasn’t trying to push Travis away. If anything, I was overly nice to him. Please say something, Breezy. I can’t stand the thought of you being mad at me for even a minute.

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