Innuendos (It Had 2 B U Book 1) (5 page)

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“I don’t. My roommate has a serious collection.”

“That girl must like her sex.”

“Yeah, I think it’s possible.” I nervously nibble on my lip. I hate lying to him. In my defense, I want to keep this one. He’s sweet and handsome. He’s everything I’ve ever wanted in a guy. Telling him about Max will only ruin everything that has made this night so perfect. Right now all I want is to fall asleep in my man’s arms and hear him say I love you at least a dozen or so more times.

I nestle into his body and allow his warmth to heat my skin.

“I love you, Bree.”

“I love you, Travis.”

He kisses my shoulder blade and squeezes me a little tighter. “A guy could get used to hearing those words from your lips.”

“Well, a girl could say the same thing about you.”

“Is that so? What else could a girl say about me?” He kisses my shoulder and maneuvers my body so he can climb on top of me again.

“This girl says she thinks she needs to feel you inside of her again.”

“I think I can manage that.” He reaches back into his dresser and pulls out another condom. I can’t believe he’s already hard again—not that I’m complaining. The fact he has the stamina of a young stallion is one of the many things I love about him.

“I think we’ve done enough talking for the night. Earlier I made love to you. Now I’m going to fuck the shit out of you. Do you think you can handle that?”

“Why Travis, do you actually think you can threaten me with a good time? Let’s do this thing.”

Needless to say, Travis’s condom stash doesn’t stand a chance of surviving through the night if I have my way. I’m definitely going to have to raid Max’s tote tomorrow if I’m going to make it through the weekend. My plan is to ride my stallion until I break him in.

If you know what I mean?



Chapter Four




As promised, I gave Maggie the night of her life. Every inch of that woman’s body was worshipped: from her love handles, to her muffin top. I kissed them all, and she enjoyed every single second of it. There’s something about Maggie I really like. For some reason, I didn’t kick her ass out the minute we were done tearing up my sheets. She even slept over—something that never happens. I don’t do overnights because of Breezy. The last thing I want is for her to have one of those awkward meetings the next morning when a girl stays over. Breezy’s gotten pretty good at hiding in her room when I do have guests over, but lately, I only have people over when she has date nights.

Trying not to disturb Maggie, I carefully slide out of bed. She’s snoring next to me. Thankfully, she didn’t try to spoon me last night. She kept her distance and followed all of my rules. I made sure she was quite clear of them before we fell asleep. No spooning of any kind, no cuddling or touching of my feet, and my biggest rule of all was that this is a one-time thing. No do overs, no call backs, and definitely no relationship of any kind will come from her staying over.

I didn’t hear Breezy come home last night. I think that’s part of the reason I let Maggie stay over. Breezy’s overnights are few and far between, but I notice with this Travis guy, they have been getting more frequent.

I make my way to the kitchen to start my morning ritual. First, I make a pot of coffee; then I get straight to work making breakfast. It’s almost nine, so hopefully Breezy will be coming through that door any minute to eat with me. I fry up some turkey sausage and bacon. Next, I pull out the egg whites from the fridge to make a couple of omelets: spinach and avocado for her, and a chorizo type one for me. I’m not sure what Maggie wants, so I decide to wait for her to wake up before making her one. I hope Breezy gets here soon.

As if on cue, the front door opens and Breezy lazily strolls through with flushed cheeks and her dress slightly askew. Her hair is a disaster; my heart sinks when I realize it’s a fresh I-just-got-fucked type of hair style.

“Walking with shame this morning, Beautiful?” I ask, pushing the omelet and a cup of coffee towards her. She sits down and begins eating immediately.

“Not in the least. I’m walking with complete sexual gratification, thank you very much.” She looks into her coffee cup and grins evilly. “Looks like you forgot to give me your cream. You know I like my coffee even better when it is mixed with your special cream, Max.”

I chuckle. She’s referring to the special Baileys Irish Creamer I use in my coffee. I sometimes put it in her coffee, too. This morning I forgot. “Is that so? If you are craving my special cream, Breezy, all you have to do is ask for it,” I wink.

“Please, Max. Will you give me your cream?” Fuck, just the way she’s saying it has me hard. It’s seductive and sexy, and all she’s talking about is stupid coffee creamer. I walk over to the fridge, pull out the creamer, and poor a little into her coffee cup.

“Give me more, Max. I need more—cream my coffee.”

Her smile widens. I bite my lip just to make sure I don’t say anything that’s going to get me into trouble. When her hand comes over the table and covers mine, I end up spilling some of the creamer all over her fingers.

“Oops, looks like you missed. You need to work on your aim.” She brings her fingers up to her mouth and sucks off the creamer.

Oh god, she would have to do that.

I angle myself behind the kitchen island and start talking down the raging boner she just gave me. She’s killing me here.

“You’re gonna have to stop licking those fingers, Breezy; otherwise you’re going to get shot with my good creamer.” She knows exactly what I’m referring to but doesn’t say anything. Instead, she giggles and goes back to eating her omelet. We sit there in silence for a while. The whole time I watch her eat. Every single bite going into her mouth, I’m jealous of. Just once I want to feel what it’s like to feel her lips wrapped around me.

There’s something different about her. She’s glowing. She’s got this dreamy look in her eyes. As she devours my omelet, I catch her staring off into space.

“You look lost in thought.”

“Sorry, it was just a great night last night. Thanks for the omelet. I probably shouldn’t be eating it. I think Travis has something planned for when I get back.”

“Get back?”

“Yeah, I came home to get a change of clothes and raid your condom stash.”

My stomach turns. This must be getting serious. Breezy has never spent a whole weekend with another guy before. I watch as she lazily eats her way through her omelet, grinning like crazy after each bite. Something is definitely going on with my best friend. I’ve never seen her like this before.

“What’s up? You look overly happy.”

“I am happy. Travis is everything I’ve been looking for in a man. He’s knows exactly what to do to pleasure me. God his tongue . . .”

“Okay, that’s enough. I don’t give you details of my sexual exploits. How about you do the same for me?” Suddenly, eating doesn’t sound very appealing. I push the plate away from me. Breezy’s never discussed her sex life with me before. That’s what I prefer. I’m getting jealous even thinking about his mouth being on her body. It should be my tongue pleasing her, not his.

The door to my room opens, and Maggie sleepily emerges, wearing one of my big t-shirts. She blinks at me and Breezy then looks at her feet, a little ashamed.

“You have a girlfriend?” She asks in surprise.       

“Nope, I’m just his roommate,” Breezy shoots me a smile and raises an eyebrow.

She’s not the only one that can have sleepovers.

“Maggie, this is my roommate, Breeanne. I call her Breezy. She just got back from a hot date with Numbers Man.”

“Travis,” Breezy corrects me.

“That’s right, Travis.” His name is like acid on my tongue. I immediately feel like scraping it off with a fire poker.

Breezy finishes her food, rinses off her plate in the sink and walks straight into my room emerging a few seconds later with a handful of condoms.

Holy crap! How much sex does she plan on having this weekend?

“Are you participating in a sex marathon today or making balloon animals for a children’s birthday party?” I ask, completely mortified.

“Use your imagination,” she grins.

I don’t want to use my imagination. Using it will only make me think of her in compromising positions with someone who is not me.

It’s obvious this girl has no idea how much torture she’s putting me through. I watch her helplessly as she disappears back into her room. Maggie looks nervous. I suddenly realize I’m not being the best host, so I turn to her and charm her with a smile.

“I make a mean omelet. What would you like?”

“Can you make a cheese, spinach, and olive one?” she asks with more confidence.

“Sure can, have a seat. Would you like some coffee?”

“No thanks. I don’t touch the stuff.” She’s quiet for a few seconds as she looks around the house. Finally, she speaks. “So your roommate is really pretty.”

“She is. She’s probably one of the most beautiful women I know,” I reply nonchalantly.

“You guys aren’t together?”

I mix up her omelet, making sure the perfect ratio of cheese, spinach and olives are inside before frying them up. As a personal trainer, I make it my job to make healthy but delicious breakfasts for Breezy and me. Besides our occasional movie pig out, this house is usually filled with healthy food alternatives.

“Nope. Just friends.”

Breezy walks out of her bedroom and enters the bathroom. My eyes trail after her until the door closes, and I go back to making the omelet.

“Does she know that you’re in love with her?” Maggie asks.

“What?” I drop the spatula. I pick it back up and try to keep my composure.

“Does she know that you’re in love with her? She’s been here for twenty minutes, and your eyes haven’t left her once. I’m curious if she knows how you feel?”

“What, are you a mind reader?”

“No, actually, I work as a school counselor. While in school I really honed my skills on reading people and their body language. The way you stare at her is quite endearing actually. You’re absolutely smitten with her.”

“She’s my best friend. Of course I love her,” I reply casually, despite the fact my heart is racing, and I’m sweating like a pig.

“Of course,” she laughs. “I was curious, that’s all.”

I finish up her omelet and lean against the counter. Breezy emerges from the shower just wearing a robe. Immediately my dick is hard. When she disappears back into her room, I adjust myself.

Maggie catches me and smirks over her omelet. “This is delicious, Max, thank you.” Obviously she’s not going to call me out over my sudden chub.

“No problem, Maggie.” My eyes are right back on Breezy’s door.
What the fuck is wrong with me today?

“So, what do you do for work?” she asks.

“I’m a personal trainer down at Alfredo’s gym.”

“I’ve heard of that place. My friends say all the hot guys go there.”

“Speaking of your friends, what was up with those bitches last night?”

Maggie looks away and shrugs her shoulders. “Jane and Tabitha are co-workers of my cousin Emma, the girl who went home with your friend. Emma and I spend a lot of time together, but sometimes she forces me to hang out with Jane and Tabitha. Last night was one of those nights.”

“They didn’t seem very nice to you.”

“They aren’t. Jane hates me. Why? I have no idea. Personally, I think it’s because of my boob size. I have a natural ‘D’, she’s lucky to have ‘A’ cups.”

“I like your ‘D’s. Your nipples are like tiny Frisbees,” I grin.

“Not sure my nipples have ever been described as outside flying toys before, but thanks,” she laughs.

“Well, I definitely enjoyed playing with them last night.”

“About last night . . .” her voice trails off.

“What about it?”

“Thank you for it. I’ve never had a man make me feel so wanted before. I felt special, and that never happens to me.”

“Well, you are special, Maggie. Don’t let any guy tell you otherwise.” I briefly make eye contact with her before my eyes are back on Breezy’s door. Would it be completely horrible if I begged Breezy to stay with me this weekend? I could fake an illness or tell her my dog died back home. I’m sure I could find some way to convince her to stay with me.

“I guess I have low self-esteem. My last boyfriend was a chubby chaser. He got his jollies off feeding me food and smearing it all over my body. When he started calling me his Little Piggy, I bailed.”

“What a fucker.” Some men don’t know how to treat a woman right. I’d really like to know when men regressed back to the caveman ways of treating women like a possession. I refuse to club any woman over the head. Instead, I treat them like the gems that they are. “I hope you kicked him in the balls.”

“I’m pretty sure, Hank didn’t have balls. The sex was weak. I might have been fucking a female with a strap on for all I know.”

I almost spit out my coffee from laughing so hard. This girl is beyond hilarious.

“So, Mr. Personal Trainer . . . what would you say about training me? I’ve been thinking about losing some of this weight I’ve been lugging around.”

I’m about to answer her when Breezy comes out of her room. She has a bag slung over her shoulder. She’s wearing a cute low cut camisole and blue jeans. Breezy could wear a damn paper bag, and I would still find her attractive. She drops the bag on the couch and walks over to me, wrapping me in a hug.

“Thanks for breakfast, Max. You’re the best.” I squeeze her tightly and make sure I’m angled away from her so she doesn’t feel my hard-on. It’s insane how much my body craves this woman.

She kisses me on the cheek.

“You know every time you kiss me it goes straight to my dick, right?” She thinks I’m kidding, but I’m one hundred percent serious.

“It’s a strategic ploy to drive you insane. It’s my mission to make blue balls an everyday thing for you.”

Mission is most certainly accomplished.

“I’ll make sure my dick writes you a thank you note for that later.”

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