Innuendos (It Had 2 B U Book 1) (7 page)

BOOK: Innuendos (It Had 2 B U Book 1)
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I swoon as his lips find the exposed skin on my legs. He carefully kisses his way up my thigh until he reaches my underwear and slowly slides them down my legs. The moment the fabric leaves my ankles, he leans me upwards and takes my dress over my head. Now, I’m completely bare except for my bra which also quickly leaves my body.

“God, you’re so gorgeous,” he breathes, nuzzling my inner thighs with his nose. “I’m going to love devouring that sweet pussy of yours.”

I open my mouth to speak, but he cuts me off by giving my clit a tickle with his tongue. I moan loudly as he pries open both of my legs and exposes my most sensitive area for himself. “Slow and seductive baby. If it doesn’t feel good, you need to tell me, okay?”

“Yes,” I breathe, as his mouth comes down hard on my entrance and his tongue plunges deep inside me. If this is any indication of what’s to come in the next twenty four hours, I’m definitely glad I packed light, because I don’t plan on ever leaving this room.

“Breezy,” Travis says coming up for air. His eyes connect with mine, and I can feel the love permeating from them. “I love you.”

“I love you, Trav . . .” I finish with a moan. Travis is determined to make me finish; I have no doubt that I will be able to fulfill his request. This man is it for me. I can’t picture another man capturing my heart the way Travis has. I’m hoping this is only the beginning to a series of spontaneous trips and lazy weekends in bed, because from here on out, I’m spending every waking minute with the man of my dreams.







Chapter Six





SHE’S IN FUCKING ASPEN! I read her text message for the millionth time since receiving it, and my heart plunges to my feet. The woman I love is in a different state with her obviously loaded boyfriend for the entire weekend. How can I compete with that? Where do I go from here? Overwhelmed with emotion, I stare into the emptiness of our apartment. For some reason, this guy feels different than her last few boyfriends.

I pick up my phone and dial Tony’s number. He picks up on the third ring.

“Talk to me, Pudding,” he says without laughing.

“I need a drink. Make that fifty drinks.”

“Uh oh, Buttercup, what’s wrong?”

“Breezy’s new boyfriend is loaded and carted her off to Aspen for the weekend. This guy is special, Tony. This guy has staying power.”

“Has he met you yet?”

Why do people always ask that?

“No, of course not. Breezy won’t allow it. Besides, I’m not sure I can look this one in the eye and not purposely try to get rid of his ass.”                                                                                    

“Don’t you purposely get rid of all the men she dates?”

I think back to all the guys Breezy has dated in the past. Each one of them broke up with her because of me. Honestly, I don’t do anything to scare them away. It’s like they take one look at me and bail.

“No, they all take one look at me and dump her.”

“It’s because you’re a sexy man-beast,” he laughs. “Even I have a thing for you.”

“Damn dude, I thought you hated it the other night when I hit on you? Who knew you had a secret crush on my junk.”

“You’re kinda growing on me, I guess.” Then he laughs. “Just joking, I’ve been having so much sex lately, that it’s put me in a good mood.”

“Sex with who?”

“Emma, she’s like a tiger in the bedroom. I’ve never let a girl be in control before, but once I felt her hand slap my ass, I was all about her dominating me. My ass is so raw from her spanking fetish that I can barely walk today.”

“Whoa dude, please don’t share details with me about your sex life. Besides, the only person who should be spanking you is me.”

“Nah, you’re not rough enough. You’re sort of a pussy when it comes to the spanking department.”

He knows perfectly well I could take his ass any day of the week. “How can you be having so much sex, when we just met her the day before yesterday?”

“She hasn’t left. Not that I want her to. I really like having her around. This girl does things to me, Max. Things I can’t explain.”

“I’m sorry man, but I hate to tell you this . . . she’s a dude, and that thing you can’t explain is a dick.”

“You’re an asshole, Max. I know for sure that she
a girl. I ate that pussy like it was made of beef jerky,” he exclaims proudly.

“Did you really just compare a woman’s vagina to beef jerky? If you’re going to describe it against a type of food, at least call it a peach or something sweet. Beef jerky makes me think of old women with wrinkly vaginas.”

“Hey, don’t knock the cougars. They’re phenomenal in the sack.”

“Why does that not surprise me? How do you handle that sagging boob thing?”

“It’s easy. All you have to do is throw them over your shoulders; that way you don’t have to worry about them slipping all over the place.”

“I think I’m going to throw up,” I’m practically puking over the thought of wrinkly vaginas and snake-like boobs.

“I’m kidding, Max. The oldest woman I’ve been with is in her early forties.”

“That’s still a little too old for my blood.”

“Don’t knock it until you try it,” he says laughing, “So what’s up?”

“I was hoping we could go drinking tonight. No girls. I want a guy’s night. I’m going to invite Dashawn and maybe my cousin Milo.”

“Nawh, Milo is a fucking dirt bag. He’ll ruin my buzz. Call Dashawn. Then we can be the three of the best looking men in the bar. Your cousin looks like a weasel. Plus, he has that flatulence problem.”

“Good point. I’ll call Dashawn. How about Koolka’s at nine?”

“Sounds good, I’m gonna go fuck Emma a couple more times, and then I’ll meet you there.”

“Don’t let her abuse you too much. I want to be able to have my way with you later tonight.”

“You wouldn’t be able to handle my cock, Max. You have a tiny mouth.”

“I’ve never had a complaint,” I quip.

He laughs. “Alright, I’ll see you tonight. Later, Sweet cheeks.”

“Later, Pumpkin.” I hang up the phone laughing. Out of everyone in my life, Tony and Breezy are my two favorite people.

Dashawn is a fellow trainer and probably the only guy friend I have other than Tony and my cousin Milo. Dashawn has a better reputation than I do when it comes to training. Usually, we’re in a constant battle with each other when it comes to our client’s weight loss goals, but since his accident, his heart really hasn’t been into training like it should be.

He’s still recovering from a brutal break up with his ex-girlfriend Janelle. That bitch actually stabbed him with a kitchen knife when he tried breaking up with her. He was lucky she missed his heart; she ended up stabbing too high up and driving the knife just below his shoulder blade. I never understood why he didn’t press charges against her. His response was that she wasn’t worth it, but I think deep down he still has feelings for that crazy girl.

Dashawn and I are alike in a lot of ways. We both have a thing for the underdogs, the girls that normally don’t get a lot of attention. Janelle is a three-hundred and fifty pound, crazy town chick, who spends more time with her hand stuffed into peanut butter jars than caring about her appearance. I never really understood their relationship. Dashawn is, as Breezy describes, an “Ebony God”. She says he’s the most gorgeous black man she’s ever met. That’s the main reason I don’t allow her at my gym.

If being stabbed wasn’t enough to keep him from work, he has also been having trouble with his grandmother’s health. She fell and broke her hip, so now he’s taken a sabbatical to stay home and help her recover. It’s been the longest month of my life, and I’m ready for him to get back to work and keep me on my toes.

I’m sure he needs a break from everything, so when I call him, I’m not surprised by how eager he is to get out of the house.

The bar is filled with people when I finally arrive. Tony and Dashawn are already at the bar surrounded by a group of ladies. It never fails. I can say it’s a guy’s night, but there will always be women hanging around us by the end of the night. They’re like cockroaches with the way they spill out of every corner.
I guess I’ll be choking on perfume and estrogen once again.

Tony is taking a shot with a sexy brunette in a tight black dress. Dashawn has his arms around two blondes. At first I thought they were twins, but upon closer inspection, I realize they are just best friends who happened to be dressed in the same cute, floral dress with their hair identically styled. Six other women flank them. Each woman has the same look on their face—an eagerness to go home with one of my friends.

When I come up to the bar, both Dashawn and Tony are grinning proudly. “So much for guy’s night, boys.” I flag down the bartender and order a beer. I feel someone come up behind me and a hand fit in my pocket. I’m surprised to see a girl with bright orange hair, wearing jeans and a rock shirt, standing by my side. She’s not my usual type, but I wasn’t really looking to score tonight, anyway. She looks up at me and smiles. Her face is dotted with piercings, and I notice her left arm is sheathed in tattoos.

“Max, it’s about time you got here,” Tony says, taking another shot. “Let me introduce you to the ladies. This sexy brunette is Carrie. Those two sexy blondes nibbling on Chocolate’s neck are Brooke and Cory,” he tells me. He points to the six other women and starts naming them off. None of them are as attractive as the women both of my friends are hogging. “Piper, Trixie, Gina, Denise, Quinn, and that beauty in orange is . . .” his voice trails off as my pin-cushion companion speaks.

“My name is Yasmine, but people call me Yazzy.”

That sounds way too close to Breezy. I didn’t want to think about her tonight. The moment I hear Yazzy’s name, I’m instantly picturing Breezy in that crumpled, purple dress after the night of passion she had with Numbers Man. I try to remove myself from the vice-like hold Yazzy has on my jeans, but she won’t shake off; I finally give up. At least if she’s hanging on me, I don’t have to worry about other girls trying to hit on me. Tonight, I want to drink and nothing else.

An hour later I’m toasted. Most of the girls have left. Yazzy, the two blondes whose names I’ve already forgotten, and the sexy brunette that Tony has his eye on, are the only girls that remain.

“Max, do you have any tattoos?” Yazzy asks.
I’m not sure when her twin joined the party, but I’m having trouble focusing on one girl, let alone two.

“Nope. Not yet. I’m saving my skin for my children’s names.”

“Oh, you want kids?”

“Eventually, but only with the right woman.” I forgot how much my mouth runs when I’m drunk. Tony and Dashawn obviously notice because they’re both laughing.
I hate not having a drinking filter

“When he says right woman, he means his girlfriend,” Tony states.

“Are they dating now?” Dashawn asks.

“Nope, she’s still dragging him around by his dick, like the little cock tease that she is.”

“Shut up, Tony. Don’t talk about Breezy that way!” I shout at him. I grab another beer and down it.

“So you have a girlfriend?” Yazzy asks disappointed.

“Nope, she’s my fucking roommate.”

“And best friend, and the love of his life that won’t give him the time of day. That girl has no idea how in love with her this guy is. He worships her like a fucking Grecian Goddess, and rightly so. That woman is sex in high heels. God, I’d give my left nut to fuck her just once,” Tony exclaims adjusting his pants.

“Stop talking about fucking Breezy, Tony, or I’m going to pummel your face.”

He laughs. “Max, you know as well as I do that Breezy would never touch me. Besides, she’s getting serious with that accountant asshole. It won’t be long before she’s moving out of your house and into his apartment.”

“Don’t say shit like that,” I whine.

“He’s got a point, dude. If she’s in Aspen right now, it doesn’t look good. I’d be surprised if they aren’t already saying the “L” word.”

I cover my ears and glare at both of them as they laugh their asses off. “I need another drink. Make that three.” The bartender hears my request and puts three shots onto the bar. I down each of them quickly, obviously impressing Yazzy—the girl who doesn’t get the hint that I’m not interested in her. She attaches to my side again. I’m so drunk right now my head is swimming in alcohol, and through my beer goggles, I start to see things I shouldn’t be.

“Hey, Max, come with me,” Yazzy or her twin tells me.

“Go get her, Max!” shouts Tony from over my shoulder. I flip him off, or at least I think I do. I’m so drunk I may have just flashed him my ring finger instead of my middle.

We’re almost to the door when I realize there’s absolutely no way I’d ever fuck this chick, let alone let her close to my dick. I pull away from her and glare.

“Sorry, I’m not interested.”

“You’ve been hanging on me all night, and now you’re not interested?”

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