Into The Fire (31 page)

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Authors: E. L. Todd

Tags: #sex, #tattoo, #billionaire, #contemporary romance, #alpha male, #inked man

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“Ouch,” he said. “Now I understand.”

“He’s hotheaded and irritable…but it sounded
like he meant it.”

“Well, you’ll need to find a man that doesn’t
care about your profession.”

“That’s the thing, he used to not care,” I
said. “But then he started to get upset about it.”

“Probably when he fell in love with you,” he
said quietly.

“No, not that.” My stomach filled with acid
at the thought. “But I know he cares about me.”

“Well, I hope everything works out.”

“Thanks, Tim.” We turned right when we saw
the Chinese restaurant then headed down the alley until we reached
the outside of Beautiful Entourage. “Thank you for walking me.”

“No problem.” He kept his hands in his
pockets. “I’ll call the office if I need anything else.”

“Okay. Great.”

He gave me a curt nod before he turned on his
heel and walked back to the sidewalk.

I released a deep sigh before I opened my
clutch and searched for my keys.

A man emerged from the shadows like a dark
cloud. I felt his proximity before I saw him. I immediately grabbed
my mace and prepared to spray my assaulter when he grabbed me by
the wrist and yanked my arm down. “It’s me.” Ash’s deep voice came
into my ear.

My heart rate slowed down when I realized I
wasn’t going to die tonight. I tried to catch my breath as the
anxiety passed. “You scared the shit out of me.”

He released my wrist. “And you’re lucky it
was me and not someone else.” His voice was full of irritation.
“Otherwise, your pathetic attempt to mace me wouldn’t have worked.
I would have fucked you against this door and no one would hear
your screams.”

I held his gaze without backing down. “Why
are you here, Ash?”

He stared at me with a clenched jaw.

“Following me? Keeping tabs on me?”

“Making sure you got here safely and that
asshole didn’t pull something stupid.”

“He was a very nice guy.”

“Lucky for you.” He grabbed my arm and pulled
me from the alleyway. “Come on.”

I went with him because it’s where I planned
on going anyway.

His hand gripped mine and he interlocked our
fingers. His hold was tight and it didn’t seem like he ever planned
on letting go.

“What’s going on?” I asked.

“I’m taking you home,” he said like a
smartass. “What does it look like I’m doing?”

I stopped walking and pulled my hand away. “I
meant with us.”

He didn’t try to grab me again.

“You break up with me and then you show up
here? What are you doing?”

He gripped his skull then released an
irritated sigh. “I don’t fucking know. I couldn’t sleep not knowing
if you were okay. I couldn’t do anything other than pace in my
apartment. All I could think about was some asshole grabbing you. I
had to make sure nothing happened.”

This relationship just became more confusing.
“Ash, I—”

“I love you.” He looked at the ground as he
said it. “I admit it. There. Are you happy?”

“I never asked...”

“I know I’ve felt that way for a long time
but I was too afraid to say it to anyone, including myself. And the
way I’m behaving right now only confirms it. I’ve never been so
obsessed with one person before. You’re constantly on my mind, and
the idea of you being unsafe makes me insane. I have no idea what
I’m doing or why I’m doing it, but I’m just doing it.” He lowered
his hands to his sides. “I’m not good at expressing my emotions
or…talking in general. All I know is my life isn’t right when you
aren’t in it.” He held my gaze as he spoke. “When we weren’t
together for a few months, I didn’t even know who I was anymore.
When I’m with you…that’s who I really am. And I can’t stand by and
let you risk your life like this. I had to check on you. I’m sorry
if that’s too much but I had to.”

Speechless, I stared at him.

He put his hands on his hips as he regarded
me. “I know you feel the same way, Alessandra. I see it in your
eyes every time I walk through the door. I feel it in your touch
every time we’re in bed together. I hear it in your voice when we
talk on the phone. Or am I wrong?”

He wasn’t. And I knew that. I shook my head
in response. “No…”

Ash crossed his arms over his chest while he
stared at me.

I stared back.

He took a deep breath then rubbed the back of
his neck. “I can’t believe I just said that to a woman… I’ve never
said that before.”

“I know. I feel special.”

He stared at me like he was waiting for

I knew what it was. “I love you too.”

Ash didn’t react overtly but a small
explosion happened deep in his eyes. He lowered his hands to his
sides then stepped closer to me. His hands moved to my hips and he
held me close. “I don’t know what I’m doing…but I know how I feel.
I miss my life before you came along. I didn’t have a care in the
world and I’d never been heartbroken. But with you, I’m so happy
but in so much pain at the same time. I’m not sure how to handle

“I know what you mean.”

“I’m sorry if I do stupid shit and say the
wrong things. I’m learning here.”

“I am too.”

Instead of kissing my lips, he leaned in and
kissed my temple. He’d never done that before, and it was the first
time I felt an embrace like that. His lips felt warm against my
skin, and I felt his chest expand as he did it. Then he looked down
at me, all the love in the world glowing in his eyes. “Let’s go




I wasn’t a dick.


I wasn’t one of those bossy and controlling
boyfriends that wouldn’t let their girlfriend do anything or go
anywhere. I really wasn’t. I just didn’t like the fact men were
paying to touch her and show her off. I didn’t like knowing they
walked her to a dark alley where no one else could see them.

It wasn’t unreasonable.

It really wasn’t

But Alessandra wouldn’t budge. She had a
false sense of security since she knocked that asshole out with a
stapler. She thought she was invincible and nothing could ever
touch her.

Well, she was wrong.

I snuck up on her when her back was turned,
and if it weren’t me that was testing her limits, something much
worse could have happened. Now I felt even more uneasy about the
whole thing.

There were a million other jobs in the city.
Why couldn’t she take one of those?

This whole thing was making my head

It didn’t bother me before because I didn’t
really think about it. She was just some girl I was casually seeing
and the relationship would never go anywhere. But after she became
something more, I started thinking about where she went when she
had to work in the evenings. I started wondering if the other guys
wanted to fuck her as much as I did when I first saw her.

I’m sure they did.

How the hell did I get out of this? Could
Alessandra and I really have a future if I was constantly stressed
out about this? This woman was the one. I couldn’t tell you how I
knew that information or when it happened, but it was true all the
same. She was the one person I couldn’t shake. She was the first
woman to make a real man out of me. My dick didn’t operate for
anyone else. It was like she had the batteries.

Everyone has their own story of how they fell
in love. It was something the girl said or did. Or it was something
she wore or some crap. With me, it was the sex. I’d never been more
satisfied with a woman in my life. But it wasn’t just lustful. It
was spiritual. She and I communicated during intimacy since the
first time we were together. It was almost supernatural. And then
when she started seeing other guys…I didn’t like that shit one

I was such a pussy for falling in love but
whatever. It is what it is.


Alessandra and I hadn’t spoken of her job
since that terrible night a week ago. I didn’t bring it up because
I needed a break before we had another row. I needed to sleep with
her, hold her, and spend time with her before I told her off and
stormed out all over again.

I knew this fight wouldn’t disappear
overnight. We needed to pace ourselves.

I walked inside her apartment without
knocking, like always. “Baby, your man is here.”

She looked up at me from the couch. “And I’m
so happy to see him.”

I jumped over the couch then plopped down
beside her. The cushion next to her bobbled up and down when my
weight was added. “Show me how happy you are.”

She smiled in a way I loved. Her eyes
sparkled like she’d never been so happy, and when she looked at me,
it seemed like I was the only thing in the world that really

I loved it when she looked at me like

She wrapped her arms around my neck then
kissed me slowly. Her lips moved past mine then her tongue slipped
inside. The kiss was short but full of unspent sexual energy. “Did
that show you?”

My eyes refocused because I was dazed at the
moment. “Yes, it did. So, you have plans tonight?”

“Just with you.”

Thank god she didn’t have to work. “I’m
having dinner with my parents and I want you to come.”

“You do?”

“Yes, I want them to meet you—the real

She cringed. “God, this is going to be

“Why would it be weird?”

“Because I was such a different person
before. Now they are meeting me again. It’s a little weird.”

“I explained the situation to them. It’ll be
fine, cream queen.”

“Do not call me that in front of them.”

“Geez, I won’t. Calm down.”

She took a deep breath. “Just watch what you

“I won’t have a chance because I’ll be too
busy kissing you.”

She smiled slightly. “Well, that’s a little

I patted her thigh. “Go get changed.”

“What’s wrong with what I’m wearing?” she
asked in an offended way.

“Well, you usually wear a dress when we go
out.” I didn’t mean any offense by that.

“But I like wearing jeans. This is the real

“Then wear that. Baby, you look hot in
anything you wear.”

“Good answer.” She kissed my cheek. “Ready to

“Well, I was hoping we could have sex

“Aren’t we going to be late?”

I shrugged. “When have I ever cared about
being late?”

She chuckled then opened her purse. Inside
was a pair of black handcuffs. “Want to try them out?”

My dick hardened in my jeans and my heart
rate immediately picked up. Without saying a word, I stripped my
clothes off at lightning speed then sprinted into the bedroom.

Alessandra laughed loudly before she followed
me inside.


Alessandra was a little nervous before
dinner, but I cheered her up with my kisses. “Baby, they already
love you. Just chill.”

“But now they know I was lying to their face
the entire time.”

“Not really,” I said. “I hired you to do
that. It’s your job.”

“And you really think they’ll be happy about
that?” She was losing her cool.

“Whether they’re cool with it or not, I’m
your man.” I forced her gaze on me. “Now just be yourself.”

“I’m so many different people all the time
I’m not even sure I know who that is…”

“Yes, you do.” I gave her a quick kiss before
I pulled her inside.

We joined my parents at the table and greeted
each other. My parents embraced Alessandra like they always did,
but there was a small amount of strain in the air. We sat down and
ordered wine while our menus sat in front of us.

“Ash, I’m glad you finally grew a pair and
told Alessandra how you felt.” Mom grabbed her menu and scanned

Did my mom just tell me to grow a
“It was more complicated than that…”

“Either way, I’m glad you finally figured
this out.” Mom didn’t look at me when she spoke. “You have
something great right in front of you. Never take it for

I turned to Alessandra. “And you were

She chuckled slightly.

“So, you’re an escort?” Dad asked. “How’s
that?” There wasn’t any judgment in his eyes.

“It’s good,” she said. “I enjoy it. It’s more
complicated than just pretending to be someone’s girlfriend. I help
people through the holidays and bad breakups. When they no longer
need my services, I’m really happy because I know I did my

“I see,” Mom said. “You’re more of an actress
than an escort.”

“Yes,” I said. “But it’s easier to explain to
clients if we just say escort.”

“And you’ve been doing this for long?” Dad

“About a year,” I said. “The hours aren’t the
best but the pay is good and the job is satisfying.”

“As long as you love what you do, you’ll
never work a day in your life,” Mom said.

I was glad they were being so supportive of
this. If they met Alessandra initially and knew what she did for a
living, it probably would have gone much differently. But since
they already met her and loved her, they let it go. “She won’t be
doing it forever. She’ll be quitting soon.”

Alessandra shot me a death threat but didn’t
say anything.

I didn’t want to revisit that argument but it
was going to happen. If she and I had a future together, she
couldn’t stay an escort forever. My head would explode and I would
murder all her clients one-by-one. I couldn’t be home with the kids
while she left and went on fake dates. Perhaps she hadn’t really
thought about it, but it was true. The occupation simply wasn’t

“Oh?” Mom asked. “Why is that?”

“Because I don’t like her job. She’ll find
something else.” I was always honest with my parents so I didn’t
see why I should stop that now.

Alessandra wanted to argue with me but she
kept her mouth shut since my parents were there.

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