It's My Life (Filming Rhiannon. Book 1) (12 page)

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Authors: TL Messruther

Tags: #General Fiction

BOOK: It's My Life (Filming Rhiannon. Book 1)
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“Don’t worry about it Rhi, I will be here too.” he says full of confidence.

“Are you not nervous?” I ask as he remains calm and collected.

“I have done this before, so I know what’s expected.”

“Off course. Any tips for a first timer?” I ask trying to calm my nerves.

“Yes, just relax and have fun. If you're tense and all worked up, they will make you do it till you actually look relaxed. You don’t want to be naked on set all day do you?” he jokes.

“Easier said than done.” I grumble.

“It is for a first timer. It will get easier. Just remember to relax Rhi, also a good bonus is you’re not going to be flashing everything to the public. Just the people in this room, and trust me, they have seen it all before.” he says.

“Not mine they haven’t.” I say a little intimidated.

“Not yours, but as the saying goes, 'once you have seen one, you have seen them all'.”

“I guess so,”

“Don’t sweat it, it will get easier.”

“I hope so,” I'm still not fully convinced.

“Guys are you ready?” Scarlett asks as she walks behind us.

“Yes, just reassuring Rhiannon. Jase lets her aware of my nerves, which I didn’t want. I’m sure I could have handled this alone. I don’t want her to think I can’t do it.

“Rhiannon, you okay?” she asks concerned.

“Yes thank you, just a little nervous.”

“Don’t be nervous, we all start out somewhere. We are here to reassure you and guide you.” she responds kindly.

“Thank you,” I say turning round to look at her. Her warm smile is welcoming.

“Okay, are we all ready?” she asks everyone. Jase looks at me and I nod my head, taking a deep breath.

After a round of yes' she orders the camera crew to get ready.

She has me and Jase in place.

We are stood in the room near the doorway so it looks like we have just walked in the hotel room.

Once Scarlett gets the cameras filming, me and Jase have to step up.

I am stood in the hotel doorway as Rhys stares at me with hungry eyes, showing just how much he wants me. The lights from outside are shining into his eyes, alighting them with a mischievous glow.

“Karen, I have been watching you all night with Donna. Since I first saw you in the strip club, I thought I had landed in heaven.” Rhys says as he slowly walks towards me, like a predator stalking his pray.

I am stuck on the spot not being able to move, his eyes are memorising, hypnotising me in my place.

“Please allow me to have you for the night?” he begs me, “I promise it will be a night you won’t forget.” he promises.

“Yes,” I breath, before he leaps on me, I have imagined what it would feel like to have him between my thighs on more than one occasion. His mouth is instantly on mine. His minty breathe mixing with mine. He slowly moulds my mouth to his, and his teeth grip on to my bottom lip, before he steps away.

He smiles a knowing smile at me before he goes to sit on the big grand bed.

“Karen, I love the shows you do at the club. How about you give me a private one? For my eyes only?” he suggests smugly.

I agree, and slowly, I slander towards him on the bed. I stop just before him and smile a brave smile.

I lift the blue dress over my head, taking care to make sure I get him panting, anticipation is the key here. I would rather he just jumps my bones, but I want to please him, and he asked for this, and I know the reward will be worth it. He looks like the kind of guy who supports a nice package, and I’m pretty sure he knows how to use it.

I shake my hips as I rub my hands up over my body as I lift the dress higher, revealing what I have to offer.

Once the dress is off, I throw it at him. He catches it as he laughs, before he throws it to the floor. He is sat twiddling his thumb and finger together. He is itching to touch me, and he is refraining from doing so.

Now I am stood in my white lacy bra and matching thong.

I slowly pull the comb free from my hair, ensuring I keep swaying my hips and keep Rhys interested.

Once the comb is out, I run my hands through my hair before I shake my head, releasing all the hair. I slowly step towards Rhys till I am stood above him, and I quickly push him down on the bed, and crawl above him, before he has a chance to stop me.

I pull his tie free and throw it on the bed beside him. Sitting on his hips I lean down and give him a quick kiss, while I cover his face with my hair as it cascades around us both.

When I feel his erection pressing in to my ass, I slowly higher my self up, and back away till I’m stood back on my own feet.

He slowly sits up and slides his suit jacket off, laying it on the bed, before he resumes laying back on the bed, only this time he is on his elbows, looking at me.

I continue my dance, as his glazed eyes stay on me. Reaching behind my back I undo my bra, and let it slide down my arms. His eyes go straight from my face to my boobs.

“So damn beautiful,” he comments as his eyes remain on my boobs.

I take his compliment as a positive sign he wants me to continue. He isn’t stopping me, so I continue with his show.

I sway my hips still, as I grab the string on my thong. I slowly pull them down my legs, and I step out of them one leg at a time, till I am stood in front of him in my heels.

“Wow, I am one lucky son of a bitch. How many people have seen this?” he asks.

“You're the first to get the full package” I say.

“You're a virgin?” he asks shocked.

“No, but no one else has had the private dance,” I clarify, avoiding any confusion.

He quickly leaps of the bed and pulls me down, as he lands on top of me, supporting himself on his arms.

“I am so glad to hear that.” he says as his lips take mine once again.

“Cut,” Scarlett shouts.

Jase jumps up of me, and Tamara, I think she’s called, runs over to me and hands me my robe so I can cover my naked form.

“That’s great,” Scarlett says. “Rhiannon, you have done a great job. You wouldn’t believe you have never done this before, and was having doubts before the cameras rolled. You were amazing. Take half an hour before we continue.” she says as she walks over to the camera crew, who are crowding round a laptop watching the play back.

“Come on, I’ll shout you a coffee.” Jase says as he sneaks up behind me.

“Sure,” I say as I make sure my robe is fastened tightly.

We both walk out the studio together, and down to the cafeteria.

While Jase orders coffee, I take a seat at the table. The cafeteria is almost empty, so it isn’t hard getting a table.

Jase walks back to the table carrying two take away cups.

“Come on, we will go in the relaxing room.” he says as he continues walking past the table I’m seated at.

I follow him all the way to the relaxing room, and I sit on one of the white sofas, and my feet automatically go up, so I'm properly relaxing.

Jase places the coffees on the table, gently lifts my feet, and comes to sit on the sofa beside me before he places my feet over his lap.

“How you feeling?” he asks generally concerned.

“I'm just glad that’s done with. I was so nervous.” I say truthfully.

“It wasn’t that bad was it?” he asks sounding vaguely hurt.

“No, I was more nervous than anything. I have never been naked in front of that many people before.” I explain.

“You did great Rhi, and for a first timer I was blown away. How did you do it?” he asks.

“Do what?” I ask needing him to clarify a bit more.

“How did you do it great first time?”

“I just pretended I wasn’t me. I wouldn’t do that normally, but I just got in the character’s frame of mind, and it worked. It helped me through it.” I explain.

“Well you did amazing, and you have an amazing body.” he adds cheekily.

“Thank you,” I say as I try to hide my blush.

“How are they going to cover my nakedness?” I ask him, knowing the cameras were on me while I was naked.

“Rhi, the camera would have been on your naked back, not any lower. Scarlett can show you what we have if you want.”

“No, it’s okay. I was just a little nervous about everyone seeing me naked, but if all they see is my back, it’s not so bad.”

He grabs my feet, and starts massaging them after he pulls my heels off. I feel uncomfortable, but damn he is good. He finally gets me to relax.


In no time at all, we are called back in to the filming studio.

Once we get there Scarlett has a bright smile on her face.

“Rhiannon, you did amazing, would you like to watch it back?” she asks, happiness radiating of her, a little sparkle in her eyes.

“No thank you, if it’s okay, I would like to watch it when its finished.” I respond.

“That’s fine, but just know, you did brilliant.” she says still smiling at me.

Jase leans down and whispers in my ear “I told you didn’t I” he says full of confidence.

“I guess you did.” I say smiling.

“Right are we ready to get back too it?” Scarlett asks.

Both me and Jase nod our reply.

“Okay, I need you in your places please.” she tells me and Jase. I look over my shoulder at Jase who is just staring at me smiling. I dig my elbow in to him to grab his attention.

“What was that for?” he asks shocked.

“You're staring, and you have a job to do.” I reply. He lightly chuckles as he makes his way over to the bed.

Jase lays down on the bed on his elbows with a big smile. I slowly walk over to the bed to resume my position, slowly, and carefully I crawl up the bed so I can lay down, but Jase hasn’t moved, he is just laid there with a smile looking right at me like he isn’t where I need to be.

“Jase, shift.” I say laughing, as he just continues to lay there with a cheeky smile, as I'm knelt up on the bed, waiting for him to move.

He just lays there laughing at me,

“You're a jerk you know that.” I say as I push him off the bed, laughing at him. He falls of the edge of the bed with a loud thud, sending the room in to total silence for a moment. Once every one knows what the thud was, they all start to laugh at Jase.

Almost wetting myself with laughter, I vaguely hear what he says,

“Bastard, shit, wank, that fucker hurt.” he curses.

I dare to look over the edge of the bed, crying with laughter, tears rolling down my face, as he raises from the floor and looks up off the floor at me.

“I can’t believe you did that.” he says laughing as he grabs my arms that I’m resting on, and pulls me to the floor.

I scream in shock as he straddles my hips, and starts to tickle me relentlessly. I am squirming beneath him, arms and legs flying everywhere as he continues his torture.

“Jase stop,” I beg him, but his fingers are still going. “Jase please?”

“That fucker hurt, say sorry or I’ll continue.” he threatens.

“I can’t.......breath.” I try getting out through my giggling fit. His fingers finally relax, giving me chance to calm my breathing, and apologize to him.

“Are you going to apologize?” he asks seriously.

“No,” I laugh again.

“Okay,” he replies simply.

I thought he was going to give up as he started to lift his weight of me. I’m in for a shock when he just adjusts his position so he’s comfy again, and his fingers start torturing me again.

“Okay, Okay, I’m sorry.” I shout, needing this torture to be over.

“Finally, thank you.” he says full of arrogance as he stands up.

Once on his feet he offers me his hand to help me stand up. Once I’m stood up we both look around the room. The crew are all laughing, and I expect Scarlett to tell us both off, but she has humor written all over her face. She bites her lip trying to hold her laughter before she starts to talk.

“Well you two, that was entertaining. Jase you're cruel, you deserved to go off the bed.” Scarlett says trying to be serious, but her laughter gives her away.

“Hey, that wasn’t deserved, I smacked my elbow on the side of the bed.” he moans, rubbing his elbow, looking round the room for sympathy.

“You should of moved, and us females have to stick together.” Scarlett says. “Anyway, is your poor elbow ready to finish filming?” she asks sarcastically, making us all laugh again, well not all of us, Jase doesn’t find it very funny.

“Yeah,” he says straightening his back and looking serious.

“Great, Rhiannon, can we have you on the bed please?” she asks looking at me, however she does quickly turn to Jase, “You stay there a minute,” she orders pointing to him, trying to get serious.

He holds his hands up in surrender, while I walk over to the bed. Once I’m sat on the bed Tabitha comes to get my robe, but she does give me a blanket to cover my nudity till the cameras start filming.

“Right, you get over there, but do as you're told.” Scarlett says as if she is talking to a three-year-old. He holds his hands up in hostage, as if he’s been held at gun point.

He slowly walks over to the bed and sits on the side beside me. Once he knows I’m comfy he sits back on my hips lightly so I’m not taking all his weight, and leans down as if to kiss me, so he is ready for when the cameras are on. Tabitha comes back over and asks for the blanket, and Jase hands her it as he pulls it off my body. I am slightly thankful his body is covering mine at the minute. He is acting the real gentleman, and is keeping his eyes on mine, actually, if he was a real gentleman, he would be doing more than looking, but I am glad he is respecting me.

“Okay guys, and action.” Scarlett shouts.

Jase leans down to kiss me, but as his mouth lowers to mine, I can’t resist a little dig. “You're a jackass,” I whisper against his lips. I think it shocks him too, as he sits up, throws his head back and starts laughing at me.

“Cut.” Scarlett shouts.

“You waited for filming to start before you call me a jackass?” he asks loud enough for the room to hear, as he continues laughing.

“What happened?” Scarlett asks walking over to the bed, with an amused expression on her face.

“Rhi called me a jackass” Jase explains faking hurt, placing his hand over his heart, but trying to contain his laughter too.

“She knows you well, however seriously guys, can we get serious now, we have to wrap this soon.” she says seriously, while a hint of amusement remains in her eyes.

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