Jaguars' Reward [Impulse 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (22 page)

BOOK: Jaguars' Reward [Impulse 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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“What’s going on, babe?” Vadim asked. “Are you really here to stay?”

She smiled at each of them in turn. “If you’ll have me.”

“If we’ll have you!” echoed Zayd, recovering first. “Are you kidding me?”

“But you hate shifters,” Vadim said slowly, his eyes locking with hers.

She shrugged. “Not anymore, it seems.”

“You haven’t had enough time to make that decision.”

She moistened her lips with the tip of her tongue. “You saying you don’t want me?”

“No, but—”

Her musical laughter stopped Vadim in his tracks. “You guys kill me. You can face up to rampant wolves, but when it comes to more delicate matters you’re complete wusses.” Her laughter turned into a deep sigh. “Okay, I’ll make it easy for you. You guys need a mate and I’m volunteering for the position.”

“But you don’t—”

“I heard what Mikael said to you earlier, or rather what he didn’t say. We both know, thanks to the late, unlamented Wilson, that I helped to restore your powers.”

“That doesn’t mean you have to stick around here,” Vadim told her, his gaze fixed on her features, allowing himself to hope. “You’ve already done more than enough.”

“But you’ve both fucked me, so you can’t have anyone else.” She offered them a sultry smile. “That would be too cruel, so I guess you’re stuck with me, like it or not.”

“We like,” Zayd said. “But how did you know that we couldn’t mate elsewhere? We never said.”

“My grandmother. She claims that’s why she didn’t leave my grandfather. She said it wouldn’t be fair, but I’m guessing she felt the same way about him that I feel about you guys.”

“And how would that be?” Vadim asked, his gaze still locked on her face.

“That I’ve come home. That I’ve been searching for the two of you since I left high school. That we could—”

“You don’t know what it’s like living in Impulse,” Zayd said. “It’s not all fun and games.”

“I’m part shifter. Of course I know. That’s why I went back, cleared out my rented apartment.” She glanced down at the two bulging cases. “Not much to show for twenty-six years, but I believe in traveling light. I told the owners of the gym that I won’t be giving any more karate lessons there and then made a detour and told Mom of my decision.”

“She knows you’ve chosen to live with shifters.”

“Sure.” She shrugged. “I’m not ashamed of it, and she didn’t seem to care. She’s too taken up with herself to worry about me. Always has been.”

“Even so, babe. We want you to be sure,” Zayd said gently.

She glowered at each of them in turn. “Are you trying to talk me out of this? Have you any idea how insulting that is?”

Vadim and Zayd shared a speaking look. Then, as one, they fell upon her, kissing her face, her arms, her neck, every part of her that wasn’t covered by her clothing. Deciding that wasn’t sufficient, they stripped her naked and kissed all the newly exposed bits with renewed vigor.

“Does that answer your question?” Vadim asked, coming up for air. “We just didn’t think it would be fair to push you, especially after what happened to your grandmother.”

“I think she was trying to tell me on that one occasion she spoke to me about my grandfather that living with a shifter had a lot going for it.” She waggled her brows. “So far, I have to agree with her.”

“Even so,” Vadim said, running a hand softly down her arm. “It’s a huge step to take. Don’t you need more time?”

“I guess I’m in a hurry to have a proper home, which is something I’ve never really known. I felt at home the moment I woke up in Impulse. It has such a sense of community, and everyone seems to care about everyone else.”

“That’s certainly true,” Zayd said.

She smiled at each of them. “So, what happens now?”

“There’s a small ceremony,” Vadim said. “Let’s go back to the bedroom and get it done.”

They did so and Vadim reached into a drawer where a velvet box had long sat, waiting for an owner. He opened it and showed Talia the collar sitting inside, studded with pink sapphires.

“Wow, that’s so beautiful!”

“This is our mating collar,” he explained, fixing it round her neck. “It tells the world that you belong to us and you’ll never take it off, understood?”

Talia lowered her eyes. “Yes, master.”

“Now kneel before us. Let’s get the ceremony out the way.”

“Do you swear by all that you hold most sacred to be our mate, true only to us, for the rest of your days?”

“I do,” she said in a decisive tone.

“We love you, Talia Regan, and pledge our lives to keeping you safe and happy.”

They each placed a hand on top of her head and a bolt like a mild electric current passed through them to consume her entire body. She trembled, which implied that the charge had taken hold.

“What just happened?” she asked, blinking up at them.

“What did you feel?” Vadim extended a hand, pulling her easily to her feet and into his arms.

“It was strange. Like a missing part of me just fell back into place.” She shook her head, looking dazed. “I feel all warm deep inside.”

“That’s good.” Vadim smiled into her eyes. “We just made you ours, entered into a binding commitment, and shared our love with you.”

“So much for words,” Zayd said with an irrepressible grin. “Now for the deeds. God, you look pretty wearing that collar, sweetheart. It makes my heart sing just to see you in it. And that ring at the front of it has a purpose. Kneel down and submit to us, Talia, so we can show you how it works.”

She tumbled to her knees in front of them, trembling with anticipation.

“Turn and face the wall, darlin’,” Vadim said, “until I say you can look around.”

She walked on her knees right into the corner, like she’d done it a thousand times before, even though they knew she hadn’t. She adored being dominated, and Vadim knew without asking that it came naturally to her. The little witch sat on her knees, legs apart, and leaned forward, giving them a good view of her butt and pussy. Damn it, she’d be the death of them, but, shit, what a way to go!

“Are you trying to say that you want your cute backside spanked?” Vadim asked.

“I wouldn’t dare tell you what to do, master.”

Zayd chuckled. “Like hell she wouldn’t.”

“Well, just for that I’m gonna play with Zayd first, and you get to watch. Turn around.” She did so, eyes wide with expectation. “Play with your tits, darlin’. Make those nipples nice and hard for us.”

They watched her, kneeling to face one another as they did so and rubbing cocks again just as they had earlier, making them huge for her. Zayd fell back on his elbows, his rigid shaft pointing toward the ceiling, inviting Vadim to suck him off.

“She can do it while I get her ready.”

Vadim beckoned to Talia. She scampered across to the bed, juices running freely down her thighs, and positioned herself in front of Zayd. Leaning forward, she sucked him into her mouth, giving Vadim free access to her ass. He squirted lube over her buttocks and rimmed her anus with a slick finger before sliding it inside. She mumbled something around Zayd’s cock as she pushed back against Vadim’s hand.

“Who’s going first?” Zayd asked.

“Why not together?”

“You think she can take it?”

Vadim clocked the anticipatory light in her eyes as she glanced up at him. “Never in doubt,” he said.

“Those tits need to be clamped and her ass needs to be spanked first. There’s work to do before we get to fuck her.”

“Then what are we waiting for.”

Zayd pulled out of her mouth, but Vadim’s hand on the small of her back ensured she remained where she was, leaning forward, bare ass right in his face. Vadim threw the tube of lube to Zayd, who slid beneath her and applied it to her areolas with meticulous attention to detail. Vadim brought his hand down over her buttocks as Zayd carefully attached clover clamps to her nipples and attached the adjoining chain to the loop on her collar. As soon as it was in place he signaled to Vadim, who grabbed her hair and pulled her head back, tightening the clamps. She cried out with obvious pleasure.

“Like that, do you, darlin’?” Zayd asked.

“Yes, it’s awesome,” she replied breathlessly. “I had no idea stupid nipples could be so damned sensitive.”

“There’s nothing stupid about your nipples, sweetheart.”

Zayd positioned himself beneath her and fisted his cock, rubbing it against her clit but not entering her. Vadim rubbed his own cock against the crack in her ass, preparing her for its invasion. If she was nervous about taking them both together, it didn’t show.

“I know I’m not supposed to make suggestions,” she said breathlessly, “but anytime you feel like doing this mating business, I’m up for it.”

Vadim and Zayd roared with laughter.

“Looks like we’ve gotten ourselves a right handful in our mate,” Vadim said, sliding the tip of his slick cock into her anus, eliciting a squeal of indignation when he immediately withdrew it again. He took pity on her and slid it back in, but she closed against him. “Don’t fight me, sweet thing. Let me ease it into you real slow.”

“Slow is what she doesn’t like,” Zayd said, fingering her swollen clit as she squirmed against his hand.

“Let’s do it,” Vadim said, an edge to his voice, like he was having trouble holding back.

“I hear you, lover.”

Zayd slid into her cunt and sighed. “After this, we’re gonna get some rest,” he said. “Then Vadim’s gonna fuck your cunt and I’m gonna take his ass. How does that sound to you?”

“Like heaven,” Vadim and Talia said together.

“Just think of all the combinations we’ll be able to dream up,” Zayd continued, sinking a little deeper and indicating to Vadim that he was ready to pick up the pace.

“We’ll get you over your seasickness by taking you out in the boat and giving you the ride of your life,” Vadim said, sinking deeper into her anus and sighing as the sensation blew his mind.

Both men had now penetrated as far as they could.

“Keep perfectly still, sweetheart, and let us do the work,” Vadim said.

Zayd withdrew almost all the way, leaving Vadim space to slide home. Then they reversed the position, working smoothly in tandem, building up friction. They marked their mate with their loving attention and by rubbing the scent glands located in their cheeks against her bare skin.

“You okay, darlin’?” Vadim asked. “We’re not hurting you?”

“Hell no, but I need to come.”

Vadim chuckled. “I’m sure you do, but if you come before we say you can, there will be penalties.”

“I kinda like your punishments.”

“Don’t say I didn’t warn you,” Vadim said, pushing into her a little deeper.

It was all it took. With an elongated moan, her entire body spasmed. Both men suppressed chuckles, devising punishments in their minds that they knew she’d love. Vadim tugged hard at her hair, putting strain on the nipple clamps and intensifying her orgasm.

“Geez!” Talia’s body thrust against first Vadim’s cock and then Zayd’s. “This is unbelievable. I’m still coming, guys. What the fuck have you done to me?”

“Just making you ours, darlin’,” Vadim said, driving deeper as his own orgasm threatened. “You ready to do this, buddy?”

“Holding back by a thread.”

They upped the pace and exploded together, nipping and slapping Talia as they poured their seed into her. Talia screamed.

“I’m coming again!” There was wonder in her voice. “I can’t believe it.”

“Get used to it, darlin’,” Vadim said, sweating as he continued to pulsate and throb deep inside her anus. “It’s what you’ll be getting every day from now on for the rest of your life.”

“And now I believe you. I never thought I’d get so lucky,” she sobbed.









Zara Chase is a British author who spends a lot of her time travelling the world. Being a gypsy provides her with ample opportunities to scope out exotic locations for her stories. She likes to involve her heroines in her erotic novels in all sorts of dangerous situations—and not only with the hunky heroes whom they encounter along the way. Murder, blackmail, kidnapping and fraud—to name just a few of life’s more common crimes—make frequent appearances in her books, adding pace and excitement to her racy stories.

Zara is an animal lover who enjoys keeping fit and is on a one-woman mission to keep the wine industry ahead of the recession.



For all titles by Zara Chase, please visit

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