Jarrett, AJ - Miles's Awakening [Warriors of the Light 1] (Siren Publishing Allure ManLove) (19 page)

BOOK: Jarrett, AJ - Miles's Awakening [Warriors of the Light 1] (Siren Publishing Allure ManLove)
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“Why would I be mad?” Miles slapped at Ben’s arm. “I’m alive, and we get to be together. Me, be mad?” Miles pointed at his chest. “Please, I’m so happy right now nothing could get me down.”

Ben smiled. “That’s good to know.” He stood up and moved Miles over then sat on the bed. “It wasn’t just me who saved you, but Astrid.”

“What?” Miles’s eyes opened wide in surprise at that. He wasn’t aware Astrid knew a spell for something like that.

“Yeah. I think that little guy can make things happen just by wanting it to happen. You know? It was weird. He knelt over you, chanting. Then he told me he couldn’t keep you alive forever that way and that I had to turn you to keep you alive. So I did.”

“I’m glad you did.” Miles intertwined his fingers with Ben’s. He didn’t want to, but he had to ask what happened to Malcolm and his cronies. “Where is Malcolm?”

Ben’s fingers squeezed tightly around Miles’s. “You don’t remember?” Miles shook his head. “He’s dead. After you did what you did, I took the chance you gave me to kill him.”

The pain of mating and having had sex with Malcolm was like an open wound, painful and oozing every time he moved. The remembrance of what he had done dampened his happiness at being here with Ben. Miles turned tear-filled eyes up to Ben. “I’m sorry for what I did, but I’m even more sorry for sleeping with him.” Miles’s body started to shake from the sheer emotion and disgust he felt in himself.

“Baby, no, don’t do this to yourself.” Ben picked Miles up and cradled him in his lap. “I don’t blame you for any of that. When magic is involved, there is nothing you can do. Miles, baby, you had no choice.”

Breathing out a sigh of relief, Miles hugged Ben closed to him. Even with everything he knew and knowing that what had happened between him and Malcolm had been broadcasted to all the warriors, Ben still forgave and wanted him. Their love was stronger than anything imaginable.

The stirrings of arousal wormed their way into Miles’s bloodstream. The unconditional love Ben had for him had his body craving the man’s touch. He wanted to be kissed and fucked by the only man who would ever have that pleasure for the rest of Miles’s life.

Miles turned to straddle Ben’s hips. “I want you,” Miles purred. He then kissed and nipped at Ben’s soft earlobe.

Ben’s head fell back against the headboard. His moan rang out through the silent room. Miles continued to kiss and suck his way down to Ben’s neck. Once there, he lapped at the skin where Ben’s pulse beat a rapid tempo. Miles growled lightly, and Ben jerked when the two sharp fangs pierced his skin.

“I’m so sorry.” Miles jumped off Ben’s lap and crawled backward on the bed to get away. He was embarrassed and felt ashamed that he would bite Ben without his permission.

“Miles, stop. I’m not mad.” Ben motioned with his hand for Miles to come back to him. “You just caught me off guard.” Ben ran his fingers through Miles’s short hair, causing him to tremble with need. “I want you to take blood from me and only me. Like I said before, everything I have is yours.”

Miles hugged Ben. “I’m sure when you said that before, you didn’t mean your blood.”

“Actually, I had hoped for one day that it would include my blood.”

Miles looked at him with raised eyebrows. He didn’t understand.

“From the day I met you, I wanted to claim you and turn you.” Ben’s eyes closed tight. “You’re my soul mate, and if I have to live an eternity I want it to be with you.” Ben’s eyes blinked open.

Miles didn’t know what to say. He wasn’t angry at being a vampire because it granted him one thing life as a mere mortal couldn’t give him, time. Lots and lots of time. Miles crushed his lips to Ben’s and let the love he felt for his mate seep in through the kiss. Without any doubt Ben was the love of Miles’s life, and now thanks to Ben, with the help of Astrid, it would be a very long life.

Miles gently pulled away from Ben’s seeking lips. His breathing was heavy, but so was Ben’s. Emotions like never before consumed him, and he knew the one thing they needed to do to make this union complete.

“Make me your mate.”

Chapter Sixteen

Ben couldn’t believe his ears. He had waited centuries to hear those words from his destined mate, and now he just had.

He smiled up at Miles. “Are you sure? There’s no going back. Once I mate you, you’re mine, and I play for keeps.”

“Like you could ever get rid of me.” Miles crossed his arms over his chest. “And let’s not forget it goes both ways, mister. You will be mine as well.” Miles wrapped his arms around Ben’s neck. “And I will never let you go.”

“Good to know.” Ben nipped at Miles’s full bottom lip. He loved the way his mate moaned from the teasing bite.

He laid Miles out on the bed and very slowly kissed his way down his mate’s body. Goose bumps broke out across Miles’s skin from his touch. Ben sucked at Miles’s tightly pebbled nipples. It felt like ages since he had the pleasure of tasting his lover’s flesh.

Ben kept working his way lower toward the bulging erection caught behind Miles’s cotton pajama bottoms. He sat back and reached out with his hands to work the material down Miles’s legs. His mouth watered at the sight of his mate’s straining cock laying against his abdomen.

Miles’s body jerked as Ben fell forward and engulfed the heavy erection into his mouth. The sweet taste of Miles’s seed exploded across his tongue, and he hummed his pleasure. No one had ever tasted as good as his mate did. Ben could get drunk on Miles’s sweet flavor.

Ben slowed down his efforts and bobbed his head up and down slowly on Miles’s cock. He wanted to take things slow. Less than two weeks ago, Miles had gone through the mating process with Malcolm, and that experience had to have left a bad taste in his young mate’s mouth. Ben wanted Miles to enjoy every single second of their mating so when he looked back five hundred years from now, he would have no regrets.

“Oh god, Ben. Stop teasing. Make love to me already,” Miles panted.

He grazed his teeth lightly up the length of Miles’s cock and nibbled at the flared head. Miles’s cum leaked from the tip, and Ben lapped up every last drop. Ben released Miles from his mouth and reached for the bedside table drawer. He pulled out a bottle of lube that had been placed there. The need to get his mate ready was the most important thing to do. He would never hurt Miles no matter how turned on he was.

The sound of the cap popping open sounded loud in the quiet room. Ben covered two fingers with the clear liquid. He used his free hand to push Miles’s legs up and out. Ben’s breath caught in his throat at the sight of Miles’s pretty pink pucker staring at him silently, begging to be filled.

Ben reached forward and circled the small opening. Miles trembled beneath him. Very slowly, he breached the tight muscle. He gasped when Miles’s inner muscles clamped down on the invading fingers. Hot, tight heat sucked his fingers in. Miles started to pump his hips downward on Ben’s fingers.

“Easy, my love.” Ben ran his hand up Miles’s side to rest at his hip. “There is no rush. We have all the time in the world.”

“Yeah we do, but I’m ready to come.” Miles gulped.

A fine sheen of sweat broke out over Miles’s body, and Ben could see the urgency in his mate’s eyes. The need to feed and to come was controlling Miles’s every action. Ben could relate. He wanted to taste his mate’s blood and fill his body with his seed.

Not wanting to wait any longer either, Ben added a third then a fourth finger into Miles’s hole. He stretched and caressed the silken walls of his lover’s tight channel. He made sure to curl his fingers forward to rub up against Miles’s prostate. The action caused him to jerk and shout out his pleasure.

“Now!” Miles cried out.

Ben removed his fingers from Miles’s ass and quickly stood up. He tore his clothes off his body. The need to claim Miles had come.

Ben crawled up between Miles’s spread legs and smoothed his fingers down Miles’s lightly furred thighs. The skin prickled at his touch. Miles’s moans were growing louder, and his eyelids hung heavy with desire. Ben grabbed the lube and covered his pulsing shaft then scooted up close to the glistening entrance that was welcoming him inside.

Their combined sighs filled the room as Ben’s cock pushed through Miles’s hole. Ben wanted to go fast but needed to take his time. There were things to make this mating complete and binding that had to be done.

The blood-sex-magic spell had to be followed properly for the mating to take effect. They had to mix each other’s blood together. With Miles being a vampire now, they could just bite one another’s necks without accidently turning him. Before, the plan was simple, cut a mark on Miles’s hand, but now Miles could drink from him. Excitement boiled at the base of Ben’s spine at the mere thought of Miles’s pearly-white fangs piercing his skin.

They would then take their combined blood and Ben would have to cover his penis in the mixture and fuck Miles until he came, causing the blood and cum to mix deep within Miles’s body as well as seeping into Ben’s. Blood signified life, the semen their love, and when combined a very powerful combination for paranormal mates. Ben’s thrusts sped up, and he jolted Miles with every movement. His mate sang his approval through parted lips. The pulse in Miles’s neck beckoned him to take a taste. He needed to drink from Miles and Miles from him.

“Bite me.”

“What?” Miles’s eyes opened wide.

“I need you to bite me. I will bite you in return.” At Miles’s nervous stare, he explained. “It won’t hurt, I promise you, but I’m dying to taste you from here.” Ben ran a finger down Miles’s neck. Miles shivered at the feather-light touch.

“Me, too. But what if I can’t stop?”

“My love, we’re vampires, not monsters. Your hunger will not control you.” Ben fell forward to cover Miles’s body with his own. “Trust me.”

“I do.” Miles grabbed Ben by the hair and placed a bruising kiss to his lips.

Ben moaned as Miles’s sharp little fangs nipped at his lips. Without warning, Miles pulled back then struck. His sharp teeth sank into Ben’s skin like a knife through butter.

As Miles drank from him, Ben continued to rock his hips forward. He loved the erotic sensation the sting of the bite created. Ben pushed closer to Miles to drown himself in the pleasure of his mate’s comforting body. Ben’s movement became frantic as his orgasm built deep inside him. When Miles released his neck, Ben took hold of his and bit down. Miles screamed, and Ben quickly reached down to squeeze at the base of Miles’s cock. He couldn’t come yet. They needed to finish the bonding first.

Letting go of Miles’s neck, Ben sat up. He used his hand to swipe across the bite mark on his neck, and then across the one on Miles’s. Miles watched in amazement as Ben took his hand down to where they were joined. Ben carefully pulled his cock from Miles’s tight hold.

“Do you accept me as yours?” Ben asked as he covered his throbbing length with their blood. His body trembled from his own touch.

“Yes,” Miles said breathlessly.

“And I accept you, my love.” Ben pushed forward back into the smoldering heat of Miles’s body.

Ben leaned forward and wrapped his arms around Miles as he pounded into his body without mercy. Miles was his, and no one would take him away from Ben again.

Miles wrapped his body tightly around Ben’s and screamed out his enjoyment with every inward thrust. The sounds Miles made spun him higher and higher.

“I love you,” Miles screamed as his cum filled the space between their bodies.

The warm semen coating and smearing against Ben’s torso set off his own orgasm. Ben growled against Miles’s neck and bit down again, sending Miles into another release.

It was done. Ben could feel the bond between him and Miles snap into place, connecting them like a bridge. Nothing ever felt more perfect and right. They were mated for life, and Ben wouldn’t change a thing.

When his body stopped shaking, Ben fell to Miles’s side. He pulled Miles against him and hugged him close. A warm, cozy feeling seeped into his body and sleep called to him. Ben stroked Miles’s hair until his mate’s breathing evened out, indicating he had fallen asleep. Only then did Ben allow himself the much-needed rest his body craved.

BOOK: Jarrett, AJ - Miles's Awakening [Warriors of the Light 1] (Siren Publishing Allure ManLove)
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