Jax (The Protectors Series) Book #8 (6 page)

BOOK: Jax (The Protectors Series) Book #8
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Chapter 7

Jax whipped in and out of traffic, his mind focused on one thing: Find Mika and destroy the bastard. He was done looking over his shoulder, waiting for him to make his move. He had let opportunities in the past go because he was his brother, but after Mika killed their sister that had all changed. He had disappeared until recently.

The traffic cleared and Jax opened up his bike to the max. Without having to watch stupid-ass drivers, his mind echoed Caroline's words to him as he left, but she had been wrong. He had been too enraged to say anything at that moment, his only thought to find Mika before he could harm her. Jax had no misconception that Mika wouldn't hurt her if given the chance.

Knowing exactly where he wanted to go, but not sure how to get there, Jax slowed and pulled over on the side of the highway. Taking out his phone, he found the directions to the club, Venue. Sloan would be pissed, but he'd have to get over it. No way in hell would he go through with the plan of letting Caroline be bait to draw Mika out, whether he was there with her or not.

Taking a second to memorize the directions, he put his phone back in his pocket. He didn't know if Mika would be there or not, but it was the only lead they had so he was going. Pulling back onto the highway, Jax wondered if the little boy really was his sister and why she would be shifting. Was Caroline right? Had his brother found a way to manipulate their dead sister? His rage built at the thought.

Pulling into Venue's parking lot, he was surprised by how full it was. It wasn't yet seven and the place was packed. He'd decided on the way there he would not shift. He was going to walk in, because if there was one thing his brother hated, it was a challenge, and that was exactly what he was there to do.

He parked next to other motorcycles and climbed off his bike. He kept his sunglasses in place so his eyes could roam freely. Even if the club were dark, it wouldn't matter. He would be able to see clearly. He felt the stares as he climbed the steps to the door of the club.

"It's a $10 cover charge," the large muscled man at the door told him.

Jax reached for his wallet, pulled out a ten, and handed it over without a word.

"Open the jacket," the man ordered after taking his money.

Jax opened his leather jacket so the man could see he had no weapon. He preferred carrying his gun in an ankle holster so he had no problem obliging the man, who looked bored as hell with his job.

"You're good." He motioned his head toward the hallway that led into the club.

Jax walked down the dark corridor, his senses alert and ready for anything.  His mind and body relaxed into that familiar zone of battle. He knew his eyes behind the sunglasses were black, his fangs felt thick in his mouth and yet, he kept calm. He was a born Warrior before he ever belonged to the VC Warriors. His life had started as a child learning to survive, to be the strongest in his tribe, and he had succeeded, just as he would succeed now in defeating his brother. No matter how long it took, he would defeat Mika, and in the process keep Caroline safe.

The music thumped through his body, everything hitting him at once as the corridor opened up into a huge room filled with people enjoying their night. His eyes behind the sunglasses scanned the faces, looking for only one. Someone bumped into him, but he didn't budge. It didn't faze him.

"Watch it, asshole." Some drunk turned to glare up at Jax.

Jax didn't even look at the guy, but growled, lifting one corner of his mouth long enough to show the guy his gleaming fang. It would be the only warning the fucker got. Obviously, he got the message, practically running over the girl who was with him. Jax turned his head, checking each side of him before he made his way to the bar. With no one to watch his back, he needed to make sure it was clear before he made himself vulnerable.

Even though he made his way slowly through the crowd, he moved with purpose. People sensed it, moving quickly out of his way as they whispered behind his back. This was good. Even if Mika wasn't there, he wanted to make damn sure his brother knew he had been. It wouldn't take long before word got around. It was time he stepped up his game. Caroline was already involved. There was nothing he could do about that except make sure she remained untouched by the bastard, and to get to Mika first.

It was time for his brother to die.

Reaching the bar, Jax ordered a beer, tuning his sharp hearing for his brother's voice. Odds, he knew, were not in his favor. If Mika was in the room, he'd already have his eyes on Jax, but Jax was ready and hoped Mika would fuck up and make a move.

"Hi." A beautiful brunette leaned against the bar and looked up at him. "I haven't seen you around here before."

Jax only glanced her way before turning his attention back to his beer and what was going on around him. Before coming to Cincinnati, he would have found the woman to be his type, but not anymore. Her makeup was so thick that she looked fake, not fresh and womanly like a certain teacher whose last words to him were, 'Fuck you, Jax Wheeler.' The memory actually made his lip curl in a half grin.

"You have a gorgeous smile. I'm really into vampires." She tried to sound sexy, but it was hard to do when you were trying to yell over the deafening music. When Jax didn't respond, she reached up to touch his hair. "And your hair is so long and black. Why don't you take off your sunglasses so I can see if your eyes are as sexy as that smile?"

Jax actually rolled his eyes behind his sunglasses, but before he could respond with a smart-ass remark to make her leave, a familiar voice spoke beside him.

"Tired of the little schoolteacher already, brother?"


Caroline felt like a big piece of crap. She stood in her kitchen staring at her phone, wanting nothing more than to text Jax and apologize. She shouldn't have called him a coward in front of the other Warriors, it had just spewed from her mouth in a fit of anger. She'd felt guilty as hell since her anger had subsided.

"He'll be back." Sloan walked in, spotting her staring at her phone.

"I shouldn't have said that," Caroline admitted, looking from him back to her phone. "The coward part. I didn't mean it. Sometimes I have these moments where my mouth says stuff before my brain thinks it out."

"The 'fuck you, Jax Wheeler'?" Sloan eyed her with a grin.

"That I meant." Caroline nodded, then sighed and sat down, still holding her phone. "He's just so frustrating. Every time his brother is mentioned, he takes off thinking he's saving the world."

"Did you know that his brother killed their sister?" Sloan frowned, crossing his arms over his massive chest.

"What?" Caroline's head snapped up. A chill from deep inside trembled through her whole body, sending her standing up in shock. "Oh, my God. I knew she had been killed, but never knew it was Mika who killed her. Alisha never talked about it to me, but then I can’t really blame her for that. How terrible." Tears filled her eyes as understanding swarmed her mind.

"Jax knows more about his brother than any of us, and his actions are justified." Sloan's frown softened. "I would be the same exact way. I don't know the whole story about his sister's death, but I can pretty much bet that he holds himself responsible. I understand the frustration, Caroline. I deal with a bunch of pain-in-the-ass Warriors, but if I were in Jax's shoes I would also do everything in my power to make sure you were safe, even if it meant leaving you. That's what Warriors are made to do. Keep the innocent safe."

Okay, she just went from feeling like crap to feeling like the worst, most unappreciative person to ever walk the earth. Her tear-filled eyes looked up at Sloan. "I'm such a… bitch." As soon as the first sob escaped, it was impossible to keep the rest back. She dropped her head and sobbed, and they weren't nice little sobs, but ugly racking ones.

"No, you're not." Sloan reached out and tugged her to him. "Warriors are not the easiest to understand, except me. I'm different from the other assholes out there."

Things turned really ugly as she laughed, sobbed, and slobbered into his chest. Getting herself under control, she pulled away and looked up at the last Warrior she'd ever expected to comfort her. "You aren't…?" She stopped to find the right words.

"A bastard?" He chuckled before his face turned into the serious Sloan everyone saw all the time. "Oh, I am, Caroline. But I too have my moments."

"Sloan!" Adam ran into the room with Steve following.

"What?" Sloan's voice turned from caring to harsh in a second flat. He once again smiled down at her with a wink. "See… bastard."

Caroline watched in amazement as Sloan's whole façade changed in front of her very eyes. Before he turned toward Adam and Steve, the smile left his face, which was a shame. He was much more handsome when he smiled.

"Jax is going to Venue," Adam replied as Steve nodded.

"And how the hell do you know this?" Sloan headed toward them, an urgency to his tone.

"Because I read him." Adam looked a little sheepish when he answered, while Steve pointed at Adam, shaking his head.

"What's going on?" Sid walked in with everyone else following. "Adam and Steve took off like their asses were on fire."

"Oh, it's way better than that." Steve wiggled his eyebrows. "Tell them, Adam."

"Steve, go away." Adam nudged him.

"How in the hell could you have done that when he's not here?" Sloan demanded of Adam, but frowned at Steve, who was grinning like an idiot.

"Well, ah…," Adam started hesitantly.

"He can fucking read anybody, anytime… anywhere," Steve answered. "Ever since he's been turned he can do it. Holy shit, that feels good to let out. I suck at keeping secrets and that one was a fucking doozy."

"Is this true?" Sloan demanded. Caroline had no idea if he was happy with the fact or not.

"Yeah, pretty much," Adam replied with a shrug, looking really uncomfortable.

"What I want to know is when the fuck am I going to get some awesome powers? I mean, seriously, people. Jill can do the Carrie shit. Now Adam can lurk in our minds without us even knowing, which means I'll be thinking of naked men… a lot." When everyone looked at Steve oddly, he cleared his throat, rolling his eyes. "Not because I want to. Come on, I'm a ladies' man, but it will keep 'creeper boy' out of my head. Geez, can't say nothing around here without everyone taking it literally."

Sid took a few steps back with a frown, looking at Adam. "What am I thinking?"

"That Steve is a dumb ass," Adam's answer was spoken low.

Sid looked at Sloan with raised eyebrows. "I was blocking like a son of a bitch, boss. No way could he have read me, but he did without touching."

"That was your exact thought?" Sloan asked, sounding thoughtful.

"Steve is a dumb ass, yes." Sid nodded. "My exact thought."

"I think everyone gets the point." Steve huffed, rolling his eyes.

Caroline watched the Warriors and actually felt sorry for Steve. Then a thought came to her. "Then you can read Mika." She took a step forward and knew they were all looking at her red swollen eyes, but didn't care.

"That's what I thought and I tried." Adam frowned, looking away from her. "I think it only works on people I've had contact with in the past. At least, I think that's the case. I've never had contact with Jax's brother."

"Why in the fuck haven't you told me about this?" Sloan demanded, his tone harsh.

Adam looked around before focusing on Sloan. "Because I don't want everyone thinking I'm prying into their shit, as Steve pointed out," Adam answered, then looked a little embarrassed. "The only reason I did with Jax is because I just wanted to let Caroline know he would be back."

Caroline's stomach dipped at hearing that and tears welled up again, but she held them back.

"And he plans on being back, but he's heading to the club right now to look for Mika," Adam announced.

"Let's go. If you can do this, really do this, you're getting a raise." Sloan headed toward the door.

"Well, ain't that a kick in the balls," Steve hissed with a sour look on his face. "You can invade our privacy, even Sloan's, and he gives you a fucking raise."

"If he even thinks about reading me without my knowledge, he dies." Sloan was right behind Steve so he heard every word, but then he stopped, looking at Blaze.  "Blaze, stay here with Caroline."

"No problem." Blaze gave a short nod.

"No, I'll be fine." Caroline followed them out the door. "You might need him."

Sloan stopped and turned toward her. "Blaze is staying until Jax gets back."

"He's not coming back," Caroline replied, trying her best not to embarrass herself again.

Sloan shook his head, staring down at her. "He'll be back."

"And what makes you so sure about that?" Caroline bit her lip, wishing she hadn't asked, hating that it made her sound desperate. She looked away, but Sloan caught her chin, turning her face back to his.

"Because it's what I would do," he replied, before walking out the door.

Caroline stared at his retreating back in shock. Reaching up, she touched her face where his hand had been while watching as the group climbed on their bikes and hopped into cars. Blaze went back to the roof as she stood on the porch watching everyone leave, feeling more confused than ever.

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