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Authors: Foxy Tale

BOOK: Jerk
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Foxy Tale

Foxy Tale

Copyright © 2015 Foxy Tale


By Foxy Tale

All rights reserved.

his book may not be reproduced
, scanned, or distributed in any printed or electronic form without permission from the author. Please do not participate in or encourage piracy of copyrighted materials in violation of the author’s rights. All characters and storylines are the properties of the author and your support and respect is appreciated.

This book is a work of fiction. The characters and events portrayed in this book are fictitious. Any similarity to real persons, living or dead, is coincidental and not intended by the author.

Both author and editor have taken great effort in presenting a manuscript free of errors. However, editing errors are ultimately the responsibility of the author. This book is written in US English.


This book was previously the 9-part series called My Stepbrother’s Baby. Therefore, if you have read all nine books, this is the same book.


We were playing spin the bottle. Everyone plays it. A couple of guys and girls in a room, staying over after the crowd left the party. We spun it, I lost my virginity to Sebastian, the one guy that I hated when he played that prank on me last year. 

hated him
, until he got me beneath the sheets and under his skin. I couldn’t get enough of him. It's only natural. You lose your virginity to a hot guy and then you want to be with him all the time. 

graduation and we're both in a stall, waiting on the pregnancy test results after I just peed on the stick. I'm closing my eyes, because I can't face the idea of having not just one surprise today, but two.


, I knew we shouldn’t have come,” I blurted out as we were put in a tight spot. Actually, I was put in one.  Trust her to want to be the last one at the party. I so wanted to leave.

“Kelly, don’t be like that.” She winked at me.  Rather, she winked at Dwayne.  It was so obvious she wanted to get it on with him.  So, there we were at Dwayne’s party.  He’s the guy that Brenda had a major crush on.  By the way, Brenda was my best friend.  We went way back.  Our moms had us at the same time, so that was how they met.  At an antenatal group. We came out a few days apart, and each weekend our moms used to hang out together.  Then, my dad left and Brenda’s mom and dad kind of helped us out.  Not just money wise, but they used to look after me while Mom was working at the bank, and I kind of spent most of my childhood at Brenda’s house.  So, it was obvious we were going to be best buds.

Anyway, so it was a few weeks before graduation, and Dwayne, one of the hottest guys in school, was having a party.  His parents were in the Bahamas, yep they were super loaded.  So, then the party was getting out of hand.  The neighbors threatened to call the police, so most of the crowd left and I wanted to leave too.  Dwayne told Brenda to chill, because he had the house to himself until Wednesday, and so Brenda could stay all weekend if she wanted to.

Sure, like her parents would let her. The only way she could get away with it was to say she was staying at my place.  Yep, I was the sensible one.  Our parents thought that as long as Brenda was with me, then she was safe.  I was the one with the top grades, who studied hard, was on the track team, and you could call me super boring.  I wasn’t a geek or anything, but I enjoyed doing things that I wanted to do, not to be popular or anything.  Sure, I hung out with a few guys, but I didn’t sleep with them or anything like that.

Dwayne was cool.  The type of guy that a girl could chill with and not feel that he wanted to get into your pants.  He didn´t have a reputation, unlike Sebastian, his partner in crime.  So, Sebastian could easily be Chris Pine’s twin. He had the personality of a devil.  I secretly felt that he was the devil himself put on earth to be every girl’s downfall.  The guy was a complete prick.

He asked me out, and I should have known that it was a trick.  There was no way Sebastian Reel would even consider going out with me—a straight ´A´ student, with brunette hair and matching eyes.  Nothing special about me, I got the grades, but no boy was interested in that.  I wasn’t on the cheerleading team. Sure, I looked after my body. I just wasn’t obsessed or anything like most of the cheers.  So, we were in the hall one day, and he came up to me and asked if I wanted to go out with him.

Just like that!

The guy who hadn’t spoken to me all year round, all of a second decided to ask me out.

Sure, I should have thought there was something wrong. Nothing happens without a reason.

I was in a mood. I got like that sometimes. I thought no man would ever love me and the only friend I would have forever was Brenda.  Sure, I hung out with others at times, but mainly because they were Brenda’s friends.  As I said, nothing about me is special. Just average.  The most exciting thing that happened to me was when my parents split.  That was when everyone decided to offer me a helping hand—when it was announced in class.

I went from being the average kid to the one whose parents were splitting.  Everyone wanted to know how I was coping with it.  If I was okay and if there was anything they could do.  This was the reason why when Sebastian asked me out, I thought it was out of sympathy.  I thought maybe he had a heart. I was wrong!

I opened my mouth slowly, after checking from left to right to see if he was talking to me.  That’s when he held one finger up to my lips and said, “Psych!” and then walked off laughing. I could have died.  He did it in front of an audience, and ever since that day I’ve hated him.  For one reason and one reason alone.  He was a prick!


pin the bottle
,”  Brenda cried out.  Shit, I knew it was a mistake. I wasn’t lucky in anything and knowing my luck, I would get the prick, Sebastian.  The one guy I didn’t want to be in the room with, let alone end up with the bottle.

We agreed to spin the bottle and then make out.  One of those stupid games that seem cool at the time, but as you realize who is in the room, it turns out to be anything but cool.  So, if I spun the bottle and I had to make out with Dwayne, would I? Knowing that my best and only friend in the whole world had the biggest crush on him?  Shoot, she even joined the damn cheerleading team for the basketball team just to get near him.

I spun the bottle. We were all sitting on the floor with the damn thing in between us.  Two guys and two girls. I thought fuck it, what could go wrong?  The bottle was stuck on Sebastian.  I quickly spun it again.  That’s when Sebastian grabbed my hand and said, “It landed on me.”

I nervously replied, “We’re all a bit wasted.” I was casual about it, but Brenda shook her head, begging me not to spin the bottle again.  Just so it wouldn’t land on Dwayne.  She didn’t seem to realize that the prank Sebastian played on me a few weeks ago still revolved round my mind as if it was yesterday. I hated him.  Shit, I had never kissed a girl, but right now the bottle ending up on Brenda would have been better than having to kiss the prick. I didn’t want to. I really didn’t want to.

I yanked my hand back and got up and started to leave. 

“Kelly wait,” Brenda cried out, while crawling on the floor.  She was more than a bit tipsy.  I hated to think how much of the punch she had been slipping down her throat as if it was water.  She could never hold her drink, which was why our number one rule when out together was for her to not drink!  We needed to get out of there before the situation got out of hand.  It felt like it was that way already. 

Sebastian grabbed my hand like a hungry wolf and blurted in my face, “I think you owe me a kiss, young lady.”  Without warning, without a minute to try and get out of the situation, he bit my lip.  Slowly and intensely.  Shit, it sent shivers up and down my spine.  It was so intense.  We were in his living room.  He had a wicked grin and dark eyes that made my panties cling to my pussy.  I should have walked away right then, but his next move had me curious. 

He moved his arm slowly across my waist, tight and I froze as he pulled me tighter towards him.  I felt that only he and I were in the room.  Mainly because Dwayne and Brenda giggled and swept past us, lost with their own lust. I had a hunch they were moving towards his room.  I had only been in the kitchen and the living room, so I had no idea about the other rooms.

“You and I, upstairs,” Sebastian whispered as he rested his forehead against mine. 

I should have said no. I thought it was another joke, but as he took my hand, the only word that left my mouth was, “Okay.”

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