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Authors: Foxy Tale

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***Stepbrother´s Baby***


eo Moore
the guy I love to hate, but I just keep going back for more...

eo Moore is an arrogant prick
, whose middle name should have been selfish.

He´s dark on the outside and the inside too.

y best friend
got married and I felt like the last girl standing.

He offered me a sympathy f*** and I took it. 

Now, I just can´t get enough. I keep going back for more like an addict. Like all addicts there comes a point, when you get that wake-up call. I am looking at my pill packet and wondering when was the last time I took one.

I just got my wake-up call.

I´m hoping it is not too late.

Please don´t let it be too late.


atch the bouquet
, Becca!" Mom screamed out loud so the whole wedding party could hear. To say she was embarrassing at the best of times was an understatement. But when your Grandma was standing next to you rolling her sleeves up shouting, "I need it. Remember, Grandpa is dead," then, you know that you have some tough competition ahead of you.

I was twenty-five, still single, and loved to party. Sure, college days were over, but I never dreamt in my wildest dreams that all my friends, including my best friend, would be running up the aisle a couple of years after graduation. It felt almost as if they had a list and they crossed out all their achievements and the only two things left were marriage and babies.

"If you don´t catch it, remember my offer still stands..." whispered Leo in my ear. He was the bride´s brother. He was a bit of a jerk. No, he was very much a jerk. The outside was so damn hot. Tall, dark, and every woman´s fantasy. I must admit including mine if the inside wasn´t as dark and a complete turn off. The typical love them and leave them kind of guy. I think he got a kick out of girls falling for him and then dumping them at the sign of any type of emotion that they may display towards him. Especially when they said the words, I love you. That was his number one get out clause.

How did I know this?

Because Sandra, the bride who was now attempting to throw the bouquet from the carriage that they hired for their wedding, told me a thousand times. He even got her to dump a few of them back in college. They were close, which I found hard to believe at the best of times, because they were complete opposites.

Sandra had a heart of gold, and as I said, Leo was just a complete jerk.

"Ladies, are you ready?" she screamed out loud.

Yep, I was ready. I´d had too much tequila and my mom had given me the lecture on finding someone at this wedding a few too many times for one night.

As she threw the bouquet, Grandma stepped on my feet and lunged up in the air, ready to catch the bouquet. Her mistake was taking off her glasses and handing them to my mom, because she jumped in the wrong direction.

I was so determined to catch the bouquet. I ignored my throbbing feet, my grandma ready to land on someone or something, hopefully and use all the action movements that I learnt from playing too much Zumba on my Wii-U and I grabbed the damn thing. I heard a few cuss words and screams whilst I was doing it. I had no idea who I hit whilst I used my knees to stop anyone getting in my way. Oh, I was going to prove Leo wrong. He said I could never be a bride. He claimed I would always be the bridesmaid. I proved him wrong and caught the damn thing.

"Take that, Leo! I caught it."

The screams and joy that were coming out of my mouth were quickly dampened by both of Sandra´s cousins saying I elbowed and kneed them whilst catching the bouquet. For a split second I felt like I did when I had passed my driver´s test. I was jumping up and down like a crazy woman until the reality hit me that I had no car to drive. I had this newfound skill and nothing to test it on.

Mom came and gave me a hug. "I knew you could do it. I knew you would be next."

There was only one thing missing.

One thing that meant that I wasn´t going to be next.

A groom… part one is out now and in Kindleunlimited!

***Giving A Baby To My Stepbrother***


or eight long years
, I hadn’t seen Donald. Today, he just showed up at my office out of the blue claiming we needed to talk. I’d wanted to talk to him after we spent that special night together. I woke up in his bed the next morning and he was gone.

I tried calling, texting, even emailing him.

He ignored them all; I was a virgin and he stole that from me without a second thought.

Now, he was back as if nothing ever happened. I had seen him in Forbes magazine a few times. His business empire had ballooned and he was one of the most eligible bachelors until last year when he tied the knot.

I didn’t even get a returned phone call, let alone an invite to the wedding. I couldn’t think what he had to talk about. I had a few questions for him.

Number one would be why he left me and broke my heart.



s someone here to see you, Cortney,” Destiny whispered as I tried to get another sponsor and failed. I was getting fed up with the whole program. I had worked at Marillac Family Services for four long years. There were kids that had no hope or sign of a decent future. We had turned them around and then at the drop of a hat there were new regulations. The fat cats wanted more money and we were no longer a viable tax exemption and they wanted out. God bless America, but only if you have money. I had tried Mom a few times, no joy. She was too busy complaining about her estranged husband, Stephen.

I was annoyed, and it was a Friday night. For the first time in a long time, I felt like hanging out with Destiny and Kayla. Getting drunk and forgetting about tomorrow. If it was another sponsor coming to tell me that he or maybe she was going to stop contributing to the center, I really wasn´t in the mood.

“Destiny, it is after six on a Friday night. Can´t you tell them to go away?”

I waved my hand in the air, hoping that she would get the message. She came closer to my desk and whispered, “No, I think you need to see him.”

Great, it was a guy. Probably some stuck up prick who wasn´t going to get his tax benefit from the center anymore and wanted out.

I faked a cry. “Please!”

She walked away. I hoped that she got the message until she said words that I wasn´t expecting to hear, “Mr. Forsythe, this is Ms. Steger, our senior manager.”

I blinked twice, no, three times. Probably a lot more. I eyed him from head to toe as I stood up, taking in the one person that I never expected to see at the center. The one that had taken my virginity, then ignored me for years. He was standing in the doorway in a pale grey suit. He was older, more sophisticated, but his green eyes still sparkled like they did when he was nineteen. I moved closer towards him, unable to say anything. I ignored Destiny as she said, “Well, I´ll leave you to it.”

He held out his hand as if he was a stranger, someone that I had never met. Not someone from my past. I couldn´t believe it. Nerves settled in as he took my hand and blurted, “Cortney, it has been a long time. Nice to see you again.”

He shut the door, as if it was his own office. Taking the lead as he always did. My fingers trembled in his; they were not smooth as his, no, my fingers were rough from not applying cream. From having lack of funding and doing manual labor to get to the position I was in now. I had a passion for helping others. I came back to my roots when I left Gold Coast to live and work on the South side. Mom had an allowance, a hefty one because she agreed to stay married to Stephen, his dad, but they were to live separately.

“Let´s sit down and talk!”

I simply nodded and then as he took the lead I adjusted the skirt that I wore to the office every single day. My shirt was a little crumpled from the late hours I worked. I didn’t iron my clothes unless I had a meeting with a sponsor. My aim for today was to get us back into the black, as we’d been in the red for the last few months. It was a secret that I was keeping from the others. It was clear what direction we were headed, and as much as the mayor had promised the center would stay open and we would continue to help the community with the government backing, it was clear it was a lie to help with the up and coming elections. That had ended and so did our lifeline.

I could hardly get my feet to move as I hovered by the door. I wanted to escape. I wished that it was another sponsor that had come through the door. Anyone but him.

How did he know where I worked?

Why was he here?

He just showed up like this, no announcement, nothing.

All these questions were running through my mind as I slowly walked to my desk. This meant that I would be facing him. I would be looking into his emerald eyes and I would be slowly and surely dying every time he spoke. I wanted him as I did back then. I should have hated him. He’d tortured and dumped me like a piece of trash. Yet, I found myself intrigued and kind of excited by his presence. A presence that I thought only existed on the front cover of Forbes magazine… out now and in Kindleunlimited.


ne Last Thing

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About the Author

oxy Tale is
an erotica author who loves to specialize in "taboo" relationships and billionaire romance books. While she may look innocent on the outside, inside she's a wild cat just teeming with sexy thoughts and sinful desires.

Check her out on Amazon By Clicking This Link!


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