Jerk (2 page)

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Authors: Foxy Tale

BOOK: Jerk
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s we entered a room
, I could only assume it was the guest room.  Dwayne was like me, an only child, and there were no photos or anything in this room.  It was neutral artwork that hung on the wall.  Golden covers were on the bed, and a matching rug was beside it.  I looked around quickly as we entered, and Sebastian put on the light. 

He was like an animal.

“Kelly, get on the bed!” he said as he approached me and started to peel off his shirt.  He dimmed the lighting, and I had no shoes, so I crawled on the bed like a thief caught in the room in the middle of the night, hoping that he wouldn’t hurt me.  He knew it was my first time. I wanted him to be gentle and kind, but as he started to creep onto me fully clothed, I wanted him to be wicked rather than kind.

He started to rip my shirt of me like a crazed animal.

“I’m going to fucking make you wish you spun the bottle again.”

I smiled and said, “Good boy!”

Not sure when I became such a tease, but it was enough to make him go wild.  He yanked my bra off like it was a piece of string and then he licked his tongue across my breast.  I was breathless, unable to speak, only able to think about his body.  I gently touched every part of him that I could reach, stroking him with my fingers. He said, “Your fingers are so gentle.  It’s so sweet and innocent.”

I took it as a compliment and carried on as I moaned and he took off all my clothes, and before I realized what was going on, I was naked on top of the bed.  “This is your first time, right?” I simply nodded, as my inexperience of what to do with my hands and even my body were clear.  I didn’t know if I should try and kiss or anything. I was letting him take control, and he knew it.  What else could I do?

I didn’t have a clue what to do. I wasn’t a natural at pretending. Brenda had a lot more experience with guys than I did. Don’t get me wrong, she wasn’t a ho or anything, but she had been with a couple of guys in the past.  They did a lot more than just first base.

“I’m about to find out what you like,” he whispered as he stuck his tongue in my ear.  He nibbled at my lobe and it felt so intense.  I squealed a bit at the sensation.  One of his hands was going up and down the inside of my leg and I opened it up so that he could go to my tunnel.  I was so curious about the size of his cock.  Was it as big as I thought it was the one time that I saw him running and he adjusted it?

I got hot at the idea of it being so big, but right now it was freaking me out. I wondered if he would rip me apart if it was too big.  Shit, it started to rub up my leg as he made his way around my body with his tongue.  He was forming a coat with his saliva down my neck.

“Sebastian,” I moaned as he moved towards my breasts.  He must have loved their size, as he played with them, moaning every time he sucked on a nipple.

He switched from left to right purring, “Shit, your breasts are so fucking hot. Hmmm.”

Men loved my breasts, they were just the right size to play with.  Not too big and certainly not too small.  I suppose like Mom I was gifted in that department.  I waited for his reaction to want more of me; I loved that he was so intense with his hold on me.  I couldn’t get enough.  Every time I tried to touch him, he said, “Slow down, tiger.”

He wanted to lead me, as it was clear I had no idea what I was doing. He gently rolled on top of me and whispered, “I’m going to go in, bit by bit. Okay?”

I nodded. The idea of it all made me nervous, but his gentleness made me change my mind.  He knew that I was a virgin, and he was taking it slow with me.  As he entered slowly at the head of my pussy, my pussy walls opened up.  As he traveled down my cunt, my tunnel cleared the way.  When he pushed in deeper, I throbbed at the idea of how deep he was entering.  Pumping in and out.  Thrusting harder each time made me feel like a bloodthirsty snake wanting more.  He started me on a journey, and he had no idea how far I was willing to take it.

I was wet. I came, and I wanted more.  It was better than being stuck in my room watching a bit of porn.  Or making out with a guy in the movie theatre, with him putting a couple of fingers up my cunt.  No, this was a totally different level, and I couldn’t get enough.  He rolled off me, catching his breath after his cum shot up my spine.  Stroking me and asking if I was okay and if I enjoyed it.  He had no idea that he was going to give it to me.  All night long.

“Teach me. Keep me. Make me,” I whispered as I crawled slowly up to his ear. 

He turned his head and said, “With pleasure, my lady.  With pure pleasure.”


y mom
and your dad seem to be spending a lot of time together,” I whispered as I peeked down the stairs to see if Mom was home, whilst I was on the phone to Sebastian.

“I guess.  They do work together,” Sebastian replied.  Well, that wasn’t strictly true.  His dad owned a chain of shops on that street.  Mom just happened to rent one from him.  That wasn’t exactly working together.

“Not exactly.” I said out loud, wondering where this conversation was going.  Did he know something I didn´t know?

“True, not exactly,” I said as I closed the door with my back to the door.  Mom wasn’t home, and there was only one thing I wished—that Sebastian was there with his dick inside me.  Pumping me hard, like he had the other night when his dad was out on a date with my mom.

“You alone?” he whispered as I lay on my bed.  Thoughts of his fingers running up and down my spine were turning me on.

“Seems like it.” I knew where the conversation was going, and I wanted him to lead it. “You?”

“Ah-huh, so, what you wearing?”

Silence as I rose my head up to check my clothes. I know it sounds crazy, but until he asked I never really thought about what I had on.

“Well, just my gym shorts and–”

“I love your legs in those shorts.  Shit, they’re so damn tight, and when you bend I can just see a bit of your ass.”

Paranoia swept in as I slowly got off my bed to face my mirror. Could he really see a bit of my ass? I hadn’t realized they were so damn short.  As I bent over with my ass up in the air, I realized he was right.

“Shoot, you can see my ass.”

He laughed slightly as he said, “Take it off!”

I stood up abruptly at his command.  “Sure, bad boy.”

“Hmm, you have no idea what I would do to you right now if you and that sexy ass were with me.”

I needed him to tell me. “Your wish is my command,” I purred as I replied to him. I was loving this game.  It was making me so wet, and the idea that he was hot for me made it more intense.  Sure, I had spoken to guys before about having sex or what they wanted to do to me, but this conversation was different.  Last week at his house was crazy.  It was obvious Sebastian was so much more experienced.  He knew not only about having sex, but how to make a girl enjoy it.  He knew how to pleasure a woman. Something that doesn’t come naturally to most men, or so Brenda told me.  I couldn’t help but blab about my experiences with Sebastian.  He had me craving more, no matter how many times I came.

I was half naked and wondering what he wanted me to do.  My phone was in one hand and my hand was out, wondering if I should get the party going.

“My dick is so hard for you…” he was heavy breathing down the phone.

I imagined him sitting in his chair stroking his dick and I purred, “Hmm, my fingers are your dick coming into my pussy.”

“Nice and hard.”

“Oh, so hard, Sebastian.  Make me cum!” I pleaded as I stood, heading towards the bed, moaning while I slowly walked. I dropped the phone on the bed for a brief moment as I freed my breasts from my bra.  After, I traced a finger around my nipple, whilst picking up the phone with my other hand.

“Shit, Sebastian, I want you sucking on my hard nipple.  Shit, it’s so hard.”

“Hmm.” I could hear his breathing was picking up. I had heard him cum so many times over the last few days, I knew he was reaching there soon. I wanted to come with him.  My fingers were not doing the trick.  I put a couple more up there, rubbing them hard up and down my pussy walls, and then it started to happen.

“Fucking make me cum!” I screamed to him.  I was lying on the bed.  Rubbing my clit so hard it started to hurt.

“I’m cuming baby…cum…cum…arrrhhhh.” I heard him sigh. 

I stopped jerking and shaking as I reached my orgasm.  I caught my breath and said, “See you at graduation tomorrow. We should do this more often. It’s a lot safer.”

There was silence, as I had revealed my fear in one sentence. I was waiting for after graduation to see if my period came. If it did then there would be nothing to worry about.  If it didn’t, well it didn’t.

“What is that supposed to mean?”

I felt like I wanted the bed to cave in and swallow me with it.  Shit, did I tell him the truth or what? I wasn’t ready.

“Now I come to think about it, you haven’t had your period since we started having sex. Kelly?”

I could only say the one thing that I could think of to get out of the situation and that was a lie. “Shoot, Mom’s home. I need to clean up. Laters!”

Then, I hung up. I felt bad for lying, but tomorrow was graduation.  After then we could discuss it if we needed to, and until then it could be something to worry about for nothing.  We had worked so hard for the year to end.  We had got on in more ways than we could possibly imagine in such a short time. I didn’t want to spoil it for either of us, without knowing the truth.  I lay for a minute, smelling my own cum and laughing like a silly schoolchild about phone sex.

As I went to my bathroom and cleaned up, I said to myself in the mirror, “Sebastian Reel, I enjoyed that so much.  We must do it again some time.”


oday was graduation day
.  The last few weeks had been a complete turnaround with Sebastian.  Who would have thought the guy I thought was a total prick actually had a heart.  It was amazing that I’d spent all year hating him and now I couldn’t get him off my mind.

“Earth to Kelly, what are you thinking about?” Mom asked as she came into my room.  In a word, Sebastian.  I thought that I would wait a few weeks, maybe until the summer was over to tell Mom about him.  She would laugh. I’d spent the whole year cussing him, anyway. 

I whispered, “Nothing.”

She stood proudly as she watched me in the mirror, looking at my reflection.  She tossed my brunette curls in a bun, saying, “Do you want me to put it in a bun?”

I nodded, as I had often struggled to put it in one.  Unlike Mom she´s a hairstylist, so it was natural for her to grace my hair with her magic fingers.  I loved the way she tossed my hair up as I sat at the dresser and she worked her magic. I sat down at my dresser and stared at myself in the mirror, before I closed my eyes.

“One thing, last touch, before you become a graduate.”

I still couldn’t get the thought out of my head. I was due to go to college in the fall.  Part of me felt sad at the idea of leaving Mom behind.  Sure, we had family near.  My grandparents were a few blocks away, so were my aunts, cousins, and uncles.  But, it wasn’t going to be the same. Mom would come home to an empty house every time she shut up shop.  Then, she said something which made me remember she wasn’t alone most of the time. 

“Ted and I are getting on really well.” I looked up, wondering how she got my brunette curls so straight in such a short amount of time.  Effortless, because I never even felt as if my head was being tossed from side to side.  I’m sure she’s the best high stylist in Jersey.

“We have something to tell you kids later.”

Oh, good, maybe they were moving in together.  At least Mom wouldn’t be lonely. That was the only thing on my mind as I adjusted my cream dress and tried to stand up in my three-inch heels. I didn’t normally wear them, but I wanted to look elegant without looking too smutty.  Yet my tits were a bit perkier than usual, and Mom commented on them as I put on my watch.

“You’ve really filled out your dress.”

“Strange, maybe all those workouts have finally paid off.” We both laughed as I got up from the dresser.  Sure, I was an AA sized bra, but with my cross-over top half of the dress, my breasts were practically on display.  Part of me was tempted to hide them.  Make out that they wouldn’t be noticed, but then I smirked at the idea of one man, Sebastian, noticing, and I hoped that he would have his wicked way with me again. 

Then again, after last night’s call, it should have been the furthest thing from my mind.  I tucked it back into that secret place called denial.  I shut the door and said, “Mom, come quick, your daughter is about to graduate in style!”


e drove
, with Mom going on about her excitement about the day.  Her daughter was soon to be an engineering student, and she couldn’t stop telling the world.  Mom had wanted to further her education when she was younger, but she never got the grades.  I didn’t realize we were not driving in the direction of the school, as I was having mixed emotions.  I was wondering about my conversation with Sebastian and if he would just get it off his mind.  If my period appeared, the day would end on a perfect note.  I think never in my life would I be so grateful for it.  I had been regular up till now, but then again I had never had sex.

That was the thing I should have checked on the net.  When you have sex, then maybe your cycle changes, hormone levels rise, and your body acts differently.  Silly me, that was exactly what happened! I was panicking for nothing. I couldn’t wait to tell Sebastian the news.  Any day now and it would all be over. I’d go on the pill, and we’d go to college and keep in touch.  It would be perfect; everything was going to be okay.

“Here we are. Just picking up Tom and Sebastian,” Mom said as she pulled up behind Tom’s SUV.  They had only been dating a few weeks, yet it felt like they had been going out for years. They were both so comfortable in each other’s company.  Sebastian’s dad was a widower, and my mom was single because she and my dad didn’t get along.  There was no big drama. They both agreed that it didn’t work out and then he left.  The only thing that got me, was he never came back.  Didn’t keep in contact or anything.  Mom said when I was younger she tried to get him to be interested in me.  The fact he never wanted to be a father to a girl was clear.  Apparently, the jerk was disappointed from day one that I wasn’t a boy.  He sounded like a douche bag, if the only thing that stopped him from keeping in contact with me was the fact that I didn’t have a dick.

I slowly got out of the car, trying hard not to trip.  Mom ran to the front door like a kid that was promised candy by the neighbors.  I shut the car door and headed to the door, trying to keep my balance and trying to make sure that my make-up and hair were still intact.  The Jersey heat was hitting hard, and I had gone for a white linen dress so that I could keep cool.  The gown was safely protected in the back with the hat.  I felt confident that as soon as Sebastian saw me, he wouldn’t be able to keep his eyes off me.

As he came down the stairs, I noticed that I was right.

“Wow, someone looks all dressed up,” he said as soon as he was standing next to me. 

I winked, trying not to blush, and I replied, “You don’t look so bad yourself.”

He was far from looking good—he was smoking hot.  He had on a black suit and a gold tie.  Everything was perfect on him—the cut and cufflinks—and he did a quick twirl and then took my hand to do the same.  We were in the hallway with eyes only for each other.  We didn’t realize what was happening as our parents looked at us.  They were smiling, holding hands, and couldn’t contain their news anymore.

“I’m so glad that you guys are getting along.” Tom smiled as he held my mom’s hand.  It was obvious where Sebastian got his good looks; he was a replica of his dad.

“Yes, we have something to tell you.” Mom nodded her head and Sebastian and I stopped to listen for a quick second.  We were whispering in each other’s ears as we made our way to the living room.  All thoughts about earlier were out of my head, and he seemed to forget about it too.  He liked my dress and wanted me, just like he had that first night.  Our flirtatious ways changed as his dad blurted out, “We’re getting married.”

This is when it hit home that everything was going to change, one way or another.

We smiled at them, we wished them the best of luck, and then we headed back to Mom’s car.  Mom said she thought we would be happy.  What was there to be happy about? Sebastian and I were obviously more than friends.  Our sex talk and my dream of us keeping in contact were blatantly out the window.  I couldn’t believe they were getting married.  They had just officially started going out.  They were obviously too much in love as they whispered sweet nothings in each other’s ears.  There was only one thing on my mind.  To get to the ceremony now.  The sooner the day was over, the better.

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