Jimmy's Game (Ruthless) (43 page)

BOOK: Jimmy's Game (Ruthless)
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Reggie’s dogs became excited and started barking, stopping instantly when Reggie commanded them. Smirking he said, “It’s because they can smell the blood Jimmy.” “Bring your dogs over; they deserved some retribution, especially the one who took the bullet.” They just stood and watched as his dogs began to gnaw and rip the Jamaican’s leg. Screaming in agony the petrified man screamed out, “Oh please man call ya dogs off.” Terry said, “I’ll ask you again, who sent you?” This time the Jamaican screamed, “Ok! Ok! I will tell ya. Samuels, his name is Samuels!”
Jimmy looked at him and calmly replied, “We already know that. What we want to know is how you lot got involved with him.” With Reggie’s dogs just a few feet from him and blood pouring from his leg without hesitation the Jamaican replied, “When Maurice was murdered Samuels contacted us.” When the Jamaican appeared to be passing out, Jimmy kicked him and said, “Carry one.” “Ok, ok, Samuels flew to the Caribbean; he told us that Maurice worked for ya.” He was interrupted as the other Jamaican said, “Shut da fuck up dan’t tell them anything.” Mickey hit him across the mouth with the butt of the shot gun and said arrogantly, “It’s you who needs to shut the fuck up!” Kicking the other one Jimmy said, “Carry on, you’ve got my attention!” The Jamaican continued, “We already knew Maurice worked with ya, but Samuels said Mickey had ordered the hit on him because of a dispute over money.” “Go on,” said Mickey. “Samuels said that we could get even with ya and make big money if we came to England.” “So all this is because you dumb fuckers believed a fucking low life like fucking Samuels!” Bleeding profusely from his wound and stuttering to get his words out, the terrified man replied, “Samuels said he could protect us and we would make big money running da clubs and da whore houses.” “So why did you kill Hudson?” Shaking with fear and looking like he would pass out again he replied, “Hudson refused ta work with Samuels, he threatened to tell ya about him.” “So what does Samuels intend to do next?” “He’s going ta plant drugs at ya club.” Again the other Jamaican shouted out, “Shut up ya fucking idiot, they’ll kill us once ya tell dem!”

Jimmy stepped forward and kicked the Jamaican in the balls, leaving him sc
reaming in agony as he vomited. Mickey calmly continued as he said to the co-operative one, “How exactly does Samuels intend to do it? He knows that if a single Jamaican sets foot in the club we’d deal with them, so how could it be done?” No one was surprised when the Jamaican replied, “He intended ta do it himself, being a detective na one would think twice about him going into da club.” Jimmy kicked the other Jamaican and said, “Oi gob shites, you’ve had plenty to fucking say, do you want to add anything?” Shaking his head he replied, “It dan’t matter now, we are dead men!”

Jimmy told Reg and Terry to get the Jamaicans up onto their feet. Standing was difficult for the one the dogs had mauled. Jimmy didn’t care, he ordered him to stand
. Once on their feet, he glared at both men and then in an arrogant manner said, “I want to know which one of you hit Maria?” They both remained silent. Standing directly in front of them; he punched them both in the gut. The injured one slid down the girder, but Jimmy dragged him back to a standing position. Still winded from the blow, the Jamaican gasped for breath. Waiting for a reply Jimmy asked them again. The quiet one just stood there, the injured one could not withstand any more pain. Screaming at him, he said, “It wasn’t me it was him who hit her.” His accomplice instantly said, “Shut ya fucking mouth, before ya get us both killed!” Jimmy kicked him and said, “Shut your fucking mouth!” Then he looked menacingly at the injured one and said, “Which one of you raped her?” Neither one of them would answer; so without a second thought, Jimmy hit the non-co-operative one in the arm with the baling hook. They all watched it rip through his flesh. “It was him,” screamed the other one, “He did it!”  With the hook still embedded in his arm the other man shouted, “I told ya ta shut the fuck up!” Unlike his friend he was stubborn. Jimmy could tell he wasn’t going to say anything, but he was not going to let him get away with what he had done to Maria. Grabbing his hair he pulled his head up then looking right at him said, “So you’re the big brave fucker who likes to rape women?” With total defiance, the Jamaican spat in his face and said, “I was gonna give her da best dam fuck she ever had; she would have begged me fa more!” Jimmy was seething with anger; he could feel a rage, an uncontrollable rage surging through his body. How dare he talk about his beautiful Maria like that? Without a second thought he pulled down the Jamaicans trousers and boxer shorts. Now looking down at his cock, he turned to Reggie and said, “Chuck us your knife Reg.” They all knew Reggie always carried a ten inch blade. The Jamaican watched the knife get passed from one man to the other; he hoped that Jimmy was bluffing in an effort to get information. He remained defiant as Jimmy ruthlessly pulled out the hook from his arm, the man screamed in agony and began begging Jimmy to stop; his early display of defiance was gone.

Using the baling hook that moments earlier he’d pulled from the same Jamaicans arm, Jimmy lifted the petrified man’s cock up. Struggling frantically to try and free himself, Jimmy ordered the others to hold him. Then he calmly said, “You will never rape another woman again, you black bastard!”  The Jamaican was screaming and begging. Jimmy just looked at him then without any hesitation or empathy, he sliced off his cock with one flick of the knife
. The screams from the man were pitiful before he passed out. The warehouse floor was covered in blood. The other Jamaican began to vomit. Near to death the Jamaican tried to say something, bending down in front of him Jimmy said “I can’t fucking hear you, open your mouth when you fucking talk to me!” Again the Jamaican mumbled something as he lay in the pool of his own blood. Still holding Reggie’s knife  Jimmy sadistically placed the blade between the Jamaicans teeth then pushing against it cutting the Jamaicans mouth open he said, “There now that’s better, I told you to open you’re fucking mouth when you speak to me!” “He’s dead,” said Terry. “Good,” replied Jimmy as he kicked him, “That’s one less fucking black bastard to contend with!”

The others stood watching as Jimmy turned to Reggie and said, “Put his cock in a bag; we’ll send it to Samuels as a present.” “Do you really think that’s a good idea?”  Said Mickey. Jimmy just looked at him. Mickey knew that at times like these, it was best not to argue with him; he also knew that although they were best friends, Jimmy had an unhealthy liking for this type of thing. On occasion it had bothered him knowing that Jimmy was capable of such cruel sadistic violent acts; without ever so much as a second thought. However under the circumstances he decided it wouldn’t do any harm to send the severed cock to Samuels. It could maybe be seen as pay back for Hudson, there was also the fact that Samuels could never prove who sent it. Yes perhaps on this occasion he would agree with Jimmy.

When Reggie walked towards the body, Mickey said, “Be careful when you bag it, wear gloves and drive at least thirty miles from here before sending it.”

With his leg still pouring with blood and his friend’s body slumped just a few feet away, the other Jamaican begged for his life. Coldly Jimmy turned to Reggie and said, “Let your fucking dogs finish the bastard off, I’ve had my fun!” Reggie didn’t need asking twice, he pointed at the Jamaican and said, “Kill!” Immediately the dogs were ripping at his throat, he was dead within second
s. When the dogs were finished Terry said, “We’ll get rid of the bodies and clear up the mess.” Jimmy nodded and replied, “Cheers, I need to get back to Maria.” “No worries Jimmy, you two push off leave everything to us; within an hour it will be like the Jamaicans were never here.” “We’ll catch you later lads.”

Making their way back to the car Mickey said, “I’ll drive you home, then first thing tomorrow I’ll have your car cleaned Jimmy.” With a cold look in his eyes Jimmy said, “Get rid of it, I don’t want Maria to get in it again.” “Ok fair enough. We were lucky tonight; things could have been a lot worse if Shaun hadn’t turned up when he did.” “Yeah you’re right Mick.” “Just for the record Jimmy, I think you’ve got a serious problem when committing acts of violence. If I ever piss you off just fucking tell me ok!” They both laughed.

Pulling up outside the apartment Mickey said, “Do you want me to come up with you?” “No it’s ok Mickey, I’ll be fine.” Exiting the car Jimmy could see Shane and Billy sitting in Shane’s car watching the apartment. Walking over to them he said, “Thanks for this lad’s you can go home now; Mickey will contact you in the morning.” Shane looked at his clothes and said, “Fuck me are you hurt Jimmy?” Shaking his head he grinned and replied, “Naugh, it’s not my blood. Now get off home, I’ll see you tomorrow”

Going up in the lift he looked down upon himself, he was literally covered in blood. His thoughts were as soon as he’d spoken to Maria and Shaun he
’d take a shower. The moment he turned his key in the lock, Shaun called out. Acknowledging him Jimmy replied, “Only me Shaun.” When Jimmy entered the lounge the big Irishman had the same reaction to the blood as the lads. Immediately he said, “Are you hurt Jimmy?” “It’s not my blood, where’s Maria?”  Shaun pointed over to the sofa where she was asleep and said, “I tried to get her to go to bed, but she wasn’t having any of it, she insisted on waiting for you.” “No problem mate. Thanks for staying with her, those fucking black bastards won’t be causing us anymore grief.” Looking at his watch Jimmy added, “Fuck me, it’s almost half four. Sorry you’ve had to stay so late and I mean it Shaun thanks for all your help it’s appreciated. Things could have turned out very differently if you hadn’t turned up at the restaurant.” “No need to thank me, I’m just glad I got there before the black bastard raped her.” Jimmy looked shocked as he replied, “Are you sure she wasn’t raped?” “Aye, I’m positive, another ten seconds though and it would have been a different story.” With a look of total relief on his face Jimmy said, “Thank fuck for that. One thing for sure, he won’t be doing it again, I cut his knob off!” “Ooh, bet that made his fucking eyes water!” They both laughed. Five minutes later Shaun left.

Jimmy had just closed and locked the door behind him when he heard Maria call out to him. Walking back into the lounge he smiled at her and said, “You ok babe?” Looking at all the blood on his clothes she looked terrified as she replied, “Oh God Jimmy what happened, are you alright?” “Relax babe, it’s not mine.”

Standing up she rushed over to him, collapsing into his arms. Hugging her he said, “I’m so sorry I had to leave you earlier babe, but I needed to deal with those bastards.” He could see the tears welling in her eyes as he looked at her beautiful face, all bruised and swollen. Gently he kissed her before saying, “Are you really okay?” Now sobbing she replied, “Jimmy I was terrified, those Jamaicans won’t come back will they?” “They won’t bother you again babe, in fact right about now they’ll be on their way to Davy Jones locker, with the help of a concrete block courtesy of Reggie and Terry.” Although she hated violence, a part of her was relieved to hear that. When she finally calmed down she said, “Shaun was wonderful, I’ve always regarded him as my guardian angel and never more so than tonight.” “I’m glad you think that babe, because I’ve been thinking until this mess with Samuels is sorted out, perhaps it would be a good idea if Shaun was your personal body guard; I’m sure he’d love to do it for two reasons.” “Two, what are they then?” “The first is he loves you like a daughter and the second because he loves to eat, so you can try out all your new recipes on him!” “Well after what happened tonight, if you can’t be here with me I’d feel safe with Shaun.” Kissing her head he said, “Good that’s sorted then, I’ll arrange it later.”

They sat together on the sofa talking. Maria said, “What did the Jamaicans say to you?” Deciding to tell her everything, he gave her all the details. Including the way in which they had died. Watching him as he talked she noticed he didn’t flinch or show any emotion, even when he described the torture he had inflicted on them. In her heart and because of her faith, she knew she should have felt some compassion. Truth was she didn’t, she was glad they were dead. Despite his tenderness towards her, she noticed his expression change when they talked about Samuels and how he intended to set them up by planting drugs at the club. “Oh no, what are you going to do about it?” said Maria, she wasn’t surprised when he replied, “I’m meeting the others later to discuss it. I’ll probably be a couple of hours, so I think under the circumstances, it would be best if you went to Gladys’s.  I don’t like the idea of her coming here and leaving you in the apartment.” In a sad voice she replied, “Whatever you think Jimmy.” Looking at her he could see just how badly the incident with the Jamaicans had affected her, she looked pale and tired. Squeezing her hand he said, “Why don’t we take a shower and then try to get a few hours sleep?” “I showered when Shaun brought me home; I tried to wash the smell of the Jamaican off me.” “Babe your pyjamas are covered in blood; it’s from where you hugged me.” Looking distressed as she looked down and saw the blood, she began tearing at her clothes in a panic to get them off. Quickly he embraced her and said, “Calm down babe, you’re becoming hysterical.” For the next few minutes she sobbed uncontrollably; the impact of what happened earlier had suddenly hit her. Leading her by the hand into the bathroom he stripped off with her, then they got into the shower together. Holding her close as the water cascaded over them, gently he sponged her down. Slowly she began to act more rationally.

Tenderly he dried her trembling body; before wrapping her in the towel and carrying her through to the bedroom, where he laid her gently in their bed. Pulling the cover over her; he kissed her forehead and said, “I’ll go and make us a hot drink babe.” Grabbing his hand she replied tearfully, “Don’t leave me Jimmy.” “I’ll only be a few minutes babe,” then he kissed her cheek and left the room.

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