Jimmy's Game (Ruthless) (47 page)

BOOK: Jimmy's Game (Ruthless)
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While he waited for his drinks he placed two fifty pound notes under her glass. Smiling at him she said, “If you wanted to go upstairs, I’m available.” Winking at her he replied, “Another time babe.” “I hope so,” she replied smiling back at him.

Returning to the table with the tray of drinks, Damon said, “I see ya talking to the whore; did she tell ya what a great fuck I was?” Calmly Jimmy replied, “No mate, she didn’t mention you, but she did ask me if I wanted to go upstairs.” Damon looked put out by his answer. Mickey looked at his watch and said, “Fuck me it’s four o’clock, if no one objects I think I’m going to call it a night.” Everyone agreed that it was late and time to retire. They spoke to Ken on the way out, thanking him for his hospitality. The pretty brunette smiled at Jimmy and said, “Come back soon sexy.” He simply winked at her and grinned.

Outside they shook hands with the Jamaicans. Mickey said, “As soon as your boss agrees the price, I’ll sort out all the paper work, you can call round to the club for it in a couple of days.” Damon nodded and replied, “Perhaps in time Mickey we could be friends.” Mickey just nodded. They all walked towards their cars, the Jamaicans BMW was parked about ten cars away from Mickey’s.

Mickey honked his horn. Damon and the others waved out as the two men pulled away. Just as the Jamaicans approached their car, they were jumped. Shane grabbed hold of Damon and head butted him in the face. The big Jamaican fell back against the car, the fact that he had been drinking heavily hindered his reaction. Reggie hit Ric with such power that he was out cold. Terry had Jonah pushed up against the boot of the car; with his arm twisted behind his back as they bundled them into the back of a transit van. Terry drove their BMW back to the docks.

Once inside the van Reggie held a gun on them. Damon said, “Ya going to die for this!” Reggie laughed and said, “Ooh, I’m shaking in my fucking boots!” Damon tried to intimidate him back by saying, “When ma boss finds out about dis, he will make ya pay. If you let us go I will see that ya are rewarded, I know dat Mickey put ya up ta dis!” Reggie smirked and said, “It’ll be reward enough seeing you bastards dead after all the fucking trouble you’ve caused! Mickey didn’t put us up to anything you dumb fucker!” Shane couldn’t resist interrupting and saying, “It’s your own fault for getting involved with a slime ball like Samuels.” Damon looked surprised that he knew who their boss was, especially when Shane added, “He’s simply used you to do his dirty work; you should have listened to Hudson.”
The Jamaicans didn’t reply. It was several minutes later when Damon asked where they were taking them. Reggie sarcastically replied, “To meet your friends.”

Mickey flashed his head lights to let them know he was right behind them, as they pulled into the docks. The moment the van stopped Reggie’s dogs ran over to greet him; Shane shook his head in disbelief as he heard Reggie say to them, “Sorry I had to leave you here boys, but I couldn’t take you with me.”

Mickey pulled in behind them. Terry forced the Jamaicans to walk in front of them. They were probably more afraid of Reggie’s dogs, than the gun he was aiming at them.

Inside the warehouse they tied them to the girder. Then Mickey said in a very aggressive manner, “Did you dumb bastards really think that you could come over here and take our business? Just how fucking thick are you, as for trusting Samuels that says everything about your fucking IQ!” If they had simply been doing Samuels bidding Mickey may have been able to let them live, but there was the near fatal shooting of Monica, plus the attack on Maria and not forgetting Reggie’s dog; so under those circumstances, he wanted them dead. Damon said, “We were only doing what we were told ta, it was all Samuels idea, we were working for him.” Trying desperately to talk his way out of it he added, “We’ll give ya money and return ta the Caribbean.” “Your moneys no good to us, Maurice left us plenty.” Damon drew on his courage and shouted, “Ya a fucking thieving pig, dat money should have been mine!” “If you had bothered to ask, we would have given it to you, but as you didn’t, well shit happens!”

Mickey asked Reggie to untie Ric; who was still dazed from the blow at the car park. Once the Jamaican was untied, Mickey said to him, “Kneel down in front of me you bastard.” It was obvious that he was going to execute him. Ric began screaming and begging for his life. Coldly, Mickey aimed the gun at his head and said, “This one is for Monica you fucking pig!” Then he calmly pulled the trigger. The other Jamaican, Jonah begged and pleaded with him not to kill him, but his executioners were oblivious to his cries. When Reggie untied him, he tried to run; Reggie hit him knocking him to the ground, then dragging him by his Rasta’s he threw him down in front of Mickey. Begging for his life, he was screaming, “Please, please, I’ iz begging ya!” Mickey said arrogantly, “Shut the fuck up, this is your last chance to make peace with God and to die with some honour!” He was still begging for his life as Mickey said, “This one’s for Maria,” then without flinching he took aim and shot him.

Damon was unlike the others, arrogantly he looked at Mickey and said, “I will not beg and I dan’t believe in God.” Jimmy sarcastically replied. “Probably just as well, because where you’re going it’ll be the other fella waiting to see you!” Damon
knew he was referring to Satan. Damon knelt silently in front of him; waiting for him to pull the trigger. Almost impatiently he said, “Hurry up and get on with it.” “Are you that eager to die Damon? Don’t you want to know what happened to your friends?” “Ya I do.”  Jimmy interrupted and arrogantly said, “I cut the cock off of one of them, he squealed and bled like a pig! We sent his cock to Samuels, a little gift to let him know who he’s dealing with, but I expect you all already know that?” It was obvious from the Jamaicans expression that he didn’t. Continuing Jimmy said, “That’s typical of Samuels he didn’t tell you in case you changed your minds about working for him.” It had also explained why none of Monica’s colleagues had mentioned it when they visited her. Samuels had obviously kept his little delivery quiet. Jimmy took some sick twisted pleasure in saying, “Something else you might be interested in knowing Damon, Reggie’s dogs finished off the other one, they ripped his throat out.” “Ya wan’t get away with dis, Samuels will find a way of getting to ya, Ya’re all dead men!” Mickey laughed and smugly replied, “I take it you’re referring to the drugs Samuels planted at the club?” Damon never replied, he didn’t need to, his face said it all. “Just for the record Damon the money we got for the drugs is going to be a wedding gift for Jimmy from you and Samuels.” The Jamaican had heard enough, looking at Mickey he said, “Jast get on with it.” Mickey didn’t need coaxing, aiming the gun at his head he said, “This one is for me, because I don’t fucking like you!” Without any hesitation, he pulled the trigger.

Reggie and Terry told them that they would get rid of the bodies. Shane piped in and said, “I’ll help, but remember I travelled in the van so I’ll need a ride home.” Mickey replied, “No problem, I’ll drop Jimmy off then come back for you.” “Great, cheers Mick.”

The two friends left, as they drove home they discussed Samuels and what he might do when he realised the Jamaicans were dead. Jimmy said, “Tell you the truth Mick; I’m too tired to think about it, can we discuss it later?” “Yeah no problem tomorrow will be soon enough.” Mickey dropped him off and headed back to the docks to collect Shane.

Jimmy entered the apartment; Shaun was sitting watching the door. First thing Jimmy said was, “Sorry for being so late.” “It’s fine Jimmy, how did things go?” Grinning he replied, “Like a dream, it couldn’t have gone any smoother; in a nut shell the Jamaicans won’t be giving us any more trouble.” “That’s good to know.” “Everything been ok here, how’s Maria?” “She’s ok; I talked her into going to bed, she was worried that you were so late; she expected you back hours ago; she only agreed to rest because I reassured her you would be fine.” “Cheers Shaun.” “No worries, but unless I’m needed for anything else I’ll head off home.” “No you get off home Shaun, as soon as we’ve dealt with Samuels you won’t have to watch over Maria for me.” Smiling the big Irishman replied, “I’ll always watch over her, it’s a pleasure.” Jimmy knew that he meant it, he felt quite honoured that he felt that way.

After he had seen him out he went straight to bed; the time was almost seven that morning. Maria stirred as he got in beside her; “Are you alright Jimmy?” “I am now I’m with you babe.” Placing her hand on his shoulder, she gently ran it down his arm, continuing down to his thigh. When he said, “Are you feeling ok babe?” She kissed him tenderly on the lips as she put her leg over his body. It was clear by her actions that she wanted him. Despite his tiredness he could feel himself becoming aroused. “I’m knackered babe, but I want you,” he said. Without answering him she simply said, “Sshh,” then gently she moved down his body. Despite his tiredness he laid there anticipating what she was about to do. Moments later he groaned with pleasure as she took him in her mouth, running her tongue over him to increase his pleasure. He knew he wouldn’t be able to contain himself for many minutes, she knew exactly how he liked it. Within thirty minutes of him joining her in the bed, they were both fast asleep.



Neither one of them stirred until after ten that morning, he only woke then because he needed to use the toilet, Maria was still fast asleep. When he returned to the bed a few minutes later; she was lying on her back with her breasts exposed from where he had moved the duvet. Gently he began fondling her, slowly moving over her to enable him to suck her nipple. Rousing from her slumber, she slowly put her arms around him. They began kissing; he knew from her responses she wanted him. Within minutes he was making love to her. Whatever she had thought since the attack on her at the restaurant, he was certain it had now passed.

Taking a shower together; they decided to have a light breakfast as it was almost lunch time. Whilst they ate, he told her what had happened with the Jamaicans. She replied, “What are you going to do about Samuels?” “I’ll be discussing that very issue later with Mickey, although we think we have enough evidence to put him away, we’re leaving nothing to chance. We’ll need to speak to Max; if it does go to court we need to know she’ll be prepared to give evidence. Obviously there would be her safety to consider, Samuels is a tricky bastard, he could have her arrested on some jumped up charge if he wanted to, especially if he thought for one minute she could incriminate him. Nothing is beyond him, kidnapping her son would guarantee her silence, so she’ll need protection.” Before Maria could reply his phone rang, it was Andy Baxter, answering it Jimmy said, “Alright Andy?” “Yeah I’m good Jimmy, I’m just calling to let you know the Mercedes is ready; one of my boys can deliver it this morning if you’re about? Don’t worry about cash; we can sort that out at a later date.” “Cheers Andy today would be great.” Closing his phone he looked at Maria and said, “We’ll be getting the new car later today. If you don’t like it, I’ll trade it back in.” “Don’t be daft as long as you like it; I can’t even drive!” “If you want to learn I’d give you lessons.” “Really, I’d love too!”

There was a knock on the door and then the lock turned. “Only me,” called Mickey. “Come in mate, why did you knock?” “When I was at the door finding my key, I could hear voices and I didn’t want to walk in and interrupt anything.” Laughing, Maria replied, “We were talking about me learning to drive.” Jimmy grinned and added, “Although she has been known to demand sex from me when I’m in the lounge, so it was probably wise that you knocked.” Slapping him playfully she said, “Ignore him Mickey.”

Mickey had only been there ten minutes when the intercom buzzed; it was one of the men from Baxter’s Autos. “I’ll be right down,” said Jimmy when he answered the intercom. The car was parked outside. Shaking hands with Jimmy the driver said, “Do you want to take it for a test drive?” Jimmy nodded. Taking Maria with him, they left Mickey talking to the driver. Jimmy was impressed with the way it drove, it was a smart looking car and he could tell that she liked it.

Ten minutes later as they pulled up back at the apartment, Mickey opened the door for her. Smiling at the driver Jimmy said, “Its fine, tell Andy I’ll square up with him tomorrow.” “Will do, Andy said there’s no hurry.” Handing him the spare keys and documents the driver said, “It’s a lovely car Jimmy, I only wish I could afford it.” “How are you getting back?” “I’ll bell Andy; someone from the garage will pick me up.” “Don’t phone, Mickey will take you,” said Jimmy as he threw the keys at Mickey and added, “I expect you want to try it out?” Grinning he nodded.

Twenty minutes later, he returned, telling them he thought the car was great. Maria made them all a drink as the two friends chatted. When Jimmy asked Mickey what the plan was regarding Samuels, his friend replied, “First thing I need to do is ask Monica who the best person is to pass a copy of the tape too. Obviously she would have been my first choice, were she not incapacitated. I’ll sort it out when I visit her later today.” Maria interrupted and said, “Could we go with you?” “Yeah, Monica would be happy to see you babe.” They continued talking about Samuels until they left for the hospital.

At the hospital, Mickey explained to Monica that they needed a reliable person to pass the information to about Samuels. Without hesitation she replied, “My friend George Davage would be my first choice, he’s a good detective and another bonus is he hates Samuels. Many times he’s told me he thinks Samuels is dirty, but thinking it and proving it are two different things.” “Great, can you set up a meeting with George at the hospital?” “That’ll be easy, he’s already sent word with my friend Kathy that he’ll visit me tomorrow afternoon around three.” “That was handy; I’ll make sure I’m here.”
The two ladies talked about the wedding dress, while the men went for coffee. Maria explained to her that the dress she had liked was on order. Both of them were so excited at the prospect of getting married.

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