Jimmy's Game (Ruthless) (50 page)

BOOK: Jimmy's Game (Ruthless)
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Leaving the engine running Jimmy got out of the car and walked over to her. Throwing her arms around him; she sobbed. Mickey said, “I’ll drive Jimmy, then you can sit together in the back.” Sitting with his arm around her Jimmy tried asking her what Samuels had said, but she was so upset she couldn’t answer.

Fifteen minutes later Mickey parked the car at the apartment. Then he called Shane to tell him that they wouldn’t be back at the club, but he would probably call in later.

Once in the apartment he put the kettle on while Jimmy sat on the sofa with her. Slowly she calmed down. Mickey brought her in a cup of tea. “Thanks Mickey, I’m sorry for acting so pathetic,” said Maria as she took it from him. “You’ve got nothing to apologise for babe.” “When Samuels started pressuring me I tried to keep it together, but as soon as I saw Jimmy I went to pieces.” Mickey laughed as he replied, “Yeah Jimmy often has that effect on women!” They all laughed. Waiting for her to regain her composure before Jimmy said, “So tell us what Slimy Samuels said to you babe.” Firstly she went over how sarcastic he had been at the hospital; quickly adding that Monica was more than a match for him.” Mickey piped in, “That’s my girl!” “I was waiting for a taxi. I thought Samuels had gone because he left long before me, but he’d obviously stayed in the car park, he asked me if I wanted a lift.” Tears now trickling down her face she added, “I wished now I’d simply accepted his offer, but he gives me the creeps, especially the way he looks at me.” Jimmy was quick to say, “You did the right thing not taking a lift. Go on babe what else did he say?”  “When I refused a lift he turned nasty.” Mickey interrupted and said, “What do you mean nasty, he didn’t physically hurt you did he?” Hesitating before answering, “He insinuated that I thought I was too good to travel with him and that it would be different if he was a low life criminal. I told him he was wrong to say that and if he was referring to Jimmy he was the most decent man I had ever met. Samuels laughed and said I had a funny idea of what decent meant.” “Cheeky bastard,” said Jimmy. “When I asked him to leave me alone; he got angry and said if I ever needed another pimp I could phone him.” Hearing this Jimmy thumped the arm of the sofa. Mickey quickly defused his temper by looking at her and saying, “Go on babe, what else did he say?” “He said I was nothing but a jumped up little whore, who thought I was too good for him.” Jimmy said in an angry voice, “Well he got the fucking last bit right! You most definitely are too fucking good for that slimy lump of dog shit!” Waiting until he calmed down, it was several seconds before she continued, “Samuels said he knew you two were dirty and that it would only be a matter of time before he could prove it. He said that Mickey made him sick using the law to cover his tracks and how he thought he was so clever because he had a girlfriend in the force.” “That’s fucking rich coming from him,” said Mickey, “Go on babe.” “It got worse after that, he said if I was nice to him; he would look after me when you two were locked up, which in his opinion would only be a matter of time; because he knew you two had done something to the Jamaicans. I had acted dumb and made out I didn’t know what he was talking about. It was after that he became aggressive and started shouting at me, saying I knew exactly what he meant. Then he tried pulling me off the seat and said I was taking a ride with him whether I wanted to or not! He ranted and said he would find out what had happened to his friends, then he would have you both and that a good looking woman like me would not wait for someone like you. I told I would never want another man and I’d wait forever if necessary.” Jimmy squeezed her hand and said, “Go on babe.” Regaining her composure she said, “What I said about waiting for you seemed to enrage him even more, he just got nastier and nastier after that! When I told him I would report him he laughed and said go ahead, see how far you get.” Jimmy squeezed her hand again and said, “I’ll make Samuels pay for what he did!” “Please don’t do anything Jimmy, let Mickey deal with it so Samuels gets exactly what he deserves. Please Jimmy don’t do or say anything to him that might jeopardise our plan.” Mickey interrupted and said, “She’s right, Samuels is a tricky bastard and we’re only one day away from George Davage having enough evidence to arrest him.” Jimmy nodded. Five minutes later he said to her, “If you prefer not to cook babe, I’d be only too happy to take us all out for dinner.” Wiping her eyes she replied, “No its ok I’m feeling better, anyway I’m going to try out a new recipe on you.” Mickey piped in and said, “Well that’s a good enough reason to stay in; so what are you cooking then babe?” “It’s a surprise, you’ll have to wait and see.”

While she worked in the kitchen the two men talked about Samuels. Mickey’s phone rang; it was Lenny. “Alright Mickey, just to let you know I’ve done the tape. I’ll drop it round to the club in the morning.” “That’s great Len, once I’ve got it I can set up a meeting with George. Cheers Len see you tomorrow.”
Waiting until the call finished Jimmy said, “I take it Lenny fixed the tape.” “He has indeed, we’ll get it tomorrow.” “Fucking good job, as far as I’m concerned it can’t happen quick enough. I just hope Samuels keeps out of my way, because I can’t guarantee I’ll be able to hold my temper.” Mickey grinned and said, “Let’s hope you don’t run into him then!”

Maria called from the kitchen, “Jimmy can you lay the table, put out the fish knives.” Doing as she asked five minutes later the table was laid. Placing the serving
platter on the table she said, “Dinner is served.  Mickey was the first to reply, “Fuck me that look’s fantastic!” It was a fresh sea bass on a bed of spinach, placed neatly around the edge of the platter were tiger prawns and mussels. Jimmy joked and said, “It’s a shame to have to spoil it,” as he snatched a prawn and popped it into his mouth. Slapping his hand; she said, “Can’t you wait until I’ve finished putting it on the table?”

They started with plaice goujons on a bed of green salad, complete with tartare sauce and warm wholemeal rolls. By the time they finished Mickey felt like he would burst. Holding his stomach he said, “That was an amazing meal babe, my compliments to the chef; I couldn’t eat another morsel.” Maria laughed and said, “That’s a shame because I’ve made a tangy lemon mousse, drizzled with raspberry sauce.” “Well, maybe I could manage a little bit!” They all laughed.

Later that evening Mickey said, “Well I suppose I should be going, I’ll call a cab because I left my car at the club when we went to the hospital.” “I’ll run you Mick,” said Jimmy. Maria was quick to say, “I don’t think so, you two have drunk two bottles of wine.” “You’re right babe, thanks for the offer Jimmy but I’ll get a cab.” Both men were thinking their ladies would have a blue fit if they knew how much they drank when they went to the club and then drove home. Maria cleared the dishes, while the men talked. They did offer to help her but she said, “Go and sit down. I’ll bring your coffee through in a few minutes.” Since Jimmy had bought the new dish washer, it only took minutes to clear the dishes.

Mickey had only just finished drinking his coffee, when the cab driver rang the intercom. Standing up he kissed her on the cheek and said, “Thank you for another wonderful meal.” “You’re most welcome. I’m glad you enjoyed it.” “I’ll see you in the morning Jimmy.” Two minutes later he left.

When they were alone she said, “I’m sorry about the incident with Samuels.” “Forget about it babe; if everything goes to plan you won’t have to worry about him anymore.” Then unexpectedly she said “Jimmy, have you ever thought I was a whore?” Shocked by her question he immediately replied, “No I haven’t and I don’t appreciate you asking me!” She went quiet and just stared at him. Realising how abrupt he must have sounded and there must have been a reason why she had asked, he said. “I’m sorry babe, why did you ask?” “Everyone seems to think that because you won me in a poker game I must be a whore.” Tears began rolling down her cheeks. Putting his arm around her he said, “Listen to me babe, you’re by far the most decent girl I’ve ever met. It’s just small minded idiots who would think otherwise.” “I would never want our children to know about the poker game.” Knowing there was nothing he could do or say that could change the past she quickly added, “You always make me feel special Jimmy.” “That’s because you are special. I don’t give a shit what other people think; I love you more than anything in the world.” After kissing him, she said, “Shall we go to bed?” “Sounds like a good idea.” Then after reciprocating the kiss he said, “This is how I want it to be forever. No matter what happens babe don’t ever doubt my love for you.”

Knowing that things were hard for her he decided to cheer her up by adding, “I’ve decided to give you the surprise I told you about. You can have it tomorrow.” Excitedly she said, “What is it?” Kissing her cheek, he replied with a grin, “You’ll find out tomorrow!”



Maria was up at the crack of dawn cooking breakfast. Jimmy dragged himself out of the bed when the aroma of bacon cooking had woken him. “Morning babe why are you up so early,” he asked with a curios look on his face.  Excitedly she replied, “Because you’re going to give me my surprise, can I have it now?” “I can’t give it to you here; we’ll have to take a short drive, but first I need to call Mickey to find out what time they were going to pick up the tape.” Despite her eagerness to see her surprise she replied, “Eat your breakfast first; or it’ll get cold then call Mickey.”

It was obvious that he had woken Mickey up from the length of time his phone rang until finally he answered. “Sorry to ring so early Mick, but I’m taking Maria to see her surprise today. I just wondered what time we’re picking the tape up.” “No worries Jim, I can pick it up, there’s no need for you to go with me.” “Cushty are you sure?” “Yeah positive, on one condition you let me take you both out for dinner this evening.” “You don’t have to do that.” “I know; but it’s my way of saying thank you for the wonderful meals Maria’s cooked me and it’ll give us a chance to discuss what George says about Samuels.” “Ok then dinner’s on you.” “Good, so I
’ll see you good people later.” After telling her what Mickey had said he added, “You best go and get ready then while I take a shower, then we can go.”  Less than an hour later they were leaving the apartment. Throughout the drive, she kept asking him where they were going. Laughing, he repeatedly said, “Stop asking, I’m not going to tell you!”

They had driven for about fifteen minutes when he pulled into the driveway of a detached Tudor style house. “Who lives here Jimmy,” she asked. Without replying he just smiled. Getting out of the car he said, “Come with me babe.”  “Will the people who live here mind?” “No they won’t mind, there really nice.”

Surprised that he had a key to the door, she walked behind him as they entered the hallway. “Oh Jimmy what a beautiful house.” Taking her hand he replied, “I’m glad you think so because it’s ours.” Shocked she replied, “What do you mean it’s ours?” “Well let’s just say it’s my wedding gift to you.” Standing there with her mouth open; tears began to roll down her cheeks. “Stop crying babe and tell me what you think. Do you really like it?” “Like it, I love it,” she replied as she wiped her eyes. “Suppose we should look round then, after all we’ll be living here soon. So if you don’t like anything, now would be the time to say so. My friend Justin completely refurbished it for us, he even hired an interior designer to select the furniture, but if you don’t like it we can change it. There are wood floors throughout the ground floor, but if you want carpet I’ll sort it out.” Still in shock she was trembling with excitement as she squeezed his hand. First room she wanted to see was the kitchen.

It was a cook’s dream, with a full size range, double oven and hob and never ending oak units, some which housed fridge, freezer, microwave, dishwasher and a washer- dryer. At the far end was a round light oak table which sat six. Everything you could ever want was there; right down to the last detail, there was even a stand with a cookery book on it. Maria was speechless; she simply flung her arms around him.
Kissing her, he said, “I thought you’d like it.” “Oh Jimmy, it’s wonderful!” “Best look at the rest of the house then.” Next room was the dining room, furnished with a large oak table that comfortably seated eight people; a matching wall unit along the main wall complemented the table perfectly. Patio doors with vertical blinds dressed the outer wall, every detail of the room matching; even the cut glass fruit bowl housed in the centre of the table looked as though it was meant to be there. Next room was the lounge, equally as stunning as the previous two rooms. With a seven seat leather corner unit in cream, the room was completed beautifully with glass topped leather coffee table and a wall mounted 42inch plasma television. The large bay window which looked out onto the stunning landscaped garden was complemented with blinds. Hi Fi housed in its own unit, which had been wired throughout the entire ground floor, a large mirror hung on the wall and there were built in ceiling lights, complete with remote control function. Jimmy watched her, he could see by the look on her face that she loved everything, especially the wall mounted fluless gas fire with flame effect. When she finished taking it all in she said, “I thought the apartment was fabulous, but this is beyond all my expectations! I would be happy to live here for the rest of my life.” “Maybe we will babe?”

Continuing the tour of the ground floor, there was the cloakroom with gold sink taps and fittings, marble effect walls incorporating mirror tiles along one wall. Last but not least was the study, the smallest room downstairs. There was a desk with a top of the range computer housed on it, a matching oak book case and filing cabinet.

Unable to contain her excitement on leaving the study she ran up the stairs, calling to him, “Hurry up I can’t wait to see it!” Following her he walked quickly up the stairs.

Looking down on him from the top of the stairs, she commented on how bright and airy the whole house was. The paint work being cream, beige mocha or white, with every room tastefully blending into the next, even the stairs were bright with a window half way up letting in the sunlight. It was huge compared to the apartment. Catching up to her he said, “There are four bedrooms.” Showing her the master bedroom first, the colour scheme was cream and mocha. A large satin throw over draped the king size bed, fitted mirrored wardrobes covered two full wall lengths and there was a matching dressing table, while the bed was housed under a bridging unit.
Grinning he said, “What do you think of the mirrors?”  She knew why he asked, it was in reference to him being able to watch them having sex. Smiling she replied, “Yes I like them.” “Good I was hoping you’d say that.”

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