Jimmy's Game (Ruthless) (54 page)

BOOK: Jimmy's Game (Ruthless)
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Thirty minutes later after they had eaten Mickey and Monica left to pick up the hire car and Jimmy reminded Maria to phone Ann. As she dialled the number he quickly said, “Tell Shaun if he’s expected at the club today it won’t be a problem, someone can cover for him.” Maria nodded just as Ann picked up the phone. “Hi Ann, I haven’t caught you at a bad time have I?” “Hello Maria, no you’re fine love. What can I do for you?” “Jimmy and I were hoping you’d like to come and see our house today?” “We’d love to.” “Great we’ll pick you up later this morning around eleven.” “We’ll be ready, see you then.”

Jimmy looked at the clock and putting on a false yawn said, “It’s only half eight, we could go back to bed for a couple of hours.” “No chance I’ve got too much to do.” Grabbing her arse he grinned and replied, “Go on babe, it’s great having house guests, but it does cramp our style a bit.” Knowing he was referring to sex, since Monica had been there they had been confined to the bedroom; she was also conscious of any noise they made in case she heard them. Sitting down on his lap she kissed him and said, “Tell you what, how about I do the things I’ve got to do and then maybe we could have an hour in bed.” Pushing his hand up her top and squeezing her breast he replied, “I’ll help if it’ll speed things up.” Pulling his hand away she jokingly replied, “I can manage thank you.”  Unbeknown to him she had no intention of doing anything, she had only said that so she could surprise him. A moment later she disappeared into the bedroom on the pretext of making the bed and tidying it up.

Minutes later she returned dressed as a sexy French maid
. “Fucking hell babe!” exclaimed Jimmy, “Are you trying to give me a heart attack?” In a French accent she said, “Pardon me sir is there anything I can do for you,” as she knelt down in front of him and slowly undid his fly. Unable to take his eyes off her, he wanted to take her right there right then, she was so sexy with the tiny black outfit barely covering anything and the white silk French knickers showing below it. Taking him into her mouth, he called out her name as he grabbed her hair and pushed her head down onto him, she knew exactly how to please him; teasing him with her tongue she knew he wouldn’t last long, especially when he said, “Babe stop I want to fuck you.” Their love making was hot and passionate as she tore at his clothes when he entered her.

The time was almost ten when they finally stopped. Lying exhausted on the floor she glanced at the clock and exclaimed, “Oh no Jimmy look at the time, we need to shower and dress, if we’re going to pick Shaun and Ann up on time!”

Once they were ready there was just time for a coffee before they left. “So where did you get the maids outfit from,” he asked as he drank his coffee. Raising her eyebrows she grinned and replied, “Monica and Simone brought it for me; it’s for our hen night.”  Instantly his expression changed and he arrogantly replied, “Let me assure you Maria you definitely won’t be wearing it! In fact no one but me will ever see you in it!” Angry at the way he’d spoken to her she snapped back and said, “I had no intentions of wearing it, and I resent your attitude towards me!” Despite what she’d said he wouldn’t back down, arrogantly he replied, “Let me put it another way, if you did have any ideas about wearing anything remotely like that on your hen night, you definitely won’t be fucking going! Do I make myself clear!” Then aggressively he grabbed her by the arm and added, “My future wife will never been seen in public looking like a fucking whore!” The moment he’d said it, he knew he shouldn’t have, his words were cutting, she felt hurt. Retaliating she replied, “You didn’t mind me acting like a whore an hour ago!” She could see the anger on his face; this was the side of him she feared. Arrogantly he shouted, “I don’t appreciate you talking like that! You know perfectly well how much I like you dressing up for me!” “You’re acting like a jealous idiot, you of all people should know I  would never dress like that in public, but as you’ve been so rude I might considering wearing it!” Grabbing her arm again, he shouted, “You’d better be fucking joking, actually you can cancel the fucking hen night!” Tears rolled down her face, she was so angry and upset. Raising her voice she shouted, “Let go of me, you’re hurting me!” Ignoring her request and holding her tighter he said, “I fucking mean it Maria! I’m not asking you I’m fucking telling you, cancel your hen night!” Struggling to free her arm she said, “You’re nothing but a jealous bully, I wish I’d never worn the stupid outfit! What’s got into you Jimmy?” Sobbing as they continued to argue she said, “I don’t want to go out with Shaun and Ann now, you can take them on your own!”  Realising he had gone too far and that she was right he was a jealous bully; he released her.

When she began to walk away, he tried to pull her back, but she struggled against him. In the two years since they met he had never seen her in such a temper. For the first time he felt concerned, because he knew he’d gone too far and maybe on this occasion she wouldn’t back down. After every row or misunderstanding, he had always been able to talk her round, but this morning was different, he had been wrong
and he knew it. Finally when he released his grip she hurriedly walked away and went into the bathroom locking the door behind her. Standing outside, he apologised over and over again, but she didn’t answer him.

Inside the bathroom she was trying hard to hold back her tears, she loved him more than anything, but his jealous outbursts were escalating and taking their toll on her. Calling out to him she said, “Go and pick Ann and Shaun up Jimmy, show them the house.” “I’m not going without you,” was his reply.

Finally she came out of the bathroom, he moved towards her and tried to put his arms around her; but she was having none of it. “Babe, I’m so sorry,” he said as he reached out to her again. “Yes I expect you are Jimmy, so you should be. Go and pick Ann and Shaun up they’ll be waiting.” “I’m not going without you, please babe I said I’m sorry.” Ignoring his words she replied, “If you have no intention of going, then you should have the decency to phone and tell them.” “Fuck them! I’m only interested in us and yes I know I’m a fucking jealous idiot, but I can’t help it. Just the thought of another man seeing you dressed like that drives me fucking crazy!” Still crying she looked at him and said, “You make me feel cheap Jimmy with the things you say, why do you do it? I only do things to please you, but you always end up rowing and making me feel dirty. I never asked to be sold to Nick, any more than I asked you to win me! I never intended to fall in love with you, but I did. Now I wish you’d just sold me on!” She burst into tears. Pulling her close to him he said, “Babe I fell in love with you too remember? I don’t know why I do it; I’m so sorry I make you feel that way. I don’t ever want to make you feel cheap or dirty, because you’re not.” “I can’t help but think deep down you don’t want to marry me, just lately you seem to have changed Jimmy.” “I want to marry you more than anything babe, I’m sorry.” When he tried to kiss her; his hands were all over her. “Stop it, that won’t work Jimmy, I’m not that easy a push over anymore. I believed we were a partnership, but it’s always on your terms, as long as everything is how you want it everything’s fine. I’m a person too, I have feelings!” Sensing that he was losing the argument; because everything she had said was true and he didn’t have a valid reason as to why he behaved the way he did, he just stood there. Unable to justify his jealousy, except that the fear of losing her haunted him, it was always in the back of his mind. He loved showing her off when they went out, although if he was honest he would be happier if she stayed in when he wasn’t with her; even he knew it was wrong feeling that way, but that was how he felt about her. “Please babe, what are you going to do about Shaun and Ann,” said Jimmy humbly. Unable to look at him she looked down at the floor as she replied, “I don’t know, at this moment I would prefer to be left alone, but I want you to take our friends to see the house.” “I’m not going without you; I’ve said I’m sorry babe.” Trying to kiss her again she pushed him away, but he repeated his action. Pushing him harder she said tearfully, “Leave me alone Jimmy!” Feeling angry with the responses he was getting; he wasn’t going to leave it. Forcing her against the wall he shouted at her, “I love you, I’m not going to let it go!” Determined not to back down she fought against him; he was getting angrier and she noticed that he seemed to be finding the argument arousing. Even though she knew he loved her, he had been wrong to say those things to her, so she was going to try and stand up to him. The more she continued to push him away, the more aggressive he became.

Grabbing at her and kissing her, he tried to justify his behaviour by shouting at her, “It’s your fault I’m the way I am, because you do something to me! You bring out my bad side, the thought of you ever letting another man touch you, makes me want to fucking kill you!” They were screaming and shouting at each other and then totally out of character she slapped his face. Immediately he threw her down on to the floor
and standing over her drew a fist. Automatically she put her hands up to her face to protect herself. Looking down at her he shouted, “God what is happening Maria! I would never hurt you, I fucking love you!” Holding his hand out to her, he said, “Get up babe.” Ignoring him she rolled onto her side sobbing. Kneeling down next to her and stroking her hair he said, “Babe I’m so sorry. I don’t know what happened, please forgive me. I need you babe.”  Still sobbing she ignored him, holding her face in her hands. Getting down onto the floor he laid down beside her, placing his arm round her he kissed the back of her neck. He could feel and hear her crying as he caressed her and gently squeezed her breasts, but she didn’t respond. Touching her as he kept saying how sorry he was, begging her to forgive him. Still she didn’t turn round, but she did speak to him and say, “Jimmy, why are you so jealous? I’ve never given you any reason to doubt me. I hate it when we row.” “Me too babe, I’m so sorry. I know I shouldn’t doubt you, but I just can’t control my jealousy. I know I’ve got a problem but I can’t change.” Trying to explain to her exactly how he felt was difficult for him, truth was she was always on his mind, especially on a sexual level, there was never a day that went by he didn’t think about having her. Slowly she turned round to face him, her eyes were all red and swollen as she said, “Jimmy you can’t keep doing this, you need to think before you say anything, and your habit of thinking that after every argument sex will solve everything and win me round, has got to stop.” Kissing her gently he said, “You mean like this babe?” Slipping his hand into her panties he began touching her. At that moment she hated herself and him, but as always her body was responding. No matter how bad things were; the sex between them was always electric. “That’s exactly what I mean Jimmy and you’re doing it again.” Lifting her skirt he pulled her panties down and moved slowly down her body with his tongue, stopping briefly to say, “You only have to say if you want me to stop.” She knew it was his way of proving he was in control again, she wanted to tell him to stop, but it was too late his head was between her legs. Feeling his hands on her, as his tongue touched her intimately. Her body now responding, she wanted him and she was powerless to stop him. He knew it would only be a matter of minutes before she climaxed, then he would be inside her. To him that would be the end to their conflict, to her it was simply a compromise to the situation. In her heart she knew he would never change, this was the dark side of him. When he had finished they just laid there, only stirring when the phone rang, but neither of them getting up to answering it. They listened as the answer phone cut in and Ann’s voice said, “It’s me love, is everything ok, only we’re worried because you’re an hour late.” Maria asked him to phone them, she looked shattered as he replied, “So what are we going to do?” When she simply shrugged her shoulders, he continued and said, “I could phone and make up some excuse and arrange to pick them up in an hour.” Confident he could come up with a believable reason as to why they were so late, she stood up and said, “Do whatever you think is best; I’m going to take another shower.” “Hang on a minute while I call Shaun then I’ll join you.” She simply nodded. Two minutes later he phoned Ann and apologised, making up some lame excuse about business and telling her they would be there around one o’clock.

Five minutes later he joined Maria in the shower, she was painfully quiet and he knew that this time he would really have to make it up to her. When he tried to kiss her, she said “Leave off Jimmy, I’m ready to get out.” Reaching over she grabbed a towel and wrapping it round her she walked off. By the time he went into the bedroom, she was dry and beginning to dress. Looking at her body, he noticed the scars on her buttocks from where Nick had branded her with a crucifix, strange thing was, he had all but forgotten them, rarely noticing them anymore; yet today he noticed
them with perfect clarity. He knew in his heart she hadn’t deserved any of the bad things that had happened to her, his own dreadful behaviour being no different. No matter how he tried to tell himself that his behaviour was warranted, he couldn’t justify it. Deep down he knew he was wrong with the things he said and did to her; he just couldn’t control his jealous outbursts. Then he remembered what his mother had told him, about respecting women, when he thought about the way his father had treated her, he felt sick to the pit of his stomach. Wondering if he had inherited some dreadful genetic disease from his father, because his mother had been beautiful like Maria. There were many occasions when his father would call her terrible names like whore and slut, before he beat her. Jimmy had wanted to kill him, but now for the first time in his life he could relate to his father’s behaviour. Knowing in his heart that he would never change and if he loved Maria as much as he knew he did, he would do the descent thing and let her find a better life, but he couldn’t do that, he would die without her. More frightening than that was he would see her dead before he would let another man have her. With these terrible thoughts running through his mind, he made a promise to himself that he would not turn in to his father and he would never lay a hand on her again. No matter how bad things may get, his children would never have to witness the dreadful things he had. Determined that history wouldn’t repeat its self, he remembered his mother had often told him that when she first met his father he was kind and loving. Then as their time together went on, he became jealous and violent. Jimmy was adamant it wouldn’t happen to him. Softly calling over to her he said, “Are you ready babe?” In a quiet voice she replied, “Yes.” Walking towards her; he threw his arms around her. Unresponsive she just stood there. “Please babe, say you forgive me. I can’t go out unless I know we’re ok.” Her beautiful eyes were filling with tears, she looked so sad, not the way a bride to be should look a week before her wedding. Although she knew he really was sorry; she also knew he had a problem that was deep rooted. Knowing he would never seek any help, in her mind she questioned as to why men behaved like this around her, she knew Nick was a sadist, but Jimmy was a good man at heart. She even asked herself if it was something she did but was unaware of.

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