Jimmy's Game (Ruthless) (55 page)

BOOK: Jimmy's Game (Ruthless)
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As he held her, she knew he was desperate for her to reciprocate his affections. In her mind she was convinced that he had little to no control over his outbursts, but she loved him. Slowly she put her arms around him and held him. Kissing her passionately he said, “I love you so much, I don’t think you realise how much. I’m so sorry, it won’t happen again.” Looking directly at him she said, “It will happen again Jimmy.” Knowing in his heart that she was right he didn’t reply even when she lovingly added, “I’ll never want another man, but I can’t cope with some of your behaviour. Like earlier when you drew a fist, I truly believed you were going to punch me.” “But I didn’t babe.” “I know, but how long will it be before you do?” With a look of sincerity he replied, “I’ll never hit you.” Although she wasn’t convinced, she wasn’t prepared to talk about it then, simply because she knew they would only end up arguing again. Finishing the conversation she simply said, “If you ever hit me in front of our children that will be the end of us Jimmy.” “I’ve told you babe, it’ll never come to that.” “I hope you’re right, now we should leave and pick Ann and Shaun up.” Thankful that she was going with him, he knew it was better to drop the subject; but he had made up his mind that he would make it up to her.

She was very quiet during the drive to pick their friends up; he kept asking her if she was alright as he squeezed her knee. Keeping quiet she just nodded. Once their friends got in the car he noticed she seemed to perk up a bit.

She enjoyed showing Ann around the house, especially the kitchen and the nursery; which were by far her favourite rooms.
The two men talked about the renovations that had been done and how Maria had loved it when he first brought her there, it was then Jimmy mentioned briefly to Shaun about the pub that they were buying, although he didn’t say about them wanting him to run it. They stayed at the house chatting for a couple of hours, the whole time Jimmy kept putting his arm around her and saying things like, ‘We can’t wait to actually move in and put the nursery to use, can we babe?’ Ann said, “I think you’ll make a wonderful mum Maria, you’re lucky to have her Jimmy.” “I know that Ann. Now shall we push off to the pub?” “Aye sounds good to me,” said Shaun.

Larry greeted them as they walked in and asked what they were drinking. Jimmy introduced him to the others; before ordering their drinks. Five minutes later they were sitting at a table in the window. Ann said, “What a lovely little pub, I’ve always liked this area.” Jimmy was quick to say, “What about you Shaun, what do you think?” “Aye it’s very nice” “Have you ever fancied being a landlord?”  He was surprised when Shaun replied, “Aye I quite like the idea of having a pub, we’ve thought about it in the past. It was only because of the kids we decided against it. Ann didn’t feel that a pub was the best environment to raise a family in.” Deciding that then was as good a time as any Jimmy replied, “How would you feel about becoming the landlord and landlady here at the Jolly Roger?” “Are you serious?” asked Ann “Absolutely, me and Mickey are buying it, but we’ve got no intentions of running it, the clubs kept us busy enough, so if you two want to give it some thought, all I’ll say is we’ll give you a free hand with everyday decisions. Also Shaun if you fancied a few nights working the clubs, it wouldn’t be difficult to get a couple of the lads to fill in for you. You’d have control over hiring and firing of staff, but obviously you would have to discuss the financial side of things with Mickey and I think I should tell you, the landlords been having a bit of trouble with four bully boys, but I can assure you that’ll be sorted out before you took over.” “Fuck me Jimmy it’s a nice offer, but unexpected.” Before he could say anymore Jimmy cut in and said, “Obviously you’ll need to go home and talk about it, there’s no real hurry nothing’s going to happen for a few weeks until the sale goes through.”

Leaving the others talking, Jimmy went back to the bar to order another round of drinks. Speaking to Larry he said, “Any possibility my friends could take a look at the accommodation? It’s not a problem if it’s inconvenient.” “I’m sure it’ll be fine, but I’ll just check with Rose first.” Larry served a customer that was waiting, before going up the back stairs to ask Rose if it would be okay.

Jimmy took the drinks over and joined the others. “You might be able to have a look round upstairs while we’re here,” said Jimmy as he sat down. Maria said to Ann, “It’s very nice.” “I’m sure it is. Are you alright Maria, only since arriving here you’ve seemed a bit quiet?” “I’m fine thanks Ann, just a little tired, probably due to all the wedding arrangements.” Larry came over with his wife and said, “Everyone, this is my good lady Rose.” As they shook her hand Larry continued, “You’re welcome to take a look round up stairs.” “Cheers,” said Jimmy. Maria interrupted and said, “If no one objects I’ll stay down here.” Jimmy quickly piped in, “I’ll stay too,
it’s probably better if Shaun and Ann make up their own minds.” After the others walked away, Jimmy leaned over and kissed her on the cheek before he said, “Are you ok babe?” Smiling a half smile she nodded. “Cheer up babe, I meant what I said earlier, I’d never hurt you.” Looking at him she replied, “You don’t have to punch someone to hurt them Jimmy; sometimes what people say is worse.” Quickly trying to change the subject; he replied, “Fancy a go on the fruit machine.” “No thanks, but you go ahead.” Then she sarcastically added, “Or are you afraid to leave me here just in case I see someone I fancy?” Glaring at her he said, “Just fucking drop it Maria, this is not the time or the place!” Turning away from him she sipped her drink. A moment passed before he said, “How do you feel about taking Shaun and Ann to one of our restaurants for dinner?” “I don’t really feel up to it, but if you really want to I’ll tag along.” Squeezing her hand he grinned and replied, “Actually babe, with no house guests, perhaps we should have a romantic night in.” She just looked back at him. He was just about to say something to her when the others returned. They both noticed Ann was smiling and seemed to be getting along well with Rose.

Waiting until they sat back down Jimmy said, “Well, what do you two think?” Ann replied, “I really liked it.” Shaun gave a typical male response by saying, “Aye, it was ok.” “Sounds promising,” said Jimmy, “shall we have another drink before pushing off home?” Then he looked at Larry and Rose and added, “Thanks for letting them look round, we’ll be in touch again soon.” “I look forward to it,” said Larry.

They pulled up at Shaun’s house around seven that evening. Ann said, “We’ve had a lovely time and we think the new house is lovely.” Maria replied, “Thanks, I’ll call you tomorrow. Thanks for coming today, it’s been lovely” As Jimmy pulled away he said, “Shall we grab a take away?” “If you like, I don’t mind.” “What do you fancy then?” “I’m not fussy, you choose.” “Indian it is then.”

By eight they were back in the apartment eating their meal. Finishing his last mouthful he said, “What do you fancy doing tonight?” “Nothing really, I’m tired. Can we just watch the telly?” “Sounds good to me, I’ll see what films are on.” “I’ll clear the dishes while you look.”

Waiting for her to return from the kitchen, he sat on the sofa, fully expecting her to sit with him when she finished, but totally out of character she walked straight over to the arm chair. Looking over at her, he patted the sofa, indicating to her that he wanted her to sit with him. Standing up she walked toward him, as she sat down he put his arm around her back, normally she would rest her head on his chest; but not this time. “I’ve found a good film babe, it’s quite old, but it’s good. It’s a thriller called the Client.” Unenthusiastically she replied, “Fine.” Turning his head he looked at and said, “How long do you intend to carry on like this?” “Carry on like what?” she asked.  “Don’t act dumb Maria; you know exactly what I mean. I don’t like childish games!” When she didn’t answer him, he asked her again. Snapping back she said, “This is all a game to you isn’t it Jimmy? Have you forgotten what happened earlier?” Raising his voice he said, “I thought that was over and done with, as far as I’m concerned it’s forgotten!” “Maybe you can forget it Jimmy, but I can’t!” Now his temper was beginning to surface again he shouted, “Where is this going Maria?” Sarcastically adding, “Or are you thinking of calling the wedding off again?” Resenting his remarks she replied, “I don’t want to discuss it. I’ve got more important things to worry about!” Smirking he said, “Like what? You’ve got fuck all to worry about!” “That’s what you think Jimmy, you’ve got no idea.” Suddenly she burst into tears. Grabbing hold of her, he said, “What the fuck is going on?” Unable to reply she just kept shaking her head and sobbing. Holding her firmly by the shoulders, he ordered her to tell him. He didn’t expect her to blurt out, “I think I’m pregnant!” “Babe, that’s fantastic!” Looking at him disbelievingly she replied, “Fantastic, what are you saying Jimmy, we’re not married yet and I’m a Catholic!” “Yeah I know, so fucking what?” Desperately she tried to make him understand that to her it was a dreadful sin. Holding her tight he said, “Bollocks how can it be a sin when two people love one another like we do?” She seemed to calm down a little with his words. Continuing he said, “God owes you big time babe, he knows what a wonderful mother you’ll make. Are you sure you’re pregnant?” She shook her head. “So what makes you think you are?” “My tummy feels bloated, my breasts are tender and I’m piddling more often.” “You forgot, irritable and snappy,” he said jokingly, “Don’t worry about it babe, we can talk to Doc Daniels in the morning.” She certainly wasn’t comfortable about it like he was, but she wanted to talk to him, squeezing his hand she said, “I need to talk to you, but I don’t want you getting angry.” Nodding at her he said, “What is it?” In a quiet tearful voice she replied, “Earlier, when you said your future wife would never leave the house dressed like a whore.” Before she could continue he quickly said, “I didn’t mean it the way it sounded babe.” “I know Jimmy, but in the eyes of other Catholics, that’s precisely what I’d be if I’m pregnant.” “And you wonder why I have no faith in the religion! It’s ok for someone like my old man to beat the shit out of my mother every day, he can say three Hail Mary’s and he’s pardoned by God. Yet two people who love each other like us, who create something as precious and wonderful as another life are condemned as sinners!” Immediately she said, “Please stop saying terrible things.” He could see she was getting upset, so he said, “Shall we forget about watching the film and have an early night. You look tired babe.” Realising that it wouldn’t be wise for her to push the subject, she nodded.

So much for the early night, they laid awake for hours just talking. They discussed being parents and the argument they’d had earlier. Assuring her that he would always love her, and that it didn’t matter what anyone else might think, they had each other, and that was the most important thing.



That next morning Jimmy was up first. Over breakfast he said, “I’ve spoken to the Doc, he’ll call round before his morning surgery, probably about half eight, so you’d best eat your scrambled eggs.” Maria had only just finished eating, when the intercom buzzed, the Doc was early. Jimmy let him in.

After listening to her symptoms and examining her, doc smiled and said, “I don’t think you’re pregnant Maria, it’s more likely you’re getting your period.” Smiling he handed her a small bottle and said, “Take that into the bathroom and do a urine sample for me.” When she returned, he dabbed a piece of thin card in it. They waited but nothing happened. After a few moments he said, “Just as I thought you’re not pregnant Maria.” They both noticed that Jimmy looked disappointed. Doc Daniels continued, “Can I ask Maria, did you ever have a period before you lived with Nick?” She shook her head. “That’s surprising; by the age of twelve or thirteen I would have expected you to have started your periods. Have you ever used oral contraceptives before I started giving you the contraceptive injection?” Again she shook her head.

The Doc was aware that her past was anything but normal. Smiling he said, “When you were in the convent were you ever given some tiny pills to take every day?” Immediately she said, “Yes, Sister Marjorie gave all the older girls a pill every night. One night Melanie had asked her what it was for; Sister Marjorie told her it was for protection. We all believed it would protect us from evil.” Jimmy could see how embarrassed she was as the Doc said, “It sounds like the contraceptive pill. Now because your injection is overdue, your body is producing eggs. You’ll probably have some light bleeding, it will probably only last a couple of days; if however your symptoms persist and nothing happens, I’ll come and see you again.” Maria nodded as Jimmy said, “Thanks for coming Doc.” The Doc called out, “Cheerio Maria” as Jimmy saw him out.

When Jimmy walked back into the lounge towards her, he noticed she looked sad. Putting his arm around her he said, “It doesn’t matter babe.” Trying to lighten the mood, he added, “At least you don’t have to worry about being pregnant before we’re married.” Shaking her head she replied, “I can’t believe how stupid I am, Doc Daniels must think I’m so thick!  I knew about periods, I just always assumed the injection stopped them and regarding my time before Nick, I just thought I was a late developer.” “Doc wouldn’t think anything of the sort babe. Can I ask you something though?” She nodded. “Why do you think Sister Marjorie thought it necessary to give the girls the pill, if they weren’t allowed boyfriends?” “I can only assume it was in case one of the girls ever did meet a boy, at least they wouldn’t get pregnant. Although I can’t imagine for one minute that they would, we were never allowed to meet boys; it was forbidden.” “Well once we’re married you won’t have to worry about contraceptives.” “I’m glad because the church doesn’t like it.” “Let’s not talk about the church anymore babe, it winds me up. So what do you fancy doing today?” Giggling she replied, “I think it might be a good idea if we went shopping, I’ll need to buy some sanitary products if the Doc’s right.” “Oh yeah, then we should go out somewhere, we could stop at a chemist on the way. How do you fancy driving down to Brighton? It’s a lovely day; we could go on the pier or sit on the beach?” Smiling she replied, “That would be lovely. I’ll go and freshen up.”

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