Jimmy's Game (Ruthless) (26 page)

BOOK: Jimmy's Game (Ruthless)
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Opening his phone he said, “Alright babe, what’s up?” The others sat quietly as he listened to her then said, “Are you sure you’re ok babe, you don’t sound too good, I can barely understand you.” A few moments later he ended the call as he said, “Don’t worry babe, we can manage without you for a couple of days, just get better. Catch you later.” They all looked at him as Mickey said, “Is everything ok Shane?” “Yeah no worries Mick, Simone’s had a bad fall, Sharon’s been up the hospital with her, thankfully there’s no broken bones but sounds like she’ll be off for a few days. I’ll sort out some cover for her.” “Did she say when and where it happened,” asked Jimmy. “Not sure, but from the sound of it probably when she finished work last night. She said they didn’t get home from the hospital ‘til six o’clock this morning.” Mickey said, “We’ll send her some flowers.” Then he changed the subject and continued, “Have you lot eaten?” When they said “No” he replied, “Then might I suggested we all go to the restaurant for dinner?” It was a unanimous “Yes.”

Thirty minutes later they were sitting in the restaurant, as they waited for their meals they talked about the events of the previous day. Shaun said, “I heard on the radio the MPs manor burnt to the ground; fucking good riddance, we should burn all the sick dirty bastards!” The men all nodded and agreed with him.

Finishing his dessert, Jimmy said, “Right then, I’m off. I want to drop by the hospital to see Maria.” “Alright if I tag along Jimmy, only I’d like to see Jacky Boy,” said Kevin. “Yeah that’s fine.” Leaving the others talking, they left for the hospital. Twenty minutes later Jimmy was sitting by her bed holding her hand, feeling sad and disappointed that there had been no change in her. Laying his head on the bed, clutching her hand to his face he told her he loved her. Staying with her for a couple more hours, he told her that he would see her tomorrow before leaving.

Driving back home he thought about her, he missed her terribly. Walking through his front door the place seemed empty without her. After drinking a scotch he fell asleep on the sofa.

When he woke around eight that evening, he called Mickey, “Alright Mick fancy going to one of the clubs tonight?” “Yeah I do as it happens; Monica’s working the night shift. Shall we go to Sweet Cheeks and get ourselves a blow job.” Jimmy laughed before replying, “Ok, I’ll pick you up around nine.”

Mickey was ready and waiting as Jimmy pulled up. Fifteen minutes later they were parking at the club. Shane was on the door, as they approached they asked him if
everything was okay. Nodding his head he said, “Fine.” The three of them chatted for a while before Jimmy and Mickey made their way inside.

They had only been there half an hour when Sharon one of the dancers came up to the bar for a drink. Jimmy placed his hand on her arse and gently squeezed her buttock as he said, “How’s Simone doing babe?” Both men noticed she looked nervous as she replied, “Yeah she’ll be ok.” Jimmy could tell she was hiding something from him, so he said “How exactly did she have the fall then Sharon? Must be pretty bad if she can’t work?” Moving closer to him she replied, “Simone asked me not to say anything, but I think you should know she didn’t have a fall; it was fucking Alfie Stubbs; he turned up at her place after work last night, bastard gave her one hell of a pasting, she’s black and blue. She called me when he left and I went round to her place. When I saw the fucking state of her I took her straight to the hospital, I thought they were going to keep her in, but they didn’t.” “Why did Alfie go round there?” “Beats me, she finished with him weeks ago. Simone didn’t say there was a reason, other than he just won’t take no for an answer. I’m staying with her for a few days, just in case the bastard comes back! I told her to call the police, but she’s too scared.” “Well tell her to get well, we need her here shaking her bits,” said Jimmy jokingly. “I’ll tell her” she replied with a giggle as she took her drink and headed back to the dressing room. Mickey could see by the look on his friend’s face he was seething, knowing he would have something to say about it, he said “So what do you want to do about it?” Angrily Jimmy replied, “I think I’ll pop round and see Simone.” “Thought you might say that, I’ll come with you.” They finished their drinks then left.

It was just before eleven when they arrived at her flat. They knocked on the door several times before she finally called out, “Who is it?” It was obvious she was afraid it might be Alfie. When she realised it was them she opened the door and let them in. “Fuck me babe,” said Mickey as he looked at her face, both her eyes were black and her lips where swollen and split. “What are you doing here?” she asked. “Well Shane said you’d had a fall, just thought we’d pop in and see if there’s anything you need.” “No I’m fine thanks, Sharon got me some shopping, would you like a coffee or something?” “Coffee would be great thanks,” piped Jimmy, “So what exactly happened babe, where did you fall?” Quickly she tried to make light of it by replying, “I’d just got home from work when I realised I’d left my handbag in the car. Went back down to get it, fell down the fucking stairs!” “Oh so it didn’t have anything to do with Alfie Stubbs then?” She knew by his face he was aware she was lying, so she replied, “I told Sharon not to mention it. I don’t want any trouble Jimmy; I just want him to leave me alone. Please don’t say anything to him, that’s why he came round again because you’d spoken to him. I don’t mean to sound ungrateful, but please just leave it. With any luck he’ll leave me alone now,” crying she added, “He scares me, there’s something wrong with him and the last thing I want is him coming to the club. I don’t want to lose my job, I like working there and you two are good blokes, so please don’t say or do anything.” Trying to remain calm Jimmy said, “He won’t come to the club babe, he’s a fucking coward and if he did you wouldn’t lose your job. Sharon was right to tell us, we can’t let this go babe, he needs to be taught a lesson, he’s only tough when he’s hitting women. Let’s see how tough he is with someone his own size who hits back.” In desperation she looked at Mickey and said, “Please Mickey, tell him to leave it, I don’t want Alfie doing this again.” Mickey touched her hand and replied, “Jimmy’s right babe, we can’t let him get away with this. If we don’t do something he’ll think he can just come round here whenever he likes. Don’t worry after tonight he won’t bother you again; I promise.” Jimmy interrupted and asked, “Is he down the Paradise Club tonight babe?” Crying she replied, “No it’s his pool night; he’ll be down the Red Lion with his mates. Please leave it Jimmy; you’ll only make it worse for me.” “Like Mickey said babe, don’t worry about Alfie fucking gob shite Stubbs, he definitely won’t be bothering you again, I give you my word on it. Anyway look at it from our point of view; we can’t have our best looking girl not working, we’ll get grief from the punters who only come to watch you dance.” Forcing a smiled she said, “Thanks Jimmy.”

Mickey put a roll of money in her hand as they were leaving. Trying to give it back to him she said, “No that’s ok Mickey, I can manage.” Jokingly he replied, “Take it babe, just look on it as sick pay, if Jimmy wasn’t here I’d offer to put it in your knickers!” Smiling she replied, “Hold that thought until I’m better Mickey.” “You’re on babe.” She kissed them both on the cheek and said, “Be careful.”

In the car Mickey said, “It’s only quarter to twelve, fancy driving to the Red Lion now?” Jimmy nodded. Ten minutes later they were pulling in opposite the pub.

It went very quiet as they entered and walked over to the bar. Mickey ordered two drinks as they stood facing the two pool tables. Alfie spotted them as he stood up from taking his shot, he didn’t acknowledge them he simply smirked. Jimmy put his drink down on the bar and walked towards him. The landlord looked at Mickey and said, “I don’t want any trouble, I’ll call the
Old Bill.” “We didn’t come in looking for trouble,” replied Mickey.

The four players stopped playing as Jimmy approached Alfie. They just stood there with their pool cues in the hands. It was almost as if they were trying to intimidate Jimmy. They should have known by his reputation he was not that easily intimidated. Standing in front of Alfie, he just stared at him. Alfie was trying to act cocky in front of his mates, smirking at him he said, “Fuck me, you must fancy me or something, this is the second time you’ve come looking for me.” With a menacing look Jimmy sarcastically replied, “And now I’ve found you, must be my lucky night!” Finding his manner slightly unnerving Alfie said, “What’s up then?” “Oh I think you already know the answer to that one, do your mates know what a big tough man you are Alfie, or haven’t you told them you like to beat up women?” Feeling belittled in front of his mates Alfie had to retaliate or lose face. Arrogantly he shouted, “Fuck off you wanker, she’s a fucking stripper! I needed to teach her a fucking lesson, especially after she sent you to do her fucking dirty work!” Mickey was surprised that his friend had managed to control his temper; but he knew any second it would all kick off. Walking over to Jimmy he quietly said, “We don’t want any trouble, it wouldn’t be a good idea to get ourselves arrested.” Jimmy nodded, then looking back at Alfie said, “Tell you what, why don’t we settle this outside Alfie, man to man. Your mates can come and watch, or are you to scared to take me on, after all I know you prefer women! Tell you what; just to make it fairer I’ll let you bring your cue, you’ll need it!” It was obvious that Jimmy unnerved him, but because his mates were watching he cockily replied, “Your fucking passed it Jimmy; I’ll take you outside anytime!” “Great let’s settle this tonight then, oh and there’s something else Alfie , if you ever go near Simone again after tonight you’ll be taking a fucking midnight dip, do I make myself clear? Oh one more thing, if any of you boys feel the need to join in, feel free, but just remember this, I will hold a fucking grudge and you won’t always be with your mates! Now that’s said, shall we take a walk over to the car park?”

Making their way across the road, Jimmy took his jacket off and handed it to Mickey. Within seconds of entering the car park; Alfie took a swing at him with his pool cue. Jimmy grabbed hold of it, throwing Alfie off balance. Now with the cue in his hand, he snapped it in half and threw it down on the ground. Alfie ran at him, a fight raged between the two men. It didn’t take Alfie long to realise he was no match for his opponent; Jimmy was beating the shit out of him. Even Alfie’s mates declined from getting involved, possibly because Mickey also took his jacket off and placed it on the ground. Fifteen minutes of bare knuckle fighting was all it took for Alfie to say he’d had enough. Jimmy helped him to his feet and said, “You took it like a man Alfie, so let’s be clear, it ends tonight. You and your mates can just walk away; you put up a good fight and at least you lost to a bloke. There’s nothing clever about hitting women Alfie, you just remember that.” Jimmy casually walked back towards Mickey, who was bending down to pick their jackets up. Suddenly Jimmy felt a searing pain across his neck. Alfie had grabbed another cue from his mate and hit him full pelt across the neck. The look on Jimmy face as he turned round said it all, at the very least Alfie had expected him to go down, most men would have but not Jimmy; oh no he charged at Alfie like a fucking pit bull. It wasn’t long before a couple of his mates put the boot in too that’s when Mickey joined in taking one of them down with a full throttle kick to the bollocks. One of Alfie’s mates ran off, leaving the odds slightly more even at three on two, although the one Mickey had put down was still on the floor groaning. After ten minutes the fight was all but over, Alfie was on the ground curled into a ball, while Jimmy kicked and punched him. Finally Mickey said, “He’s had enough Jimmy” as he dragged him off Alfie. Two of Alfie’s friends picked him up and tried to run dragging him between them.  Jimmy shouted after them, “Next time the odds will be even, so think fucking twice before you take us on, you bunch of wankers!” Then he walked over picked their jackets up and calmly said to Mickey, “What a bunch of fucking pussies, my mum hit harder than them!” Laughing Mickey replied, “Yeah and to think I was quite happy to watch, but I couldn’t have them hurting you!” “Fuck off; I’d have taken them all on!” “I know but I can’t have you getting all the thanks from Simone, I’m on a promise with her, remember!” “You dirty bastard, after this I think I should be the one she blows!” “No way, she prefers the more sophisticated man!” “Bollocks,” replied Jimmy with a laugh.

Back in the car Mickey said, “Do you think we’ll hear from him again?” “Naugh; even he’s not that fucking stupid. Fucking cheeky bastard; said I was past it!” “Actually Jimmy he’s got a point, we were fighting in car parks when we were kids.” They both laughed.

Mickey dropped him off arranging to meet the following day, after Jimmy had been to the hospital. By the time Jimmy got to bed his head was thumping from the blow from the cue.

When he woke the following morning his neck was killing him. Before leaving for the hospital he took a couple of pain killers. The pain had eased off considerably by the time he saw Maria. Speaking to the doctor, he asked, “Is there any improvement?” “Sorry, she’s much the same as yesterday, but its early days yet. All I can say is continue visiting her and keep talking to her because that’s important.”



Jimmy never missed a day, for the next five weeks he sat by her bed every day holding her hand and telling her how much he loved her. Mickey called as often as he could and Shaun visited almost daily. Despite the fact she never moved, or gave any indication that she could hear them, they never gave up hope. Although he never showed it Jimmy was becoming despondent.

One day when arriving at the hospital, he bumped in to Father Thomas. “Jimmy isn’t it?” said the priest. “Hello Thomas.” “How is your friend?” “Not too good, for the past five weeks there’s been little to no improvement.” “Would you like me to visit her with you?” “That would be good Thomas; I know Maria would like that.” Father Thomas followed him to her room. Jimmy noticed Thomas looked sad as he sat looking at her. They sat opposite one another on either side of the bed, both men held her hands.” Thomas introduced himself to her and told her how he had met Jimmy and that she was lucky, because he loved her very much.
When Father Thomas stood up to leave he looked at Jimmy and said, “Can I visit Maria again? I’m a regular visitor to the hospital.” “Thanks Thomas I’d appreciate that.” They shook hands and the priest left.

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