Jimmy's Game (Ruthless) (21 page)

BOOK: Jimmy's Game (Ruthless)
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Just as they got out of the car, Shane and Billy pulled up.  “What’s up?” asked Shane. “Think we may have some uninvited guests,” replied Mickey pointing to the people carrier, “You two go round the back; anything out of the ordinary, hit first ask questions later.” Shane and Billy nodded. Neither man was afraid of a fight; late twenties to mid thirties both heavily built and knew how to handle themselves.

When Jimmy and Mickey walked through the main doors, they could see Jacky Boy, Kevin and Lucy sitting at a table with three heavily built men sitting in between each of them
. Lucy was crying. As they walked towards the table another man appeared, he was much smaller, they recognised him from the DVD’s as the Russian Uri Karpov. Speaking in Russian he said something to the three men sitting at the table. One of them got up and put three more chairs around it. Looking at Mickey and Jimmy, Uri said, “Sit!” They sat down, but not before Jimmy gave him a look that said he was already pissed off with his attitude. “You have something that belongs to us and it would not be in your best interest to fuck with me!” said Uri. “What might that be?” replied Mickey in a strong arrogant voice. “Do not play games with me, or this pretty girl will not be so pretty.” He was referring to Lucy, as he had spoken the big Russian sitting next to her had produced a knife and was pressing it against her cheek, she was terrified. Mickey said, “There’s no need for violence, exactly what is it you think we have?” “You know I am referring to something that belonged to the black bastard Maurice. Also I hear you have photographs of me and some of my comrades. Where did you get them?” They both knew that Quinton had contacted him as soon as they’d left. Jimmy was really pissed off with the Russian’s manner, especially as Lucy was petrified. Speaking to Uri in an arrogant tone he said, “We don’t know what you’re fucking talking about, we have nothing of Maurice’s! Whoever took him out did the place over, so if anything is missing I suggest you talk to them! As for the photos, someone sent them to us, but we don’t know who, but it’s obviously someone who doesn’t fucking like you! We don’t want any trouble; we just want Nick to back off!” “Ah yes, Nick, that reminds me he wants the whore back!” Jimmy could feel the anger raging within him as he snapped back and said, “You can tell Nick she’s staying with me until she wants to leave, if at all!” “I don’t think you heard me; the whore goes back to Nick! I have offered to get him another dog to fuck, but for reasons best known to him he wants her back, I even offered him a good price for her, but he refused.” Feeling the tension, Mickey interrupted and said, “Jimmy won her fair and square.” “So what?” said Uri, “No whore is worth dying for? Maybe I should fuck her, then maybe I can understand why Nick allows her to get in the way of business! Or maybe I just shoot her and put an end to it! Now tell me where you got the photos or I kill one of your friends here!” Mickey tried to reason with him, but his efforts were futile. Knowing he needed to come up with a name before someone got hurt, he said, “Maybe it was Nick who sent the photos?” “You are really getting on my fucking nerves now, you are trying my patience! Why would he send you photos? You have thirty seconds to tell me, or your girlfriend loses her face!” Lucy was crying as she interrupted and said, “Please Mickey, tell him.” Jimmy looked reassuringly at her and said, “It’ll be ok babe, no one’s going to get hurt.” Sounding sincere, Mickey said, “What makes you so certain that Nick isn’t behind all this?” Before the Russian could reply he added, “Think about it, Nick has made this personal not us, everyone at the game knew Jimmy won the bet fair and square. Nick will lose face if he cannot get her back, so he needs backup, who better than you?” The Russian sat staring at Mickey as he continued, “So he sends us photos knowing that it will get back to you then you do his dirty work for him.” “Nick would not dare to use me!” Jimmy started laughing and said, “Nick would use his fucking mother if need be.” Mickey interrupted, “Think about it logically; we’re probably the biggest threat to Nick. We’re very successful and he makes no secret of the fact he wants Dixie’s, with us out of the way he could have it. So he uses you to get rid of us, then if I know him he gets rid of you!” Looking suspicious along with angry, Uri replied, “Believe me; I would not be that easy to get rid of!” “Ok then, let me ask you something, why do you think we have whatever it is that belonged to Maurice?” Hesitating for a moment, Uri replied, “Because I do!” “Are you sure it’s not Nick who has made you believe that?” The Russian hesitated again; it was obvious that what he had just heard had made him think. Finally he said, “You are very clever Mickey; you try to make me turn against my friend.” “So if Nick’s your friend he would have told you about Razor?” “Who is Razor?” “He’s a thug who Nick uses to get information.” “What fucking information!” “I have a written account of a conversation between Maurice and Nick a couple of years ago; Maurice was trying to blackmail him. We all know that the only true connection between them was the fact that Maurice knew all Nick’s dirty little secrets, not to mention many others yourself included. Just imagine the power Nick would have if he had evidence that high up powerful men were committing vile acts against children.” “Where can I find this Razor,” snapped Uri arrogantly. “Ah well you could have a little problem there, you see he met with a nasty car accident just a couple of days ago. I’ve only just found out myself, but you must admit, it’s a strange coincidence.” “Enough of this bullshit; give me the photos now!”

Mickey put his hand into his inside pocket and passed him the copies of the photos he had shown to Quinton. Taking them Uri snapped, “These are all of them?” “Yes.” Mickey hoped that would be an end to it for the time being, but he knew it wasn’t to be when the Russian said, “You have tried to fuck me off; so now I must teach you a lesson!” Then he nodded at the three heavies, who without any warning went for Kevin, punching him and sending him flying backwards. Immediately Jimmy pulled out his truncheon and hit the heavy, who was holding the knife at Lucy, forcing him to drop it. Within seconds a full scale fight was raging.

The Russian’s did not anticipate Shane and Billy rushing in from the back after waiting and listening to the conversation just out of sight. Lucy immediately ran and hid behind the bar, narrowly missing being hit by a chair which hurtled past her before crashing into the optic bottles behind the bar. Mickey got a good hit against Uri; a full on blow to the guts from his bat. Winded and clearly in pain Uri ordered his men to get out. Making their way over to the door, the Russian shouted, “This is not over!” Jacky Boy helped Kevin to his feet as Jimmy asked if everyone was okay. Shane was holding his hand as he said, “That Russian had a fucking iron jaw!” Mickey led Lucy from behind the bar; she was shaking with fear. “It’s ok babe, they’ve gone. Come and sit down, have a drink,” he said.

Sitting together Jacky Boy placed a bottle and glasses on the table. Mickey looked at Shane and Billy and said, “The damage would have been a lot worse if you two hadn’t been here.” Jacky Boy laughed and said, “Yeah you were like the fucking cavalry charging in and now you’re here you can help us clean the place up.” Everyone laughed as Billy looked at Shane and said, “I’ll polish you sweep, but just let me get me piny on first!”  With a broad grin Mickey said, “Cheers lads, I’ll take Lucy home, she’ll be taking a few days off.” “I’ll wait here Mickey, give the lads a hand; you can pick me up on your way back,” said Jimmy before winking at Lucy and adding, “You take care babe and make sure he just drops you off. You know he has trouble behaving himself when he’s alone with a beautiful girl.” “Don’t worry Jimmy, my boyfriends at home,” said Lucy with a grin. “Fuck it that’s just my luck,” said Mickey.

Unbeknown to them the Russians had only driven up the road before stopping. What had been said to Uri had left an element of doubt in his mind over Nick. Thinking about what Mickey had implied, he dialled Nick’s number. Answering the call Nick said, “Alright Uri this is a surprise, what can I do for you?” “You can meet me in five minutes at your friend Jimmy’s place; there is some business you need to take care of now!” Despite acting calmly, Nick knew something had happened. Keeping his cool he replied, “I told you I’d take care of Jimmy, so why now?” “Because today an associate of mine was shown some photo’s which could be very damaging to our business! We believe they may have come from Maurice’s safety deposit box, this Jimmy and his friend are involved and they must be taught a lesson! I will expect you there in five minutes, do not keep me waiting!” Uri hung up. Nick pondered over the conversation he had just had, the only photo he had was the one that had been sent to him, but there was obviously something very wrong, he had a strange feeling that Uri had tried to intimidate him, almost like a warning. Grabbing his car keys he left to meet the Russian.



Having taken Lucy home, Mickey had driven bac
k to the club to pick Jimmy up. Driving back to the apartment they talked about what had happened. Grinning Jimmy said, “I thought the twist about Nick was worthy of an Oscar, especially the bit about Razor.” His reasons behind it were only two days earlier they had learned that the old time thug had been in a fatal car accident; there were no suspicious circumstances, he had been drunk at the time; running his car into the back of a stationary lorry. Jimmy continued, “That fucking Uri was definitely suspicious, he wasn’t sure you were lying.” “Yeah come in fucking handy old Razor checking out like that!” They both laughed.

Reaching the apartment block they took the lift, as the doors closed Jimmy said, “I hope Maria’s cooked something, me fucking stomach thinks me throat’s been cut!” “Me too, I could eat a scabby horse and chase its fucking rider!” They were laughing as they got out of the lift, until Jimmy noticed that his front door was open. Quickly he prodded Mickey to alert him that something might be wrong. Both men took out their weapons from inside their jacket, before slowly pushing the door open and scanning inside the apartment. They could see Gladys lying on the floor; blood was trickling from her mouth. Mickey rushed over to her and bent down to tend to her whilst Jimmy continued to search the place. Certain that it was clear, he shouted to Mickey that Maria had gone.

Gladys began to come round. “You alright Gladys, it’s me Mickey; what happened?” Regaining her senses she slowly replied, “Maria’s ex- boyfriend broke in, oh love, it all happened so fast, we didn’t have time to call the police.” “How do you know it was her ex Gladys?” With Mickey’s help she sat up and replied, “Because she called him Nick; she told me before that was his name. It was awful, I tried to get him to leave but he wouldn’t listen and then the bastard thumped me one! I don’t know what happened after that.”

Helping her to her feet he led her to the sofa. Having heard the conversation Jimmy entered nodded at Mickey and said, “Go and make Gladys a cup of tea.” Jimmy sat down with her and said, “You alright babe?” “Just a bit shaky, I’ll be ok love.” “That’s my girl. Can you remember anything Nick said?” Still looking a bit dazed she replied, “It was awful, Maria was screaming and begging him to leave, but the bastard laughed and said if she’d let you touch her she was dead! We were terrified. I tried to tell him that you’d just been looking after her, but he slapped her around and said terrible things to her!” “What things Gladys?” “Oh Jimmy, disgusting things, my Arthur would cringe if he heard me talk like that.” “I know but it’s important, so I need you to tell me?” Despite her embarrassment at having to repeat what Nick had said, she continued, “He said that if she didn’t stop screaming, he would stuff his thing in her mouth; he added something vile like, he expects she’s missed it. The dirty pig, even asked her if she’d sucked your thing.”

Totally mortified by this point and clearly unable to use the word cock, she said, “I can’t say any more Jimmy, but it was disgusting things like that; he was a pig!” “Did he say where he was taking her?” “No, but he did say he had some Russian friends who were waiting to see her. He did say something strange though.” “What was that babe?” “He said he hadn’t decided whether to keep her or not, that would depend on her; if she pleased him he might. When he finished hitting her, he dragged her out by her hair; she was screaming for you Jimmy, I tried to stop him but when he punched me again I must have blacked out.” Placing his arm around her he replied, “I know babe.” By the time she had finished talking, she was sobbing her heart out. Trying to reassure her there was nothing she could have done to stop him. Jimmy’s said, “You couldn’t have stopped him babe, he’s a psychopath. Don’t worry about Maria we’ll get her back.” Mickey brought her tea in and smiling at her said, “Feeling better sweetheart?” Still crying she nodded her head before sipping her tea. A few moments later she said, “What did Nick mean when he said, whether he would keep her or not?” “Don’t worry about it Gladys, psychos say things like that to frighten people that’s all,” said Jimmy “Well he certainly did, that poor girl was absolutely terrified of him.” “Was there anyone else with him Gladys?” “I didn’t see anyone, but I can’t be sure, like I said it all happened so fast and the bastard thumped me!” “Now are you sure you’re ok, do you want us to get the doc to take a look at you?” “No I’m fine, just a bit shaken up. I would like to go home though.” “I’ll take you home Gladys,” said Mickey.

When they were in the car he said, “Can I ask you not to say anything to anyone except Arthur, just until we sort things out.” “Ok but I still think you should call the police.” “No need my girlfriends a detective, she’ll deal with it for us.” Gladys seemed content with his reply.

By the time Mickey returned to the apartment, the anger Jimmy was displaying was frightening. Mickey had seen him in a rage many times over the years, but never had he witnessed such a display of aggression. Despite trying to calm him down; Jimmy punched the door, putting his fist through it. Finally, Mickey managed to convince him to calm down when he said, “This is not going to help Maria, we need to keep our wits about us if we’re going to get her back.” “You’re right; I’ll save it for when we find Nick. So what do we do now, I’ve got to get her back Mick.” “Well let’s look at what we know, Nick wouldn’t be stupid enough to take her back to his place, or to any of his clubs; he said he had friends who wanted to see her; the Russian bastards. They need somewhere quiet and isolated where they won’t be disturbed. With the information we have, I would hazard a guess they’ve taken her either to the house where the orgies take place, or to the MP’s house. Quinton said that the MP lives alone, with only his housekeeping staff. Considering the photos that I gave to Uri, they wouldn’t have any problems convincing the MP to let him take her there.” “So what’s the plan then?” “First we need to decide who to take with us; if the Russians are there we’ll need to be prepared.” “The four lads all did ok today and what about Terry and Reggie?” “No, they’re more likely to favour Nick.” “Ok then, what about Tony, he made it clear if he had to pick a side.” “Yeah he would be a good choice.” “What about Hudson?” “No, too close to Maurice; for all we know he may be ok with the Russians.” “Good point Mickey.” “Maybe Shaun?” “But he’s one of Nick’s boys.” “I know that Jimmy, but we also know he doesn’t fuck young kids; that’s one part of Nick’s business that he stays out of; plus we both know how he feels about Maria and those Russian bastards.” Nodding his head in agreement with his friend, Jimmy said, “She feels the same way about him; she told me once he’s her guardian angel.” Raising his eyebrows and grinning Mickey replied, “Not an easy image to conjure up Shaun as an angel? Nevertheless, he would be a great ally to have. I think we should call him, test the water.” Pouring them both a drink, Mickey suggested calling the lads. Using their phones together they began calling.

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