Jimmy's Game (Ruthless) (16 page)

BOOK: Jimmy's Game (Ruthless)
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Jimmy smiled at Mickey and said, “Well as we’re already out, we could always pop over to the club, Maria seemed happy to be left, I told them not to answer the phone or the door. Of course the alternative is, we go back indoors and listening to Gladys’s rabbiting on for the next two hours!” Laughing Mickey replied, “The club sounds good, maybe I’ll give Lenny a bell, see if he’s about?”
Lenny’s answer phone clicked in. “Hi Lenny, Mickey here. If you’re about this afternoon, pop into Dixie’s; we’ll be there till about six.”

Five minutes later the two friends were entering their club Dixie’s. Jacky Boy and Kevin greeted them; they were setting up ready for opening later that evening. Jimmy grinned and said,” “Everything alright lads?” Jacky replied, “Yeah good Jimmy. What’s happening about the job at the jewellers? Only we heard through the grapevine that you two are handling it now?” “Yeah that’s right; apparently Nick wants us to do it.” “Why’s that then, me and Kev had it sussed.” “It’s just the wankers way of trying to rattle me.” Kevin piped in and said, “Personally I can’t stand Nick, the big headed prick. Still I’m sure he’ll get his fucking comeuppance one day.” Affording himself a moment’s indulgence Jimmy smiled and said, “You can bet money on it Kev, arseholes like him always do.”

Just as they sat down Lenny arrived. “Alright Lenny, you got my message then?” said Mickey before looking at Jacky Boy and Kevin and adding, “Okay lads, I’m sure you two have got work to do.” Knowing he wanted privacy with Lenny the two lads began walking away, Jacky Boy turned and said, “Catch you later. Oh and by the way, thanks for the meal, the fucking grub was great. Lisa couldn’t keep her fucking hands off me after our lovely romantic night out, even Kev pulled; he went home with her friend Mandy, the dirty bastard!” They all laughed. “No problem lads, you’ll have to do it again sometime,” said Mickey. Kevin joked and said, “Yeah but next time Lisa can bring another friend; that fucking Mandy nearly shagged me to death. She was like a fucking maniac, gagging for it!” Everyone was still laughing as the two lads left.

Jimmy grabbed another glass and the bottle of scotch as he said, “What’s new then Lenny?” “Well I heard the vicar’s been done over, so I’ve been round the hospital to see if I could talk to the dodgy old bastard.” “Fuck me we’ve only just found out about that, and anyway he’s a priest,” stated Jimmy. “Priests, vicars, they’re all one and the same, any bloke that wears a fucking frock in my book is a bit dodgy, and as for all that old bollocks about being married to God, it’s not normal, men should fuck women!” “No chance of you becoming a priest then,” joked Mickey. They all laughed. Mickey continued, “So any luck at the hospital?” “No Mick, they done the poor old fucker over real good, if he does survive he’ll be eating through a straw.” “Messed him up pretty bad then?” “If you ask me they wanted him dead but they got interrupted. Tell you something strange though, when I arrived at the hospital your mate was there. You know the black guy, hangs out with Tony. I can never remember his fucking name.” “You mean Maurice?” “That’s him, should have remembered, it’s a real fucking black’s name is that.” “What did he say then Lenny?” “Nothing to me; he was talking to a nurse, asking her if the vicar was likely to regain consciousness. Funnily enough, he went a bit pale when he saw me, excuse the pun, but you know what I mean, looked a bit put out that I was there.” “Was Tony with him?” “No he was on his own. Anyway, I thought I might visit the vicar’s place tonight have a nose round, see if I can find anything.” “Now Lenny, don’t you go getting yourself into trouble,” joked Jimmy. “Who me, never,” replied Lenny with a broad grin. They all laughed.

A couple of hours later Lenny left, after telling them he would call them. Jimmy phoned home to check on the ladies, the phone rang and rang. Several seconds past when Jimmy said, “Fuck me, why ain’t they answering?” Sarcastically Mickey replied, “Because Colombo, you told them not to, remember?” Smirking at Mickey, and slightly nodding his head he said, “It’s the answer phone.” “Well say it’s you and tell them to pick up bullet!” “Hi girls, it’s me, pick up will you?”  “Hello Jimmy love.” “Alright Gladys, is everything ok?” “Just fine love, we’ve been having a good old chat.” “Lovely,” he said sarcastically, “is Maria about?” “She’s right here love; the poor girl nearly shit herself when the phone rang!” Gladys handed the phone over to Maria. Happy to hear his voice she said, “Hello Jimmy.” “All right babe? What time do you want us back for dinner?” “Oh, about half six for seven, is that’s ok?” “That’s great babe, we’ll see you then.” After closing his phone he looked at his watch and informed Mickey that dinner was in three quarters of an hour.

Pouring themselves another drink, they chatted over the events of the last couple of days. Jimmy reminded him that he needed to speak to Nick about the job on Friday. They had decided to tell him they had it on very sound advice that the
Old Bill had been tipped off, leaving them with no choice but to call the job off. Mickey was still worried about Nick wanting her back and time was running out. Jimmy said, “Maybe we could say when we got back tonight she had fucked off?” Raising his eyebrows Mickey replied, “Even Nick’s not fucking stupid enough to fall for that one.” “Yeah you’re right, we need another angle.” “How about saying she collapsed and Doc Daniels thinks it may be an internal injury? If need be we could actually get her in the hospital, just for a few days. I’m sure the Doc would back us up.” “Trouble with that is I wouldn’t put it past Nick to go to the hospital and take her out.” “I agree, but not if someone tipped off the Old Bill about a hit on the priest; the place would be crawling with coppers.” “What a devious mind you have Michael, but that might just work if we can’t come up with something better.” The two of them finished their drinks and left.

“Only us,” called Jimmy as they entered the apartment thirty minutes later. “Something smells good,” said Mickey just as Gladys appeared and said, “Oh you two are in for a real treat, she’s quite a cook is Maria. Now you’re back, I’ll be making tracks, Arthur worries about me being out at night.” “Quite right Gladys,” said Jimmy as he threw his car keys at Mickey, “Take Gladys home for us Mick, Arthur’s got a point, so many fucking criminals in London it’s just not safe!” Mickey grinned and said, “Come on Gladys, it’ll be my pleasure to escort you home.” Not wanting to be a burden Gladys smiled and said, “Really there’s no need, I’ll be fine; it’s only a ten minute walk.” Playfully he said, “Just get in the car; you know you want all your neighbours to see us pull up so they think you’ve got yourself a rich toy boy, I’ll take my car that should impress them.” “Oh love you’re incorrigible, but it would make ‘em look, wouldn’t it?” They all laughed. Maria hugged her and kissed her cheek as she thanked her for staying with her.

Within seconds of them leaving, Jimmy walked over to her and put his arms round her waist as he said, “Give us a kiss gorgeous!” They kissed passionately. “Careful,” she said, “I don’t want the dinner to spoil.” “Never mind the fucking dinner Delia, I could eat you. Now give us another kiss!” Concerned about the meeting with Nick, she stopped kissing him and said, “What happened at the club?” “The fucking wanker cancelled on us.” “Why?” “Don’t know, but I suspect it’s something to do with the photo and the priest being done over.” Totally at a loss with what he talking about said she frowned and said, “What do you mean, has Father O’Brien been beaten up or something?” “Sorry babe, course you don’t know, do you?” With panic in her voice she said, “Know what?” Trying not to upset her, he went over what had happened. When he finished she said, “What are you going to do?” Trying his best to tone it down so as not to worry her, he jokingly replied, “We’ve got a couple of plans up our sleeves, but we’ll know more when we’ve spoken to Nick.” They heard the front door open. “Cheers for taking Gladys home,” said Jimmy as Mickey walked in. “Fuck me Jimmy next time you can take her!” “Why, she’s a lovely old gal.” “I know, but she never stops fucking talking!” Although they all really liked Gladys, he did have a point and his comments made them laugh.

Entering the dining area both men complemented her on how nice the table looked. Gladys had shown her where Jimmy kept the table napkins; after she had emphasised to Maria that he never used them. She also managed to find a couple of tea light candles. Maria looked quite humbled with their praise of the table. Smiling she said, “The dinner is cooked, if you want to sit down I’ll serve it.”  Passing Jimmy a bottled of chilled wine from the fridge, she asked him to pour it. A few minutes later she laid the table with a wonderful meal, steak Diane served with fresh vegetables and sauté potatoes. “Fuck me, perhaps we should give her a job in one of our restaurants Jimmy; this looks absolutely superb,” said Mickey. Looking a trifle embarrassed, she replied, “Thank you, I just hope it tastes alright.”

The men ate every last morsel of both the meal and dessert. Finishing before her, they waited as she ate her dessert of stuffed avocado and cream. Swallowing the last mouthful she smiled and said, “Sorry, I can’t eat too quickly because of my teeth.” “It’s got fuck all to do with that babe it’s because we eat quicker, especially when the foods this good. We’ll try and get your teeth sorted out next week,” said Jimmy. “Thanks, now would you prefer your coffee in the lounge?” After complementing again her on a fabulous meal, they both agreed coffee in the lounge would be great.

The evening seemed to fly by as they chatted. Mickey said, “I can’t believe how quickly you’ve healed Maria, and in a strange way it feels like you’ve been here
a lot longer.” “Thanks Mickey, I know what you mean, it seems like I’ve been here for ages. I’m so grateful to everyone, it’s the first time in years I actually feel safe.” “Good, then we’d better make sure that you stay here. In fact, I think I’ll ring Nick now and break it to him that we’re definitely not doing the jewellers job. I’ll play it close to my chest about you Maria, leave the ball in his court.” Taking out his phone he rang Nick’s number. “It’s gone straight to his answer phone.” “Ask him to ring back,” said Jimmy before the voice mail cut in. “Hi Nick, Mickey here, ring us back, can’t make it tomorrow.” Closing his phone he smirked and said, “That should get the bastards attention.” Twenty minutes later his phone rang; anticipating that it was Nick, he was surprised to see Tony’s name come up. The moment he answered it Tony said, “Alright Mickey, its Tony.” “Alright mate, what’s up?” “I’m at Maurice’s; I think you two might want to see this. Make it quick Mickey!” Without chatting or explaining why, Tony ended the call.

Jimmy looked surprised that the call had been so short, looking at Mickey he said, “What did Tony want?” “Not sure mate, but something’s up, he wants us to meet him at Maurice’s now.” “What about Maria? I don’t fancy leaving her here on her own. I wouldn’t put anything past Nick.” “I’ll be fine,” assured Maria. “Sorry babe, but I just don’t trust that slimy bastard. It’s only ten; we could give Gladys a bell.” “Don’t you dare Jimmy, it’s far too late,” admonished Maria. They were interrupted by Mickey when he said, “We could drop her round at my folks’ house. Its dads card night, he’ll be out ‘til the early hours of the morning, if not all night.” In the hope of making her feel comfortable he added, “I’m sure my mum would be only too pleased for some company. I’ll bell her to let her know we’re coming.”  “Can’t I just stay here, I don’t even know them,” said Maria. “You’ll love them babe, his mum Mary is just like Doris, you’ll get along just fine,” said Jimmy. Although she believed what he’d said, she still felt uncomfortable with the idea. Nervously she said, “What if his dad comes back early?” “You’ll love him too, they’re good people babe. I know you feel worried about it, but its either there or Doris’s.” “No I can’t let you call her, she’s probably in bed. I’ll go if you’re sure they won’t mind?” Mickey interrupted and said, “I’m absolutely positive they won’t. I’ve just spoken to mum while you two were talking and she’s looking forward to meeting you.” “Ok then, if you’re sure.”

Despite their reassurances travelling to his family home, she felt nervous. Jimmy squeezed her hand and reassuringly said, “Babe don’t worry; just go along with the ex- boyfriend story.” Twenty minutes later they dropped her off at Mary’s, who quickly put her at ease when she opened the front door and smiling said, “Hello love, come in I’ve got the kettle on.”

Confident that the ladies would be fine the men made their way to Maurice’s, which was a converted factory unit, from the outside it looked like a regular building; inside was a different story. Lavishly modern, exquisitely furnished, although Jimmy always referred to it as a typical pimp’s pad, the type you see in the movies.

Tony’s car was parked outside next to Maurice’s; there was another car which belonged to Hudson Leroy. Hudson worked for Maurice and was well known in the neighbourhood. Also of Afro-Caribbean descent, he worked as a debt collector and heavy, but not your run of the mill heavy, Maurice gave him respect. Hudson was a straight guy who loved women, his nickname was Humping Hudson, although no-one would have called him it to his face, he was a big black bastard and well known for fighting. He handled a lot of drug business, especially overseas, taking his orders directly from Maurice, although rarely seen together socially. If anyone knew anything about Maurice, it was Hudson.

Jimmy pressed the intercom. “Come up,” said a deep male voice which he instantly recognised as Hudson’s. The lift was the type with the cage front that you had to manually shut it before it would work. It was the only original feature Maurice had kept when the place had been converted. The lift came to a halt just inside the apartment lobby. Peering out through the mesh the two friends could not believe the scene. The place had been turned upside down; there was blood everywhere, it was like a scene from a horror movie. Tony was standing with Hudson waiting for them to enter.

At the far side of the open lounge there was a body lying on the floor, it was that of the Russian boy Maurice kept as a sex toy, he was dressed in only his boxer shorts. Half his head had been blown away, blood, hair and brains were splattered up the wall and his hand was still clinging to the gun. There were lash marks across his back and a leather collar and leash was still secured to his neck. Just a few feet away slumped in a chair was the body of Maurice, stripped naked and covered in blood, his cock had been severed and put in his mouth. “Jesus Christ!” said Mickey, “What the fuck is going on Tony?” “Beats me; whoever did this wanted it to look like the boy did it then blew his own brains out.” “Maybe that is what happened, just look at the poor bastard; perhaps Maurice fucked and tortured him once too often, looks like they had a fight.” “Or that’s what someone wants us to think?” Before Mickey could reply Hudson interrupted and said, “Come with me.” They followed him into the bedroom; once inside he pointed to the wall safe and said, “Dead Russians don’t break into safes. The boy certainly didn’t need money where he was going. Someone wants us to think the Russian did it, but they were looking for something, and shoving his cock in his mouth like that, tells us he’s said or done something that’s really pissed someone off.” “Do you know what he kept in the safe?” asked Mickey. “Mainly stocks and bonds, some cash, jewellery that type of stuff. This place is far too isolated; he would never keep anything of any real value here.” “So where then, at one of the clubs?” “I know he kept a safety deposit box at the bank; I drove him there a few times. We always stopped off at the church first; the priest always gave him an envelope.” “Do you mean Father O’Brien at St Augustus?” “Yeah that’s him, creepy old bastard, he’d talk to Maurice, but I couldn’t hear; I had to wait in the car. He often met up with the priest, but I either picked him up afterwards, or I waited in the car” Mickey looked over at the others and said, “What we need is the key or the number to his safety deposit box, any idea where he might have kept it?” Hudson shook his head. “Actually I might,” said Tony, “Maurice always wore that stupid locket thing round his neck; he always said the key to his heart was inside. I always thought it was a photo of one of his boys; you know how sentimental these queers can be. One thing’s for sure, he never took it off.”

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