Jimmy's Game (Ruthless) (18 page)

BOOK: Jimmy's Game (Ruthless)
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For one brief moment she had felt jealous of Charlie, because two people loved her enough to kill for her. Never in her life had anyone felt that way about
her. Since the day she was born she had never felt loved; she had always been told what to do. Right up until she was sold her only value in life had been how much money she would fetch. If Nick had killed her no one would have cared, no one would have come looking for her. Now for the first time she felt someone had genuine concern for her wellbeing. Convinced that God had sent Jimmy to her, she knew that if need be she would die for him.

“I’m going now; I need to sort out the issue of Charlie.” said Mickey as he put his jacket on before glancing briefly at Maria and adding, “Don’t look so worried babe, everything will be fine, I’ll call you later.” Knowing the two of them were feeling bad over Charlie, in an effort to lighten the mood before he left he said, “I take it the poker game is off tonight?” They both laughed. “Take care Mickey, we’ll catch you later. If you need me for anything just bell me,”
said Jimmy. They watched him get into the lift, before closing the front door.

Feeling bad about the way he had spoken to her, Jimmy put his arms around and said, “I meant it babe, going back to Nick won’t help.” In her heart she knew he was right, but she still felt responsible, so she said, “I wish now you hadn’t won the bet.” “Well I’m glad I did, and another thing you know you asked God to help you?” Tearfully she nodded. “Well I think he did. That was the first time in a poker game with Nick I’ve ever had a royal flush.” “Really?” “Yeah really, I’ve had a few in the past, but never at one of Nick’s games. So you see babe, you’re meant to be here.” “Thanks Jimmy.” “You’re welcome, it’s the truth. It might be a good idea to give Shaun a bell, see if he knows anything about Nick’s sudden trip.” Seconds later he
dialled the number, the Irishman answered. “Alright Shaun its Jimmy.” “How’s it going, is Maria ok?” “She’s doing just fine mate.” “That’s good to hear; now what can I do for you?” “Sorry to ask this Shaun, but do you know about the trip Nick has suddenly taken? And I presume you’ve heard about the hit on Maurice?” “Not over the phone Jimmy, I think we should meet.” “Ok where?” “Dixie’s; thirty minutes” “Ok Shaun, see you there.” Once the call ended, Jimmy looked at her and said, “I’ve got to pop out for a while babe, I’ll bell Gladys and ask if I can drop you at her place on the way.” “No don’t do that, with Nick away I’ll be fine.” “I know, but you’re going to Gladys’s no arguments.”

Twenty minutes later they arrived at the house. “Cheers for this Gladys,” said Jimmy as Maria walked through her front door. “No problem love, my Arthur’s looking forward to meeting her.” “I’ll see you girls soon.”

Jimmy pulled up at the club, just as he turned the engine off the passenger door opened and Shaun got in. “Fuck me mate, who did you upset?” said Jimmy looking at the black eye and facial bruises the Irishman was sporting, “Do you want to go in, we can have a drink.” “No Jimmy, I would prefer it if we talked out here, if Nick finds out I’m even talking to you, he’ll have my fucking tongue cut out.” “I appreciate this Shaun; this thing with Nick is getting out of hand and as lovely as she is I can’t believe this is all about Maria.” “Aye you’re right, Nick’s in over his head if you ask me.” “How so?” “That photo stirred up a fucking big hornet’s nest Jimmy!” “So someone sent him a photo, so what?” “Don’t play dumb with me; you know exactly what fucking photo I’m talking about.” “Ok Shaun, let’s just say I do, so what?” “So what Jimmy? The fucking Russians, that’s fucking what!” “What fucking Russians?” “The same fucking Russians that torture and murder people, the fucking Russians that Maurice introduced Nick to about three years ago. It was because of Nick doing business with them that Nick and Maurice fell out.” “I think you ought to tell me what you know Shaun.” “All I know is after he got that photo Nick told me to go and frighten the priest, find out what he knew. I told him I couldn’t do that, as dodgy as the fucking priest is I couldn’t hurt him, not in the church. It put me in hot water with Nick, that’s how I got this black eye, but shit happens. Anyway he sent Reggie and Terry, they roughed the priest up, but he didn’t tell them much. Next thing we know, four fucking big Russian bastards turn up at Nick’s club and start throwing their weight about. There was lots of shouting and threats, something about that photo. It was the Russians who did the priest and Maurice; I tell you Nick is scared.” “Who is the Russian?” “Not sure, only seen him a couple of times, think they call him Yory or some fucking Russian name. One thing’s for sure, I didn’t like him the first time I met him when he was friendly, and I sure as hell didn’t like him this fucking time.” “I think he’s Uri Karpov, from what we know he’s a ruthless bastard; his name came up the other day. If Nick’s working with him then I think you’re right Shaun, he’s in over his head. Where’s he gone?” “I don’t know, I ran him to the airport, but he didn’t say much, talked on the phone most of the way; heard him say, ‘well the fucking nigger won’t be taking any more photos.’” “And you don’t know who it was he was talking to?” “No Jim, he made a couple of calls. I do know that one of them was to some upper class bloke though.” “What makes you say that?” “I heard the bloke say ‘this needs to be sorted, I can’t afford to be associated with them;’ he had a posh English accent.” “When is Nick coming back?” “Not sure, he said he’d be gone a few days.” “Let me see what I can find out Shaun.” “Be careful Jimmy, those Russians are bad bastards.” “I’ll get back to you mate.” Shaun got out of the car and walked off.

Jimmy went into the club; he looked round to see who was there. Jacky Boy was sorting out the bar when he spotted Jimmy and said, “That thing you wanted, are you taking it now?” Jimmy looked confused. “You know that package from the church?” Realising he was talking about Maria’s notepad; Jimmy walked towards him and said, “Cheers Jacky Boy, any problems finding it?” “No, sweet as a nut, even my dear old mum didn’t see me.” He handed him the notepad. “Nice work Jacky
Boy, there’ll be a nice little bonus for you.” “Cheers Jimmy.” “Pour us a drink.” They sat and chatted about the club before Jimmy left.

Driving home he tried to call Mickey, but his phone was switched off.
Arriving at Gladys’s first, when her husband Arthur opened the door, Jimmy smiled and said, “Alright Arthur, are the girls about or have they talked themselves to death?” Laughing the elderly man replied, “Come in Jimmy, it’s nice to see you. The girls are in the lounge, have you got time for a cuppa?” “Not really Arthur.” Noticing a look of disappointment on the old boy’s face and remembering that he’d had to put up with the girls talking, he said, “All right then Arthur, just a quick one.” He followed him into the kitchen where Arthur made the tea before he joked and said, “She’s a good looking girl that Maria, if I was twenty years younger I’d give that ex- boyfriend of hers a run for his money.” Jimmy laughed and said, “Twenty years Arthur? You dirty old bugger you’d still be old enough to be her granddad!” They both laughed. “If you want my advice Jimmy, you’ll get in there before someone else has a chance.” Winking at the old boy, he grinned and replied, “Don’t worry, I intend to.”

Gladys appeared. “Hello Jimmy love; Arthur is the kettle on?” “Course,” replied her husband dutifully. “Maria’s in the lounge love come through;” said Gladys, “Arthur will bring the tea in, won’t you love?” The old boy smiled and nodded.

The four friends drank their tea then Jimmy said, “Sorry babe but we’ve got to make a move. I’ve got things to do.” “It’s been good to see you,” said Arthur. “You too mate; are you and the family free one evening?” “Every evening, apart from my bingo night,” piped Gladys, “Why?” “I thought you and the family might like to go down to the restaurant one night for a meal, on me and Mickey of course.” “Oh that would be lovely,” beamed Gladys, “how about next Thursday? I don’t think any of the family do anything that night.” “Thursday it is then Gladys, I’ll let the restaurant know.” “Thanks Jimmy,” said Arthur. “Welcome mate, now we really must go.”

Driving back Maria said, “That was a nice gesture to send them to the restaurant.” “They’re the salt of the earth Arthur and Gladys; it’s the least I could do. Talking of food, I’m starving; shall we grab something on the way back?” “Can we have fish and chips?” “Fuck me babe, you actually made your mind up about something! Now are you sure you don’t want me to pick something for you,” he said jokingly. “Very funny, fish and chips just happen to be my favourite,” said Maria.

Thirty minutes later they were back at the apartment tucking into their fish and chips. “Shall we open a bottle of wine babe,” said Jimmy. She nodded in approval.

Pouring the wine he said, “Oh I almost forgot, we’ve got your notebook.” “Where is it?” “Right here in my pocket
.” Taking it out, he opened it and flipped through the pages. “Do you remember any conversations Nick had with any Russians?” “Yes I think so, I would have written them down; why?” “I’ll explain later when Mickey’s here.” “Is he coming round tonight?” “Not sure babe his phone’s off, although if I know him he’ll be in touch. Don’t worry about it; eat your fish and chips.”

They sat and talked about her time at St Augustus and Nick’s; with her going into more detail about the way he had treated her. Jimmy was horrified when she said, “Sometimes he brought other women home, he would make me watch while he made love to them; he did it deliberately to upset me.” “Did it upset you then?” “Yes, but not because he had other women, but because he treated them well, doing things with them he never did with me, he didn’t hit them or tie them up; he was loving and affectionate. In front of the women he would mock me and say things like, ‘the woman deserved to be loved and to get such pleasure from him.” Jimmy could see that she was tearful as she tal
ked, but he asked her to go on. With the tears beginning to trickle down her cheeks she continued, “Once I asked him why he did it; he said that they were real women and I was nothing but a dirty whore, who didn’t deserve to know such pleasure, then he raped and beat me until I lost consciousness. Perhaps he was right and I didn’t deserve anything good, because God had seen the things I’d let him do to me. Maybe in the eyes of God I am no better than a whore.”  Clutching her hand he said, “It’s not about God babe, you couldn’t be less like a whore if you tried and you do deserve pleasure, it’s about Nick being a sadistic pig. He needed to make you feel bad so he felt empowered; he’s just a sick twisted bastard!”

They talked for hours. For the first time she seemed happy to confide in him. They would have continued, if at eight o’clock his phone hadn’t rung. After checking the ID he answered it and said, “Hi Mickey everything alright mate? I was worried I couldn’t get hold of you.” “Everything’s fine; I just needed to sort a few things out.” “I spoke to Shaun earlier Mick; I need to speak to you about that.” “Can it wait till the morning Jimmy? I’ve been running about like a blue arsed fly, thought I’d have a few drinks with Monica and then shag the fucking arse off her; apparently shagging is good for stress?” Laughing Jimmy replied, “I’ve heard that too. I’ll see you in the morning. Oh one thing before you go, Jacky Boy delivered that package today.” “Great, we’ll talk about it tomorrow.”
Waiting until he’d closed his phone she said, “Is Mickey alright?” “Yeah he’s fine; although I’m not so sure about Monica.” Looking worried she quickly asked, “Has something happened to her?” “No, but it’s going to, he’s just told me he’s going to shag the arse off her tonight, poor cow she won’t know what’s hit her!” “Oh Jimmy that’s terrible, I hope you won’t say that about me.” “Depends babe; for all I know you might say it about me, who knows when it does happen you may want to shag the arse off me!” “Jimmy you’re terrible, but there’s only one way to find out; perhaps we should have an early night?” “Are you sure you’re up for it, remember what the doc said?” “I’m fine Jimmy; shall I run us a bath?” “You go ahead babe, I need to make a few calls and I want to have a look at your notepad.”

Watching her as she headed for the bathroom he thought about having her, his pulse was racing, he‘d dreamt about this night since he’d first laid eyes on her. Thinking to himself, this was the night that she would know what it felt like to have pleasure. Trying to put her out of his mind he browsed through her notepad, recognising several names; the name Quinton was there several times, but no matter how hard he tried to concentrate, he couldn’t get the thought of having her out of his head; even her notebook had failed to distract him for more than a few minutes at a time.
From where he sat, he could see her in the bath; her beautiful dark hair swept up on her head in an attempt to keep it dry. Watching her, he fantasised about having her that very night and everything he wanted to do to her. Things she had been made to watch Nick do with other women, yet never been allowed to experience herself. Feeling aroused just thinking of her, he called out, “How long are you going to be babe?” “I’m getting out now.” Knowing he was only moments away from having her, his stomach churned. Barely believing that any woman would have such an effect on him, he switched off his phone. There would be no interruptions that night.

Taking himself off into the kitchen while he waited for her, he poured two fresh glasses of wine, walking back towards the lounge with them just as she appeared. Standing in his robe, with her hair swept up, she took his breath away.
Placing the wine glasses down on the table, he pulled her to him and kissed her passionately and then removed the ribbon that held her hair, it fell down around her, gently moving it off her shoulders he kissed her neck. Then undoing the belt, he slid the robe over her shoulders and it fell to the floor. Standing naked in front of him he could see she was trembling, her beautiful body still showed the bites and bruises, although they were now barely visible. They kissed as she undid his shirt buttons and then removed it, before moving her hands down towards his trousers. Stopping her he placed his hand on hers and whispered, “Tonight is your night babe.” Then scooping her naked body up into his arms and carried her through to the bedroom.  Laying her gently on the bed, her hair cascaded around her. Her perfect firm breasts moved up and down in time with her heavy breathing. Quickly removing his trousers, he laid next to her. Placing his leg over her he kissed her passionately for several minutes, then moving slowly down her body he began kissing her breasts and sucking her nipples. She caressed his head and shoulders as he slowly moved further down her body, rolling his tongue seductively over her belly button. Responding to every touch and kiss her body writhed in motion with his as he moved his body slowly over her, until he was lying between her legs. Kissing her thighs he could sense she was nervous; this was something new to her. Holding his head she said, “Jimmy don’t.” Hearing the apprehension in her voice, he reassured her by saying, “Sshh babe its ok.” Desperately she tried to relax; but her legs wanted to close, even though her body wanted him to continue. Many times she had been made to watch Nick doing this to other women, but never to her. Laying there her body trembling with anticipation, she felt his fingers touching her, now her entire body was desperate for him. Unable to remain silent, she gasped as he flicked his tongue over her. Suddenly her body jerked; a sensation she had never known before rushed through her body. “Oh God, Jimmy, stop!” Knowing she was experiencing orgasm he ignored her and continued to pleasure her. Pressing harder with his tongue, he could feel her body arching with every movement. Gripping his head tightly now, pushing him harder onto her; unable to control herself, her body jerking and writhing as she cried out his name.

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