Jimmy's Game (Ruthless) (20 page)

BOOK: Jimmy's Game (Ruthless)
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When she emerged he was there to hug her. Taking her back to the lounge, he looked at Mickey and said, “Probably be a good idea to watch the rest at your place.” Mickey nodded and replied, “I’ll record a couple of copies, along with some copies of the photos.” Then looking at her he said, “Are you alright babe?” Although crying and trembling she nodded her head. “Shall I make us all a drink?” “Yeah Mick, make it something a bit stronger than tea; she looks like she could do with one.”
Jimmy took the glass of scotch from Mickey and passed it to her as he sat down next to her on the sofa. The moment she sipped it she coughed and grimaced, before handing it back to him. Then she looked at Mickey and said, “Will that disc be enough to send Nick to prison?” “Possibly babe, trouble is people like Nick can afford to hire the best barristers, so it’s unlikely the disc alone will be enough, it would only prove he had sex with a minor. The fact that she was dead at the time would be hard to prove; he could simply say she was unconscious.” “I want him to pay for what he did to Melanie.” “Oh rest assured babe he’s going to, as the saying goes, there’s more than one way to skin a cat.” “I hope so.” In an effort to change the subject he said, “So what culinary delights are you doing for dinner?” “Fish, if that’s ok with you?” “I love fish, don’t tell me anymore just surprise me.” “Ok, I’ll go and start it now,” she said with a sad look. Just as she stood up to leave Jimmy pulled her down onto his lap and hugging her said, “Remember to cook plenty; I need to keep my strength up.” Blushing she knew he was referring to them having sex again.

With her in the kitchen preparing the meal the two men continued to talk. Also in the deposit box was a wad of money. Mickey counted it; there was over three hundred grand. They decided it would be best if he put it in his safe for the time being, along with the other items. Although they would need to tell Tony what they had found, he suggested waiting a few days.

Mickey had just finished packing away the contents, when Maria came in and said “Dinner’s ready.” They both noticed how quiet she was throughout the meal, even though the two men complemented her several times on the dish.

An hour later Mickey said, “I’m going to push off now. Thank you for a wonderful dinner Maria.” “You’re welcome.”  Jimmy interrupted and said, “Will you be okay carrying Maurice’s valuables?” “Yeah no one knows I have them, I’ll be fine.” “Give us a bell later Mickey, let us know you’re ok.” “Sure thing, catch you both later.”

Alone in the apartment they sat together on the sofa, Jimmy said, “I’m really sorry about your friend Melanie babe.” “Nick used to do the same things to me, putting a pillow over my head was one of his favourites.” “Can I ask you something babe?” “Yes.” “Did he ever make you do things with other men?” “No he never let anyone else touch me, I don’t understand why, especially having seen that disc.” “That’s because he thought he owned you, he only wanted you for himself; he’s a sick, twisted fucker who deserves a bullet to the head!” Tears were streaming down her face as she replied, “What’s going to happen to us Jimmy?” Kissing her cheek and holding her tight he replied, “We’re going to be just fine babe; you just wait and see.” “I want to believe you, but I know Nick; he will kill me if he cannot have me.” “Then we’ll just have to kill him first, won’t we?” “He will never let us be together Jimmy, he’s evil.” “But we are together babe and we’ll stay together, I promise.”

Later as arranged, Mickey phoned and said, “Everything is safely put away. I’ve looked at the court lists for tomorrow and it just so happens our friend Quinton the QC, is not in court until the afternoon. I thought we could take our snapshots round to show him in the morning, shall I pick you up about ten?” “Sounds good to me; I’ll get Gladys to come early to stay with Maria.” “See you at ten then.” Mickey hung up. They talked about Nick and Melanie until they went to bed, where they spent several hours making love. The remainder of the night was spent just holding each other.
It was the early hours of the morning before she eventually fell asleep.



It was just before quarter to ten when Gladys arrived. “Morning Gladys,” said Jimmy, “thanks for coming round early. I’ve got to go out this morning and I didn’t want to leave her by herself.” “My pleasure love, I enjoy our chats.” Maria entered the hallway and said, “Hello Gladys. I think that’s Mickey’s car horn Jimmy.”  “See you later girls, behave yourselves don’t get up to anything while we’re gone!” “Cheeky devil,” said Gladys as he left.

They drove for thirty minutes before turning off the road onto a private estate, which led them up a long narrow driveway to a manor house.

Walking from the car to the manor house door, Mickey said, “Let me do the talking Jimmy,” as he rang the
doorbell. A maid answered, Mickey smiled and said, “Good morning, would it be possible to speak to Quinton please?” “I’m sorry sir; Mr Randal-Scott is taking a swim and does not want to be disturbed.” From the doorway they heard the QCs wife call out to the maid, “Who is it Louise?” Before she could answer, Mickey poked his head round the door and said, “It’s me Cynthia, Michael Mann, we met last year at Hugo’s retirement party, remember?” Recognising him, she replied, “Oh yes do come in Michael.” Totally the professional he replied, “Thank you Cynthia, allow me to introduce you to my colleague, James Dixon.” Jimmy shook hands with her as Mickey continued, “I must apologise for any inconvenience, I should have phoned first.” She smiled a false smile and replied, “Yes you should have Michael, but now you’re here I expect Quincy will see you. Wait there, I won’t keep you a minute.”

She disappeared for a few moments before returning and taking them into the drawing room. “There you are take a seat, Quincy will be along any moment. Now can I offer you gentlemen any refreshments?” “No we’re fine thank you Cynthia.” “Can I assume you’ve come to speak with Quincy on a legal matter?” “Yes you can Cynthia, after all he is the best,” said Mickey patronisingly trying to flatter her. “Well I would have to agree with you there Michael, he’s got such a legal brain; I doubt there’s anything about the law he doesn’t know.” “I’m sure you’re right Cynthia.”

Quinton entered the room, his hair still wet from his swim. “What are you right about dear?” he asked. “I was just telling young Michael and his colleague James, there’s nothing about the law you don’t know.” “Really dear I’m sure even I don’t know everything,” he replied to his wife before turning to Mickey and saying, “Now how can I help you Michael?” “It’s a bit sensitive Quinton; my colleague here is working on a very sensitive case and he asked for my advice. Naturally, when I read the file I said there’s only one man who can give you the best advice concerning such a dreadful case and that man is you Quinton.” His wife interrupted, “There you are Quincy didn’t I just say that?” “You did dear, now if you wouldn’t mind leaving us alone?” “Oh of course dear, if you need anything just call.” “Thank you dear.”  Finally she left the room.

With a look of curiosity the QC said, “What’s the case about Michael?” “Paedophiles, sick perverts, sex trafficking; you name it this case has it all. The reason we’ve come to ask your advice is because some photographs have come into my colleague’s possession.” “What type of photographs?” “Lewd photos Quinton, some of men raping and buggering young boys and girls. We just need to know if they can be used as evidence in court. They’re quite sickening; there are some real animals out there.” “Oh I know, thank God I have the power to send these vile creatures away for a long time.” Jimmy clenched his fist; he so wanted to beat the pervert sitting in front
of him to a pulp. “Would you care to see the photos Quinton; give you a clearer picture of the animals we’re dealing with?” “Yes Michael, I think that would be a good idea.” He handed him four copies of the originals, they were all of Quinton abusing young boys. Immediately the QC’s manner changed as he said, “I demand to know where you got these!” Before Mickey could reply Jimmy said sarcastically, “Does your wife know you like to fuck and torture little boys Quincy?” The QC ignored the question and said, “I demand to know how you came by these photos, and more importantly what do you intended to do with them?” Mickey looked deadly serious as he replied, “Well that’s up to you Quinton, we need you to identify some other men for us. If you don’t we will be sending these photos to every nick and every newspaper in London, oh and I’m pretty sure dear old Cynthia will want a set to!” “That’s blackmail, I won’t stand for it!” “Your choice Quinton,” said Mickey, as he called out, “Cynthia.” Panic stricken the QC said “Ok anything!” Moments later she appeared in the room and looking at her husband said, “Did you call me dear?” “Actually it was me,” said Mickey, “Could I have a glass of water please Cynthia?” “Of course, I’ll get Louise to bring you one in; anything else?” “No thank you sorry to be a nuisance.”

Waiting until she left the room, he looked at the QC and said, “What’s it to be then Quincy?” With a condescending look he replied, “Well it wouldn’t appear I have any choice, would it? Show me the photos.” Jimmy passed him a photo of two men raping a young girl. The QC studied it, stopping momentarily when the maid came in with the glass of water for Mickey.
After she left the QC said, “I don’t know the man on the right; I’ve never seen him before. The other one I met once at a private party.” Jimmy interrupted, “Would that be the type of party where animals like yourself torture and dick little boys?” The QC didn’t answer. “So who is he?” asked Mickey. “All I know is he’s a Russian diplomat; I think his name is Mikhel.” “Where does he live?” “I really wouldn’t have any idea.” Mickey passed him the next photo; it was of an old man dressed in bondage gear, holding a whip. A terrified young boy of about ten was cowering on the floor. Mickey watched him looking at it and said, “What’s the matter Quinton is it giving you a hard on?” Ignoring his remarks he replied, “I don’t know him.” “You’re a fucking liar Quinton; he’s into the same perverted sick stuff as you. We know you know him, so you’d better talk!” The QC looked intimidated as Jimmy glared at him and cracked his knuckles in the palm of his hand.

After several seconds of silence the QC finally said, “I can’t, if he finds out I’ve said anything to you he’ll kill me.” Jimmy sarcastically replied, “I can understand that, I’ve only just met you and I want to fucking kill you!” “Just tell us who he is Quinton,” said Mickey. Trembling slightly and looking afraid the QC said, “He’s an MP, very high up in the government, he’s a very powerful man; more powerful than either of you can begin to imagine.” “So he’s an MP, what’s his name Quinton and don’t make me ask you again!” Now physically shaking the QC nervously replied, “Aubrey Morton- Smyth.” “And where might we find Aubrey Morton-Smyth?” “Why do you want to know,” asked the frightened man. “Let’s just say sometime in the future, some friends of ours may want to pay him a visit.” Jimmy interrupted in a tone which was an order rather than a request and arrogantly said, “Just write down his address and the address of the house where the orgies take place and make it quick, my patience is just about to run out! You’ve got about thirty seconds before I beat you to death, you disgusting pig!”  “Oh God, this is a nightmare!” said Quinton.

Knowing what Jimmy said had frightened the QC, Mickey said, “Finally Quinton, who sets up these disgusting meetings?” “Francis O’Brien.” “You mean the priest?”  “Yes.” “Well, I’ve got some bad news Quincy, he won’t be arranging anymore; he died last night.” The QC went very pale and said, “What happened to him?” Smugly Mickey replied, “Let’s just say there are people out there who don’t like others talking about them, and I suppose you could say Father O’Brien had a big mouth, so remember to keep yours fucking shut; you can’t even trust your friends. Now it’s time for us to go Quinton, I’ve enjoyed our little chat.” Picking up the photos from the desk, Mickey looked at him and added, “Don’t go too far, we may need to speak to you again. Don’t get up we’ll see ourselves out.” The QC remained seated.

As they emerged into the hall, Cynthia appeared and said, “Oh are you leaving Michael?” “Yes Cynthia, Quinton’s not feeling too well and I feel a trifle upset about it.” “Oh why’s that?” “It’s this terrible case my colleague is handling, Quinton was extremely helpful but we had to show him some photographs. Unfortunately they were very sickening; I think they turned his stomach. I just hope they haven’t affected him too badly.” “Oh I’m sure he’ll be fine Michael, he’s used to that type of thing.” “Yes I’m sure he sees a lot of it. Take care, it’s been lo
vely to see you again Cynthia.” The two friends grinned at one another as they said their goodbyes then left.

Talking as they drove home, Jimmy said, “I think Shaun was right about Nick being in over his head.  How long do you think it will be before the issue of Maria comes up again?” “Not long that’s for sure. I really like her Jimmy and for what it’s worth I think you make a great couple.” “Let’s just hope Nick thinks the same!” “We’ll worry about him when the time comes.” “Whatever happens Mick she’s not going back!” “I know that, she seems really comfortable with you and what a bonus that she can cook.” “Yeah, nowadays most women can’t even boil a fucking egg!” “Tell me about it, Monica’s one of them!” They both laughed especially when Jimmy said, “Ah yes, but according to you she has other talents.” “You’re not wrong there Jimmy.” Jimmy’s phone rang, checking the ID he answered it and said, “Alright Jacky Boy, what’s up?” “Think you’d better come to the club Jimmy.” Before he could ask him why, Jacky Boy hung up. “What did he want?” asked Mickey. “He didn’t say, but something’s up he sounded scared; he put the phone down on me.” “We can be there in fifteen minutes. Give Shane and Billy a bell, tell them to meet us there but
to wait in the car park, it could be a set up.”

Pulling up at Dixie’s they noticed a black people carrier with tinted black windows and new plates. Making a note of the registration Mickey asked Jimmy if he had seen it before. Jimmy shook his head. Reaching into the door side panels, Mickey took out a small baseball type club, while Jimmy took out a rubber truncheon from his side of the car. They hid them inside their jackets.

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