Jimmy's Game (Ruthless) (17 page)

BOOK: Jimmy's Game (Ruthless)
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They all looked over at Maurice’s body. “Well someone’s taken it off now,” said Jimmy. “What’s that?” asked Mickey as he pointed to something lying on the floor in the blood. Taking a pen from his pocket, he hooked it through the object to raise it. “That’s it,” said Tony, “looks like it came off in the struggle.”
Wiping it with a handkerchief, Mickey undid the locket; there was a small key inside. “Bingo,” said Mickey. “Now all we need is to find a way to get to that safety deposit box,” said Tony. “Leave it with me I’ve got a few contacts.”  Hudson looked a bit concerned as he said, “No offence but I don’t know if I’m happy about Mickey handling it.” They took it that he was implying he didn’t trust him, but they all knew it was because the box, in theory, could be worth a small fortune. Tony was the first to say, “Let me assure you, Mickey is one hundred per cent kosher and probably the only one who can do it.” “If you think that Tony then it’s good enough for me,” said Hudson before looking over at Mickey and adding, “I didn’t mean anything by it; I’m just looking out for Maurice.” “No problem, I’d be the same if it was Jimmy. Now might I suggest we don’t talk to anyone about Maurice until we find out who’s responsible?” “What about Nick, perhaps he should know?” “If my instincts are right, Nick probably already knows, and it would not be in your best interests Hudson to say anything to him, or anyone else.” Tony interrupted and said, “Mickey’s right Hud and there’ll be a big opening in the firm now with the demise of Maurice; but his replacement would have to know when to keep his mouth shut.” Hudson knew exactly what he was saying; he quite fancied taking over Maurice’s action, so with a grin and said, “We were never here; first I heard of it was when the Old Bill started asking me questions.” Jimmy smiled at the others and said, “I think we may have found a replacement.” They all nodded. Mickey said, “It’s probably a good idea if we keep out of each other’s way for the next couple of days. I’ll place an anonymous call to the Old Bill. We’ll be in touch, let us leave first then wait ten minutes, just in case anyone sees us.” Leaving Tony and Hudson in the apartment the two friends left.

Back in the car they talked about Maurice, both men were confident that Nick was behind the hit.
Pulling up outside his parents’ house, Mickey grinned and said, “You go and get Maria, if mum sees me she’ll insist on us going in. You can just say we’re having a few problems down the club and I’m waiting in the car.” Jimmy smiled as he nodded.

A few moments after he rang the doorbell, Mary opened it and said, “Hello Jimmy love, where’s Mickey
?” as she embraced him and kissed him on the cheek. “He’s waiting in the car babe; sorry we can’t stop, we’ve got to pop down the club. It’s good to see you though Mary.” “And you love, you don’t visit nearly enough, I’m always saying to Mickey to bring you round for Sunday dinner. Den and I would love to see you, bring Maria with you, she’s a lovely girl.” “That’ll be lovely Mary.”

Maria appeared in the doorway. “Ready babe?” said Jimmy. “Yes.” She thanked Mary and they left.

Outside Jimmy’s apartment, Mickey declined their offer of a night cap. Heading for his car he said, “I’ll see you in the morning around eleven, I’ve got a few things to do at the office first and some calls to make.”

Once inside the apartment Jimmy said, “So how did you get with Mary then?” Smiling she replied, “Oh she was lovely; all she talked about was you two. Telling me what a lovely lad you are and that she wished you two would settle down. I got the impression she likes the fact that Mickey goes out with Monica, but she said she wants you to meet someone nice and not one of the old tarts who work in your clubs.” Raising his eyebrows he replied “Is that what she said, the cheeky old cow!” “Those were her exact words,” laughed Maria. “Well I hope you told her my days of dating old tarts are over, and that it just so happens I’ve found myself a really nice girl.” Nervously she replied, “I never mentioned us.” “Don’t look so worried babe, I was just kidding, she’ll know soon enough; once all this is over I can take you out and show you off.”
The look on her face told him she doubted they would stay together, but she smiled and said, “I haven’t been taken out anywhere for years; I’m not sure if I’d be able to.” “Course you will, you’ll be with me. Maybe the first date could be a foursome with Mickey and Monica?” “That would be nice.” Reaching over he held her hand as he said, “But we won’t be doing too many double dates, because I intend to wine and dine you alone by candlelight.” “It sounds very romantic.” “That’s because I’m just an old romantic at heart, but don’t go telling anyone; I’ve got my reputation to think of.” “I think you’re wonderful Jimmy.” “Wow steady on babe! I don’t want people referring to me as humpty dumpty!” “Why would they call you that?” she asked with a rather baffled look. “You know babe, humpty dumpty had a big head!” “Oh you’re so funny.” “Tell you one thing babe, it’s nice to see you laughing.” “You make me happy Jimmy, but it’s not going to last, is it. We both know Nick is never going to let me stay here, he’ll see me dead first and I don’t want anyone getting hurt, I’m not worth it.” “Don’t talk like that babe; I’ve told you we’ll sort it out. You’re never going back and you are worth it, so don’t let me hear you say that again; something will turn up, you’ll see.” “Can I ask you something Jimmy?” “Of course, what is it?” “When you saw Tony tonight, was it about me and Nick?” “No babe, actually it was because Maurice had met with an accident.” Genuinely concerned she replied, “Oh God was it serious?” “Well you could say that.”

He filled her in with all the gruesome details and the belief that they thought Nick had been responsible. “Do you think it was to do with the photo of Melanie?” she asked. “That’s our guess; we think Maurice was probably the one who took the original photo.” “Oh no Jimmy, you see what Nick is capable of? I really should go back, it would be better for everyone.” “Don’t even go there Maria; I’ve told you we’ll sort it out. Now come on, let’s have a drink and hit the sack.” “Ok, but will you sleep in your bed with me tonight please?” “Of course babe, but I hope you’re not trying to entice me so that you can have your wicked way with me?” Giggling she replied, “Well you won’t know until you’re in there, will you?”

Jimmy was already in bed when she came out of the en-suite. Watching her as she walked towards him, he could feel himself becoming aroused, even with her wearing his large baggy pyjamas, she still looked sexy. When she got into bed he put his arm out to hold her and felt relieved, when without hesitation she snuggled her head into his shoulder. Within minutes they were kissing passionately, when they stopped she said, “I’m sorry we can’t make love properly.” Kissing her tenderly he joked and replied, “I don’t mind waiting babe, it’s nice just having you here with me.” Despite what he’d said he was desperate to have her.

Slowly she made her way down his body, kissing him and touching him, he could barely stand the suspense and was secretly hoping that she would take him in her mouth rather than doing him by hand. A few minutes later she was sucking him, with his body responding to every movement of her mouth it wasn’t long before he was
coming.Lying back down next to him she said, “Did you enjoy it?” Before he had time to answer she added, “Did I do it properly?” Shocked by her question he replied, “Yes, but I would have thought that was obvious, why did you ask?” Feeling her shake her head on his chest it was several seconds before she replied, “It doesn’t matter I’m just glad you enjoyed it.” Lifting her head with his hand he looked at her and said, “Tell me babe why you asked me?” With her eyes filling with tears she looked embarrassed as she softly replied, “Until I lived with Nick I didn’t know people actually did things like that. I felt sick when he forced me to do it. I never enjoyed it with him and he always told me I was useless at it, before he gave me a beating. One day he almost choked me, but said if I bit him he would kill me. I always hated it, but I couldn’t understand that if I was so bad at it why did he make me do it all the time?” “The way you do it is wonderful babe. Nick knew that, but being the arsehole he is he could never tell you.” “I really want you to enjoy it Jimmy, so I would rather you were honest with me.” “I am being honest, not wishing to put too finer point on it babe, I’ve had enough in my time to know when it’s good and when it’s not, and believe me I’ve got no complaints. On a scale of one to ten you’re definitely a twenty, but I do feel a bit guilty because I can’t repay the compliment. When you’re healed I’ll make it up to you, I promise.” In her naivety she thought he was referring to intercourse. Kissing him she said, “I’ve enjoyed everything I’ve done with you. Hopefully it won’t be long before I can please you properly.” “You already do babe, anyway it’s not just about pleasing me, so stop worrying about it.” Then jokingly he added, “Although feel free to do whatever you like to me, I won’t object!” Pinching his thigh she giggled and replied, “We should get some sleep.”



The morning came all too quickly for Jimmy; feeling the empty bed next to him, he dragged his feet into the kitchen. “Good morning how are you today,” beamed Maria as he entered. “What’s the time?” he asked. “Quarter past eight.” “Fuck me, no wonder I feel like I’ve been dug up; I’ve only had about four hours’ kip!” “That’s why I left you in bed, I was going to bring you breakfast about ten.” “Sounds great to me, I’ll go back then shall I?” jokingly she replied, “You’re a real lightweight!” Then she kissed him on the cheek and added, “Now back to bed!” “Thanks babe you’re a diamond.”

Just over an hour later she was knocking on the bedroom door, calling out to him, “Mickey’s here.” “Ok babe, tell him I’ll be out in a minute.”

Back in the kitchen with Mickey she said, “He won’t be a minute Mickey, would you like a drink?” “A cup of tea would be great, thanks babe. Sorry I’m early; I didn’t expect to get here for another hour, but while we’re waiting have you thought of anything else that might be useful?” “Well there was something, but I’m not sure if it’s any use.” “You’d be surprised,” replied Mickey with a grin. “I remembered it yesterday; the man who picked Kate had an accent.” “That’s interesting babe, was he black or white?” “White.” “Do you know what the accent was?” “I think it was something like German.” “Could it have been Russian?” “I suppose so, maybe, I’m not sure.” “Not sure about what?” asked Jimmy as he entered the room? “Morning,” said Mickey, “Maria was just saying that one of the buyers at the church may have been Russian.” “That’s interesting.” Jimmy’s phone rang. “Fuck me, where’s me phone?” “Sounds like it’s coming from over there,” said Maria, pointing towards the table where his jacket was hanging over the back of a chair.

Taking his mobile from his jacket pocket and looking at the caller ID he said, “Its Nick.” answering the call he said arrogantly, “Yeah what do you want Nick?” “This could be your lucky day Jimmy.” “Why’s that then?” “I’ve had to go away on business again for a few days, but I didn’t want you thinking I’d gone soft; I’m having her back!” “Like I said before Nick, she’s not for sale!” “And like I said before Jimmy, everything has a price. Let me put it another way; if I don’t get her back I’ll have to replace her.” “Fine you fucking do that!” “Oh I intend to, matter of fact I’ve already got my eye on someone else, actually you know her she’s a good piece of arse young and fresh, just how I like them.” Feeling his temper rising Jimmy snapped and shouted down the phone, “How the fuck would I know her, I don’t fuck little girls!” Mickey and Maria had sat silently listening until then, but realising something was being said that involved young girls Mickey looked at Jimmy and held his hand out to take the phone, but Jimmy frowned and shook his head. There was a brief pause then Nick said, “Name of Charlie; apparently she loves her Uncle Jimmy.” Instantly Jimmy lost his temper, the others watched as his tone and body language changed to aggressive as he shouted down the phone, “You fucking sick twisted bastard! You so much as fucking look at her and I swear I’ll fucking kill you!” Mickey interrupted and said, “What’s going on Jimmy?” Ignoring him Jimmy continued his conversation with Nick. Aware that he had hit a nerve, Nick smugly said “I take it that was Mickey’s voice, put him on the phone.” Jimmy passed him the phone, not having heard Nick’s side of the conversation Mickey said, “What the fuck’s going on Nick?” “Your friend can tell you in a minute; are you all set for the job later? I don’t want any mistakes.” “We told you the job’s off; you had better let Martin and the buyers know.” Raising his voice Nick shouted, “I fucking warned you Mickey don’t piss me about!” “It’s a fucking set up; the Old Bill is going to be waiting for us.” There was a deathly silence before Nick said, “It’s probably nothing; just another firm trying to muscle in.” “No it’s for real; I can vouch for my source. Whatever you think, we’re not doing it! If you’re that sure it’s safe, get a couple of your boys to handle it, or do it your fucking self, but we’re out!” “I’ll call it off, but if you’re winding me up Mickey!” “No wind up its kosher.” With that Nick hung up. “What the fuck is going on Jimmy? Who were you talking about,” said Mickey. When he told him what had been said; Mickey went ballistic! “I’d fucking kill him myself if he so much as looked at Charlie, you know that Mick,” said Jimmy.” Maria started to cry. “Don’t worry, he won’t get anywhere near her,” said Mickey. Maria interrupted and tearfully said, “It’s no use, I must go back; it’s not about me anymore is it? He’s hurting innocent people; I can’t allow that.” For the first time Jimmy seemed to lose his temper with her as he shouted, “For fuck’s sake Maria I don’t want to hear this again! You are not fucking going back, do you understand?” Looking afraid she nodded her head. With Maria now trembling Mickey tried to ease the situation and said, “Calm down Jimmy, it’s not her fault, it’s Nick’s, he’s just a mother fucker! He’s trying to get to you through me, well it won’t fucking work! The only reason he said about Charlie was to fucking test me and you. I don’t know what his fucking game is, but rest assured I will find out!” Looking at her Jimmy said, “Sorry babe I didn’t mean to have a go at you, it’s just you seem to think if you go back everything will be okay, but like I keep telling you, it won’t. Nick’s gone too fucking far this time, he’s crossed the line. If he wants a war we’ll fucking give him one!” Then he looked at Mickey and said, “What are we going to do about Charlie? We can’t take the chance he’s bluffing.” “Don’t worry I’ll sort that out; he’ll never get near her. I’ll see him dead first!” For the first time Maria saw another side to both men. When Charlie had been brought into it, she saw a look of pure hatred in their eyes; it was the kind of look that told her they were both capable of murder.

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