Jimmy's Game (Ruthless) (23 page)

BOOK: Jimmy's Game (Ruthless)
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When Kevin had gone to look for him, he’d had found him at the rear of the manor lying on the ground, picking him up he’d carried him back to the house. Shaun was already halfway down the stairs carrying Maria, turning; he passed her to Jimmy who was right behind him. Shaun rushed to help Jacky; he could see his shirt was soaked in blood. Kevin was kneeling down next to him putting pressure on the wound with a table cloth he’d grabbed from a hall table. Shaun knelt down and slowly lifted the cloth off. Looking worried he said, “He’s lost a lot of blood; looks like a knife through the guts. Keep up with the pressure Kev.” Jacky Boy was unconscious, drenched in blood and failing fast. Shaun knew he needed to get him and Maria to hospital quickly or they would both die.

At that moment, Shane pulled up in the Range Rover. With not a minute to spare, they got in and sped quickly away. From the car Billy called Doc Daniels to tell him they were on their way to the hospital and for him to meet them there.

Jimmy and the others waited until they were out of sight before going back inside the manor. His two friends kept telling Jimmy that Shaun would get there on time and that she would make it. Taking little comfort from their words he said, “I should have gone with her, but I’ve got to find Nick before the fucker gets away! I swear that bastard is going down tonight!”

The three of them made their way back up the stairs. The MP, still bound and gagged heard them coming, terrified he began rocking the chair and mumbling. Entering the room they made their way over to the terrified man, Ton
y spat at him as he approached. Jimmy asked Mickey for one of the photos of the MP in his bondage gear. Mickey took one from his pocket and past it to him.

Standing in front of the terrified MP, Jimmy held the photo up in front of him and said, “This gear you’re wearing, where is it?” The MP shook his head and mumbled something, which indicated that he wasn’t going to cooperate. Jimmy punched him full pelt in the face; blood gushed from his nose. Now having the MPs full attention Jimmy said aggressively, “I’ll ask you again fuck head! Is this gear in the house?” The terrified man nodded. “Where, up here?” Flicking his head in the direction of a large walk in closet the MP was cooperating; his air of earlier defiance was no longer evident.

Tony walked over to check out the closet. “Fuck me,” he said as he opened it, “You two might want to see this.” Walking over to investigate what he was looking at, both men stopped dead in their tracks as they looked inside. “Fucking hell,” said Mickey, “it’s like a fucking torture chamber in there!” It was full of adult costumes, ranging from Nazi SS uniforms to schoolboy clothes; there was even a priest’s robe. The other side of the closet held all types of depraved torture implements, which included nipple piercers, whips and vibrators with metal pins protruding from them.

Looking over at the MP Jimmy said, “Quite a selection you have here Aubrey; do you use these things on little boys?” Shaking and mumbling the MP shook his head. “Oh please don’t try and deny it you fucking sick bastard,” said Jimmy arrogantly. “We have a feature length film of you abusing young boys, you fucking disgusting pig!” The MP began to cry. “Oh look the poor old fucker’s scared,” said Jimmy before looking at his friends and adding, “So he fucking should be! Pick something out for Aubrey to wear Tony.” “I’ve seen just the gear for him
.” Reaching into the closet Tony pulled out a biker’s full leather get up. “Yes, a very good choice,” said Jimmy as he began to untie the MP. When he finished he took out his gun and aimed it at the terrified man and said arrogantly, “If you make one fucking move, I’ll blow your bollocks off!” Shaking with fear the terrified man pulled the gag out of his mouth and replied, “Please I’m begging you, let me go! I’m very rich, you can take whatever you want!” Jimmy just smirked at him before replying, “Shut the fuck up and strip off!” Too afraid not to he began to undress, until he was standing in just his underpants. They could all see him shaking as Jimmy said, “All of it, get those fucking pants off!”  Gingerly the MP removed his pants and stood with his hands in front of his cock. Mickey began to laugh as he stared at the naked man,   “Fuck me, don’t bother covering that Aubrey; I’ve seen bigger fucking maggots!” he said mockingly looking at the MP’s cock. His friends laughed with him.

“Chuck him that gear,” said Jimmy. When the clothes landed on the floor Jimmy said, “Put it on and fucking hurry up about it!” “Please don’t do this, I’m begging you,” pleaded the MP, but Jimmy was oblivious to his wailing as he replied;
“I fucking warned you, if you said another word I’d shoot one of your balls off!” Sarcastically he added, “Not that you’d notice if I did, from where I’m standing they look like two tiny marbles flopping about in a bag!” Everyone except the MP laughed.

After the MP had put the gear on, Tony wolf whistled him as he stood in front of them dressed in tight leather trousers, leather chest straps, biker boots and a little leather waistcoat, finishing the outfit off with a tiny leather cap. It was as much as the trio could do to contain their laughter, had the matter not been so serious they would have prolonged the MP’s
suffering. Looking at him, Jimmy said, “How old are you Aubrey?” In a shaky voice he replied, “Sixty three.” “Have you any idea how fucking ridiculous you look? Do dirty old men like you really parade around dressed like that? Does it give you a hard on, or do you do it to frighten little boys?” Mickey interrupted and said, “It’s fucking frightening me Jim,” as he burst into laughter, quickly joined by the others. “Strange thing is,” said Jimmy, “in your film Aubrey you acted all tough and macho; not quite the image you’re showing now is it! What a fucking shame I didn’t bring my video camera. Has it ever occurred to you that the young boys you fucked and tortured were probably feeling the way you are now?” Shaking badly from fear the MP nodded, as Jimmy continued, “Well let me tell you this, unless you tell us exactly what we want to know, every day for the next twenty years, you will know what it feels like to be raped and terrorised, because we’ll see to it that you go to prison. Oh I know what you’re thinking; you’re an MP who carries a lot of clout, so you could avoid prison. Under normal circumstances Aubrey you’d be right, but these are not normal circumstances are they? Fortunately we have some very sick photos and recordings of other powerful men, men who I can guarantee will have no problem sending you down, if it means us keeping quiet about them. Just out of curiosity Aubrey, have you ever had a ten inch black cock rammed up your arse?” Too traumatise to reply, he just looked at Jimmy who continued and said, “The reason I ask is, a friend of ours name of Maurice was murdered. No doubt when his many gay friends in prison find out you ordered the hit I would imagine they won’t be too happy.” Stuttering with fear the MP said, “I had nothing to do with that; it was Nick and Uri!” Patting the MP on the shoulder Jimmy smugly replied, “Well I know that and you know that, but Maurice’s friends don’t and who do you think they’ll believe, a dirty old pervert who likes to rape little boys, or me?” “What is it you want from me?” asked the terrified man. “Tell us where Nick and the Russian are?” “I swear I don’t know!” “Wrong answer Aubrey, don’t test my patience!” Jimmy looked at his friends and said, “Chuck us that whip Tony.”

Now holding the whip he lashed the MP across the face and said, “I’ll ask you again you filthy bastard!” Cowering down and screaming the MP replied, “I don’t know! I swear I don’t know!” Still crying and begging, he kept repeating he would give them whatever they want
ed if they just left him alone. Without any regard for his victim Jimmy lashed him again and said, “Anything we want we’ll just fucking take, so stop fucking grovelling!” Then he walked over to the closet and browsed over the torture implements, before picking out the nipple piercers; and walking back towards the MP. Examining the piercers in more detail he sarcastically said, “These are good, I didn’t realise the nipple rings are actually loaded into them. Looks like all I have to do is put your chosen body area in between the two edges and squeeze. So what do you fancy first Aubrey, nipple, cock, or maybe your lip, I’ll let you choose?” As he moved closer to him, the MP tried to run, but the others grabbed him, dragged him across the room and threw him onto a chair. Then with one either side of him they held him firmly as Jimmy placed the piercers over one of his nipples. Looking as though he would pass out as his nipple was pierced; the MP screamed and begged them to leave him alone. Tony punched him in the face and said, “Shut the fuck up! If you don’t tell us what we want to know things are going to get a lot worse, you fucking dirty pig!”  When his other nipple was pierced he did actually pass out. Jimmy slapped him hard round the face and said, “Don’t pass out now Aubrey, this party is just getting started!”

Jimmy told the others to stand him up. They could see his legs were like jelly, he was barely able to stand.
The others backed away when Jimmy said, “Right that’s your nipples done and I must say Aubrey piercings suit you, now get your cock out!” When he refused, Jimmy picked up the whip and lashed him several more times, ripping through the flesh on his chest. “Alright, alright!” screamed the MP, fumbling to undo the zipper on the trousers, as he said hysterically “What are you going to do?” “Isn’t that half the fun of these sex games Aubrey, the adrenalin rushes, the anticipation of not knowing?” replied Jimmy sarcastically. “Oh please God help me!” “Even God wouldn’t help you, you disgusting fuck, now shut the fuck up!” Jimmy then looked at his friends and said, “Tie him to the bed; we’re just wasting time lets finish this!” The MP kicked and screamed as they dragged him across the room, kicking and punching him several times, before securing him to the bed.

Terrified he laid there tethered, struggling frantically when Jimmy moved towards his cock and pinched some of his foreskin between the edges of the pincers. Screaming and thrashing about, he pleaded for them to stop. Coldly Jimmy said, “Shut the fuck up! How many fucking kids have you tortured? I bet they fucking begged you to stop, so I’ll show you the same degree of mercy you showed them! Anyway it probably won’t be that bad, because I don’t want to touch your fucking cock I know where it’s fucking been, so I’ll probably only nip the tip!” The others laughed until Jimmy squeezed down hard on the piercers. Screaming pitifully the MP pulled frantically at his ties. Mickey winched and said, “Fuck me that’s making my fucking eyes water, rather you than me Aubrey.” The three friends laughed.

Eventually the terrified man stopped screaming, although totally traumatised and in terrible pain he was still reluctant to tell them where the others had gone. It was then Jimmy took a large Cuban cigar and a book of matches from a box, which along with bottle of vodka were on a table just a few feet from away and said, “This is going to hurt Aubrey!” Lighting the cigar, he took several draws on it.

The MP begged and begged as Jimmy walked back towards the bed. Now completely void of any feelings or compassion; Jimmy ignored him, he wanted to hurt him and make him suffer.
The end of the cigar was glowing as he drew hard on the butt before removing it from his mouth. Then without a second thought he held it on the MP’s cock, pushing it down harder every time he screamed. The others just watched as he inflicted excruciating pain on the man. Mickey knew he wouldn’t stop until the MP told him what he wanted to know; either that or he would kill him in the process. This was the dark side; the cruel merciless side of Jimmy that concerned him.

Struggling and screaming with the pain the MP screamed, “Please God no more!” Jimmy stopped and said, “Come, come Aubrey, I’m sure you’ve done worse than this to your boys, I’m sure you must secretly be enjoying it? Just tell me where they’ve gone and I’ll stop, all this can be over.” Aubrey could barely speak; he was obviously on the verge of passing out again, so Jimmy reached over and grabbed the vodka bottle and poured it over the MPs face to keep him conscious. Screaming the MP shouted, “Please, please I’m begging you, no more please! In the name of God please!” “Like I told you, God won’t help you, but I’ll stop when you tell me what I want to know; now where have they gone?” “I can’t tell you they’ll kill me!” Jimmy drew on the cigar again, before repeating the torture.

Writhing in agony and screaming the MP said, “Oh God please no more, please stop I’m begging you!” Defiantly Jimmy kept drawing on the cigar as he said, “All the pain could stop, if you just tell me where they’ve gone.” “Alright, alright I’ll tell you!” “Now that’s better, you could have saved yourself all that suffering. Oh and before you confess Aubrey, I should tell you Tony will be staying here with you, just in case you lie to me. Once we’ve located Nick and the Russian, I’ll bell him and he’ll let you go. If we don’t find them, he’ll kill you. I’m not sure exactly how he’d do it; but let’s just hope for your sake it’s quick.” Shaking and having difficulty speaking coherently the MP said, “How do I know you’ll keep your word and let me go?” “Quite frankly you don’t, but unlike your so called friends who fucked off and left you here, my word is solid. We know you can’t go to the police; we have too much on you, so it would be in everyone’s best interests to let you live, after all there may come a time when we have a use for you. In fact a good friend of ours would like to request this country bringing back the death penalty, maybe when you’re feeling better Aubrey you could look into that for him?” The others were trying not to laugh.

Desperately wanting his torture to end, in a shaky voice the MP said, “I’ve no choice but to believe you.” “It would appear that way.” Aware he was in a no win situation the MP said, “There is a small cottage on the estate; drive along the dirt track at the rear of the property for about a mile. Just past the lake on the right the track veers off, follow it for about fifty yards and you’ll see the cottage; that’s where they are.” “Now Aubrey that wasn’t so hard was it? You could have saved yourself all that pain, there’s just one more thing I need to ask you, when those bastards were torturing and raping the girl, did you join in, or did you just watch?” Terrified he nervously replied, “I was downstairs with the others; I had nothing to do with it! It was Nick and Uri!” “Was it just Nick and Uri, what about the other Russian who was up here?” “He was only a bodyguard; I swear I’ve told you everything! Now please leave me alone!” “Did it occur to you to try and stop them Aubrey, when she was screaming and begging for her life? You must have heard her begging them?” Feeling panic flood through his body over what had just been said, the MP pitifully replied, “I couldn’t do anything, they would have killed me!”

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