Jimmy's Game (Ruthless) (27 page)

BOOK: Jimmy's Game (Ruthless)
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Alone with her Jimmy sat holding her hand and said, “Well babe, now you’ve met Father Thomas, you’ll probably find this hard to believe but I really like him. I’ve got some more good news for you; remember I told you we sent the contents of Maurice’s deposit box to Monica anonymously. Well I’m happy to tell you several high profile people have already been taken in for questioning, including Sister Marjorie. Word is a new nun has been put in charge of the girls; apparently she’s young and the girls like her. Regarding Maurice, the coroner has finally released his body; his family are flying him back to the Caribbean.” Then he joked and added, “The irony of that is, if Nick had simply shot him they would have released his body weeks ago, but because of the way he died they needed it for evidence. Not that it’s done any good, the
Old Bill haven’t got a clue who topped him.” Squeezing her hand he continued, “I miss you so much babe, I love you Maria, please come back to me.” Then he broke down in tears. It was as he laid his head on her chest, he felt her gently squeeze his hand, trying to talk through his tears, he said, “That’s it babe come back; I’m here Maria.” Lifting her hand to his mouth he kissed it several times, before calling out for a nurse. “She squeezed my hand,” he shouted out as the nurse entered the room. The nurse left to fetch a doctor. Within minutes the doctor was there checking Maria and the monitors she was connected to. Jimmy noticed that one was making a bleeping noise; he hadn’t heard it before. Taking a hypodermic needle from a pack; the doctor scratched it across the bottom of Maria’s foot and then he gently pricked it; he smiled as her foot twitched. Taking her hand he squeezed it and said, “Maria it’s Doctor Cairn, can you hear me?” Feeling her squeeze his hand, he quickly asked the nurse to pass him a dose of some drug, which he administered through the tube in her arm. With Maria lying deadly still, the Doctor looked at Jimmy and said, “Now we wait.” “Will she be all right Doc?” “It’s too early for me to make a prognosis, but I am very hopeful. I would like it if you could stay and talk to her.” Feeling real positive hope for the first time in weeks, Jimmy quickly replied, “Of course, I won’t leave her. I want to be here when she wakes up.” Doctor Cairn had a look of empathy on his face as he replied, “I have to tell you she may not wake up for hours, maybe days, or at worst not at all. What just happened may have been a false alarm.” “You’re wrong Doc, she’ll wake up; she won’t leave me; she knows how much I love her.” “I’ll call back in a couple of hours,” said the Doc before he left.

Jimmy sat clutching her hand and telling her over and over, how much he loved her. For the next nine hours he sat there, hoping against hope she would wake up. As the hours passed he began to think the doctor had been right and it was a false alarm. Feeling exhausted he felt himself nodding off several times, not because he didn’t want to be there, it was through sheer boredom.

When the shift changed, a nurse came in and introduced herself as Ronnie, when she asked him if he would like a cup of coffee; he nodded. When she returned with his drink, he was asleep; his head was on the bed still clutching Maria’s hand against his face. Ronnie placed the coffee on the bedside cabinet and then quietly checked Maria, before returning to her station.

Jimmy slept for several hours, never stirring, even when Ronnie came in and checked on her.
Rousing from what he thought was a dream after hearing someone calling his name he began to wake up. It was as he regained his senses he became aware that something was touching his face. Lifting his head from the bed, he felt Maria squeeze his hand and whisper “Jimmy.” Jumping to his feet, he shouted for the nurse. The moment Ronnie appeared, he excitedly said, “She called my name.” Then leaning over he kissed Maria on the lips.  Slowly she began to try and open her eyes. Ronnie left to fetch the doctor. The Doctor heard Maria say Jimmy’s name as they entered the room a few minutes later. Walking over to the bed the Doctor said, “Can you hear me Maria?” In a weak voice she replied, “Yes.” Jimmy could not hold back the tears when the doctor smiled at him and said, “She’s regained consciousness.”

For the next hour the room was overflowing with doctors, nurses and physiotherapists. Jimmy tried to keep out of their way. Ronnie smiled at him and said, “Why don’t you go and get some fresh air and a coffee. Maria will be fine, but the doctors need to examine her.” Jimmy liked Ronnie; she was a no- nonsense nurse, kind but firm. Not doubting her, he did what she said and left, but not before telling Maria he wouldn’t be long. She tried to smile. Ronnie said, “Give us an hour,” as he left the room.

Once outside the hospital he phoned Mickey. “Alright Jimmy what’s up?” “Nothing’s up, I’m at the hospital; Maria’s come round!” “Oh that’s great, I’m chuffed. Is she going to be ok?” “’Course she is,” replied an ever confident Jimmy. “Do you want me to come down?” asked Mickey.  “No you’re fine mate, I’ve got to go back in an hour; the doctors are examining her.” “Let me know what’s happening; is it alright if I let Shaun know?” “Yeah that’ll be great, cheers Mickey, catch you later.” Walking around outside the hospital, he thought about Maria. Glancing at his watch, he’d lost all track of time. Surprised to see it was quarter past eight in the morning. The hospital cafeteria was already full of people, so he gave up on the idea of coffee, instead he walked to St Augustus, which was a just minutes from the hospital and unlike before, he entered without hesitation.

Pleased to see that Father Thomas there making preparations for Mass he said, “Morning Thomas.” “Hello Jimmy, this is a pleasant surprise, how’s Maria?” “That’s why I’m here; she’s going to be ok. I just wanted to thank you for yesterday.” “No thanks needed; God knew she was in a dark place, but he also knew you were waiting for her.” Jimmy grinned and said, “Whatever Thomas, I just wanted you to know.” “Tell her I will call in on her later, if that’s ok?” “That would be great.” The priest noticed Jimmy dipped his fingers into the font and cross himself as he left.

Back at the hospital he was shocked as he entered her room. Some of the machines had been disconnected from her and Maria was sitting up, although supported by pillows. Still pale and looking drowsy, she smiled as he entered the room.

Ronnie was the first to speak to him as she said, “Maria is still very weak, so if she wants to sleep, you must let her.” “I will, what time does your shift finish?” Looking at her watch, she laughed and replied, “An hour ago, but I wouldn’t leave until I knew Maria was okay.” “Thanks.” “You’re welcome, although you’ve only just met me, I’ve watched over her at night for several weeks. I’m so happy for you both, but now I’m going home. See you both tomorrow”  “You’re all right Ronnie,” he said as she made her way to the door. It was his way of paying her a compliment.

Alone with Maria he said, “I knew you’d wake up.” In a quiet drowsy voice she replied, “I had a strange dream Jimmy.” “What about babe?” “I dreamt Nick was dead and you were looking for me.” Smiling as he gently stroked her hair and replied, “It wasn’t a dream babe, Nick is dead, he’ll never bother us again.” A tear trickled down her cheek. Wiping it away with his finger he said, “I love you Maria.” “I love you too,” she replied as she drifted off to sleep. Gently touching her cheek, he waited ten minutes to see if she woke again. When she didn’t he took Ronnie’s advice and went home to get some sleep, leaving her to rest. Before leaving, he wrote a note, which read, ‘Back later babe, I love you J xx.’



Over the next few days, she slowly improved, although still unable to walk on her own, the physiotherapist assured them that it would only be a short while before she was strong enough. She was eating small amounts of food, which had to be mashed to a pulp. Everywhere you looked in the room there were bouquets and baskets of flowers, two dozen white roses from Mickey took pride of place on the window sill. The card read, ‘To Delia, get well soon darling, I miss your cooking, love Mickey xxx.’ Doctor Cairn told them if she kept improving the way she was, she could probably go home in a couple of weeks. Jimmy couldn’t wait; he knew Mickey would take care of business, if need be and Gladys would be only too happy to clean and stay with her, should he need to go out.

It was twelve days later when she was finally discharged from the hospital. Jimmy made a donation of ten thousand pounds to the hospital fund. He also left a note for Ronnie, which said, she along with a guest could have an all-expenses paid weekend trip to Paris, plus a meal at any of their restaurants. Just call him to arrange it.’




After only two months of being home, Maria was almost back to her old self.  They were sat eating lunch he said, “If you feel up to it, I’d like to take you out at the weekend, especially as it’s your birthday.” Hesitantly she replied, “I would like that, but I don’t really have anything to wear.” “Hopefully that won’t be a problem.” She looked curious as he stood up and walked over to the lounge cabinet and took out a large, expensive looking gift wrapped box. Handing it to her he said, “I hope it fits. Charlie helped me choose it when she got back from America. Which reminds me, never let a fifteen old girl talk me into taking her shopping again!” She laughed at what he’d said; but accepting presents was not something that came easily to her. “Open it,” he said.  Slowly she removed the beautiful bow from the box and lifted off the lid; inside was something black. Carefully unfolding the tissue paper she lifted out the contents and began to cry. “Hey it’s not meant to upset you. If you don’t like it we can change it,” joked Jimmy. “It’s beautiful Jimmy, thank you so much.” Taking it out, she held up a stunning black evening dress. “Are you going to give me a demo then? Better make sure it fits,” said Jimmy with a grin. After carefully placing the dress back in the box she headed for the bedroom. A few minutes later she called to him to help her with the zipper. Kissing the back of her neck as he zipped her up, she turned and said, “What do you think? I’ve never owned anything this nice.” “You look absolutely stunning babe; God I’m a lucky man, but you’d better take it off, or I won’t be responsible for my actions!” Laughing she replied, “Well I’m hoping by the weekend I’ll be feeling a lot better; especially after an evening out and maybe then it’ll be me who won’t be responsible for my actions!” Pulling her closer to him he kissed her and said, “I’ve missed you babe.”

Saturday evening finally arrived; Jimmy was waiting patiently for her appear from the bedroom. Finally he called out, “Babe are you ready?” Sounding slightly panicked she replied, “Sorry, only Monica showed me how to put some make up on earlier in the week, it seemed a lot easier when she did it for me.” “You’re already beautiful, you don’t need makeup. The car’s here babe, get a move on!” “Ok I’m ready!” The bedroom door opened, “Do I look ok?” she asked nervously. Jimmy was
speechless; she literally took his breath away. “Jimmy say something, do I look alright?” Putting his arms around her and kissing her he replied, “You look absolutely beautiful, you’ll turn heads tonight.”

Outside a limousine was waiting for them. “Where are we going Jimmy?” “It’s a new restaurant, just opened tonight babe.” “Is it posh, only I’ve never eaten at a restaurant before,” she said nervously.” Grinning he replied, “It’s the best, and you’d better get used to it; because from now on you will be eating out at posh joints. Don’t worry about this place tonight though, I’ve got VIP membership.” The limo stopped after about twenty minutes. “I believe we’re here,” said Jimmy, “Give me your hand
babe.” Holding out her hand, he handed her a small box. “What is it?” she asked curiously. “Open it and you’ll find out.” Inside the box was a key. “What’s it for?” asked Maria curiously. “You’re just about to find out, now close your eyes.” “Why?” “Just close your eyes babe; it’s a surprise!” Carefully he helped her from the limo, walking her forwards a few feet, before he said, “Ok, you can open your eyes now.” Looking straight ahead she couldn’t believe her eyes, there in front of her was a fabulous restaurant; the sign above it read ‘Maria’s.’ Grinning he said, “It’s yours babe, happy birthday, you can see why I couldn’t wrap it!” She began to cry as she replied, “Oh Jimmy I don’t know what to say, I never expected this; thank you so much; I love you.” “Good, because I love you too, now stop crying or you’ll ruin your make up. Shall we see if the key fits?” Her hands were shaking as she put the key in the lock and opened the door.

Inside was stunning with beautiful furnishings, white linen tablecloths set with silver cutlery. Fine wine glasses and beautiful cut glass bowls with candles in were placed in the centre of each table. There was a cocktail bar at the far end. It was the type of place she had only seen in books. A chef appeared with a waiter; Jimmy introduced them to her and explained that they normally ran one of his restaurants, but they were on loan to her for the evening. She noticed one table had the candle burning; it was set for six diners. A bottle of champagne was chilling in a silver ice bucket on a stand next to the table. “Are you expecting guests Jimmy?” “Just a couple of friends who I‘ve asked to join us babe. In fact they should be here any minute.”

Just as they sat down the door to the restaurant opened and in walked Mickey and Monica, followed by Shaun and his wife Ann. They all kissed her and wished her a happy birthday. Shaun handed her a gift box, inside was a solid gold cross and chain. It was obvious by her face and the tears in her eyes that she loved it. Mickey handed her an envelope and said, “I didn’t have a clue what to get you babe, I hope you like it.” Her curiosity was ignited when he added, “It’s dated for three months, so you’ve got time to get a passport.” Even Jimmy looked baffled. Nervously she opened the envelope. Inside there were two airline tickets and a receipt for an all expenses paid luxury seven day stay in Venice. Momentarily lost for words, she just stared at the tickets. Jimmy could see she was totally overwhelmed and didn’t have a clue what to say or do, so grinning he said, “Cheers Mick, it’s a great gift.” “No thanks needed, you two just enjoy yourselves, you deserve it.” Lifting their glasses in a toast, Mickey said, “Happy birthday babe.”

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