Jimmy's Game (Ruthless) (29 page)

BOOK: Jimmy's Game (Ruthless)
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As they entered the club she looked at the three poles on the stage, Jimmy noticed she didn’t look quite as confident as that of a few minutes earlier. Grinning at Shane he said, “Are any of the girls in?” “Only Sharon, she’s been here about an hour, she’s practising some new moves.” “Great take Max to the dressing room and introduce her.”  “Come on Max,” said Shane as he led her through the club to the dressing room.

Fifteen minutes later the three men sat at a table waiting for the two girls to perform. Mickey joked and said, “What the fuck’s taking them so long, they’ve only got to strip off!” Shane replied, “That Max seemed a bit nervous when I took her backstage.” They all agreed she didn’t seem the type, but she was good looking with a fit body and they all knew she would appeal to the punters.

Back in the dressing room, Sharon was trying to get her to relax, reassuringly she said, “The clubs okay Max and the bouncers never let the blokes get out of hand.” “How much does it pay?” “Well, if I’m dancing a couple of hours I get eighty in cash on week nights and a couple of hundred plus on Fridays and Saturdays, weekends are always busier and we get to keep whatever the punters give us. On the best nights, I can turn over anything in excess of four hundred in tips.” “Wow!” said Max, “that’s the kind of money I need. I just hope I can do it.” Sharon laughed, “Course you can do it, it’s easy, just watch what I do and remember, it’s nothing to be ashamed of you’ve got a good body so why not use it?” Max felt slightly better hearing her words. “Come on then,” said Sharon, “let’s get out there and shake our booties!” Suddenly Max felt less than enthusiastic, but Sharon just peeled off her tight fitting top exposing her bare breasts, leaving her in just a skimpy pair of knickers. Gingerly Max undressed until like Sharon she too was standing in just her knickers. “Nice tits,” said Sharon, “You’ll be popular with Shane, you’re just his type.” “Which one is Shane?” “He’s the big guy, manager come doorman; lovely bloke. If I wasn’t already engaged I’d be in there like a shot.” “I think he was the one I spoke to when I got here.” “Yeah it would have been, he was the only one here earlier, tasty isn’t he?” Grinning she nodded then said, “Doesn’t your boyfriend mind you doing this?” “No, he actually thinks it’s cool that other men fancy me, but he’s the only one who gets to shag me! Anyway we want to travel so the money is the big attraction.” “How long do you think you’ll do it for Sharon?” “Probably another year or two; when we finally settle down, I’ll go back to my career.” “What did you do?”  “I was a primary schoolteacher.” Max looked surprised. Sharon continued, “What about you Max?” “I wanted to be a doctor, but things didn’t quite go to plan; I had to drop out of medical school after the first year. I hope one day I’ll be able to continue.” “What happened, why did you drop out?” “I was pregnant and the baby’s father wasn’t the man I thought he was, but please don’t say anything, let’s just see if I get the job first.” “It’s none of my business Max, so let’s get out there and make sure you get the job.” Max smiled at her and thought how much she liked her; she knew that if she got the job they would become friends.

“Fuck me girls! We were beginning to think you’d fucked off home,” said Mickey with a laugh as the two girls appeared. Sharon joked back and said, “You should be grateful you’re getting a private show and that at half eleven in the morning two beauties are willing to shake their bits for you!” Jimmy piped in and said, “She’s got a point Mick, stick some music on for them Shane.”

Instructing Max to watch her and join in when she felt comfortable, which judging by the look on Max’s face and the fact that her arms were folded across her breasts, would probably be never, Sharon moved towards one of the poles. Soon as the music started, Sharon started gyrating up and down the pole. Max thought she moved very seductively and elegantly. After several minutes she called for Max to try. Slowly she dropped her guard and tried to look as elegant and seductive as her mentor, although for the first five minutes she was anything but,  however, once she began to feel more at ease, it seemed to come quite naturally to her. When the music finished, the three men clapped. Mickey smiled at Max and said, “With a bit of work I reckon you’ll do okay babe.” The others agreed.

They decided to give her a try out on one of the quieter nights.
“What nights are you working this week babe?” said Mickey to Sharon. “At the moment I’m down for Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday Mickey, why?” Glancing briefly at Max he said, “Can you do this Tuesday Max?” “Yeah, that’ll be ok.” “Then it looks like you’ve got yourself a job if Tuesday goes ok. Sharon can show you the ropes. When you two are dressed come and join us for a quick drink, then we’ve got business to discuss.”

After the girls had a drink with them, they left. Shane said, “I wouldn’t mind giving that Max one, she’s a bit tasty. What do you lot think of her as a dancer?” It was unanimous; they all thought she would probably work out ok. Mickey joked and said, “I wouldn’t mind giving her one either!” Jimmy was quick to say, “Don’t let Monica hear you say that, she’ll chop your nuts off!” “Not me Jimmy you’re the one getting married, although I must say Monica’s help with the arrangements is having an awkward effect on us; all she keeps fucking talking about is getting engaged!” “Well let’s face it you could do a lot worse; Monica’s alright.” “I agree, but marriage isn’t something I’d thought about doing again; anyway, we’re here to talk about business not marriage!” They all laughed.

Jimmy asked Shane to tell them about the Jamaicans. Grinning he replied, “Ugly bastards with that fucking matted hair, fuck knows what women see in them.” “Ok Shane we’ve gathered you don’t like them, but tell us what happened.” “There were five of them, big bastards not your run of the mill clubbers, suits, money and plenty of gold jewellery. They tried to talk to some of the dancers, one of them really seemed to take a shine to Simone, but she made it obvious she wasn’t interested. Then Billy saw one of them trying to pass some dope to one of our regular punters. When we told them to leave; they gave us a bit of lip; with all that crap talk, you know, ‘yeah man, no man, ya be sorry man;’ all that load of old bollocks! Truth is we didn’t really take much notice ‘til I spoke to Simone when we closed, apparently they’d said to her she’d soon be working for them, because they were going to be the new owners of the club. Simone didn’t think anything of it, until they mentioned you two by name and made reference to other things.” “What things” asked Jimmy?  “Well you Jimmy and the fact that you and Maria sorter got together because of a bet.” “Fucking cheeky black bastards, what else did they say?” “Not much really except they’d be back.” “Are you sure they’re not local boys?” asked Mickey. “Definitely, even their accent was pure Jamaican; my guess is they’re looking to make a name for themselves.” “Well they picked the wrong fucking manor if that’s the case! I’ll give Lenny Porter a bell, see what he can dig up and maybe a word with Hudson wouldn’t be a bad idea, he’s well in with the Jamaican community. In the mean time we’ll send over a couple more boys just in case they do come back and give us any grief.” “What about Terry and Reggie,” suggested Jimmy, “I’m sure they could spare us a couple of nights.” “Yeah good idea,” said Mickey “especially as Reggie’s well known for hating the blacks; and especially Jamaicans.” “You can bell them to arrange it. Right, now business is sorted we can have another drink.” Shane grinned at Jimmy and said, “How’s the wedding plans going?” “I ain’t really had a lot to do with it; Monica’s a diamond with the time she’s put in helping Maria. According to the girls everything is running smoothly, Shaun’s two granddaughters have agreed to be bridesmaids; along with Mickey’s girl Charlie.” Shane grinned at Mickey and said, “I bet you’re looking forward to being his best man.” Mickey grinned suspiciously and raised his eye brows as he replied, “What about you Shane, can we expect you to bring a guest to the wedding?” “No, I’m shagging a couple of the dancers; thankfully they don’t work the same nights!” They all laughed. They had one more drink then the two friends left.

Mickey dropped Jimmy off and said, “Remember to bell Terry and Reggie.” “I will, catch you later Mick,” he replied as he got out of the car.



“Hi babe,” called Jimmy as he entered the apartment, there was no reply she was still out. While he waited he called Terry. Just as he put down the phone after talking to him, Maria walked in. “Hi babe, had a good morning, how was Thomas?” Smiling at him she replied, “Thomas sends his regards and hopes to see you in church on Sunday.” Quickly changing the subject he said, “What did Leon think about the new recipes?” “He really liked them; they’ll be on the menu within a week. How did it go at the club?” “Fine babe, turned out it was just a couple of fucking Jamaicans acting up with a couple of the dancers, nothing to worry about.” “So why were you asking Terry to work the door for a couple of nights?” She had obviously heard the tail end of his telephone conversation. Trying to sound convincing he quickly replied, “Oh that babe, just a precaution that’s all.” Knowing she would want to find out more, he was relieved to be interrupted by his phone, “Hello Jimmy; Martin Blackwell here.” “How’s it going Martin?” “Fine thanks, just calling to let you know your rings are ready, so if you call in sometime we’ll just check they fit.” “Great Martin, maybe we can call in this afternoon?” “That would be fine, hope to see you both later then.” As he put the phone down she smiled at him and said, “Who was that and where are we going this afternoon?” “It was Martin from the jewellers; he wants us to call round and try our rings on, thought perhaps we could do it later?” “Oh that would be lovely.” Jokingly he replied, “You’ll have to feed me before we go otherwise my ring might be too loose.” Playfully she tapped his stomach and said, “It wouldn’t hurt you to lose a few pounds, especially as your wedding suit had already been tailored.” Retaliating by gently tapping her across the bum he said, “If anything I need to eat more to keep my energy levels up because of your constant sexual demands on me!” Blushing she walked into the kitchen before calling out to him, “You wish, now what can I get you to eat stud?” “Just a couple of sandwiches would be great babe.”

While they sat eating their lunch, she chatted about the wedding plans. Simply from the enthusiasm in her voice he could tell she was excited with the whole thing. Jimmy smiled and said, “No second thoughts then babe?” “I can’t wait, have you got doubts then?” “Not one babe,” he replied. He thought about the frightened young girl who had been brought to his apartment just two years earlier, after winning her in a poker game. It was obvious since that time she had grown into a confident young woman, barely resembling the same girl who had prayed to God to let her die
. Gazing lovingly at her he remembered the terrible pain and cruelty she had endured at the hands of Nick. The sheer fact that she survived, was a testament to her character and faith. “There you go again, day dreaming,” said Maria. “Sorry babe I was miles away.” “What were you thinking about?” “Oh just the wedding and that,” he didn’t want to tell her the truth in case it upset her.

After lunch as they drove to the jewellers he said, “Did I tell you we’ve got a new dancer starting at the club?” “No, who is she?” “She’s called Max, I think she’ll work out ok, but she doesn’t seem the type to work there.” “Perhaps she isn’t really comfortable doing it, but if she needs the money that badly,” she was just about to continue when he said, “We’re here,” as he pulled up outside the jewellers.

Martin greeted them as they entered, then suggested going through to the back of the shop. They followed him to a small room; where there was a ring display board on the table. Taking the two rings from it he passed them one each. “Perfect,” said Jimmy as he slipped his on, before smiling at his future wife and asking, “Yours ok babe?” Admiring it on her finger she replied, “It’s perfect.”  “They’re fine Martin, what’s the damage?” said Jimmy. “Nothing, as it’s you Jimmy there won’t be a charge.” “No we can’t do that.” “Consider them my wedding gift, you’ve given me a lot of good business over the years Jimmy, it’s the least I can do.”  “That’s very decent of you mate, we really appreciate it, but it’s far too generous.” “Nonsense it’s my pleasure, anyway I can afford it,” joked Martin as they shook hands. Jimmy passed the rings back to him and said, “Can you keep them for us? I’ll collect them just before the wedding.” “No problem Jimmy, now is there anything else I can help you with?” “Not really, but I think we should buy something.” Looking at Maria, he added, “Is there anything you want babe?” “I don’t think so.” Martin suggested that they go back into the shop and have a look round.

Jimmy chatted to Martin while Maria browsed the shop. “That’s pretty,” she said as she pointed to a gold necklace with a gold initial hanging from it”. “Yeah I like that, how much is it Martin,” asked Jimmy. “Two hundred and thirty five, but of course, I’ll give you discount.” “That won’t be necessary thanks; you’ve already done too much.” Maria interrupted and said, “Shall we buy the bridesmaids and Monica one as a token of our gratitude?” “Good idea, maybe we could get Mickey something from here as well?” Martin interrupted and said, “I’ve just the thing for him; they only came in this week.” He showed them some gold cuff links with three small diamonds in one corner. The moment Maria said, “Oh they’re lovely.” Jimmy said, “Sold.” They told Martin what initials they wanted on the chains, although Jimmy had momentarily forgotten the names of Shaun’s
grandchildren, Megan and Chloe, who were to be their bridesmaids. Ordering one for Maria as well; he paid in cash and said he would collect them with the rings.

It was turned four o’clock by the time they got home. “Do you want to eat out tonight babe,” said Jimmy. “Would you mind if we didn’t, only I’d planned to try out a new recipe on you tonight?” “Sounds good, you can try anything you like on me, including dinner!” Knowing he was actually making a reference to sex she grinned and replied, “Why don’t you put some music on and try to relax while I prepare the dinner.”

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