Jimmy's Game (Ruthless) (32 page)

BOOK: Jimmy's Game (Ruthless)
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Forty minutes after they had eaten their meal, the table was cleared and she was
laying face down spread eagled over it. Jimmy was getting his dessert.

Later that evening he went back down the club with Mickey just to check on things. Shane greeted them when they arrived and said, “There’s been no sign of the Jamaicans, it’s been a bit quiet, but that’s normal for a week night. Max is doing ok for her first night, the punters seem to like her and there was no shortage of money being put in her knickers!” Mickey grinned and replied, “Maybe we should go and check her out.”

Just minutes later they were watching her dance, both men agreed she could be quite an asset to the club. Shane joined them a while later and talking as they watched her dance he said, “I’ve asked her out.” “Did she say yes,” asked Mickey. “Well sort of, she said just because she dances without cloths on, she’s not easy.” “Fuck me; she’s cottoned on quickly to you being a dirty bastard! So what did you say?” “You know me; I don’t give up at the first hurdle; I like it when they play hard to get. I told her the offer stands if she changes her mind, oh yeah and I told her I’d behave myself! Then she said if I fancied taking her out for a drink or dinner one night, she’d be only too happy to go.” “I’m not surprised, like I said before she just didn’t seem the type. So what are you going to do then?” “I like a challenge; I’m taking her out for dinner on my night off.” “Take her to Maria’s restaurant on the house, just tell Leon we sent you,” said Jimmy. “Cheers, now I’m going to take a look round the club just to check everything is okay.”

Time passed quickly at the club. Jimmy left around twelve thirty, leaving his friends drinking.

Maria was asleep on the sofa when he got home; despite him trying not to wake her she stirred and asked him what the time was? “It’s about one o’clock babe, I’m just making a drink do you fancy one?” “I’d love a cup of tea.”

Five minutes later he returned with her drink. Smiling at him she said, “Have we got to get up early in the morning?” “No why?” “Thank God for that we can have a lay in.” “Sounds good to me babe
,” he replied with a sexy grin. Fifteen minutes later both of them were in bed cuddled up together fast asleep.

The following morning he was woken by her shaking him, “Jimmy wake up, your phone keeps ringing.” Stirring slowly he replied, “Don’t worry, whoever it is can leave a message.” “It’s the fifth time its rung, so whoever it is has no intention of leaving a message.” Reaching over to the bed side cabinet he grabbed his phone, recognising the caller ID he opened it and said, “What’s up Mickey?” “Morning Jimmy thought you might want to know a body turned up floating in the Thames this morning, it was Hudson.” Quickly gathering his senses he replied, “Are you sure?”  “Positive, Tony had to identify the body.” “What happened to him?” “Not sure mate, but Tony said he was cut up pretty bad, the coroner thinks he’s been dead about a week.” “Well that would explain why we haven’t heard from him.” “I’ve told Tony we’ll meet him in an hour, so get your arse in gear. I’ll pick you up in forty five minutes. Maria looked concerned and said, “What’s happened Jimmy?” “Something’s happened to Hudson, they’ve just fished his body out of the river.” “Oh my God, what’s going on?” Trying to reassure her he said, “Nothing babe, it’s probably some irate husband who caught Hudson shagging his wife.” Maria knew he was lying and on this occasion she told him so. Jimmy was quick to reply, “Don’t worry babe honestly it’s probably got nothing to do with us; anyway you won’t get rid of me that easy, so stop worrying.” Despite trying his best to sound convincing, he knew he’d been unsuccessful when she replied “Remember I know what you do Jimmy, you get involved with bad people, sometimes I wish I was marrying a baker!” Trying to lighten the mood, he jokingly replied, “That’s a fucking dodgy profession baking; all too often you hear that some poor baker has fallen into his oven!” Trying not to giggle she slapped him and said, “I know you won’t listen to me, but please be careful; only I plan on you living long enough to see your future children grow up.” “Funnily enough babe so do I. Now be a darling and stick us in some toast, Mickey will be here in half an hour.”

Just over thirty minutes later they heard Mickey’s car horn outside. “Fuck me he’s here” said Jimmy as he grabbed his jacket and after putting it on kissed her quickly and said, “Won’t be long babe.” Moments later she was waving to the two friends as Jimmy got into the car.

Driving to the club they talked about Hudson. Mickey was convinced that one way or another he w
as involved with the Jamaicans. Tony was already at the club with Shaun when they arrived; they were standing at the bar talking to Kevin. They acknowledged them as they walked past and sat at a table. Kevin carried on with his work stocking the bar, but Tony and Shaun joined the others at their table. Tony said, “My guess is Hudson had been tortured, even though he’d been in the water for days the wounds are still pretty clear. His left ear had been cut off, along with three of his fingers; they’re all classic features of torture. Whoever’s responsible I’m convinced he would have told them whatever they wanted to know?” Mickey said, “Do you reckon Hudson’s death is connected to these Jamaicans?” “I wouldn’t rule it out; I know some of Maurice’s family were heavily into drug dealing. Over the years he told me several times that they had been keen to do business in the UK, but he put them off; truth was he didn’t really want them here, maybe with his demise they thought they could muscle in?” “Might I suggest we look into that possibility, if they’re over here from the Caribbean they’ve got to be staying somewhere, so the first thing is to find them. Tony can you check out all the hotels within five miles of the club, I know it a long shot but we might just get lucky.” Just as he was about to continue, his phone rang, “Hi Mickey.” “Alright Lenny how’s it going, have you got anything for us?” “That’s why I’m calling, I’ve been nosing round and apparently you’re not the only ones who are having trouble with Jamaicans. Big John Duggan down at the Cove had a run in with them a couple of weeks ago. Same type of thing, they wanted to buy his place, but like you he wasn’t interested. Then a couple of nights ago they turned up, gave him some grief wouldn’t take no for an answer, virtually had to throw them out. According to my source two of John’s doormen got a bit carried away; beat the shit out of one of them. I’ve tried to find out where they’re staying, but the one that was injured never went to hospital, which means they have someone treating him. Other than that, there’s not much else I can tell you.” “That’s great thanks Lenny, speak to you soon.”

Closing his phone he repeated to the others what Lenny had said, before saying to Tony, “What sort of relationship if any, did Maurice have with John Duggan?” “They were friends; John was quite a frequent visitor to one of his brothels, because of that they had
become friends. Maurice would have known a lot of personal stuff about him.” “That’s interesting; perhaps we should have a chat with John.” Looking over at Shaun he added, “Am I right in thinking you’re friends with a couple of the doormen from the Cove?” “Aye I know a couple of the lads, used to drink with them.” “Go round there for a drink Shaun; see if they can be of any help.” “No problem, I’ll drop round there tonight.” “Fancy some company Shaun; I know John quite well.” said Tony, “Yeah sounds good.”

After leaving the club the two friends spent the rest of the day checking in on their other clubs, although Dixie’s was their favourite, Sweet Cheeks and their other club Lazer, actually brought in more money. Lazer catered for the younger generation, people would queue for hours on Friday and Saturday nights just to get in. Mickey and Jimmy rarely went there other than to discuss business. They didn’t really like the music that was played, plus the fact that it was packed with kids aged around eighteen, not really their scene, but the young punters loved it. Twins Simon and Steve Turner had run the club for the past eight years, they had grown up in the same street as Jimmy and like him were no strangers to crime. One of the reasons they let them manage the club was simple, they wouldn’t want them as opposition. The twins were well known and well liked, given a free hand in making decisions concerning the club, unless of course it needed the owner’s approval. It had obviously worked, because Lazer was raking in plenty of money and there was rarely any trouble. Simon and Steve handpicked all the staff, most of them being tough, which was probably why there was rarely any trouble.

Driving to the clubs Mickey said, “I’m seeing Monica tonight, maybe I can prise some more information out of her about Hudson.” Remembering what Maria had said Jimmy replied, “Great, which reminds me Maria wants you two to come over for dinner one night.” “Tell Delia we’d love too; I’ll leave Monica to arrange it with her.” “What’s the score with you and Monica, I mean with you being a solicitor as well as a club boss, she must be aware that you’re not strictly kosher?” Mickey laughed and replied, “She knows I’m dodgy, but she has to turn a blind eye or she’d have to finish with me; how would it look if she admitted going out with a criminal?” They both laughed. Mickey continued, “Slimy Samuels for one would have a fucking field day! Anyway you know what they say Jimmy, you can’t help who you fall in love with, and she loves me. I think she knows I’m not kosher, if she ever asks me I’d probably tell her, but I know she’ll never ask. Our relationship is great so why rock the boat.” “Do you think you’ll ever marry her?” “Maybe one day I suppose, I know she’d like kids, but I’ve been there done that and at my age I’m not really sure if I want to be a dad again, don’t get me wrong Charlie is the love of my life, but would I want to do it again, probably not!” “Fuck off you’re a great dad and at thirty eight you’re not too old; anyway you cheeky bastard, I’m the same age as you and I can’t wait to have kids with Maria!” “That’s great, I’ll tell you what, you have loads of kids and me and Monica will help you look after them, save us having any.” “You’re on mate!”

When they arrived at Sweet Cheeks, Shane said that everything was fine; so they only stayed for one drink then went on to Lazer. As they walked into the club they could see the managers, Simon and Steve sitting with a couple of young girls. The twins spotted them and asked the girls to leave, but only after telling them they would see them later. Jimmy nodded at one of the twins and said, “Alright Simon.” The man laughed and said, “I’m Steve, Jimmy.” “Fuck me, how does anyone tell you two apart?” “That’s easy; I’m the good looking one with the big cock!” Laughing his brother said, “You wish bro!” Mickey said, “So how are things going lads?” “Great” replied Simon, “one of the perks of running the club is all the young totty; they just can’t get enough of us!” They all laughed. “Weren’t those two a bit young for you,” said Mickey, referring to the young girls who had just left. “Naugh their eighteen and hopefully a right pair of goers, with any luck we’ll find out later after the club shuts.” “How old are you two?” asked Jimmy. “Thirty seven,” was the joint reply. “Fuck me isn’t it time you two thought about settling down?” “Fuck off Jimmy,” said Simon, “who wants to end up with some old wrinkly when you can have prime totty every night!” “You’ll end up with galloping knob rot the way you’re going!” They all laughed. They could see why the young girls liked them, they were good looking, tall, blonde, blue eyed and their characters were likable.

When Simon congratulated Jimmy about the wedding. Mickey piped in and said, “Yeah his Maria’s a real cracker.” Steve joked and replied, “So we hear, perhaps she ought to meet me before she commits to marrying you?” Jimmy laughed and said, “My Maria wouldn’t look twice at either of you pretty boys, she needs a real man.” “Is that a fact?” “It’s a fact Steve, truth is she can’t keep her fucking hands off me!” Mickey interrupted the banter and said, “Before you get Jimmy on the topic of sex and marriage, we came to ask you if you’ve had any trouble with any Jamaicans?” They both shook their heads before Simon replied, “We get a few regular Jamaicans in, but they don’t give us any grief. Out of curiosity why did you ask?” They explained what was going on. Steve said, “We heard something about it, but we didn’t realise how bad it was.” Mickey told them about Hudson. “Poor bastard,” said Simon, “now there was a man who liked to fuck! Will you let us know when the funeral is, we got on ok with Hudson, he was alright.” “Yeah course.” “We’ll listen out for any news on the grapevine about the Jamaicans and we’ll let you know if they show up here.” “Cheers lads, now we’re off, behave yourselves with all those young birds tonight” “No chance! It’s been good to see you both.” “Yeah, catch you later lads.”

Driving back home Jimmy said, “Why don’t you bring Monica round for dinner tonight, Maria would be well chuffed.” “I thought the dinner invitation was for next week?” “If I know Maria she’ll be only too pleased for you to come on both occasions, she’s trying out some new recipes for the restaurant and needs more guinea pigs.” “As long as it’s ok with Maria, I’d be only too happy to be her guinea pig and I’ve got no qualms whatsoever that Monica will be happy about it too.” “Great, I’ll
give Maria a bell while you’re here so we can arrange a time.” Maria answered the phone, “Hello” “Hi babe, I’ll be home soon, just wanted to ask if it’s ok for Mickey and Monica to come round for dinner tonight?” Sounding excited she replied, “That would be wonderful, arrange it for eight o’clock.” After ending the call he looked at his friend and said, “There you go, what did I tell you, are you alright for eight?” “That’ll be great, we’ll see you then,” said Mickey as he pulled up to drop him off. “One thing before I go Mick, try not to mention the shooting at the club, only I haven’t told her yet.” Grinning he nodded his head as Jimmy got out the car.

Maria was in the kitchen as he walked in and said, “Hi babe, thanks for letting me invite Mickey over for dinner tonight.” “I’m glad to have them, especially Monica, because the basque I ordered for under my wedding dress has arrived and I’d really value a female’s opinion.” With a sexy grin he replied, “I’ll give you my opinion if you want to slip into it now?” “Not a chance, you’ll have to wait ‘til our wedding night, but now you had better take me shopping, because I need some bits and pieces for the meal tonight.” He had never been keen on shopping, but as he’d suggested having dinner guests; he felt obligated.

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