Jimmy's Game (Ruthless) (35 page)

BOOK: Jimmy's Game (Ruthless)
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When Samuels eventually left, Jimmy put his arm round Maria and said, “Thank fuck he’s gone! Oh and I liked what you said about my stag night babe that shut him straight up!” Sarcastically she replied, “I wasn’t even aware you were having a stag night, but I suppose if you are Simone and a couple of the girls from the club would be only too happy to do something with me, they keep mentioning it.” She was only teasing him when she added, “The last time I spoke to Simone she mentioned something about male strippers who are at the Denbigh that week?” From the minute she said it, it was obvious to her he wasn’t keen on the idea.

In the two years they had lived together she had never really gone anywhere without him, except for the odd shopping trip, or lunch with Monica or Simone. When he replied, “Not really your scene babe, you probably wouldn’t enjoy it,” she knew he really meant he didn’t want her to go. Giggling she said, “If I didn’t know better I would think you were jealous Jimmy Dixon!” Trying desperately to convince her he wasn’t; although if the truth be known, he was, he replied, “Don’t get me wrong babe, you’d probably enjoy a night out with your friends; I just think strippers are not your cup of tea, you’d be better off taking the girls for a meal at one of my restaurants and then going onto one of my clubs.” “Oh Jimmy you’re so funny, do you really think I’d want to go and watch other men strip off when I have you. I’ve already asked Monica and a couple of the girls if they want to go out to eat, then on to a club, but if I thought you didn’t trust me I’d be so angry.” Feeling bad that he didn’t want her to go, he tried to redeem himself by saying, “It’s not you I don’t trust babe, but I know how blokes think and they’d be round you like bees round a honey pot!” Even though he’d said that, he knew in his mind the reason their relationship was so good was simply because he called all the shots. Many of the girls he had dated in the past would often go out drinking and clubbing with their friends, but Maria was different, for the first year she had rarely left the apartment without him. Then as her confidence grew, she started wearing makeup and clothes that showed off her figure and more recently she’d started accepting invitations from Monica to go out shopping and for lunch. Even on those rare occasions, he would always ask her where they’d been and how long they’d been out; usually adding something like ‘did you see anyone we know, or did you chat to anyone?’ Monica would often say to him, ‘We only went for lunch; it’s like the Spanish inquisition!’ Always he would try and joke about it, but they knew he was insecure about Maria being out without him.Maria was annoyed with what he’d said, about men being like bees round a honey pot, so she was quick to reply, “You should know I’m totally faithful and it takes two to tango! So even if another man did hit on me, you know I’d tell him in no uncertain terms I wasn’t interested!” “I didn’t mean you babe, I just know what men are like when they see a beautiful woman.” Despite trying to justify what he’d said, he knew she was right; the very thought of any man hitting on her made him feel sick to his stomach. His dark side was always lurking just under the surface; truth was he would rather see her dead than with another man. He remembered how he had loathed Nick, because of how he had treated her, yet for that brief moment he had become him.

Watching him she could see his body language change, there was something about him that made her feel uneasy, what had started out as a silly game, was beginning to send alarm bells through her head. In two years she had never really seen this side to him, this controlling jealous side and quite frankly she didn’t like it. There had been times when they were out, that he would make it quite clear to other men she was with him. She’d also noticed that when he came home after a fight he would always want sex, but he had never hurt her. He had never implied that he didn’t trust her, though in truth, she had never wanted to go out without him, now she was beginning to realise that if she did, he wouldn’t like it, she found this infuriating, because she had never so much as looked at another man, let alone fancied one.

Feeling the tension growing between them and hoping to change, not only the subject but the atmosphere that was developing, he pulled her to him and kissed her. Pulling away from him she said, “Don’t imagine you can win me round so easily, you’ve upset me Jimmy, I feel very hurt that you don’t trust me!” Unexpectedly he grabbed hold of her and raising his voice said, “Yes ok Maria, you’re right, but I know how easy it is to trust the wrong people and I have never said I don’t trust you! Truth is I would die without you, and yes I’m a jealous bastard, but if I didn’t love you so much, I wouldn’t fucking care! If you want the truth I would kill any bloke who touched you, so now you know does it make you feel better?” Shocked by his outburst, she burst into tears as she said, “I’m sorry, I love you so much, I was only joking, but now we’re fighting.” Pulling her to him and holding her tighter than ever, he said, “I’m sorry too, but I can’t help the way I feel, you’re the most important thing in my life.” They began to kiss passionately, within minutes they were almost naked. Pushing her up against the lounge wall; she wrapped her legs tightly around his body, he entered her with such force and passion she groaned with every thrust of his body. When he had finished they lay down on the sofa, their bodies wrapped around one another. Still breathing heavily; she gently stroked the side of his face. Looking at her he said, “See what you do to me babe, you bring out the jealous angry man in me, which even I don’t like, but when I’m around you I can’t help myself.” She didn’t say anything; she simply kissed him softly on the lips. Within minutes they were cuddled up together asleep.

They were woken by his phone ringing, it was Mickey. They were happy when he said, “Monica’s improving in leaps and bounds if she stays that way you’ll be able to visit her tomorrow. Oh and I’ve arranged for Lenny to go to the hotel where
the Jamaicans stayed. Got to go Jim, I’ll see you at the restaurant around ten.” When the call ended she said, “Jimmy phone the restaurant and reserve us a table, Leon will probably blow a gasket, because it’s such short notice.” “You’re right babe, I’ll do it now.” After sweet talking the chef Jimmy managed to book a table.

As usual he was ready before her, but as always she was worth the wait, she looked stunning when she finally emerged from the bedroom
. Wearing a white figure hugging dress, her hair was swept up and the tasteful jewellery he had bought for her finished everything off perfectly. Complementing her he said, “You look beautiful babe, this is why I’m so jealous, you’re without a doubt the best looking girl in London; if not the world.” “Oh stop it Jimmy,” she giggled.

Thirty minutes later they were entering the restaurant and instantly he was aware of the other diners looking at her, especially the men
. Jeremy the new waiter greeted them, “Good evening madam, sir, do you have a reservation,” he asked politely. Jimmy shook his hand and replied, “You must be Jeremy, I’m Jimmy and this lovely lady is Maria, we own the restaurant.” “Oh I do apologise, it’s a pleasure to meet you both. Can I take your jackets, before showing you to your table?”

Once they were seated Jimmy ordered a bottle of wine and told him they would have the prawn cocktails, followed by lobster. When Jeremy returned to the kitchen with their order, Jimmy grinned at Maria and said, “He’s definitely an iron hoof.” Looking rather shocked she replied, “Really, I wouldn’t have assumed that, how did you know he was gay?” “When we arrived every man in the restaurant looked at you, every man except Jeremy and he eyed me up!” Speaking very quietly she giggled and replied, “Oh just think if you didn’t have me here tonight you might have pulled.”  Pulling a face of disgust he replied, “If anyone like Jeremy ever so much as implied that he fancied me, I wouldn’t have a problem beating him to death!” “Jimmy you’re so old fashioned, being gay is considered quite normal now a days.”
“Sticking your cock up another man's arse is not fucking normal and never will be!” She knew he would never change his opinion on gays, but as long as he was respectful and polite to Jeremy, he was entitled to his opinion.

They chatted as they enjoyed their meal. When Jeremy came over to ask if everything was alright, Maria replied, “Tell chef the meal was wonderful.” “I will, now can I get you anything else?” “Just two coffees please, but before you go can you make a reservation for two on Monday evening at eight in the name of Samuels; it’ll be on the house.” “Of course, I’ll do it now.” Jimmy piped up and said, “Give Mr Samuels and his guest a bottle of champagne and wish the lady a very happy birthday on our behalf.” “I’ll see that it’s done, actually a gentleman has already telephoned to make reservations for Monday for a table for two; he said that you had arranged it.” Jimmy frowned and said, “What was the name?” “Bridger I believe, I took the booking was that alright?” Grinning at Maria, Jimmy said, “I forgot, Shane is taking Max out on his night off, I told him to bring her here. Yes the bookings fine Jeremy, include a bottle of our best wine with our compliments.”

When Jeremy left, Jimmy joked with her about Shane and said, “I don’t think for one minute he’ll get anywhere with that Max, although maybe after bringing her to such a fine establishment he’ll be one step nearer to the bedroom.”  Pinching his leg under the table she said, “That’s terrible, what a dirty mind you have James Dixon!” “Yeah and as they say babe, a dirty mind is a terrible thing to waste!”

They didn’t realise how quickly the time had passed, until Mickey showed up to join them at quarter past ten. They introduced him to Jeremy; before Maria said, “Have you eaten Mickey?” When he shook his head she said, “Then I insist you eat something before we leave.” With a grin he replied, “I suppose I’d better eat if I want
any peace, I know you’ll only keep on.” “Absolutely, so shall I order your steak now?” “That’ll be great babe,” he said with a chuckle. “So tell us about Monica, how is she,” said Maria. She was delighted to hear that she was making a very good recovery, even though he had already told them earlier over the phone. Jokingly Mickey said, “I think she’s willing herself better because of my wedding proposal.” They all laughed.

Finishing his meal, Mickey said, “We should be going Jimmy, it’s almost half eleven. We could drop Maria off on the way to the club; it’ll save Leon having to when the restaurant closes.” “Good idea, we can drive straight to Dixie’s, then on to Sweet Cheeks,” replied Jimmy.



Half an hour later they were pulling into a reserved parking space at the club. After talking to the staff at Dixie’s, they were happy to hear that there had been nothing out of the ordinary happening, so they went on to Sweet Cheeks. Shane was on the door when they arrived. “Alright Shane, how’s it going,” said Jimmy. “”Good Jim, it’s been busy since about eleven. There has been a couple of Jamaicans in, but they’re regulars they never give any trouble.” “That’s what we like to hear.” “Seems funny the Jamaicans have given up, it’s been days without any sign of them.” Mickey piped in and said, “I don’t doubt for one minute they’ll be back, although I’m surprised too with the sudden quiet, but they’re devious bastards who no doubt are planning something. With any luck Lenny will have news on their whereabouts within the next few days.” “I hear you booked a table for Monday, Max hasn’t changed her mind then?” said Jimmy. Shane laughed and replied, “No she’s dead keen, I reckon she’s secretly gagging for it!” “I should warn you Samuels is eating there on Monday.” Shane looked surprised. Jimmy explained exactly why they had invited the detective to dine there. “I just hope he don’t put me off me fucking dinner,” joked Shane. Mickey grinned and replied, “Under the circumstances it might just be best if you keep out of his way, but if he does ask you anything just go along with what’s already been said, ok.” “No worries Mick, having said that, Samuels will be off duty on Monday, so in theory if he does get lippy I could belt him one if I felt the need.” “As tempting as that might be, I think you should save it for another time.” Shane just grinned and nodded. “So Shane, how are things going with Max?” “She’s doing really well with the dancing. I’ve got to know her quite a bit; she’s even talked to me about her past. Did you know she wanted to be a doctor?” They shook their heads. “And there’s a kid, she’s got a son of twenty months, her parents look after him while she works, they think she works in the club bar.” “I thought she was different, definitely not your average pole dancer. So what’s the score with the boy’s father?” “No idea she never talks about him, but from the few things she has said, he’s bad news, her and the boy are better off without him.”

They chatted for another half hour then Mickey said, “If we don’t need to hang about Jimmy do you mind if I push off home, only I’m meeting Monica’s parents at their hotel at ten in the morning. I feel guilty I haven’t seen much of them, I’ve only spoken to them briefly when they had arrived at their hotel and then at the hospital.” “No you get off Mick. I’m going too I’m knackered
.” After saying goodbye to Shane they left.

Maria was fast asleep when he got home. Standing quietly in the bedroom he looked at her; she was so beautiful, with her hair cascading across the pillow and part of her naked body showing where the duvet had slipped off. Slowly he got into the bed next to her, briefly she stirred. “Sshh, it’s only me babe,” he said as he placed his arm around her and fondled her breast. Then gently moving her hair he began kissing her neck and back. Moving his hand up and down her body, she began to wake up
. Slowly she turned to face him. Holding her firmly he said, “Stay the way you are babe, I want to take you from behind.” Moving his hands up and down her body, he wanted her more and more as she pushed his hand down onto her, arching with pleasure every time his fingers touched her. When the time was right he entered her, still stimulating her with his fingers.

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