Jimmy's Game (Ruthless) (33 page)

BOOK: Jimmy's Game (Ruthless)
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Fortunately the shopping trip didn’t take very long; they were home within an hour. While she sorted out the meal she instructed him to lay the table for three courses and to chill some wine.

Time passed quickly, at quarter past seven she asked him to watch over the cooking, while she quickly washed and changed. Just as she disappeared into the bathroom his phone rang, there was no caller ID the number had been withheld. He answered it, but before he had time to speak, a man with a Jamaican accent said, “Jimmy, da dog was just a warning, next time it’ll be one a ya!” Jimmy shouted down the phone, but the caller hung up. “Was that Mickey?” said Maria as she appeared from the bathroom. Shaking his head he replied, “No babe wrong number.” She knew he was lying, because she had heard him shouting, but she decided not to ask, simply because their guests were due to arrive at any minute.

Throughout the meal she noticed Jimmy seemed a bit edgy, even Mickey asked if he was ok. Trying to play it down Jimmy said he had a headache. “This meal is fantastic, I wish I had your culinary talents Maria” said Monica.” Mickey piped in and laughing said, “So do I!” Pinching him she snapped back and said, “We’ve all got different talents!” He didn’t argue with that, although he did have to agree, Maria certainly was a great cook. “I’d be happy to give you cooking lessons Monica,” said Maria. With a grin she replied, “I’ll give that some thought, thanks Maria.”

They sat chatting while they drank their coffee after the meal. Talking mainly about the wedding, with Monica dropping several hints, about how lucky Maria was and that she wished it wa
s her. The two men brought up the subject of Hudson in the hope Monica could tell them something, their plan worked when she said,  “There isn’t very much evidence to go on, the body had been in the water a long time. We’ve interviewed several people, but apparently no one saw or heard anything.” Not realising the men wanted to hear what Monica had to say, Maria said “Can we change the subject, let’s not talk about dead bodies. I want to show you the underwear I’ve bought for the wedding Monica.” “Great,” said Monica with a grin.

The two girls left the men talking and went off into the bedroom and not a minute too soon for Jimmy; he wanted to tell Mickey about the phone call. Mickey listened to him then said, “Perhaps whoever it was simply did it to frighten us.” Jimmy was not convinced as he replied, “I couldn’t swear to it, but I think it was that Damon who made the call; can’t be absolutely sure, because all Jamaicans sound the fucking same! As a precaution I think we should call the clubs, just to check on
things; also we need to call Tony to see if John Duggan told him anything.” Between them they rang the clubs and Tony. To their relief everything at the clubs was fine, there had been no sign of the Jamaicans. Tony had said John told him it was the same as with them, the Jamaicans wanted to buy his club; he refused, they got punchy. Tony wasn’t sure how Shaun was doing with the doormen, he would try to find out and ring back. They talked about what the others had said, “I’m beginning to think the Jamaicans want to muscle in on our manor, could be they’re looking to take over some business,” said Mickey. Jimmy looked menacing as he replied, “Over my dead body, we’ve worked to long and too fucking hard to let a bunch of fucking Jamaican bastards take over!” “I agree and business is good especially from the clubs, we rarely get any trouble with the Old Bill; I work hard to keep things looking kosher. Too much trouble with the Jamaicans could have the Old Bill poking around, which could be dangerous.”

The girls returned from the bedroom whispering and giggling. Mickey looked up and said, “Everything alright girls?” Monica giggled and replied, “Jimmy’s in for a real treat,” sarcastically she added, “Of course that could be you, but we’re not getting married are we?” Aware she was dropping yet another hint he replied, “One day babe, one day.” “Yes I know you always say one day babe, I just hope I’m still young enough to walk up the aisle!” The four friends laughed as Jimmy said, “One day he’ll make an honest woman of you babe.” They continued to talk about the wedding until Monica said, “Gosh just look at the time, its quarter to one and I’ve got the early shift tomorrow.” “Sounds like we’re leaving,” said Mickey.

At the door they thanked their hosts for a wonderful evening. Mickey said, “I’ll bell you in the morning.” “Ok mate goodnight,” replied Jimmy as he closed the door behind them.



With their friends gone Maria was just about to suggest them turning in for the night when they heard a loud bang; like a car back firing. They wouldn’t have taken much notice had it not have been instantly followed by yelling
. Jimmy rushed over to the window, where looking down into the street he said, “Fuck me Maria, phone an ambulance something’s happened down stairs!” Within seconds he was running out of the front door, not waiting for the lift he ran down three flights of stairs.

Just outside the main door he could see Mickey crouched down over Monica. Moving closer, he could see his friend was covered in blood. “Jesus Christ Mickey is she ok, the ambulance is on its way, are you hurt?” “No I’m ok, but she’s been shot!” Holding her in his arms she was breathing and trying to talk, “Don’t talk babe just lie quietly until the ambulance arrives,” said Mickey.

Maria appeared stating that the ambulance would be there any second. Seeing her friend lying on the ground covered in blood, the colour drained from her face as she started crying. Then they heard the siren. “Hold on babe,” said Mickey, “the ambulance is here.” A crowd had gathered in the street and the Old Bill had arrived. Two paramedics put Monica onto a stretcher and gave her some air through a mask. Mickey travelled with her in the ambulance; repeatedly asking the paramedic if she would be ok, but the paramedic danced round the question, without actually giving him an answer.

When they arrived at the hospital a team were waiting to take her to the operating theatre. Two nurses pushed the stretcher bed through the swing doors. A doctor told Mickey to wait outside. Moments later a nurse came over and took him to a waiting area. “Someone will come and see you when they’ve finished,” said the nurse. Mickey nodded and replied, “Thanks I’m expecting my friends to join me any minute, I’ll need to let them know where I am.” “Don’t worry I’ll bring them here to you.”

Five minutes later she returned with his friends. Maria just threw her arms around Mickey and sobbed while Jimmy said, “I’ll go and find a coffee machine.” Looking at him over her shoulder as they embraced, Mickey nodded.

When Jimmy returned with their coffee, a doctor was talking to his Mickey. Jimmy listened as the Doc said, “We’re going to try and remove the bullet; the procedure could take several hours.” “Will she be ok doc,” asked Mickey. “I’m sorry it’s too early for me to make a prognosis, I’ll ask someone to keep you informed.”

Time dragged, Mickey kept looking at his watch. When they talked about Monica, he said, “It’s not until something like this happens you realise what someone means to you. I do love her; I just wish I’d told her more often.” Jimmy tried to comfort him by replying, “I know exactly how you feel; I thought exactly the same when Maria was in the coma. Monica’s a tough cookie; I’m sure she’ll pull through.”

Another nurse came in to check on them. Mickey was the first to ask, “Is there any news yet?” “No I’m sorry they’re still working on her, I’ll let you know as soon as there is. Is there anything I can get you?” The two men shook their heads, but Maria said, “Would I be able to go to the chapel please?” “Of course, it’s just along the corridor, I can take you.” Maria knew where it was, but felt she would like the nurses company, so she just nodded. Jimmy knew that it was her way of dealing with things. After she left with the nurse, Mickey looked at him and said, “At times like this I wish I had half her faith.” Jimmy simply nodded.

Four hours had passed when a doctor finally entered the waiting room, still wearing his blood stained surgical gown. Mickey stood up; desperate for any news. “We’ve successfully removed the bullet, however there were some complications,” said the surgeon; “We had to perform a hysterectomy because her womb had taken the bullets impact, it was the only way we could stop the bleeding.” “She will be ok, won’t she?” Typically instead of saying yes or no he replied, “She’s lost a lot of blood, so she’ll stay in intensive care for several days, but her chances are better than average.” Shaking the surgeons’ hand, Mickey said, “Thanks for everything, when can I see her?” “It’ll be several hours before she comes round, but if you simply wanted to have a brief moment with her that would be alright.” “I would like to.” Following the surgeon he headed for intensive care where Monica was lying peacefully wired up to several monitors. Gently he held her hand, kissed her forehead and said, “Hang in there babe. I love you. I’ll see you when you wake up.” After a couple of minutes the surgeon said, “We should leave her to rest now. I’ll keep her sedated for the next eight hours.”

Outside the hospital his friends were waiting for him. Mickey told them what the doctor had said about keeping her asleep. Jimmy said, “Why don’t you come and stay with us tonight, this is probably not a good time to be on your own.” “Cheers Jimmy, I’d appreciate the company, although tonight’s almost over, its half five in the morning.”

Back at the apartment Maria made coffee and said, “Can I get you two some breakfast?”  Neither one of them had any appetite, so Jimmy said, “You should try and get some sleep babe; I’m going to stay up and talk to Mickey.” Before going to bed she kissed Mickey on the cheek and said, “Monica will be fine, I’ll pray for her.” “Thanks babe.”

Once she had gone to bed Jimmy said, “What exactly happened Mick?” “We were just leaving the building when a car drove past. We didn’t take any notice at first until it slowed down, next thing we knew someone shot at us!” “Did you get a look at them?” “Oh yeah I fucking clocked him, it was a fucking Jamaican! The car was a black BMW, but I didn’t catch the registration.” “We’ll make these fucking Jamaicans pay for what they’ve done. I’ll bell all the lads in a couple of hours and tell them what’s happened. Fancy another coffee?” Mickey nodded.

Returning from the kitchen with their drinks a few minutes later, he could see that the full impact of the shooting had just hit Mickey. Sitting with his face in his hands, Jimmy could hear him crying. Passing him a mug he said, “There you go Mickey, drink that, it’ll help.” Wiping his face he took it and said, “Sorry.” “Nothing to be sorry for it’s a normal reaction; one I went through many times when Maria was in the coma.” Tearfully Mickey said, “When I thought she was dead, I realised I wouldn’t know what to do without her.” Trying hard to hold back his emotions he added, “I didn’t always treat her right. I was always standing her up and sleeping with the dancers from the club, once I even forgot her birthday, I did make it up to her but I feel so bad about it now. No matter how bad I treated her, she was always there for me.” “It’s normal to feel like that Mick, sometimes it takes a tragedy like this to make people realise what someone means to them, but sometimes if you’re lucky like us, you get a second chance. I always remember how badly my father treated my mum, yet when she topped herself my old man cried for days; at the time I never understood why, but I do now.” “Thanks Jimmy, I’ll make it up to her she deserves it.” “I know, but now we should try and get some sleep, there’s nothing we can do for a few hours.” Mickey nodded and said, “I’ll phone Charlie’s mum later, tell her not to let Charlie come over at the weekend, just until things have settled down.” “Yeah probably a good idea, now get some kip mate. I’ll see you in a couple of hours.” “Yeah ok Jimmy thanks.”

It was just after nine when Jimmy surfaced later that morning. He thought he was the first one up until he walked into the lounge and heard Mickey say; “Morning, the kettles on.” “How are you Mick?” “I didn’t sleep; I couldn’t get the fucking Jamaicans out of my head, do you think they were hoping to shoot me and Monica simply got in the way?” “It had crossed my mind.” “They’ve gone too fucking far! I’ll see them pay for what they did!”

Maria joined them and said; “Sorry I must of dozed back off, can I get you two some breakfast?” Mickey said, “I’m not really hungry babe.” “I insist that you eat something. What if I do us all some scrambled egg?” “I’m really not hungry.” Finally after they both nagged him he said, “Scrambled eggs are fine, but just a small one for me babe.”

Whilst eating their breakfast Maria said, “So are you going to tell me what’s going on and don’t lie to me Jimmy because I know something is. I’m not stupid.” The look on Jimmy face was one of shock as Mickey looked at him and said, “We should tell her before someone else does.” Sitting quietly she listened as they went over the full story about the Jamaicans. When they finished she said, “I’m angry that you didn’t tell me this before Jimmy.” Trying to redeem himself he replied, “I didn’t want to worry you babe, especially as the wedding is only weeks away.”
Because Jimmy had mentioned it she looked at Mickey and said, “Would you like us to put the wedding on hold until Monica’s better?” Feeling quite humbled that his friends would do that for him, especially as he knew how excited she was about getting married, he replied, “No that’s ok babe, I’m confident Monica will be well on to the road to recovery by then.” “I’m sure you’re right, we’re just grateful it didn’t kill her.” “Me too babe, I called Charlie’s mum, she’s going to tell her what happened; she even offered to run her over, so she could visit because she knows how much Charlie likes Monica.” “That was nice of her.” “Funny thing really, we get on better now as friends than we ever did as man and wife. I also called Monica’s family; her parents are going to drive up from Devon today. They probably won’t get here till late evening. I’m going to book them into a hotel near the hospital; it’s probably not a good idea for them to stay with me, just in case we have any more trouble.” “Does Monica have any other family?” “No, she’s an only child, as far as I know there are only her parents and a couple of aunts and uncles.” “I expect her parents are worried sick.” “That’s an understatement; they were frantic when I told them.  They did feel a bit better when I told them I rang the hospital early this morning and the staff nurse said Monica had a comfortable night and that this morning the doctor had taken her off the critical list.” “Oh that’s good.” “Yeah, but she also said I would be the only visitor allowed in to see her today. I explained that her parents would be here this evening; fortunately she said it would be ok if they wanted to go with me, cheeky bloody cow said she’d prefer them to leave it until tomorrow though. I can just see them agreeing to that, wild horses couldn’t keep them away.” “What time can you visit her then,” asked Jimmy. “She said it would be better for me to leave visiting for a couple of hours as Monica’s not really awake yet.” “I expect she’s heavily sedated.” Mickey’s was just about to reply when his phone rang, it was Charlie. “Hi dad, is Monica going to be alright?” Her voice sounded tearful. Reassuring her he told her what the nurse had said, “Oh that’s great dad, when can I see her?” “Probably not for a few days babe, I’ll let you know.” They chatted for a few minutes; Charlie wanted to know all the details, but trying to play it down because he didn’t want to worry her, he said, “It was just a random drive by shooting princess.” Just before the call ended she said, “Love you dad.” “Love you too sweetheart, I’ll call you later.” “Give Monica my love; tell her I’ll see her soon. Oh and love to Uncle Jimmy and Maria.” “Ok babe.”

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