Jimmy's Game (Ruthless) (28 page)

BOOK: Jimmy's Game (Ruthless)
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They chatted for hours after they ate. Maria got quite tearful when she told them how romantic Jimmy had been, especially with the key in a gift box. He interrupted and jokingly said, “Steady on babe you’re ruining my bad boy reputation!” Everyone was laughing when Ann said, “Did you think it was a ring Maria?” Blushing Maria confessed she had. Jimmy looked at her and said, “What would you have said, if I had given you an engagement ring?” Without hesitation she replied, “I would have been very happy to accept.” “Good job I brought this then!” Her heart
was pounding and her hands shaking as he took a small box from his jacket pocket and handed it to her. Everyone watched as she opened it. Inside was the most exquisite diamond ring. “Try it on,” said Monica. Slipping it onto her finger, she began to cry as she said, “It’s perfect.” Reaching over the table he held her hand and said, “I wasn’t sure whether it was too quick, but it was something Shaun said a few weeks ago that convinced me the time was right. I know you’ve had a rough time babe and it will take time for you to adapt to things, but there’s no rush, it can be a long engagement.” Shaun interrupted and said, “What did I say? My curiosity is getting the better of me.” Jimmy laughed as he replied, “When you were talking about Ann, you said you knew from the moment you clapped eyes on her she was the girl for you.” Ann interrupted and said, “It was the same for me, he was a rough diamond that’s for sure and my dad wasn’t happy about it, but when your heart tells you something’s right; you have to follow it. I couldn’t imagine being without the big ox now, although there are times when I think about trading him in for a younger sexier model!” Everyone was laughing as Shaun said, “Aye well, let me tell you something, these young blokes are ok for quick shag, but when it comes to it, a virile man in his prime like me is a much better bet!” “I wouldn’t argue with that darling,” said Ann, “You’re the only man for me, that’s for sure, and as they say, better the devil you know.” “Aye you’re right darling, and of course there’s the other minor detail you’ve missed out.” “And what might that be then?” “If some young stud did ever try his luck I’d have to break both his arms and legs, before I ripped his head off!” Ann laughed and said, “Now everyone can see why I love you, you’re such a big old softie!” They were still laughing as Mickey asked everyone to raise their glasses in a toast. “To the happy couple and let’s hope all your future children look like Maria!” Everyone laughed especially when Jimmy said, “Fucking cheeky bastard!”

It was turned two o’clock when everyone finally went home; Maria had made a point of telling them all before they left that it had been the best birthday she’d ever had and with the exception of Jimmy winning the poker game, the best night of her entire life.

When they arrived back at the apartment, Jimmy poured them a drink and said, “What a fucking great night!” “The best night Jimmy, I never imagined anything like that happening to me.” He noticed she looked as though she would burst into tears, pulling her close to him he said, “Cheer up babe, tonight was just the start, we’ve got a lot of catching up to do.” Then with a boyish grin he added, “Shall we turn in so I can do disgusting, but wonderful things to you!”  “Yes that sounds like a good idea, what did you have in mind?” “As long as you enjoy it babe, I’m easy.” “In that case give me five minutes.” Curiously he said, “What for, can’t we just go to bed?” “Patience Jimmy patience, I just want to change.” “Don’t bother with all that, you won’t have it on long enough, I intend to ravage your body, I’ve waited two months for this!” “Then five more minutes won’t make any difference will they?” “You’re up to something, I can tell.” “Correct, so give me five minutes, you won’t be disappointed.” Kissing her passionately he ran his hand up her leg and into her panties. Feeling instantly that she wanted him he said, “If you don’t go now I’ll have to fuck you! God you feel so good babe.”  Pulling away from him she grinned and said, “Get in bed I’ll be there in a moment!”

Eagerly he lay in the bed waiting for her, after she went into the spare room to change. “Come on babe, hurry up, the fucking suspense is killing me” he called. “Close your eyes,” she replied from outside the bedroom door. Less than thirty seconds later she said, “Ok you can open your eyes now.” Jimmy felt his heart skip a beat as he looked at her standing in the doorway wearing a leopard print basque,
stockings, suspenders and high heels. “Fuck me babe, you make me so fucking horny, I could come just looking at you!” Walking seductively towards him she replied, “I was rather hoping we’d come together.

Throwing the duvet off of him she looked at his cock and said, “I think that should be inside me!” Pulling her onto him, Jimmy kissed her wildly as he fondled her breasts and she took his cock in her hand. The passion between them was electric as she moved over and knelt on the bed resting on her elbows over the pillows. Without wasting a second Jimmy was mounting her from behind and thrusting into her, holding her firmly by the hips only moving to fondle he breasts. Barely five minutes had passed when she said, “Don’t stop Jimmy, I’m coming!” she screamed as he thrust harder into her. Moments later he’d rolled her over; she straddled him, taking him deeper into her. Kissing her breasts and sucking her nipples as she rode him. Then suddenly she leaned forward and went down hard on him as she cried out “Oh Jimmy I’m coming!” This time he held her tight and moving in sync with her said, “Christ babe, don’t stop!” Powerfully he gripped her hips as he came. Finally collapsing onto him lying along his body and kissing him she said, “Jimmy that was fantastic!” “Fantastic, that’s an understatement babe!” “God it was, I’m so glad I asked Monica to buy this basque, I felt really sexy wearing it.”  “You are fucking sexy babe, Christ that was amazing!” “So are you Jimmy, I love you so much.” “I know babe and I do you.” It wasn’t long before they were both asleep, their bodies entwined as one.


Two Years Later


Jimmy could smell freshly made toast as he made his way to the kitchen. “Morning gorgeous,” he said, as Maria put the scrambled eggs onto the plates. Walking towards him with their breakfast she leant over and kissed him. “Sleep well?” she asked. “Like a log. What are your plans for today?” “I’m going to the restaurant to run a couple of new recipes past chef, after that I’m going to see Father Thomas to speak with him about the wedding arrangements.” “Ok babe.”

Over breakfast they chatted, “Do you realise babe, Maria’s is now one of the most popular restaurants in London” said Jimmy. Smiling she replied, “I never doubted it would be; with your contacts and my culinary talents, we couldn’t fail. Now don’t let your breakfast get cold.”

Looking at her; he never imagined he would love any woman the way he did her, during the last two years since he won the bet at Nick’s, his life had changed so much, his love for her had grown stronger with every passing day, as did hers for him. Jimmy always vowed he’d never marry again after his first marriage had ended in a bitter divorce, but it was different this time, although he never appeared too excited secretly he couldn’t wait for their wedding day; when he would marry her, although he had left all the arrangements to her and Monica. Often he would joke with them and say, “You two sort everything out, have whatever you like; I’ll just pay for it all and turn up on the day.” Glancing over at him she could see that his thoughts where miles away; “Jimmy what are you thinking about?” Lovingly he replied, “Nothing really, just that I’m a lucky man and how much my life has changed for the better.” “I’m the lucky one, I love you so much I thank God every day for sending you to me. Oh and while we’re on the subject of God, Father Thomas said it would be really nice to see you in church on Sunday, especially as we’re getting married in eight weeks time.” “You know how busy I am babe, apologise to him for me tell him I’ll try.” “What about today, you could come with me?” “Sorry babe I’ve got something on with Mickey this morning; he’s picking me up around half ten.” “Where are you going?”  “Only down the club.” “What Dixie’s?” “No Sweet Cheeks; apparently Shane and Billy had a bit of trouble with some Jamaicans down there a couple of nights ago.” “What sort of trouble Jimmy?” Trying not to worry her he replied, “It was nothing babe, just a group of Jamaicans who got a bit out of hand with a couple of the dancers.” Despite his cool manner he had a bad feeling about the incident, he didn’t really warm to the Jamaicans, they often brought trouble with them. The locals were okay, they never gave any bother, but this group was different. Shane had told Mickey that they had caught one of them trying to sell drugs, but when he’d ordered him to get out, the Jamaican had said something to the effect that they would be back. Maria could tell by the way Jimmy had spoken there was more to it, but she knew he wouldn’t tell her.

Still chatting about the club she said, “I don’t know how the dancers do what they do.” “It’s just a job to them babe, anyway we look after our girls, we never allowed overzealous men to get out of hand with them. Some of the girls are doing it to pay their way through university; a couple of them are single mothers who need to work. The fact is on a good night they can earn in excess of three hundred quid, they see it as a good career move.” Surprised to hear about some of their backgrounds and how much money they earned, she smiled and said, “No matter what I’d never be able to do it.” Jokingly he replied, “Shame, with a body like yours the punters would be
gagging to stick a twenty pound note in your knickers!” Slapping him playfully she said, “Behave yourself, how would you feel if I did do it?” With a serious look he replied, “I’d hate the thought of other men ogling you, truth is I’d probably lose my temper and end up thumping someone.” “I’ll never need another man.” Leaning over the table he kissed her as he said, “Good, then we’re both in agreement on that score, because I never intend for us to be apart; the way I see it you’re stuck with me forever.” Standing up she moved towards him and sat down on his lap, within minutes they were kissing passionately, their hands were all over each other as they frantically undressed. Still sitting on the chair she straddled him; seconds later they were making love. The passion between them had grown stronger; their bodies seemed to be in perfect sync with one another. Their love making was adventurous and exciting, filled with passion and desire. Glancing at the clock on the wall she said, “We’d best be thinking about taking a shower, its quarter to ten, Mickey will be here soon.” “Yeah you’ve got stop keep seducing me babe, I’ve got things to do; so I’ll only agree to share a shower with you if you promise to keep your hands off me?” Joking sarcastically she replied, “Perhaps we should abstain from sex until after the wedding, especially as you have so many important things to do?” Laughing he grabbed her and said, “If that’s the case the fucking wedding’s off!” They both laughed.

Less than five minutes after taking a shower and dressing, Mickey’s car horn sounded outside
. Grabbing his jacket and kissing her on the cheek Jimmy said, “Have a good day babe, give Shaun a ring tell him to drive you to the restaurant and the church. See you later babe.” “See you later, love you.” “Love you too.” She heard the front door close behind him.

Pouring herself another coffee, she sat in the kitchen and pondered over the trouble he’d mentioned. Undoing the top button of her blouse, she held the cross hanging round her neck that had been a birthday gift from Shaun and Ann
, gently rubbing it she asked God to watch over Jimmy and to keep him out of trouble. In the two years that she had lived with him, she had come to realise there was a side to him that concerned her. On several occasions he had returned from the clubs with black eyes and bruises and despite his reassurances that it was always someone else who had started it, she knew it probably wasn’t. Although her love for him was paramount there were times when even she felt uneasy, knowing just how many questions she could ask before he would lose his patience and become angry. There was a point which she would go to, but know when to stop. Not that he had ever laid a finger on her in a violent manner, hitting women wasn’t in his character, but her track record with Nick was enough for her never to take the chance. In many ways she wished he was more like Mickey, always the diplomat, never rushing into things, weighing up certain situations carefully before deciding what action to take. Unlike Jimmy who would just wade in regardless of the consequences, although like Jimmy, Mickey was known to have a temper he seemed to have control and she was grateful he helped to keep Jimmy out of trouble. As she thought of Mickey she felt blessed to have him, not only for Jimmy but for her; he was always there for her; like the times when she was worried over things Jimmy had done, he would always reassure her that everything would be fine.

Outside in the car Jimmy said to Mickey, “This bit of bother at the club, I don’t like the sound of it, fucking Jamaicans they’re too cocky by far.” “I know I feel the same, my experience with Jamaicans over the years is they usually spell trouble; pushing drugs and having scant respect for our women, in fact I find their whole culture quite abrasive. There’s some that are okay, like the ones we grew up with so I
wouldn’t tar them all with the same brush, but generally speaking, they’re not my favourite race of people.”

Pulling in at club, they noticed a young woman talking to Shane. When they approached Shane, he pointed at them and said to her, “Those are the people you need to speak to babe.” “What’s up?” asked Mickey. “She’s looking for a job.” “Fair enough, what’s your name babe and what can you do?” The young woman smiled and replied, “My name is Max, short for Maxine, I’ve done bar work, shop and restaurant work.” Jimmy cut in and said, “How old are you and how would you feel about pole dancing?” “I’m twenty five and I don’t have a problem with stripping, I used to do nude modelling for a college art department. I’ve never pole danced, but I’d be happy to give it a try.” “Can I ask why you need the job, only you’re very attractive and you seem quiet bright, not the type that we’d expect to work in the clubs and definitely not as a pole dancer.” Immediately she replied, “My reasons are personal.” A bit put out by her attitude he said, “If you’re doing it to fund a drug habit, you’d best go elsewhere.” “Let me assure you I’ve never taken drugs, nor do I intend to start!” “Fair enough, well as we’re both here you can try out now if you like?” “Ok,” said Max.

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