Jimmy's Game (Ruthless) (25 page)

BOOK: Jimmy's Game (Ruthless)
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A doctor entered the room and said, “Don’t expect too much, she could be like that for days and in some cases weeks or even months, we have no way of telling. However I’m happy with the results of the tests we’ve run; there doesn’t appear to be any permanent damage. Now her body just needs time to heal at
its own pace.” Jimmy took some comfort from the doctor’s words. Before leaving Jimmy kissed her and said, “Hang in there babe, I love you. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

Meeting up with the others in the waiting room, he said, “Any more news on Jacky Boy?” “He’s ok we might be able to see him tomorrow, I’ve rung his family they’re on their way over,” said Kevin. Shaun asked after Maria before telling them he was going home. Shane said, “I’d be happy to drop you off Shaun, does anyone else want a lift?” With the exception of Kevin, who was going to wait for Jacky’s family to arrive, the others accepted his offer. Before they left Mickey said, “Can you all meet us at the club tomorrow?” “What time?” asked Shane? “Around midday, if that suits you?” Everyone said yes.

Tony drove the other car, dropping Jimmy and Mickey back off at the apartment.

Back at Jimmy’s, the two friends went over the day’s events.  Jimmy suggested sending out for takeaway; they were both starving
. While they waited for their supper to arrive, Jimmy said, “I’ll put the money from the MP’s gaff in my safe.” “Ok mate, what do want to do with it?” “Haven’t really thought about it, what do you think?” “Well how about giving the boys a bonus for today?” Before he could reply, the intercom buzzed. Jimmy answered it, then called out, “Supper’s here Mickey, grab a couple of forks while I pay for it.” Five minutes later they were eating. Jimmy said, “I think giving the lads a bonus is a good idea. How much did you have in mind?” “What about twenty grand each, they earned it?” “Fuck me Mick, you are feeling generous!” “Yeah I know, but the way I look at it is all those boys stuck with us today, and let’s face it things could have been a lot worse. Jacky Boy lost his kidney; it could have been his life.” “You’re right, twenty grand apiece then. What about the rest?” “Oh I’m sure we can find a good use for it. I’ve got a couple of ideas; let’s just sit on it for the time being, unless of course you want to do something with it?” “No mate, I’m ok with that. Let’s get it counted then they can have it tomorrow.” “There are a couple of things I wanted to run past you though Jimmy.” “Yeah what’s that?” “I’ve been thinking about the stuff in Maurice’s deposit box, now Nick and the Russians are out of the way, maybe we could send it on. I think it’s time the dirty perverts like Quinton were put in the spotlight. At the very least it’ll stop perverts like him dicking kids.” “Sounds good to me, what do you have in mind?” “I thought maybe we could sort of drop them in Monica’s lap, I know she wouldn’t let anything go and she would have the resources to follow up on the other perverts in the photos. Personally I think we should just find them and cut their fucking knobs off!” “I’ll second that.”  “The other thing is the money; I don’t think we really need to tell Tony, after all Maurice had plenty so his family should be ok and Tony certainly doesn’t need it. Anyway think about it, we can talk tomorrow; I know you’re worried about Maria.” With genuine sadness Jimmy replied, “I feel really bad about what happened, I promised her I wouldn’t let anyone hurt her again.” “None of this is your fault Jimmy; if anything you’ve given her a reason to live.” “I hope you’re right, she deserves something; I’m not sure it’s me though.” Trying to lift his friends spirits Mickey said, “Fuck me you are joking, she’s nuts about you, and don’t give me all that old bollocks about it’s because you’re fucking kind to her, I’ve seen the way you two are together; it’s meant to be mate.” “Thanks for that Mickey; I just hope you’re right.” Finishing his meal Mickey said, “I’m going to call it a night; I’m knackered. I’ll see you at the club tomorrow, try and get some kip. I’ll catch you later.” “Thanks for everything.” “No worries, I’ll see myself out.”

Taking his friends advice Jimmy drank another scotch and then turned in for the night. Despite his tiredness, he tossed and turned all night, unable to get the image of Maria, lying tied to that bed out of his head. It was more than he could bear to imagine what they had done to her. When they had found her, his first thoughts were, all the Russians had raped and tortured her, he’d felt relieved when the MP told him they hadn’t, but even knowing they were dead, he still felt such white hot fury as he thought about them.
Gazing up at the ceiling he made a promise to himself that if she survived he would do something really special for her. The entire night he tossed and turned, unable to drift off to sleep. Finally feeling frustrated with the fact he couldn’t sleep he got up at first light. It seemed strange not having her there, even though she had only been there for a short time, he enjoyed having her around; the apartment seemed empty without her.

At eight o’clock that morning he phoned the hospital. The sister on duty told him Maria had a peaceful night. When he’d asked if she had regained consciousness, he was disappointed when she said no.
For the first time in years he was at a loss; it was too early to go out and he didn’t want to go back to bed. Not wanting to stay in the apartment, he decided to go for a walk which was not something he would normally do. Although he wasn’t going anywhere in particular when he left the apartment, twenty minutes later he found himself standing outside St Augustus church. Hesitating for a moment he looked up at the church, it felt as though something was drawing him as he began walking towards the doors. He’d not been in a church since his mother’s death; simply because he’d blamed God for letting her die. Sitting down in the back row of the pews; he thought he was the only person there. Briefly glancing up at the statue of Christ, he put his head in his hands and quietly said, “I’m not here for myself, I’ve come to ask you to let Maria live. I’m not a particularly good person, but she is and I think you owe her, you’ve let her down badly and she didn’t deserve any of it.”

Briefly he scanned the other pews to see if anyone had come in, still believing he was alone he continued his prayer adding, “This will be the only chance for you to prove to me that you care. If you want to punish someone, punish me not her. I promise if you let her live I’ll look after her and love her for the rest of her life.” He
hadn’t noticed the priest come in, until he spoke and said, “Good morning, can I help you?” Jimmy looked up at him and said, “Who me Father? No thanks, I’m beyond help.” The priest smiled and replied, “Would you like me to hear your confession so God can be the judge of that? If whatever you’ve done is that terrible, perhaps we can ask God to forgive you?” Jimmy laughed and said, “I don’t need God to forgive me, I can live with what I’ve done.” The priest, although shocked by Jimmy’s reply said “Then may I sit with you?” Jimmy nodded. Offering his hand the priest said, “I’m Father Thomas.” “Jimmy Dixon.” “Pleased to meet you Jimmy, is St Augustus your parish? I appreciate I should know, but unfortunately I’ve only been here a few days, so I’m not yet familiar with my parishioners.” “No Father, I don’t go to church, I don’t believe.” “Yet you are here today Jimmy?” “Not for me Father, for someone else.” “Would you mind if I ask who? Is it a member of your family, or a friend?” “Let’s just say it’s someone I love; someone who has made me want to love again.” “That’s good Jimmy, love is a very powerful emotion.” Despite his hatred for the church, he actually found himself warming to Father Thomas. In fact, he thought in a different world they could actually be friends. Unlike the priests he remembered from his childhood; who had all been old and set in their ways, Thomas was different. In his early forties, plump with slightly receding hair line, a warm friendly attitude, the total opposite to the likes of Father O’Brien.

“What made you come to St Augustus Father,” said Jimmy. “Unfortunately my predecessor Father O’Brien died, apparently he had been here for years. I never met him; unfortunately there have been rumours about him.” “Rumours Father, what sort of rumours?” “Actually he was murdered; he died in hospital as a result of an attack on him. We thought the motive was robbery, but the police think he may have had dealings outside of the church.” “Dealings, what sort of dealings Father?” “I really cannot say, but that’s why I’m here; you see the church doesn’t like scandal. Sadly since he died we’ll never know, but I want to bring people back to the church. You see Jimmy I have never doubted God; my faith is as strong today as when I joined the church twenty four years ago.” The priest detected a hint of sarcasm as Jimmy replied, “So you believe God listens to you then?” “Oh I know he does,” said the priest with conviction. Despite Jimmy’s total lack of faith, there was something in the way Thomas had replied that made Jimmy say, “Do you think you could ask him to help Maria for me Father?” “Of course, why don’t we pray together?” Not wishing to offend the priest he politely reminded him that he didn’t believe. Father Thomas smiled, not because of Jimmy’s reply but because he had heard him praying when he’d thought no one could see or hear him. Smiling at him the priest said, “That’s ok Jimmy, I believe enough for both of us.”

Father Thomas began praying for her, when he finished he said, “The church doors will always be open to you, and I’ll pray for Maria every day.” “Thanks, I’d appreciate that,” replied Jimmy as he stood up to leave.



Mickey and Shaun were already at the club when Jimmy arrived, the others arrived ten minutes later. The six men sat round the table as Mickey poured everyone a drink. Waiting until everyone was settled he said, “Right, the reason we’ve called this meeting is tell you we managed to retrieve Maurice’s safety deposit box, the contents were something of a shock to say the least. There were some very explicit photographs of kids being abused by very high profile men; also DVDs of Nick and several other men torturing, and we believe, murdering kids. Now as you’re all aware of the events of yesterday, Nick and his Russian friend won’t be abusing anyone else.” “Fucking good riddance, all animals like them should all be fucking terminated,” said Shane. “I think we’d all agree on that, but back to business. I’ve discussed the contents of the box at length with Jimmy and after some thought we came up with the idea of passing it on to Monica, who as you all know I’m seeing? Obviously it would be done anonymously; we don’t want to draw any suspicion to us, but I know she would do right by those kids. So can we have a show of hands of all in agreement with me passing it on?” In principle they all agreed, the show of hands was unanimous.

They talked about some of the people who were in the photos as some of them were known to them. Tony said, “It might be a good idea to keep the QC Quinton’s film and photos back, there may be a time in the future when we need his services; having a judge in our pocket could definitely have its advantages.” Mickey replied, “We both questioned whether or not to do that, but we didn’t like the idea of the QC getting off Scot free, especially as we know what he does to those kids.” Shaun interrupted and said, “Why don’t we just cut his fucking bollocks off and choke him with them, or just let the fucker bleed to death!” Jimmy piped in and said, “That’s what I like about you Shaun, you’re such a sweet gentle soul.” Everyone laughed. Jimmy continued, “Talking of people bleeding to death Shaun, I must say you were great yesterday; you really seemed to know what you were doing. We all thought Maria was dead; how come you know about that sort of stuff?” The big Irishman felt slightly embarrassed, but before he could answer Mickey said, “Yeah Shaun you were a regular fucking Doc Martin!” They all laughed. Then Shaun proudly replied, “It’s all down to my eldest boy Liam, he’s a paramedic. When he was doing his training he used to practice on me and my Ann.” “Good trade, no doubt we’ve sent him quite a bit of business,” said Jimmy laughing, before going on to add, “he didn’t want to work with you then Shaun?” “I think he did but his mother wouldn’t hear of it; she insisted all the kids had regular jobs.” “She sounds like a good woman,” said Mickey. “Aye she is they don’t come any better than my Ann that’s for sure.” “How long have you been married,” asked Tony. “Thirty two years.” “Fuck me you wouldn’t do that for murder!” They all laughed.” Jimmy said, “Tell us about her Shaun.” “Nought to tell really, I met her when I was eighteen, she was sixteen; a wee scrap of a lass back then, but I knew from the minute I laid eyes on her she was the girl for me. I married her when I was twenty. We’ve had our ups and downs over the years, but I wouldn’t change a thing.” “So do you reckon it was love at first sight?” “Aye it was Jimmy.” Thinking of the way he felt about Maria, Jimmy took heart from what he’d said. Mickey changed the topic when he interrupted and said, “Shall we get back to business? Perhaps we should take a vote on the QC; do we keep him or sell him out?” Everyone thought it would be wisest to keep him, especially when Shane said, “The dirty old bastard will probably think twice before attending any more orgies, especially if we put the frighteners on him.” They all agreed. “So it’s agreed, we give Monica the recordings and photos?” said Mickey. Everyone nodded, even though they couldn’t take any credit for it because she would receive them anonymously.

It was as Mickey finished discussing business that Jimmy handed them all an envelope each. “What’s this?” asked Kevin. “It’s a bonus for yesterday, you earned it.” Kevin opened his and looking inside said, “Fuck me!” as he saw the wad of money. Mickey joked and said, “That should get you a few shags Kev.” They all laughed. “We’ll keep hold of Billy’s and Jacky Boy’s until they come out of hospital,” said Jimmy. Shaun peered inside his envelope; being the newest member of the crew he hadn’t expected anything, let alone the same amount as the others. With a look of genuine gratitude he said, “It’s much appreciated, in all the years I worked for Nick I’ve never had a bonus like this.” No one was surprised when Jimmy replied, “Unlike Nick we look after our boys and now that we’ll be taking over his end of the business there will be more where that came from.” Before any of them could reply they were interrupted by Shane’s phone. “It’s Simone, she can leave a message, I’ll get back to her later.” “No answer it Shane, it might be important,” said Jimmy.

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