Jimmy's Game (Ruthless) (53 page)

BOOK: Jimmy's Game (Ruthless)
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When they went back down into the bar, Mickey said, “If we decide to buy it, we’d want to put our own staff in to run it.” “My barman is leaving anyway; he’s already taken another bar job in town, he’s leaving at the end of the month. I’ll be sorry to see him go, he’s a good bloke, he would have stayed till I left but it’s a good pub he’s going to and they couldn’t hold the job open for him.” “Yeah good staff are hard to find nowadays. Would you mind giving us a few minutes Larry so we can discuss it?” “Not at all, take as long as you like.” Leaving them to talk, he began clearing some glasses from the other tables.

When Mickey asked the girls what they thought, it was unanimous they liked Larry and the pub. “We should move on it quickly” said Jimmy, “or we’ll lose it.” Mickey agreed. Calling Larry back over, Mickey said, “Good news Larry, we’re definitely interested in buying it.” “Cushty, I’ll give you my solicitor’s details so you can contact her.” “Who is she, if you don’t mind me asking?” Mickey smiled when Larry replied, ““Denise Wright, she works for Langridge Wyatt and Wright.” “I know her well.” “Oh, so if you give me your solicitor’s details we can get the ball rolling.” Grinning Mickey replied, “I’ll be handling the sale, I’m a solicitor, I’ll call Denise this afternoon. The fact that we’re friends I can guarantee we can cut out a load of red tape, so the sale should go through quickly.” Larry shook their hands and said, “I’ve got to say for a brief you handle yourself well Mickey.” “Ah well Harry that’s because Jimmy taught me, he’s a hooligan!” They all laughed. “So what will you do about those bully boys,” asked Larry. Jimmy smiled and replied, “Don’t worry Larry, we’ll deal with them, I don’t foresee any problems.” “Being a hooligan I don’t suppose you would!” They all laughed. Larry had seen them in action; he didn’t think they would take any shit from the bully boys. Mickey shook his hand and said, “We’ll call back in a few days Larry.” “I look forward to it; you can meet my wife Rose.”

After they left the pub, Monica said, “We need to call in at the station and make a statement regarding the trouble. It’ll have to be done sooner rather than later.” They agreed
. Fortunately because of Monica’s connections they weren’t kept very long at the station. Most of her colleagues were more interested in her health and her forthcoming marriage than the earlier trouble. The desk sergeant said to her, “I’m not surprised you had trouble with those four blokes, they’re well known to us for causing trouble they’ll go before magistrates within a couple of days.” Monica jokingly replied, “Oh wonderful, so basically they’ll get away with it! If we’re lucky they’ll get a fine, and if were really lucky they might even get a few hours community service!” Smiling at her the sergeant replied, “Trouble is no one will say anything to us for fear of reprisals, pathetic isn’t it? No wonder nobody wants to join the force anymore, if it wasn’t for my pension I would have got out years ago.” “Yeah and who could blame you?” They all signed their statements before leaving.

Outside the station Jimmy said, “Do you lot fancy eating dinner at Shades?” It was a unanimous yes. Forty minutes later they were sitting in their restaurant. They had a wonderful evening. It was almost midnight when they left.



The following morning the two men got ready to meet with Virginia Hollingsworth. Although Mickey wasn’t a friend of hers, her reputation as a no nonsense prosecutor was known throughout the legal world. He often saw her at the courts, but thankfully had never coming up against her. Driving to her offices, they went over their version of accounts.

Entering the building, Jimmy said, “Fuck me Mick, this is a bit posh ain’t it?” “So it should be. The amount of money these people earn, they can afford posh.” Entering the lift their destination would be the third floor.

They were greeted by a very attractive lady as they entered Virginia’s reception area; she was about thirty five, with short blonde hair cut in a very modern style. Although she was slim, Mickey commented discretely to Jimmy on the size of her tits. Smiling she said, “Good morning gentlemen, do you have an appointment?” Mickey replied, “Yes, we’re here to see Miss Hollingsworth, Michael Mann and James Dixon.” After checking the appointment list she said, “Please take a seat in the adjoining room, Miss Hollingsworth will be along shortly.” No sooner had they sat down when Virginia appeared, “Hello Michael,” she offered her hand then smiling at Jimmy added, “And you must be Mr Dixon?” Shaking her hand he replied, “Pleased to meet you and you can call me Jimmy.” “Have you been waiting long?” “Two minutes,” he replied.

Taking them through to her office, she sat opposite them at her desk. Without wasting a moment she said, “This is quite a case we have here Michael.” Mickey nodded, she continued, “I’d like to go over a couple of questions with you, if that’s ok?” “Fire away,” said Mickey. “Good, now I would imagine the first question the defence will ask you is why didn’t you report the drugs as soon as Samuels planted them?” Mickey was ready with his answer, “Simple, because we wanted his devious act to show him for what he is, there was also the fact he may have decided to try something else. By leaving the drugs there, when the drug squad became aware through us
, they would have Samuels finger prints, which was why they didn’t touch them and of course we had the tape which showed him putting them there in the first place. We felt relaxed in the time which we had to disclose it.” Virginia looked at him and grinning said, “Good answer. Now tell me, what do you think happened to the Jamaicans? Let me put that another way, Samuels believes they met with something nasty at the order of you and Jimmy.” Both men laughed. Mickey said, “I personally believe the Jamaicans have either gone back to the Caribbean, or they’re have simply relocated somewhere else. As for Samuels’s theory about us having done something to them; in my opinion is little more than a weak attempt to throw doubt in.” Laughing he added, “What does Samuels think we did with them? Maybe he thinks we killed them and hid them under the floorboards?” Even Virginia broke into a smile, as she replied, “Samuels is a desperate man, and it appears the further we delve into his private life the more desperate he’s becoming. Jimmy said, “Do you have enough evidence to prove his guilt?” “There’s enough evidence to put him away for a long time, if I don’t get a guilty verdict on this case I’ll stop practising law. The tapes alone are very damaging, but a distressed witness is always a bonus.” They knew she was referring to Max; she would be a very valuable asset to the prosecution; especially as she taped Samuels harassing her. Which although Lenny had done it for her she could simply say she did it herself.” Mickey said, “In theory how long do you think he’ll get Virginia?” “That’s the problem, none of us like dirty cops so realistically he could get up to fifteen years, but you know as well as I do Michael, it will just depend what judge we get. Trouble is Samuels will be known to some of them, which might make it easier or harder for him; there’s no way of telling. Unfortunately we won’t necessarily know until nearer the day, if not on the day what judge it will be. One thing is certain though, the powers that be will want this dealt with as soon as humanly possible, as I understand it’s proving quite an embarrassment for certain departments. I’m hoping to be ready for court within six weeks.”  “Blimey!” stated Mickey, “That is quick, how long do you think the trial will last?” “Hopefully not long, as I’ve said this entire case is one big embarrassment, they will want it wrapped up quickly. I don’t think there’s anything else I need to ask either of you today, my office will be in touch if anything crops up.” Shaking hands; the two friends thanked her then left.



The weeks passed quickly. The nearer the wedding came, the quicker the time seemed to go. They had been called back to Virginia’s office a couple of times, just to verify a few minor details.
The sale on the Jolly Roger was going through nicely; even the rehearsal with Father Thomas had gone better than expected. The wedding was now just over a week away. Mickey’s sister Fay and her family were due to arrive from America the following morning; Mickey had arranged to meet them at the airport; Monica was going along with him.

That evening Monica cooked the meal again, it was another triumph. She was becoming quite a dab hand at cooking. While they ate they talked about Fay and her husband Richard, also their two teenage children. Mickey was so excited about seeing them all. Jimmy said, “I’m looking forward to seeing them, I want them to meet Maria.” Mickey instantly replied, “I’m sure they’ll all love her.” Then smiling at Maria he added, “What’s not to love.” Blushing she replied, “I’m not sure about that, but thank you Mickey.” Jimmy just sat quietly as Mickey said, “Did I tell you we’re meeting Charlie at my mum’s house in the morning?” “They shook their heads. “Yeah she wants to come to the airport with us. I’ve hired a seven seater M.P.V.” Monica said, “They won’t believe how pretty and grown up she is.” “
It’s heredity, she gets her good looks from me.” Everyone laughed as Jimmy said, “Oh, nothing like blowing your own trumpet Mick!” “Bollocks it’s true!” Monica interrupted and said, “When you’ve finished bragging Mickey, did you remember to tell Jimmy we’ll be very late returning from your parent’s house?” “No I forgot babe.” “Thought you might have,” she said with a giggle before looking at Maria and saying, “We’ll stay over at Mickey’s place tomorrow night and possibly the following night, if that’s ok?” “Of course it’s ok.” “Oh, and did Mickey tell you two about the family meal?” “Not that I remember.” “He’s got a head like a sieve.” They all laughed. Monica continued, “We’re all getting together while Fay and Richard are here and naturally everyone wants you two to come. We’ll let you know the exact details of when and where after we’ve spoken to Mickey’s parents.” “Count us in, we’d love to come.”

The topic changed to the Jolly Roger when Mickey said, “So who do we put in the pub as a manager Jimmy? Obviously my first choice would be Shaun, but only if he wanted to.” “Yeah he’d be my choice too, second choice would be Shane, although we know how he likes working the clubs, a pub might cramp his style with the ladies. Having said that, him and Max seem to be an item, since Samuels arrest they’ve gone out several times together; Shane’s even stayed over a couple of nights and apparently he even gets on well with her son Harry.” “So I hear.” “So third and final choice, I reckon Jacky Boy and Lisa, they’re looking for somewhere to live this could be the answer.” “I agree, so let’s ask Shaun then take it from there.” Monica piped in and said, “I can just see Shaun as a landlord.” “Me too,” echoed Maria. They talked more about Shaun and Ann running the pub before Jimmy said, “Are you staying over tonight Mickey?” He noticed Monica smiling and nodding her head at him. Mickey was well aware that she wanted him to stay, so he replied, “Yeah, if that was ok.”
Maria said, “Of course it’s ok, but it’s my turn to cook the breakfast in the morning.” Then she looked at Jimmy and said, “As Monica will be out for the day tomorrow could we take some more things over to the house?” “Yeah, we could invite Shaun and Ann over to see the house if you like?” “Oh that’s a wonderful idea; I’ll phone them first thing in the morning.” “Maybe we could all stop off at the Jolly Roger for a drink on the way back?” Laughing she replied, “No wonder you’re keen for them to see the house, its only so Shaun can see the pub.” Looking at their friends he said, “This is the trouble when you live with someone, they know how you think, nothing is sacred!” Playfully she slapped him as she replied, “You’re so devious, but I love you anyway!”

They talked into the early hours of the morning and probably would have continued had Monica not have said, “Sorry to cut things short, but I’m retiring for the night, I feel very tired.” Everyone agreed that it was time for bed.

Lying in bed Maria snuggled her head into his chest as he said; “Not long now babe are you nervous about the wedding?” “A little bit, but I’m really looking forward to becoming Mrs Dixon.” Then unexpectedly he said, “Do you remember when you thought my life style would be unsuitable for children?” “Of course I do, but we sorted all that out, so why are you bringing it back up?” “I’m not, but I just want you to know I meant everything I said at the time, especially the bit about never letting you leave me once we’re married.” Wondering why he’d mentioned it she replied, “Tell me the truth Jimmy, if you’ve got cold feet and you don’t want to marry me then just say so.” Feeling shocked and angry at her reply he said, “I want to marry you more than anything, but I need to be sure you understand that no matter what, it will be forever.” Leaning forward to kiss him and then replied, “If I didn’t think it was going to be for ever, I wouldn’t be marrying you in the first place.” They kissed passionately for several minutes and then he pulled her onto him. Moments later they were making love. Aware that they were not alone in the apartment, she said, “Don’t make so much noise Jimmy, the others will hear you.” In true Jimmy fashion he began shouting in a loud voice, “Oh no more babe, you’re killing me, please take the hand cuffs off! I’ll be your slave! I’ll worship your body!” She tried to shut him up by going down hard on him and kissing him until finally he stopped. Knowing how embarrassed she would feel she said, “I won’t be able to look at Mickey over breakfast.” “Don’t worry about it babe, I’ve already told him you’re a sex maniac!” Pinning him down with her body she began tickling him, she knew he hated it, so it was a clever form of pay back. Desperately he tried to get up without hurting her, only managing to stop her by pushing her over onto her back and pinning her arms down before making love to her again. Finally the snuggled down together and within minutes they were both fast asleep.

The next morning while she cooked the breakfast Jimmy was reading the
newspaper when Monica appeared, “Good morning.” “Hi babe, where’s Mickey,” said Jimmy. “In the bathroom, he’ll only be a few minutes.”

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