Jimmy's Game (Ruthless) (57 page)

BOOK: Jimmy's Game (Ruthless)
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Once at the restaurant she soon fitted in with Fay and Richard, she could understand why Jimmy liked them so much. While he chatted to Fay and Mickey’s parents, Richard seemed happy talking to her and Monica about his family, especially his children. Maria said, “I thought your children would have joined us for dinner Richard.” Grinning he replied, “They had planned to, until their cousin Charlie offered to take them to a friend’s birthday party. I’m afraid us boring oldies just couldn’t compete!” They all laughed.

It was well past midnight when the evening began winding down. Mary said, “I suppose me and dad will have to think about going soon, I’m feeling tired.” Mickey knew when his mum said that, it was a cue for them to leave.

Maria looked at Fay and Richard and said, “It’s been lovely to meet you, I’ve had a wonderful evening. I hope to see you again before the wedding.” She was disappointed when Fay replied, “It’s been lovely to meet you too Maria, you’re as lovely as everyone said you were. I’m sorry, but I can’t make the hen night due to other commitments. You know what it’s like; everyone wants to see us while we’re here.” “I understand, so I’ll see you at the wedding then.” “Absolutely, wild horses couldn’t keep us away.” Everyone kissed and shook hands as they made their departure from the restaurant and walked towards their cars.

On the drive home she noticed Jimmy was quieter than usual. In an effort to lighten the atmosphere she said, “I really enjoyed myself tonight. Mickey’s family are lovely, they made me feel like I’d known them years.” “Yeah the meal was ok.” Surprised by his reply she said, “You looked as though you were thoroughly enjoying yourself talking to Fay and her parents.” “I could say the same about you. You looked like you was enjoying yourself a little too much with Richard!” She refrained from answering him, because she knew he was implying something and she
didn’t want another fight. Smirking he said, “What’s the matter Maria, did I hit a nerve?” “I don’t know what you’re talking about Jimmy, I was only talking to him and he was very nice.” “Yeah, he’s probably saying the same about you.” In a serious tone she replied, “I’m not having this conversation, I know where it’s leading and you’re wrong!” He never spoke again during the journey.

Once home she decided she would try to ignore the situation, rather than cause a row. Sitting in the lounge she kicked her shoes off and said, “Do you want coffee?” He nodded

Moments later she returned with their drinks and sat down. Looking at her, he said, “Well did you fancy Richard then?” “Don’t do this Jimmy, I told you I thought he was very pleasant and nice, but no, I didn’t fancy him.” She felt as though she was treading on egg shells when he was like this; so she added, “I’m going to bed once I’ve finished my tea.” “I’ll join you,” said Jimmy.

Within minutes of getting into bed he tried to initiate sex. Lovingly she said, “I’m sorry Jimmy I can’t have sex, I’ve got stomach cramps it could be the start of my period.” Quickly he replied, “Well there are other things we can do.” She knew he was referring to a blow job, in truth she would have done whatever he wanted, rather than bring the subject of Richard up again.

Thankfully after she’d satisfied his lust he fell asleep, unlike him she laid awake for hours thinking about how he’d changed over the past few weeks. Something about him was different, but she couldn’t work out exactly what.



Saturday morning arrived and he still seemed quiet as they ate breakfast, breaking the ice she said, “Are you looking forward to your stag night?” Nodding he replied, “Yeah, what about you, have you decided what you’re going to wear on your hen night tonight.” “Not really, Monica’s coming over early to help me pick something out.” “I’ll help you, I’m happy to have a clothes show. Go and put some gear on and I’ll give you my opinion.” She was reluctant, because she knew he would be critical of anything he deemed as sexy. However as usual he talked her into it.

She had tried on several things, before showing him a short black halter neck dress. Immediately she knew from his expression he wasn’t happy with it, even more so when he said, “When did you get that, I haven’t seen it before?” “Monica gave it to me; it’s too small for her now.” Looking at the dress, he said, “Walk up and down the lounge, so I can watch you.” It was when she began walking back towards him he beckoned her to him with his finger. Pulling her onto his lap he said “Are you bleeding?” When she shook her head he began kissing her, at the same time he undid the neck ties and pulled the dress down exposing her breasts. Breathing heavily he kissed and fondled her, slipping his hand inside her panties before saying, “Take the dress off and stand in front of me.”

Moments later she was standing there, wearing just her panties. “Take them off babe,” he said. When she’d done as he’d asked he stood up and lifted her onto him. Carrying her to the lounge wall with her legs wrapped around him, he pushed her against the wall and began thrusting into her, erratically grabbing at her buttocks, as he bit her neck. She could feel the tension with every thrust; it was almost as though he was using sex as a release for his aggression. Despite the fact that she wasn’t ready for him, she said nothing for fear that he would get rougher, but she did ask him to slow down a couple of times.

A few minutes after they’d finished, she went into the bedroom to fetch their dressing gowns. When she returned she said, “I hadn’t expected that.” Looking at her he said, “Neither did I, it was that fucking dress; so you definitely won’t be wearing it tonight!” “Ok, did you like anything else I showed you?” Hesitating before answering he replied, “I want you to wear trousers.” Resenting his remark she replied, “Everyone else will probably be wearing a dress.” Sarcastically he replied, “I’m not interested in what everyone else is wearing, because I’m not marrying them!”

Trying to skip round the issue of what he deemed appropriate, she said, “I’ll wait and see what Monica and Simone think when they come round later.” “I don’t give a fuck what they think; I’ve told you to wear trousers!” In the hope of changing the topic she smiled and said, “Ok, now shall I make us a coffee?” “Yeah go on then.”

Taking him a coffee in the lounge she was edgy when he said, “So who’s going tonight then?” “Just a couple of Simone’s friends, me and Monica don’t know them; Simone invited them, she said a hen night needs more than three of us.” Arrogantly he said, “I’m not interested in what your fucking friends think, and while we’re on the subject you’d better remember to behave yourself.” “Of course I will, why are you being so nasty?” “Because if I find out you’ve flirted with anyone; I won’t be happy about it!” Feeling nervous about the whole thing she replied, “I wish I wasn’t having a hen night, it’s only because Monica insisted!”

For the rest of the day she tried to avoid the subject; simply because she knew he didn’t want her to go. Trying to keep out of his way she busied herself with house work, while he lounged about making business calls before eventually settling down to watch the sport on the telly.

Finally Mickey and Monica turned up. Thankful for some light relief from the atmosphere between her and Jimmy, she welcomed their arrival.

Mickey grinned at Jimmy and said, “Apparently we’re going to start off at Dixie’s. One of the lads had phoned me to say they want us there by seven.” Maria interrupted and said, “”Will you be going to Sweet Cheeks Mickey?” “No idea babe.” Jimmy knew why she had asked, it was because of Della.

As the men were leaving Jimmy hugged her and said, “Remember what I said.” She nodded her head and replied, “Have a good time.”

After they left Monica said, “Is everything alright Maria, only I sensed a bit of an atmosphere between you and Jimmy.” Maria explained to her what he had said about what she could wear. Shaking her head Monica replied, “He’s got a bloody cheek, Mickey would never say anything like that to me.” “Do you trust Mickey?” With a curious look on her face she replied, “As much as anyone can with men in the club game. Trouble is young girls see them as sort of play boys, it’s because they own clubs, they offer them sex on a plate. I would like to think that Mickey wouldn’t be interested, but I wouldn’t bet on it, after all he is a man!” Maria spoke to her about Della. Monica just looked at her and said, “Now there’s a fully paid up member of the slut society! A couple of years ago before Jimmy met you he went out with Della. At the time she was young and fancied herself as the club owner’s wife. Jimmy knew about her reputation from blokes like Shane, she had slept with just about everyone who worked at the club. I asked Mickey once what Jimmy saw in her, she had slag written all over her. He said Jimmy just saw her as someone to fuck, but unfortunately she didn’t see it like that. When Jimmy tried to cool it down, she gave him grief, apparently she kept turning up acting as though she was his girl, according to Mickey she became something of an embarrassment.” “Why didn’t they just sack her?” “I asked Mickey the same thing, turns out her father was a good friend of Den’s; it came down to a loyalty issue. When she left to go travelling I hoped that was the last we would see of her, obviously I was wrong.” Noticing that Maria looked upset, she said, “Don’t worry about it, Jimmy would never do anything with the likes of Della, especially if it jeopardised his relationship with you.” “I hope you’re right Monica. I’ve noticed Jimmy seems different lately.” “How do you mean different?” “I know he’s always been jealous and we all know what a temper he has, but lately he seems to be more aggressive. Dictating what I can wear, that type of thing, he even accused me of flirting with Richard.” “What’s wrong with him?” “I don’t know, but he’s changing.” “Could it be that he’s a bit stressed about the wedding?” “I wondered that, he doesn’t say much except he can’t wait.” “I bet that’s it then, he’s worried that you’ll change your mind.”

No matter how hard she tried to take some comfort from Monica’s words, in the back of her mind she had a bad feeling that there was something Jimmy was hiding from her and that Della would be come back to haunt her at a later date.

The intercom buzzed, it was Simone. They waited at the door for her to get out of the lift. The lift doors opened and she stepped out. They both noticed instantly the black bin liner she was carrying. Monica was the first to say, “What’s in the bag Simone?” Giggling she replied, “It’s your clothes for tonight!” Maria was quick to say, “Jimmy wouldn’t like me wearing anything sexy.” Laughing Simone replied, “Well it’s a good job he’s not coming with us then!”

Inside the apartment she pulled out two white basques which had white silk and lacy bits sewn on to them; along with an L plate on the back. Laughing Monica
said, “Which ones mine?” Simone passed her one, before handing Maria the other. “Come on,” said Monica, “Let’s try them on!” The outfits left little to the imagination. Maria said, “I’m sorry Simone I couldn’t possibly wear that, Jimmy would have a fit.” “Well he won’t know will he, wear it Maria I spent half the night sewing the lace on.” “Sorry but I can’t.” Simone could see she was worried, so she smiled and said, “I’ve got some spare material in the bag, what if I make it a bit more descent, would you try it then?” Before she could reply Monica interrupted and said, “Maria it’s our hen night, stop worrying about Jimmy; anyway if Simone makes it so the basque isn’t showing anything, it shouldn’t matter.” Maria sounded nervous as she replied, “But Jimmy told me to wear trousers.” “Cheeky bastard, I can just imagine me letting my boyfriend tell me what to wear,” said Simone. Monica felt sorry for Maria because she knew what Jimmy was like, but on this occasion she too thought he had a cheek. It was their hen night and they were going to enjoy it. Finally, the two girls badgered her into wearing it. Despite not really wanting to, Maria thought the outfit covered enough of her to deem it as decent. By the time Simone had finished adding material all that was showing were her arms and legs.  Still nervous about wearing it she said, “I really would prefer to wear trousers,” but they wouldn’t hear of it. Finally she agreed to wear it, because she knew they wouldn’t take no for an answer.

Monica attached a homemade veil to her head and then offered to fix Maria’s. She had just finished when they heard a car horn outside. Simone said, “Our cabs here.
” Maria wished she felt as comfortable in her outfit as Monica did in hers, despite Monica’s being far more revelling.

The cab driver joked with them and said, “You all look lovely girls, it’ll be a sad day for all the single blokes when you two get married next week.” The cab stopped at a pub where Simone said they were meeting her friends. Maria was nervous as several men at the bar wolf whistled them as they entered. Blushing profusely Maria felt sick to the pit of her stomach, but she never said anything to her friends.
There were two men who came in just after them, Monica thought they looked familiar.

Simone introduced her friends to the girls; there were three of them, Debbie, Dawn and Jayne all single and all out for a bit of fun and it was obvious they had been drinking heavily before the others arrived. Some blokes came over to them and bantered with them, the others girls lapped it up but Maria felt uncomfortable, especially when Simone handed one of the guys a felt tip pen so he could sign his name on their outfits. Leaning over Maria he wrote his name across the material on her chest, she was blushing profusely. Within minutes at least six others had joined in wanting to sign, Maria wasn’t at ease with any of them; unlike Monica who was lapping it up.

Much to Maria’s relief they only stayed at that particular pub for about an hour, it was as they were leaving; some men stopped them and asked for a kiss. Maria declined, until Simone said, “Go on Maria that’s what hen nights are all about, it’s your final night of freedom!”  Monica kissed all that asked and some full on the mouth, where Maria tried to get away with a peck on the cheek although some of the guys were insisting it was on the lips.

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